puppytoby · 10 months
🍼 Age Regression Milk Recipes 🍼
☁️ Angel's Milk ☁️
- 1½ cups of milk
- 1 tbsp of sugar
- splash of vanilla
mix in sugar and vinilla into milk. warm up to desired temperature.
💞 Bedtime Kiss 💞
- 1½ cup of milk
- 1-2 tbsp of honey
- a shake of nutmeg
- a shake of cinnamon
heat milk until it starts to foam, around 2-3 minutes. mix in honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon. let cool.
❄️ Gingerbread House ❄️
- maple syrup
- a shake of cinnamon
- a shake of nutmeg
- a shake of ground ginger
- a splash of vanilla
- 1½ cups of milk
heat up milk, then add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla. stir in syrup and serve warm!
🦄 Alicorn Magic 🦄
- ½ cup of milk
- ⅛ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 to 5 large strawberries
- ½ cup of frozen blueberries
blend altogether until liquidy! usually isn't thin enough to drink from a bottle, so drink with a sippy cup or add milk/cream until desired consistency.
☄️ Galaxy Milk ☄️
- 2 cups milk
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1 tbsp blue fruit punch powder
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- blue food coloring
add milk, ice, fruit punch powder, and vanilla extract to a blender. add drops of food coloring and mix until desired color. sere cold!
🍓 Strawberry Milk 🍓
- 1 cup of chopped strawberries
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 cup of water
- 1½ cups of milk
- 3 tbsp of strawberry syrup (optional)
in a small pot, heat sugar, water, and strawberries until boiling. boil for around 10 minutes. using a fine strainer, pour mixture into a small bowl. chill 2 small glasses of strawberry liquid in refrigerator for about 10 minutes. add ¾ cup of milk to each glass, stir, and add strawberry syrup if desired.
🥛 Mango Milk 🥛
- ¼-⅓ cup chopped mango
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 pinch of saffron
combine all ingredients in blender and serve cold.
🍌 Banana Milk 🍌
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract
cut banana into slices and add all ingredients into a blender. blend for a minute, or until desired consistency, and serve cold.
🌙 Lavender Moon Milk 🌙
- ½ cup of milk
- ½ cup of boiling water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp edible lavender buds
- 2 tsp honey
- 1 decaf earl grey tea bag
mix honey and vanilla in boiling water, then add tea bag and let it steep. heat milk and lavender buds in saucepan until desired flavor and temperature. pour milk through a fine strainer to catch the lavender buds. finally, mix milk with tea and enjoy!
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puppytoby · 1 year
clingy baby x snuggly cg 🧸����
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puppytoby · 1 year
Alex Kralie from Marble Hornets
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Is a trauma caregiver!
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puppytoby · 1 year
Habit caregiver Headcannons :
(I'll make this look pretty later I'm lazy)
Awakens something more human in him. While he doesn't act like it, he cares about you. So he's willing to indulge in more human practices when you regress.
He actually knows how to be soft and caring. Usually this is reserved for his cats.
Picks you up so easily. Likes cradling you. He also does this with his cats.
Becomes a lot calmer when you're regressed. He's usually pretty loud and very energetic. But he's soft and quiet with you.
Happily makes you bottles and pulls you into his lap while he watches TV.
He likes watching videos around video games. His current hyperfixation is skyrim.
Constantly petting your hair.
He purrs when he's relaxed / happy.
He bought you a scented build a bear.
Despite his nature, you feel very safe around habit.
He becomes incredibly protective. To the point of growling if anyone approaches you or following you around.
He doesn't like you being independent when you're regressed. He's aware of how fragile humans are.
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puppytoby · 1 year
..🖇How to calm a little one🖇..
{📨} help them focus on their breath
{🧺} have them find a stuffie/paci/comfort item
{📖} put on their favorite show!
{🩺} let them cry/get upset
{🧦} put them down to bed
{🎧} put on calming music or a video
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puppytoby · 1 year
How to start a Regression Journal
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I started a regression journal because I felt like a lot of traditional age-re activities like coloring or watching cartoons didn’t really help me regress. As a kid, even though I didn’t journal, I was very imaginative, and most of my playing was play pretend. As a grown-up I don’t get a lot of times where I’m able to actually play pretend, so journaling allows me to flex my imagination in a more “childish” way than if I was playing a ttrpg or writing fiction (which are other ways I use my imagination as a grown up).
So! I wanted to help other regressors start their own journals! I've put my steps/tips under the cut!
Step 1: Find a journal you like!
Find a journal you want to use and decorate it to your liking!
One thing to think about when finding/decorating your journal is if you want it to be discreet or flashy.
If you’re only going to use it alone in your room, then you might want to make it super colorful and bright and write “Y/N’S AGE REGRESSION JOURNAL” on the cover.
But if you prefer to take it with you places, or if you’re worried about someone finding it, then maybe keeping it plain on the outside is the way to go.
Either way, if it’s so colorful that you’re embarrassed to ever pull it out, or if it’s too boring that it doesn’t make regressed-you happy, then you’re never going to use it! So find what works for you!
I decided to use a digital journal on my iPad because I could take it with me anywhere, didn’t have to worry about running out of pages, and because I’m a bit of a perfectionist. With a digital journal I can erase and rewrite things and move things as much as I want without it looking messy or having to start over. I get frustrated easily when I’m regressed so that works for me!
Step 2: Get your tools
This is the most fun step and probably the easiest! Find out what kind of materials you like to use when you journal.
You could use:
· Crayons
· Colored pencils
· Gel pens
· Glitter gel pens
· Stickers
· Washi tape
· And much more!
Another benefit to my digital journal is that I can always use any color I want and I can change brushes depending on how I want it to look! I use the program procreate and I made my own line paper template to write on so I can write in straight lines.
I also love love love stickers in real life, so in my digital journal I replace them with clipart I find on google, emotes posted to tumblr, or stickers from the chat app LINE.
Step 3: Figure out what style of journaling helps you regress
There are lots of different ways to journal, and just like the outside cover, you have to find what works for you personally.
There’s no wrong way to do it, but it may take some trial and error to see what you like and what you’re actually able to do when regressed.
Here are some ideas:
· Diary entries; just keep a normal diary and write how your day went. This may be easier for older regressors and may take younger ones out of their headspace because it’s too hard.
· Lists; make lists of things you like, things you don’t like, things in your room, things you see outside. It can be very meditative and a simple way to fill up a page for younger regressors.
· Stuffie profiles; write facts about your stuffies like how big they are, when you got them, what their favorite things are. You can also draw them!
· Character profiles; do the same thing as above but for your favorite characters from TV, movies, or books! If you headcanon these characters as regressors, it can also be fun to include those headcanons.
· Stories; sometimes just writing a creative story can help you regress! Flex that imagination! It may help to write about a topic specific to regression, or to your childhood, like a story about a lost stuffie or a magical pacifier.
· Themed pages; pick a theme like “jungle” and then go from there. You could answer questions like “what’s your favorite jungle animal?” or “what’s your favorite movie that takes place in a jungle?”, write fun facts about the topic, write puns/jokes about the topic, and draw pictures related to it! Just take the theme and run with it!
· Activity pages; glue in coloring pages, mazes, word searches, and work sheets! I recommend gluing them in after you’ve completed them so the glue doesn’t make the page hard to write on.
· Routines; if you have routines when you’re little, write those down! This can help remind you to keep them, or just be another fun list to make.
· Achievement charts; if you are trying to track a habit, you can make it fun by drawing a chart in your journal and putting a sticker on every day you do it! You might even want to reward yourself if you do it a certain amount of times in a row. Or this can just be a fun way to remind yourself to do daily tasks like brushing teeth or taking meds.
· Song Lyrics; write down the lyrics to songs you like to listen to when you regress and decorate the page to match them!
· Imaginary play dates; write what you would do on a play date. It could be to a special place like the zoo or the museum, or it could be with a fictional character you like, or it could just be something you want to do in the future with a friend.
· Prompts; there’s a million journaling prompts on tumblr, try searching the “agere journal” tag, see what inspires you!
These are just some of the ideas I could come up with, but there’s a million and one things you can do! It’s your journal, do whatever you want in it!
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puppytoby · 1 year
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puppytoby · 2 years
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just bros hangin out
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puppytoby · 2 years
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when your boyfriend beats the shit out of your ex friend 😻
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puppytoby · 2 years
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alex voice I know youre in there you little weevil (photo source)
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puppytoby · 2 years
Alex: “My boyfriend is wearing a fucking suit to his autism diagnosis appointment.”
Jay: “It’s a special event!”
Alex: “shut up.”
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puppytoby · 2 years
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Since nobody else was gonna say it.
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puppytoby · 2 years
Impure regression is the icky side of age regression, it involves the crying, tantrums, yelling, and other trauma filled emotions when in the regression state. That’s how I personally describe it but other people, such as @kikikiddie on Instagram describes it in their post as, “… a very difficult and emotional state to be in while regressed…” and in a different slide they say “…it can present itself as anger, sadness, going mute, etc.”
These are all correct. Though it is different in each little. 
How do littles handle it?
Well they can handle it in many different ways, 
some may be more angry and cope with it by kicking and screaming or even hitting or throwing pillows to get out the emotion
Others may be more upset and sad and have a breakdown or even start stress biting.
And some may even deal with it by napping or pushing others away.
There’s many ways littles handle impure regression. And there’s many big list on ways you can handle it if your not sure how to, I’ll make a post talking about that in itself.
Is It safe?
Personally, it can be as safe as the little makes it. Sometimes it can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms but other times it can be used to stop those unhealthy coping mechanism it just depends on the person.
How do you help?
As a caregiver it’s your job to help your little with impure regression. Some big Nonos when helping with impure regression is:
-Taking a comfort object away
-Refusing to give space if the little ask you too
-Touch(depending on the little ofc!)
-Yelling at them
Those are NOT ways to handle the situation, doing these things may result in the situation becoming worse for the little. Some healthy and good ways to handle it is:
-Asking if they need to vent
-Asking if they need a hug or maybe a weighted blanket
-Hand them some comfort objects
-Healthy distractions like their favorite show
-Calming coping mechanism 
And a lot more. But also if your not sure how to help you can always ask when their not in a impure state.
Final Thoughts
Impure regression is really scary but I hope this post was able to shed some light and some information. Remember your impure regression is valid and I’m so proud of you.
Thank you to @kikikiddie for letting me use their Instagram post as inspiration.
Stay safe everyone <3
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puppytoby · 2 years
Rule ideas:
Limited sweets
No bad words
Healthy eating
Staying hydrated
Be hygienic
Take meds
Doing all the homework/ daily chores
No lying
Putting things back after playing with them
Self care
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puppytoby · 2 years
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puppytoby · 2 years
Reward ideas:
Extra sweets
Big bubble bath
New stuffy
Movie night
Staying up past bedtime
Lots of praise
A little date
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puppytoby · 2 years
i love pet names :( they’re such a comfort. like call me pumpkin or ur princess ? i’d be mush.
and i love calling people lil nicknames !! it’s the best :(( /pos
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