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The Tennessee Highway Safety Office just posted this
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Hey guys, so I have decided to do a big ART giveaway with 3 WINNERS :)!!!
Prizes in giveaway: 1st winner: -1 72 packs of copic markers -2 packs of 48 prismacolor pencils -3 kanken backpacks (your choice) -2 pairs of MUSTARD doc martens -5 pairs of ART socks (your choice) -3 Large moleskin sketchbooks 2nd winner: -36 pack of copic markers -1 pack of 48 prismacolor pencils -2 kanken backpacks -1 pair of MUSTARD doc martens -3 pairs of ART socks -2 large moleskin sketchbooks 3rd winner: -36 pack of copic markers -1 pack of 48 prismacolour pencils -1 kanken backpack -1 pair of MUSTARD doc martens -1 Large moleskin sketchbook -2 pairs of ART socks
Rules: -Must be following ME on Tumblr -Follow my instagram @ tarakenny__ for a better chance at winning. (Like and comment on my instagram posts, keep active)! -MUST please keep active, like my posts, comment and be friendly, I love to make new friends! -Reblog the giveaway as much times as you want (the more the better chance of winning) -If you don’t follow the rules you will be disqualified from the competition and blocked.
Other Information: -This giveaway ends the 4th of October -I’ll be shipping world wide. -Please don’t comment about the giveaway on my instagram since it’s my personal account and it can get very repetitive and annoying. :) -Message me once followed on instagram also so I can write you down on the list.
I love you all and I hope you all have fun. :)
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no offense but ur extremely cute and u matter a lot
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i’m the best kind of girlfriend bc i love both dogs and cats… we can have both 
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Hey guys, so I have decided to do a big ART giveaway with 3 WINNERS :)!!!
Prizes in giveaway: 1st winner: -1 72 packs of copic markers -2 packs of 48 prismacolor pencils -3 kanken backpacks (your choice) -2 pairs of MUSTARD doc martens -5 pairs of ART socks (your choice) -3 Large moleskin sketchbooks 2nd winner: -36 pack of copic markers -1 pack of 48 prismacolor pencils -2 kanken backpacks -1 pair of MUSTARD doc martens -3 pairs of ART socks -2 large moleskin sketchbooks 3rd winner: -36 pack of copic markers -1 pack of 48 prismacolour pencils -1 kanken backpack -1 pair of MUSTARD doc martens -1 Large moleskin sketchbook -2 pairs of ART socks
Rules: -Must be following ME on Tumblr -Follow my instagram @ tarakenny__ for a better chance at winning. (Like and comment on my instagram posts, keep active)! -MUST please keep active, like my posts, comment and be friendly, I love to make new friends! -Reblog the giveaway as much times as you want (the more the better chance of winning) -If you don’t follow the rules you will be disqualified from the competition and blocked.
Other Information: -This giveaway ends the 4th of October -I’ll be shipping world wide. -Please don’t comment about the giveaway on my instagram since it’s my personal account and it can get very repetitive and annoying. :) -Message me once followed on instagram also so I can write you down on the list.
I love you all and I hope you all have fun. :)
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Beds are so warm and soft when the rest of the world is not
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I really want cute clothes but I'm broke af
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BABY’S IN BLACK by  Kaye Blegvad
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do you ever talk to yourself but in your second language
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***TRIGGER WARNING*** This is a very hard thing for me to share but I feel like I can now because I have successfully stopped self harming. I started to self harm around the age of 13 until just now 18. The first thing I want to say is how proud I am of myself, to the point where I could cry of joy, I stopped the worst addiction possible to me, I stopped, and it feels so good to know that these are just scars now. These scars are all over my wrists from my palm to elbow, on the front and backs of my arms and on my thighs, it does make it very hard to go out in public uncovered because there are always going to be people who stare and who question. This is something I did day after day, night after night, when I was sad, angry, confused and even happy? It went from a small simple cut to the only thing that made me feel alive, something I thought I deserved and something that took over my whole life, it wasn’t just one small cut anymore, it was thousands all over my body, they got bigger and bigger, I had to get stitches many times for accidentally cutting arteries and veins, as I started seeing scars, I didn’t like them so I’d make more and more, to me I deserved every bit of pain I put myself through and nothing was ever enough to the pain I thought I deserved, if I had killed myself it would have been too easy, I had to make myself suffer, I thought. Self harm changed the way I was and made me something I didn’t know, I was lost, scared and I had no one and it only got worse and worse. With all of this self mutilation it became not enough and turned into other forms but the worst pain was psychologically, when I was finally happy I’d ruin every part of that happiness, whether it came from friends, family, lovers, I’d wreck it all because that’s what I deserved and I did it all on purpose. I was at the bottom and everyone gave up on me. Now looking back a lot of my years were wasted, I was in the darkness and I really was a lost cause but one day I finally got myself back up and I fixed everything, with no one but myself. I am now becoming a happy person and I love sharing it with everyone. Please whoever you are, you need to treat your body like a temple, treat it like the most precious thing on earth and in the universe, because it is, you are. Things can turn to worse in a matter of a day, please make sure you and the people around you are okay, it’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to let things out. I love all of you very much.
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current mood: medieval era ppl who dont care abt being stabbed
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wearing an outfit you like can make a day 10x better
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I hope parallel universe me is doing ok right now
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