puma--girl · 10 years
Elbows on the table top, the blonde female let forward to rest her chin within the palm of her hand, the free one turning the pages aimlessly with a sigh pressing those full lips of hers. For the last few days the hours had just been dragging, the house she spent at work not nearly enough to occupy her mind. What else was there to do in this town? Maybe she could take a class in something, pick up a hobby ... turning to the last page of the paper she was reading, Denver found the 'help wanted' page, thinking that maybe a second job could be an option.
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puma--girl · 10 years
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puma--girl · 10 years
A little caught off guard as the other woman took her arm, Denver allowed herself to be lead into the home she was sure had been reconstructed from some sort of dream. Possibly even her own. Everything about the building was bigger and better than anything else the young blonde had seen within the rest of the town, and she wouldn't be surprised if everyone else building their own little slice of heaven would take notes from Sky's very own palace, after all, Denver would one day.
Going from room to room, there was nothing Denver could say, her eyes wide like a child in a candy store as her employer shared her home. If there was one thing that Denver admired about Sky, it was the fact that the woman was warm, despite what people thought about her kind. Whatever the female had to give, she would give it, and she would help in anyway. 
Once the two entered the final room within their short tour they were welcomed by a man who seemed to have nothing but the up most affection and respected for Sky, and it seemed the more Denver got to know the woman, the more she seemed to find that people not only gravitated towards her, but all treated her the same way. 
"I'm sure I will wear it, I bet it's stunning."
Her own hand now moving to rest over the other woman's own, Denver shot her an excited smile as they awaited the reveal of this mysterious dress.
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Sky let out an adoring laugh, and waited until Denver had come around the car to stand beside the vampire until moving on, and speaking. Another woman, all clad in black with sunglasses and a pair of umbrellas came rushing up to greet the two, giving her landlady a polite smile and an honest welcoming back into her home. Sky returned the greeting, and wove an arm through Denver’s to bring the woman closer into her side. She didn’t really give her PA much of a choice, to be honest. The lady that’d come up to them popped open an umbrella to shield Sky from most of the light, until they entered through the grand doors to the entrance hall. “You’ll think of some grand way to thank me one day, Denver. I just know it.” Sky said, adding, “I can feel it in my bones.”
Sky walked Denver to the centre of the first hall, where they stood upon a fancy mosaic flooring, the sort of art and craftsmanship that only a true Roman could get a grasp on. And that was exactly what Sky was. Every bit of her home mirrored the greatest of noble houses in Ancient Rome, to marble pillars laced with gold, a statue of the great, the unquestionable, Julius Caesar, and thick, floor sweeping curtains of a royal red. Sky had to have everything be breathtaking, just like the view from her bedroom balcony.
"Yes, a dress. You will wear it I hope, or at least consider doing so. Not that I will be offended if you decide to turn up on the night in something else." Sky steered Denver in the direction of another grand room, this one with a ceiling that looked far too expensive for a silly old ceiling. A man with a dozen others in attendance was waiting, and when Sky saw him she smiled widely, leaving Denver’s side to air kiss his cheeks. The two exchanged words in Italian, before Sky turned again to meet Denver’s eyes in excitement. She pranced back to the woman, picked up her hands, and smiled. "Imported all the way from my home country, you see. The finest of material, the best of the dress makers." Sky, still clutching Denver’s hand, turned back to the man and signalled for the dress to be brought out. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
So, this was for real? Taking the card and flicking it over within her fingertips, the blonde woman looked over the information found there and became very certain that it was. This was the sort of things that happened in movies, or stupid 'reality' TV shows. The last time Denver had been approached by a model head-hunter was the first of never, but today seemed a good day to mark it off as a first. 
"Thanks. Ill give you a call - My name is Denver, by the way."
Pretty sure that was important, Denver moved forward as well and started to place her own items behind the 'next customer' sign, she wondered just how this would work. 
"So, I'm assuming all the work would be local?"
The darker woman could only nod at the request for coffee a small smile breaking free onto her lips. She wasn't fond of coffee, hell she probably hated the drink, it seemed so nice, so many options and yet Ashton couldn't stand the taste. She would buy coffee shops and glare at the patrons with envy, hating how they could order any type of drink and she couldn't because her damn taste buds wouldn't allow it. But, none the less, she was serious about starting a firm and if one potential model wanted to meet for coffee, coffee they would meet for. 
"Sounds great. I can meet you tonight." She stated as the cashier urged her to the register and she started to pile her small items on the conver belt. Her eyes glancing back up to the girl and her items, before she finally gave up and start digging through her purse, only to pull out a small stack of cards. "Heres my number." She said handing the card to her, it had her name, and number, along with a link to her web-adress, all the things she needed for a model. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
As Sky gazed at Denver then, her eyes became almost unsettling, and for a short moment the female scolded herself for being so sarcastic. Some people just didn't get her sense of ... her, and as Denver silently kicked herself, she let her boss carry on speaking; Her almost displeasure about the dress comment confirming that she hadn't been too keen on either of the things Denver had said. Should she have been surprised? Maybe not, Sky was the hardest woman to figure out, and it wasn't until this very moment that Denver wondered if it was maybe because she shouldn't be trying so hard to understand the older woman. That wasn't her job.
At the mention of attending the party however, the assistant perked up once more, Sky confirming what Denver had been hoping for just moments before, though before she could reply, Sky carried on ... And Denver was thankful she did. Connections. It was the word that everyone wanted to hear. You couldn't go anywhere on your own.
"Sometimes I wondered just how I will ever thank you, but I could start with gushing, if that would even be a starting point."
This time around, Denver offered a genuine smile, and it lit up her whole face, erasing each and every shadow for a long moment before it melted, just a little, as they continued up the drive. Never before had the female been within her employers home, but the grand scale of it was not a surprise in the least, though the amount of sleek vans parked outside were. All were party orientated, and everyone on the lawn were dressed perfectly in flattering uniforms. These people created parties for the rich and famous, and they had to look the part.
"A dress?..."
Drawing her gaze back to the Sky once more as her door was opened, Denver was silent for a moment. No other employer had treated her such as Sky, and Denver had a feeling that having Sky behind her would more than propel her within the right direction.
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Sky stared at Denver, at how she smiled then, and how her lips thinned every so slightly and curled a little more than perhaps a smile that showed pleasantry was supposed to curl. So the mysterious looking gave the vampire pause, but no questioning. Sky rarely questioned those she conversed with, questioning as for people that trusted others, and Sky trusted no one albeit she loved and loved greatly. Until she didn’t. Then, her eyes moved away from Denver’s curious mouth to the car window, watching the scenery go by as they drove on. “What is wrong with that?” Sky asked, brows twitching. “Denver you’ll find my guests will have risen up their flapper dresses by the end of the night.” She chuckled, turning again to look at the other woman. “It always happens at my parties and I’ve yet to figure out why. Perhaps it is something in the wine and food.” Sky knew that it was, in truth, her presence that made those at her party enjoy their time so grandly.
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"You’ll be there too, I hope." Sky added, "I should like to show you off to some people I know." The vampire wanted to do this for the other woman, partly because her assistant was beautiful, and partly because she knew for certain other people would enjoy Denver’s company too. "I think you’re a smart woman, Denver. And you work hard. I just want to give you connections, if you would like them. As for what you need to do now, well," Sky stopped talking for a moment as they passed the gates to her home and rolled up the long, gravelled driveway, past the front garden fountain, to the large front doors. "All I need you to do now is come inside with me and compliment everything you see." Sky smiled, watching those come and go from her home. "Oh! I have a dress for you, as well." The driver came around to Sky’s side and opened it, but Sky did not move to climb out until after she’d finished speaking with Denver. "For my party. A gift."
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puma--girl · 10 years
In the moment he guessed just what she was, the cat within Denver suddenly stopped its uneasy pacing, now standing still in the silence that was starting to draw on almost too long. Neither the female or the cat were surprised, Denver gave it all away, but in the moments leading up to Garreth's second guess, something had changed about the male, and had Denver been human herself, then maybe she would have missed it, but she wasn't human, and there wasn't a whole lot her wild cat missed. There was a choice to be made then, fight, or flight, and it didn't take more than a second for the two to decide just which option they were about to take.
Without even a crippling hint of hesitation, Denver took the last two steps, crossing the space between she and Garreth until there was hardly even room to breath.His scent hit her like a freight train, blanketing them both before her own mingled in-between; warm and sweet. There was no way she was looking away, and as she tilted her head and held his eyes within her own, the female felt the cat flicker through them, the deep colour flashing though beneath the heavy hood of her thick lashes.
"You didn't specify just what you would get if you won."
Fight didn't have to be all about violence, but as the female lifted a hand to the males cheek, her fingertip tracing slowly down along the hard angle of his jaw and the stubble found there, she was fighting, and knew that Garreth would know so too. If he wanted to take her life, like some humans did, then Denver dared him to try, she didn't fear him in the least. Despite no longer having the whole light dancing over her, the blonde female knew that he could now see every curve of her body, and as she breathed, the slow rise and fall of her chest almost fluttered against his own.
Slowly, almost agonizingly so, Denver let her fingers continue their descent, following the hard, very male lines of his body and upon reaching his collarbone, hidden within his top, a lazy smile took to her full lips. 
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Garreth shifted ever so slightly in his spot, standing a little straighter than he had been a moment ago, it wasn’t to prove he was the dominant one or because he felt uneasy in her presence, it was just so he could get a better look at her. He had no doubt that she never had a problem getting most men to do what she wanted, hell if anything she probably had most of them wrapped around her little finger within the first few seconds of meeting them. But Garreth wasn’t interested, she wasn’t human, therefore the only thing he’d ever want to do to her is drive a blade through her chest.
He let an easy smile grace his lips “Pretty.” he replied as she told him her name.  He paused for a moment, “Garreth, my name is Garreth,” he replied, forcing himself to keep a smile on his face. 
After a steady breath he pretended to be deep in thought, watching her, as if rattling around in his head for a species “Werecat?” he questioned, voice almost unsure of his answer, though he was actually very positive that that was what she was. It wasn’t too often that Garreth was incorrect in his guesses, he had years of practice to thank for that. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
"You could pet cats too, if you wished."
Thick and heavy, almost a purr as the words left her full lips Denver couldn't help but smirk, something telling her that it would be easy to get this one flustered. Those dark eyes of hers found his own as he bent slightly to find her face, and she held him there for a long moment, not daring to look away.  His touch was then gone and she was biting back a laugh, lifting her hand and waving off his apology; there was no point in worrying about something so silly. 
"Honestly, don't worry about it, probably shouldn't have had my head down so much, anyway."
Offering him nothing but a shrug of her slender shoulders hidden within her long coat, Denver went to move past him slowly but was surprised when he kept talking, asking her where she was going and offering to walk with her, explaining it was the least he could. Not many people almost knocked you onto the pavement then offered to walk with you just for the hell of it ... Why not? 
"The Feeding room. I'm Sky's personal assistant, and yeah, you can walk with me if you like."
Angling her body a little to face him once more, Denver found that smirk all over again and offered the male her hand; long fingers outstretched for his.
"My name's Denver."
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Even as the other spoke, Lucas continued to blurt out apologies, looking flustered as he ducked slightly to get a real look at her face, to be positive that she was completely unharmed. “Pet you?” Luke cocked his head to the side, forehead creasing as his brows furrowed in deep confusion when he finally caught onto her words. “Puppies are for petting, miss.” He explained, as if the stranger didn’t know it already. When he was sure that she was okay, he brought his hands back down to his sides, arms hanging loosely but shoulders straight. “You’re not a puppy, you’re a lady.” At that, he gave the girl a bright smile and a nod as if in reassurance. His attention wandered away when he heard the bird chirp from it’s place in the tree, reminding him of why the two had collided in the first place.
"I’m sorry for bumping into you, I was distracted." He excused himself with a sorry looking smile. "Where are you headed?" Luke questioned. "I could walk you, if you like." Although he’d already said sorry a handful of times, his offer was more of an extension to his apology, hoping that perhaps he could make up for his clumsiness. "I could keep anybody else from walking into you, since you’re so busy." He then added for good measure, although with his attention span, it was probably not the greatest idea he’d ever had since it had become apparent that such simple things distracted him. "It’s the very least I can do."
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puma--girl · 10 years
Without hesitation, the female took a step forward, closing just a little more space between their two forms, the smile upon her full lips told the male that she was more than a little pleased with herself. Don't get Denver wrong, everything about him told her not to doubt him, that there was something there, just as she had known he was human. Raising her hand she combed back a few locks of stray hair before sinking her teeth momentarily into her lower lip in thought. Another woman might have thrown the game, telling herself that men liked to win, that it would make him more interested, but if you asked Denver, men liked woman who weren't afraid to be better than them. He would win tonight, anyway, not that it mattered. Denver wasn't all too good at hiding who she was.
"It's Denver, my name - How about I give you that for free."
Shrugging her slender shoulders now, her warm, naked skin exposed because of the low cut of her dress, Denver found his face once more and then his eyes, holding his gaze within her own as she waited for his next guess. Everything about the woman was catlike, and she knew so, liked it. The idea of having a wolf held no interest, dogs would go to anyone with a treat, but cats? If they hung around, you knew they trusted you. Were loyal, and if there was one thing Denver was it was loyal to those she wanted to keep close.
"What about yours? Something tells be its not something like Ben."
Raising one of her eyebrows, and finishing the last of her drink, interest now danced in her eyes.
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Garreth watched her as she moved, she was graceful, smooth, almost feline. He brought the cigarette to his lips, dragging in a breath as she spoke, he exhaled, a white puff filling the vacant space in front of him, ever so slightly obstructing his view of her until it finally swirled and vanished. 
"Never said I hated Jesus." he replied, cocking his head to the side, he dropped his hand to his side, tapping the cig with his index finger, excess ashes falling to the cement sidewalk. Garreth glanced around them briefly before he allowed his blue gaze to settle back on her. She was confident—almost overly so, not that that was a surprise but it meant she knew he was human. Most supernatural species had a knack for being able to tell however between her movements and the fact that she’d already narrowed down his species he was weighing between two creatures in his head. And when she spoke again she’d only confirmed one of his suspicions. 
The corner of his mouth quirked up into an amused smirk “Careful, you’ll give it away.” he commented, before lifting his chin just a fraction of an inch. “Truthfully I was really looking forward to a name but we’ll do it your way.” he replied with a sigh. Garreth dropped what was left of his cig on the ground and stepped on it, putting it out. He already knew what she was but he didn’t want to come off as if he knew too much. 
"Werewolf?" Wrong. But she didn’t know he knew that. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
Offering the other woman a lazy smile and a soft shake of her head, Denver slipped a hand up to tuck back a few locks of loose hair before returning it to the tidy pages of her notebook.
"Yes, it is all about you. Horrible slave driver..."
Smirking now, those full lips of hers turning upward almost sinisterly, Denver leaned back a little in the plush seats and crossed her long slender legs. Almost everything about this moment screamed of the life that the female wanted for herself. Drivers, town cars, and yes, even the tinted windows, only thing that needed to change? The notebook belonging to Sky; not herself. Not being born into this sort of life was maybe the only thing Denver resented about her father and nonexsistant mother, which was crazy stupid, but this resentment was only erased once more by the fact that her father had understood this and allowed his daughter to be mad at him for a reason he did not fully understand. So, suppose Denver wasn't mad about it at all...
"Those dresses are less than flattering, they hide everything about a woman which needs to be seen."
Saying the words almost sadly, but still smiling with excitement that she was to be involved in something such as this, the woman jotted down the theme and other important bits and bobs into today's slot, wondering just how many of these things her boss had hosted. People in this town were different, which sort of made the fact that the two woman were both something other than human very normal. A lot of people had this thing where they only needed a moment to know just what you were, and that was a very nice party trick and all, but in the end, that's just what it was. The whole 'he is, she is' thing really got on the assistants nerves sometimes. So, if you asked her just what Sky was, the only reply you would have gotten was 'who the hell cares?'. Of course, the cat whispered things to her, told her stories of what the woman, or any one, could be, their scent sparking some sort of interest, but that interest belonged to the cat. All that mattered was that Sky was nice, had given Denver an opportunity, and she wasn't about to throw that away.
"I assume that everything is already under way at location, what is it you need me to take care of?"
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There was a very, very faint waft of a kitsune scent that entered the car just as Denver did. Sky’s nose was sensitive to such things, she had been allergic to cats as a human, but the smell faded just as soon as it’d come, taken over by perfume. Her index finger found the button to the car window and was held against it so that the tinted glass began to move up and up until it’d closed completely, bringing the car back into a dim darkness. It relieved the vampire. Sky waited until Denver was settled and ready before speaking, content with just watching the fair haired woman retrieve her notebook, one which the vampire always saw Denver carrying, and open it up to today. It was a simple thing, the notebook filled with beautiful sloped writing, but still it made Sky stare for a moment longer, the corners of her lips turned up in contentment. She saw that her personal assistant had very little room left in her neat little book. “Gosh, is it my demands that fill up that entire book of yours?” Sky asked, her tone traced with incredulity. Her eyes lifted to meet Denver’s, and just as she did with so many others, the vampire gazed at the other woman as if she was the most important thing in the world. “I shall have to buy you a million more.” She said.
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"Now." Sky began, "Do you remember how I asked you to retrieve for me The Great Gatsby from the library last week?” The vampire did not wait for Denver to respond, and carried on with a golden enthusiasm that Sky was always veiled in. “I wish to do a grand party themed around the glorious 1920s, this means those flapper dresses, cloche hats, low-waisted dresses with fullness at the hemline, all of it. When my guests walk through my doors I want them to truly believe they have gone back to the Roaring Twenties.” Her brows lifted into her hair line.
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puma--girl · 10 years
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puma--girl · 10 years
That was ... Unexpected. Most of the time, people backed down when you spat their own question back at them, but as Denver looked the other woman up and down, her brow frowning only slightly as she listened and took in the words spoken, she decided that that was all she needed. That was all that mattered. Someone who didn't back down all the time; that's really all it took for Denver to respect you. It was ... an odd way to strike up a conversation none the less, and it only grew more strange each moment the dark haired woman continued to speak. 
"Me, a model?"
Don't get Denver wrong, the cat and herself were both very vain, but a model? This was sounding more and more like a bad pick up line at a bar ... unless the woman was actually serious, then, well, that didn't matter either because still had the blonde confused. Her, a model? There were worse things that could happen, apart from working with Sky, Denver really didn't have a whole lot going on right now, so ... suppose she could listen a bit.
"Suppose though, if you are trying to get me interested we should have coffee, or something?"
A shock, even to herself, Denver offered the woman a smile, and decided she could entertain the thought a little.
The woman smiled at her and nodded. "Actually I am trying to start a modeling firm, and I couldn't help but notice that you would fit the bill." She told him, a hand quickly running a dark skinned hand through her black hair, and then bringing it back to her basket, switching hands. 
"I'm Ashton. I am a model, and moved here with my dad. Its my passion and I just want to keep it going." She explained her eyes never leaving the girls and her smile never fading. It was the truth, Ashton loved being a model, everything about it and wanted to start her own firm, for more reasons then she could name. Mostly to offer people the option to model, without being scared of being hit on, or money stolen and because she wanted to chose the messages she sent. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
Sinister(Justin Lo)
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puma--girl · 10 years
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puma--girl · 10 years
How could such a small place be filled with so many bodies? It wasn't a question usually asked, but at this point and time Denver was starting to question just a couple of things. Such as, did she actually even really need food? What if she just left her trolley right here and just walked out? It would be the stores own fault, maybe if they opened more than the three checkouts already open backlog wouldn't get so, well, backed up like this. All of this could be simply fixed, but no one just wanted to help.
For a minute or two, the female entertained the thought of climbing atop of one of the counters and starting an uprising. An uprising of ... the supermarket. Just like that, the vision of her being some sort of hero was gone, and with a deep sigh the blonde blew a few strands of hair from her face and tried to go to her happy place.
Pulled back a few moments later by a voice, it took Denver a little while to realise that the question was directed at her, and unable to hide her shock just stood there and blinked a little. Had her mouth have fallen open she may have even caught flies. Was this a ... Pick up line? Because it seemed strange coming from a woman,  not that Denver was picky it was just from experience woman seemed to just understand that most pick up lines were horrible, but this one, this pick up line was very male.
"Have you?"
Tilting her head and looking the other female up and down, Denver offered the question back in almost a challenging way, though moments later her cat stilled within her, something about the other woman seeming to almost calm it. The corners of her eyes softening Denver offered the female an apology with her eyes, then just shrugged her shoulders. It was an odd conversation to have in a supermarket, or well, anywhere.
The supermarket had been a place Ashton hadn't explored and by the way everyone else seemed to, it was a good idea. She wished she hadn't told her father she could handle it, she wished he hand't tricked her into saying she could. All her siblings at school and her father on the way to work, so when he said he would stop by later, she felt the need to offer. At first it seemed better then sitting in the house by herself for what seemed like the millionth day. 
They only needed a few things, milk, eggs, and bread. Ashton picked up a couple of bags of fish and cookies, because why the hell not? Normally she would have just gone to the corner store, but this town didn't really have those. So instead she was standing in an outrageously long line, waiting to check out for her little bit of items. Not to mention all the smells that were constantly plaguing her since she moved her, and they seemed to be so much stronger in the small space. But under it all, something seemed to smell familiar, welcoming and simple. 
It caused her eyes to glance up and around, wondering what it could be, not that she would be able to figure it out. She still had no idea how to tell what was what. Her skills seriously neglected. Her brown orbs scanned the lines and then stopped as she landed on a blonde, two people behind her. The girl was beautiful and seemed to be also annoyed at the lines. But Ashton only care about her being a model, and nothing more. So she acted, she poked the man behind her on the shoulder, asked him if he would like to go ahead, he jumped on that idea and then repeated to do the same to the elder woman in-between them as well. 
When the blond was next to her she smiled at her, and titled her head to the right a bit, trying to seem kind and not at all creepy, not that it would bother her. "HI, I saw you as I was waiting in line. And I have to ask, have you thought of modeling?" It was her opening line and she was hoping the girl would bite. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
Without time to respond with anything but a small nod, Denver made her way around the back of the car, slipping inside once the door was opened. Thanking the driver with a small smile as he closed the door behind her, the female watched his face slip away, and then his drivers cap vanish with the soft click of the door. Once they were alone, the blonde turned towards the older woman, her eyes warm while she fished out her daily diary from her handbag, flicking it open to today and opening it upon her lap. Each day passed had her neat, slopping writing filling the now not so empty spaces. Spread across times and dates were each and every detail Sky had given Denver - A neat tick to all completed.
"I'm more than sure that this place hasn't forgotten the last, but what theme are you doing this time?"
They were always sort of themed, and always hugely grand. A small smile forming on her lips Denver allowed herself to remember, if only just for a moment, when she was younger and she had sat at her bedroom window on the nights of Skys' parties. They seemed like the most unobtainable thing on the planet, and for weeks after they were all people seemed to speak out; Denver heard them talking whenever she was out. Now it looked as if her wishes were coming true, and she might actually be not only attending, but helping create the whole thing.
Coming back to the moment the young female searched her employers face, waiting for her to give each and every instruction.
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Sky had set out with the intention to get Denver into her car so that they might discuss the party planning, because not only did the vampire believe Denver ambitious, she also considered her to have a sharp mind. Such things were needed for a personal assistant though, one would be useless if they were terrible at organising things. Luckily for Sky, Denver was quite the opposite. Not to mention a sight for sore eyes. When the other woman came up to the car to greet Sky, her shadow was cast over the vampire, blocking the sun. It outlined Denver, made her glisten. “You were?” Sky said rhetorically, looking to the empty mail box on Denver’s phone as she held it up. The vampire had to keep from rolling her eyes, and briefly turned back into the car to retrieve her own phone; it was in two parts. “What was once one mobile is now two separate parts of a mobile.” Sky smiled, “I am not so good with technology, as perhaps you well know. I apologise for not being able to send you a morning message anyway.” 
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Sky nodded her head, turning to her chauffeur and tapping him on the shoulder to signal that he should get out and open the other door for Denver. It was quite funny that the vampire should have a chauffeur, but like everything in Sky’s life, she needed to be glorious and interesting. “Come around the other side and we shall drive to mine together.” Sky said as her driver stepped out to open the door for Denver, and to close it once she was in. “Have you heard that I am to host another party?” 
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puma--girl · 10 years
Like most afternoons Denver was working ... Or well, close enough too. Organizing you files and keeping a tidy desk was considered working, it had to be. All the tasks that Sky had set for the afternoon had been completed and all that was left was to man the phones. It was less than ideal, but the female took pride in it none the less. If there was anything she wanted it was to be big enough to have her own PA, and she knew for sure one day she would have; All she had to do was work her way to the top.
Crossing her long, slender legs now and leaning back in the office chair, Denver placed a pencil atop her lip and balanced it between her nose, going cross eyed as she tried her hardest not to let the pencil fall, and she was doing great - Until there was a knock on the door. Bolting upright in her seat and sending the small entertainer toppling to the floor it took the woman a few seconds to find her feet and smooth out her skirt and blouse.
Who could be at the door at this time of the afternoon? Pushing the pencil under the desk with the toe of her kitten heels Denver moved towards the door before pulling it slowly open and standing aside, letting whomever it was in. Letting her gaze find the visitor, the blonde let the name come to her before parting her full lips to speak.
"Evan, isn't it? Sky is in her office, why don't you go right in; I bet she's almost done for the night."
The two were friends, Denver knew that much, but honestly she just hopped she had the name right.
Meeting with the Assistant II Denver and Evan
Having spent most of her day wandering and dealing with getting people to return their missing books, Evan had needed to stop by to see her ever growing friend, Sky by the end of the day. It had been rough, and the Vampire was becoming a better comfort, with every day that passed.
Making her way through the feeding room, which at this time of day was nearly empty, except for the early birds, who wanted to reach hammered before anyone else got to the bars that night, she went back to the offices, and made her way up the stairs to the door that lead to Sky’s office. She knocked on the door to the middle room, where that blonde girl Devin or something would be waiting, as secretary to the vampire. 
Straightening her coat and blouse before the door opened, she lowered her eyes to her handbag to check for a book that Sky had requested a few days earlier, but had been loaned out to another resident for some time. It would be a nice little surprise, and hopefully it would be returned just as promptly, since there was starting to be a waiting list for this book forming. 
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puma--girl · 10 years
"If I asked why you hated Jesus would you say its because he's never done anything for you?"
A slight tilt to her head Denver pushed off the wall and crossed the space between them, moving to lean against the slender lamppost opposite the male so that she was able to meet his gaze with her own. Bathed in the artificial light the blonde female held the males eyes, playfully challenging him before offering a smirk. Something about him told Denver he would try and stare her down all night, but if you asked her there was just no fun in that.
From the moment she and the cat had laid eyes on the tall male they had known he had been human, but nothing about that made them write him off. See, the thing about humans is that, despite the fact that they have no special abilities, no beast, no ... 'powers', they just never gave up. They train, work hard, carve their bodies into weapons of destruction, and to Denver, that made them one of the strongest species.
"Why are you asking my name like you care, what I am is more important to you. How about I give you three guesses, every time you get one wrong I step closer and if we get to three and you still don't know just what I am I get to cut that pretty skin of yours."
Taking yet another sip of her drink, Denver raised her glass in question, very much sober but wanting to have some fun anyway.
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Garreth rolled his eyes, seemingly mimicking her, a slight chuckle leaving his lips as he did so, the sound warming the back of his throat. He grunted a bit in response “Fuck that shit.” he said in a low voice, shaking his head as he glanced away from her, by the looks of it he could already tell she wasn’t human—there was just a way the creatures held themselves, now days it was generally very easy for him to pick up on, hell he’d been trained to— but that was the easy part, the hard part was figuring out just what species she was. Letting out a low sigh, the blonde brought his cig to his lips, inhaling, exhaling, and then looking at her again, blue gaze inquisitive. 
Garreth mustered up a slight smile “What’s your name?” he asked, lifting a brow, he hated small talk, he hated making it with supernatural creatures even more but it was what he needed to do, so he just dealt with it. He’d be a liar if he said it didn’t get real old, real fast. 
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