projectlightfox · 4 years
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OOC: I probably should have put this here awhile ago since I see a bunch of people are still following this blog... 
This blog has been archived and moved to a new one. 
You can find the new one over at @familylightfox​
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projectlightfox · 5 years
          harmony wasn’t the only one just a little disappointed by her father’s answer but, having experienced it once or twice himself, sonic knew that getting a kid to sleep after an eventful day wasn’t easy. granted, in his case all it had really taken was a musical mobile to fix that problem and he would have been thoroughly surprised if that method worked on the hyperactive toddler. since he doubted that was the case, he didn’t argue the fact and only watched as harmony handed amy the picture. 
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          “thank you, and i know just where i’m going to put this one,” she said with a smile, looking at the image for a moment before placing the photo neatly in her pocket as she stood up. dusting herself off and smoothing the wrinkles out of her dress she turned to look between harmony and volt as they started getting ready to leave, although there was something in the way the heroine moved that said she and her partner weren’t going to leaving themselves just yet. 
           it didn’t stop her from returning harmony’s hug however, though she was sure to address volt as well while she spoke again. “i’m glad you guys stopped by, we missed hanging out with you two. next time, we should try and tackle some of those recipes we keep talking about together, don’t you think?”
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          even though it wasn’t directed at him sonic still nodded in agreement to the plan. it would given volt and amy something to do while he and harmony, no doubt, raced around the island a few times. kneeling down to give the toddler a hug in turn, sonic pulled away and laid a hand on her head in a friendly way as he grinned at her. ❝ guess we’ll see you next time, and when we do i think we’d better stick to our next race being on more level ground. but you did great today, kid. ❞
     The next time they got together would definitely be a treat. Since Volt’s eyes had lit up and shined at the thought of being able to cook and bake with Amy for a day while Sonic likely kept Harmony busy and hopefully out of trouble. He gave the pink hedgehog a smile and watched as Harmony said her goodbyes to both of them. A chuckle followed as the pup nuzzled the hand on her head with no less gusto than usual.
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     “I had a lot of fun today too. Thank ya fer racing wit me and we’ll come back and visit soon, oki?” That was a promise that Harmony would be keeping. She was already looking forward to the next time they came to visit. When she could run around with Sonic and then they both could come back to Amy’s house for some of the best baked goods in her opinion. And of course likely a hearty meal as well, but she was mostly in it for the sweets.
     “I guess that settles it then.” They had a plan in place and Volt could see that the two weren’t planning on leaving just yet. Which meant that it was their turn to head out. Even if Harmony would have been more than happy to keep standing beside Sonic with his hand on her head. A single chirp was all that was needed to get her to turn around and make her way over to him so he could bring their Warp Ring up. It was tossed shortly after so Harmony could scamper through to the other side where their porch could be seen.
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     “I’ll bring along some of my own ingredients too that you might not be able to get on the island and we’ll make a day of it.” He gave them both a wave before stepping through, the ring closing and leaving the two hedgehogs to themselves for the rest of the evening.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
    {➹} – NATURALLY, there was no protest as Volt took up the hedgehog’s hand, a gentle squeeze on Arrow’s part a sure sign he didn’t mind the contact in the slightest. He was glad to be sharing the island, and that moment, with the hybrids. Glad to be able to share something he himself had enjoyed over the years, even if it wasn’t anything hugely significant. 
     There were countless other things like the island that Arrow wanted the pair to see, but they would have plenty of time for that later on in the future. If it kept a smile on the faces of Volt and Harmony, then it was well worth the effort to get to the more remote, exotic places the hedgehog had discovered in his travels and he could only imagine that they would agree with the notion. This was just the start of a long string of adventures for the four of them.
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      “You don’t need t’ thank me. I like dragging you guys all over the place,” he would reply, a playful note to his voice as he gave Volt a little push with his shoulder. If there was one thing that the pair never needed to thank the hero for it was him showing them his world and the things it had to offer. It was no secret that Arrow loved his planet, his Zone, and he would gladly show it off any chance he got.
     The hero fell silent after that, not because of anything in particular but just because he wanted to take an honest second to enjoy the view and the company of the moment. The stillness of the island wasn’t something he got to see, or hear, a lot of in the city and nowadays it didn’t seem like he got more than a few minutes to take a real breather. 
     So it was no wonder that, when he spoke next, Arrow voice was quiet, almost as if he was afraid to break the silence. Yet, at the same time, there was a confidence to his voice, something that wasn’t to be questioned. “But I mean it, Volt. I’ll take you two wherever you want t’ go, whenever you want. This is your home too now, and there’s not a lot I’d rather be doing than spending time with you two.”
     All of them would be able to enjoy the calm quiet that came from being one with nature the way they were. Even Harmony was quiet and nearly still, that tail of hers would likely never stop wagging unless the pup was asleep, but even she was just enjoying what the area had to offer with Bolt sitting beside her. It really gave Volt something to smile at, knowing that Arrow wanted to show them places like this.
     Honestly a place like this could probably be seen as a sacred space long ago by some with how it was inhabited by the beautiful Flickies. To know that they seemed happy to see the hero and them was a testament to their tempermant with strangers. By the time Arrow did break the silence, all the hybrid could do was look to him with a fond smile and take a step closer so that they were shoulder to shoulder.
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     “Our home is wherever you are.” It might have been cheesy, but that was how Volt had always seen it. The definition of home to both of the hybrids was not a place where they lived but who they lived with.
     As long as they were together, they were home.
     So as he turned back to take in the sights, it might have been just a bit more of a unconscious movement for his hand to shift so that their fingers could intertwine. Not so much when Volt leaned his head so that they could be side by side while taking in the scene together. The hybrid let out a content noise as he enjoyed the view and really only looked away once he heard Harmony moving so she could rummage through the lunch box for their meal.
     “I think it might be time we dig in before Harmony feeds most of it to herself and Bolt.” He teased and moved away so that they could all sit on the grass while the pup happily handed out their foil wrapped meals. Just the perfect way to enjoy their lunch with the sights and sounds of nature around them.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – THAT WAS ABOUT the look the hedgehog had been hoping for. Of course he could have done with a little more surprise on Volt’s part but amusement worked too, and it certainly didn’t put a damper on the hero’s smile, though that had more to do with the kiss that followed than anything else. Still, Arrow looked mighty proud of himself and once it was obvious to him that Volt wasn’t going to squirm his way back to his feet, the hero took off again at a far more manageable pace. He didn’t want to bounce his partner around too much, after all.
     Laughing at Harmony’s exclamation, the hero only flashed her a wink before continuing onward towards their destination. He was, for the most part, quiet except when he had to tell the eager toddler which way they had to turn in the midst of the forest so they wouldn’t end up Chaos-knows where. Again there was no real path so the hero was obviously going off some previous knowledge and instinct as they wove through the thick patches of trees and undergrowth. 
     They would, however, eventually ended up in a clear plot, one that was a little rocky but grew more and more grassier as they ascended. How high they ended up going was anyone’s guess but by the time Arrow actually stopped, having just rounded one side of the hill they, reached a bare clearing overlooking not only the forest, but the lake and a little further past that they could even see the shimmering of the ocean.
     It was only then that Arrow shifted to put Volt gently on his feet again, Bolt soaring overhead for a few seconds before perching on the large, flat boulder in the middle of the area. After making sure his partner was steady, and none of the luggage would knock him off-balance, the hero smiled cordially as he made a gesture to the space in front of them. 
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     “Beautiful, innit?” There was a fondness in the hero’s voice as he looked out into the distance, enjoying the view and everything in it. There was a simple peacefulness in his eyes the more his gaze shifted from the trees to the horizon and the little forms just barely visibly flying over the lake again, a look that turned into genuine mirth as he looked to the hybrids. “Y’know, I think you two are the only ones I’ve ever brought here. Other than Bolt, of course.”
     If Arrow had swept him off his feet when he didn’t know the hedgehog was there, that would have gotten a more surprised reaction. Likely in the form of a full blown yelp and maybe a slight struggle for a couple seconds. Not something that would have been a good idea while running at the high speeds they were. Even if it would have gotten a bit of a laugh from Harmony. 
     Thankfully she was willing to fall in line beside him after a bit, realizing that if they wanted to get where they were going he would need to be up front and not her. It just meant she was also keeping an eye on where her avian best friend was and letting out the occasional noise so that her father, Arrow and Bolt would know that she was perfectly fine to follow wherever they were going. 
     Through the woods, up the rocky hill side, and onto the space that Arrow had led them to the pup went. And she happily skid to a stop on her own by sitting down that put her right in view of what the hero had meant to show them. Emerald eyes wide and shining as she looked at the scene with just one word to be able to describe it. “Whoa!” Then she made her way over to go sit with Bolt while the older hybrid got himself steady on his feet. 
     Once steady, with the lunch box being set down by his feet if only because they would be opening it soon for their food, Volt took his boyfriend’s words and looked out at the scene along with him. His shoulders relaxed, eyes softened and a small content sigh was quick to escape his lips as the hybrid took one of the gloved hands in his own as Arrow turned. 
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     “It’s amazing.” That calm serenity that came from being able to visit a natural space like this showed as Volt smiled. “Thank you for bringing us here so we could see more of your world. This is such a beautiful place in general and the view... It’s breathtaking really...”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – THE CHALLENGE was a playful jest more than anything, and had he pointed it out sooner Arrow would have been more than happy to help his boyfriend carry their stuff for that afternoon but honestly hadn’t really given it a second thought since leaving the plane. Then again he hadn’t really thought it would be a problem since he didn’t expect Volt to actual join him and Harmony in their little game of chase through the forest that would lead them to the hill. 
     Not that the hedgehog wasn’t happy when the older hybrid picked up the pace, quite the opposite if his delighted laugh was anything at all to go by or the way he all but bounced in place before turning around again to give chase to Harmony. Again, the hedgehog’s speed was far from fast, staying somewhere just between the toddler and his partner for a while before falling back to run alongside Volt. Choosing to remain up ahead with Harmony, Bolt would momentarily cast a shadow over the couple before gliding alongside the toddler in an elegant way. 
     Volt’s question would get exactly what the hybrid was looking for, a chuckle escaping the hero before he shot his partner a bold look. Something in those bright hues just promising mischief in the near future. “That’s for me t’ know and for you t’ find out later.”
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     Arrow was going to leave it at that, a quick wink given to the older hybrid that could have meant anything before he was back to making sure they were on the right path to the place he had in mind. Sure, they could have stopped when they got to the top of the hill but the hero had something a little more interesting in mind and it was a few minutes later when he realized he would have to start leading the way if the three of them had any hope of actually getting to said place.  
     It was up to Volt to decide if the next action was due to the hero’s impatience or simply because he knew he could most likely get away with it but he took off again in a streak of blue, passing both hybrids and hawk alike. Rather than stay ahead, however, the hedgehog made a hairpin turn and rounded back, once again passing everyone, but on his way forward again the hedgehog, all in one graceful motion, managed to scoop Volt up in tan arms, items and all.
     Looking down at the hybrid, the hero’s tone was almost too casual as he grinned. “Actually, now that you mention it, it wouldn’t be fair t’ make you carry everything uphill so I thought this was a better alternative.”
     This definitely wasn’t a race, it was more just the three of them getting to have some time to just let loose and have some fun. Thankfully everything was easy to secure so that Volt wasn’t have to think too much about what he was holding the majority of their time there. Meaning he could keep up with the pair for the most part without worrying about their lunches getting ruined in the lunchbox style cooler. And Harmony was just having a blast with running around with Bolt overhead, the small sounds of her chirps could be heat on occasion as if trying to communicate with her friend.
     When Arrow dropped back to keep up with him, the hybrid’s grin only grew and he snickered at the comment. Oh he had an idea of what might come later that night, but left it at that and just as playfully reached out with one hand to just barely brush his fingers on the hero’s cheek. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”
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     Of course he watched his boyfriend speed ahead, again letting out a full laugh as Harmony jumped as he raced by then looped back around. She even made what sounded like a bark at him before focusing on keeping her own footing. A minor question arose of just what the hero was doing when Volt felt his weight being shifted. The most he managed was a quick yelp and both arms were just as fast to loop around Arrow’s neck to keep from flailing them, but it was the look on the hybrid’s face that probably sold it.
     “Well aren’t you the gentleman...” The amusement was plastered all over the hybrid’s face as he spoke in playful tones, taking the fact that Arrow was looking at him to get a kiss to the tan cheek in while he was at it and then bursting into full blown laughter as Harmony realized what had happened.
     “Show off!” The pup called as Arrow and her father passed right by and then fell into step right behind the hero’s heels so she could lead the way. Wherever he was leading them, she was looking forward to it, just as much as Volt was.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
          whatever might have been going on with the villagers and the speedster was a mystery for later because there was little chance of him bringing it up again, and amy knew by now that it was a subject best left to its own devices. while she lived with the hope that one day the villagers wouldn’t be for critical towards her partner, it had already been years and they still had their moments. it was irritating but she wasn’t going to think about it and laughed softly at the expression on sonic’s face when harmony hugged him.
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          sonic wasn’t against the contact but acts of affection always seemed to throw him for a loop for a few seconds every once in a while. he just chalked the reaction up to not being used to it. after all, it wasn’t like he had been around many people until he came to the island, and no one but his friends had really bothered to hug him, odd as that might have seemed. but the toddler’s hug was answered with a gentle pat to her back, the blue hedgehog smiling down at her in a ‘no offense taken’ kind of way.
          there was the briefest exchange of looks between the two hedgehogs right after, something akin to worry in amy’s eyes before sonic smiled reassuring at her, turning back only when harmony let out her exclamation. it really was a sight to behold and even after seeing that view of the sunset, neither of the hedgehogs had gotten tired of it yet. it was near impossible to get sick of seeing something so beautiful, something so natural and unforced. much like volt, the pair was perfectly fine sitting in silence and just watching. 
         at least until harmony started taking pictures which, while breaking the silence, was interesting in itself. enough that sonic and amy watched her for a few moments before going back to the swiftly setting sun, unknowingly giving the toddler her photo opportunity. 
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          “sometimes it’s nice to just enjoy the simple things,” amy said wistfully, sighed in a relaxed way before look at volt, a task made a little difficult with the fading light. “are you two staying for dinner or anything? or do you have to head home soon?”
     Volt honestly couldn’t have agreed more. Sometimes it really was a matter of just enjoying the small things in life with friends like this. And while he did get a kick out of Harmony taking her photos to immortalize their little get together, he did turn his attention back to Amy to answer her question.
     “I think we’re probably gonna head home after this, just so that she can get a bath before bed and wind down from all the excitement today.” Normally they would have stayed a bit later, but Volt also knew that maybe their friends wanted a little time to be able to spend together as well. He might not have said it out loud, but he understood how hard it could be sometimes to get a bit of alone time with a partner.
     Although Harmony pouted at first when her father had said it, she did nod her head once she was sure she had gotten two of the perfect shots from the Polaroid. The camera was carefully placed back in the messenger bag and the one photo was given to him to look over while the pup made her way over to the two heroes with their ‘copy’.
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     “Is fer yer scrapbook Amy. Cuz we’re gonna put da other one I took in ours.” Back to smiles and a hearty tail wag before the pup went back to sit with Volt and watch the sunset for the last bit of time that they would be staying. “Today was lotsa fun.”
     “We’ll have to do it again sometime. Won’t we?” Volt added, smiling as she nodded and looked to the pair for confirmation before settling back in to watch the rest of the sunset in peace. It wasn’t often, even with a Warp Ring, to see the sun set on beautiful ocean waves like this. But once the last bits of fading light had disappeared on the horizon, the pair began to gather up what they had left out. 
     Well it was more of Volt getting everything situated while Harmony took to making sure both hedgehog heroes were given hugs.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
    {➹} – IT WAS A DIFFERENT kind of victory, and the toddler deserved it. It was no easy feat but if she found a way to make it work then that was what mattered in the end. It would certainly save the two adults plenty of worry in the future, or so Arrow hoped anyway. Any type of harder terrain would prove difficult, the hero knew, but they could deal with that when the time came. No need to ruin Harmony’s moment.
     Smiling at the two hybrids, the hedgehog still managed to return the younger’s raspberry with his own before shaking his head. He wouldn’t say as much but he knew that look, knew it all too well and he knew that either he or Volt (hopefully the latter) was going to have a time of it getting the toddler clean that evening. Again, it was something to deal with at a later time and as Volt made that gesture the hero turned thoughtfully towards the hill in question. It did seem like the perfect spot, and he doubted any of them would mind the small hike, so he nodded. 
     “I don’t see why not, plus it wouldn’t make much sense for me t’ drag you two all the way out here and not show you the best part of the island.” With that, it was settled and despite his nose wrinkling at Volt’s response to his daughter (Arrow didn’t even want to know what his partner meant by that) it didn’t stop the hero from grinning all the same. Mainly at Harmony’s stark defiance before she took off again in more or less the right direction. 
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     “Kids…” there was amusement in the hero’s voice as he turned to his boyfriend, rolling his eyes in a dramatic way before that expression became a lot more playful. In a sudden burst of speed, the hedgehog ran after Harmony, not enough to catch up with her but just far enough away that he could still address Volt in a bold manner. “Think you can keep up this time?”
     Thankfully, as always, Volt would be taking care of the four year old’s bathtime. Because he was about the only one who didn’t have a single problem getting soaked in all of her splashing and could make sure that by the time she ran out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, she was completely clean of all the dirt she’d accumulate that day. That didn’t stop him from putting his hands on his hips as his daughter had rolled around in the grass, but the expression on his face was playful instead of bothered. 
     The other thing that the hero wouldn’t need to be too concerned about was the mentioned meal for Bolt when they finally settled for lunch. He did a bit of research on what she could be fed when they had moved in, totally not because he wanted to win her favor or anything. But Volt was brought out of his thoughts by his boyfriend’s comment and sudden ‘disappearance’. It took the hybrid a moment to realize where he was and then grinned at the small challenge. 
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     “Sure... Tell me to keep up when I’m the one carrying all our gear for the day.” His tone was nothing but playful and the messenger bag was situated a little tighter across his chest and the cooler was switched to his cybernetic to secure his hold. Then he quickly moved to try to catch up with the two speedsters, much to his daughter’s delight as he tried to keep up with Arrow and shot back a question that was sure to get a laugh. 
     “What do I win if I manage to keep up, hmm?” At no point was he actually planning to try to make this into anything put a playful run towards the hill they had been shown earlier. Harmony was slightly leading the way, thankfully stopping every so often to pounce on a clump of dirt or pick up a flower that she could add to the collection in the bag, and still occasionally looking back to make sure that both adults were right behind her. On top of making sure they were both having fun as well. 
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – AT FIRST, Arrow wasn’t sure if the toddler passing her father was a good thing or not and he was half ready to run over to her until he saw her spin around. Well, that was one way to do it he supposed, coming to a neat stop himself before chuckling and then immediately regretting it as the dust kicked up by Harmony caused him to cough. Luckily it subsided just in time for the hero to catch the touching exchange between the hybrids. Now if only he had a camera. 
     Looking from the toddler to his boyfriend, Arrow knew the latter’s smirk all too well and merely gave Volt a confident look of his own before looking back at Harmony. Per usual, the hero wasn’t one to take the air out of the child’s sails, not that he honestly could have if he had tried. It was obvious by the look on his face that he was impressed by what she had accomplished, knowing that it was no easy feat, so she had every right to be proud of herself. Though that didn’t stop him from feigning thought for a few, dramatic moments. Still, by the end of it, Arrow was smiling right alongside Harmony. 
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     “You managed t’ not knock over your dad, or anything else for that matter, so I think, by those terms, you won this time around. Great work, Squirt.” The pride in the hero’s voice was unmistakable and even Bolt gave what he could only assume was a victorious lap around the three before settling in a nearby tree alongside some more flickies who were watching them all curiously. A moment later, the hedgehog did shake his head, giving the toddler a good look over.  “Although your dad does have a point, you’re definitely going t’ need a wash when we get back. Maybe we should eat before she gets any dirtier.”
     That last part was aimed at Volt, the hero turning towards his partner mainly to get a read on what they thought of the idea. Arrow didn’t actually have a plan when it came to how long the three of them would stay on the island, having no preference on the matter himself. He knew they weren’t going to sleep there or anything, at least not yet, but the hero didn’t mind staying as long as the hybrids saw fit, though he figured they would be departing before dinnertime rolled around. 
     As if the anticipation was killing her, Harmony let out a small whimper and wiggled a bit more in her father’s arms as she was waiting for the reply. Even though she knew that she hadn’t technically beat the hero in a race, the fact that she had managed to stop without doing serious damage to herself or anyone else. The small little grooves in the ground from her claws and pawpads would just have to forgive her for the time being.
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     “I’ll take it!” She raised her arms in victory and then brought them around her father’s neck for another hug that he happily returned. Although she did pull her head back long enough to give Arrow a raspberry. Bath time was going to wait until they got home and there was something mischievous in her eyes that screamed she just might get dirtier now, just to spite them. But Volt saw the look and nodded, supporting his daughter with one hand to gesture for his boyfriend to pick a spot for them to sit down.
     “I was thinking the hill you mentioned earlier. Maybe we could sit there to eat lunch?” Certainly Arrow knew the area better than they did and might know of a better spot to look out at the serene space they were visiting. Volt just wanted to be able to have a view where they could all just relax and enjoy each other’s company. Just as Harmony was about to tug on his shirt to get his attention, the hybrid tipped his head down to nudge her cheek with his nose. “And yes, before you ask, I did bring something for Bolt so you don’t have to go chasing any ferals today.”
     That got a snap of her fingers before she was set down on her feet. A chuckle followed as the pup dropped onto all fours and then rolled over to get as much grass and flowers stuck to her quills. Then ran a little ways ahead of them. That boundless energy of a child only making her father laugh as she tried to goad them both into chasing after her for a bit. Didn’t matter that they just finished a race and she was still lightly panting. She still wanted to play.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
          one thing neither hedgehog expected from their reunion with the hybrids was for harmony to scold them over something, or anything really. while amy obviously found it hilarious, laughing behind her hand, sonic seemed to think just the opposite and looked downright dumbstruck by the event. the worse (or funniest) part was that sonic couldn’t even argue against the fact because harmony was right, it was the right thing to do. the hero life wasn’t all action and glam, there were a few tedious parts to it to but it was all part of the job. 
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          hence why the pink hedgehog gave her teammate a look that he answered with a silent scowl. he already knew he wasn’t going to hear the end of this one. “that’s right, harmony. even clean-up builds good teamwork, and character. plus it’s a small act of kindness that the villagers really appreciate, which is more reason for you to help, sonic. you could use the brownie points.”
          to that, sonic scoffed and shook his head firmly. ❝ you know as well i do that it wouldn’t stop them from criticizing me for some other reason. the way i see it, i’m better off not getting involved. besides, i’m not the creative kind, ames, that’s more your style. ❞
          that much amy couldn’t argue with, and it showed by the way she too shook her head. it wasn’t just that sonic never had much luck building things that weren’t borderland dangerous, but also because he was right about the villagers. she had never been able to find out why, but they had a habit of being unnecessarily hard on the speedster so there were times when the blue hedgehog just kept to himself to avoid the drama. rather than get into that, she looked to volt at his last comment, nodding in agreement
          “oh, we know. believe us.” there was little left to the imagination when it came to amy’s answer, a look in her eyes that spoke of more than just a single experience with the matter. while it hadn’t taken long for the group to learn the ins and outs of each other’s techniques, it had been an interesting and painful time before they fell in sync. before she could add to that however her teammate spoke, pointing to the horizon where the sun was just starting to dip behind the ocean, splashing reds and oranges over the sky.
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          ❝ this is the other reason we come up here, ❞ he explained, though he fell silent after that, figuring the sight would speak for itself. as far as the two hedgehogs were concerned, that cliff was the best place to see the sunset and now they got to share that moment with the hybrids. 
     Harmony hadn’t meant to be scolding, but she was just hoping that maybe her words would get Sonic to be more involved in helping others even after the fighting was done. Although from the way he worded the village’s normal reaction to him, maybe there was more going on if they were still being judgemental even if the hero did help. Maybe they would need a stern talking to as well, but thankfully her father was able to get her to focus again on the group and not plans of nipping anyone’s backside. The older hybrid did have to smirk at what came next from his daughter.
     To the hug she gave to Sonic’s middle that was her way of apologizing for bringing up something that might have upset him, nuzzling softly against the bandana and then looking up to give him a smile. Always using affection as a way to make someone feel better, before she was looking back out at the view for the time being. She’d made her point and now they could just focus on relaxing, right?
     That had been Volt’s plan at least, turning to look at the sunset as Sonic pointed it out, and snickering as Harmony leaned forward in the speedster’s lap with only one word to describe her feelings. “Whooooooaaaaaa...”
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     “Well you have Harmony’s approval.” A glance at his daughter was rewarded with her tongue being stuck out and she was right back to looking at the scene before them with a wagging tail. “I can see why it’s your favorite spot.”
     It reminded Volt of mountains he used to spend the majority of his life in with his late companion. To the beautiful sunsets and the stars that would fill the sky almost like a painting. A nostalgic feeling washing over him as he too fell into silence and allowed the sounds of nature to fill the peaceful scene. The only thing that had broken him out of the near dreamlike state was Harmony as she ruffled through his messenger bag for the very ancient looking Polaroid camera and snapped a photo of it for their scrapbook.
Whether or not she knew that she had an eye for taking photos remained to be seen, but she went behind the group to get one of all three of them looking out at the ocean. The silhouette of their bodies accenting the colorful sky and she took a second one just so that the pair would be able to have one too. 
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     If Jerard and Arrow got together for a conversation in the embarrassing moments of Volt’s adventures, the hybrid himself was going to be making himself scarce that day. Likely getting the two of them to babysit Harmony while he went on a bit of a shopping trip without having to wrangle the four year old along with him. Even though that also meant that she was going to hear the stories as well. Oh well. One day the hybrid would try to do the same with one of Arrow’s closest companion.
     Although that would be for another day indeed. Harmony was already starting to lose her battle with sleep. Just from resting her head on her father’s shoulder and let out a small giggle as Arrow played with the tuft of hair on her forehead, weakly trying to swat his fingers before settling once again. The group watching showed their amusements and even took to waving goodbye again when prompted by Arrow before going back to their usual conversations.
     Once they were out in the open air and heading back towards the city where the hybrids called home, Volt looked ahead at the lights that marked so many resting in their homes peacefully. He chuckled softly at his boyfriend’s reason for spending more time with them and used his free hand to gesture to Harmony. 
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     Who of course was none the wiser as she was out like a light against his shoulder already.
     “She’s more your speed. I have to cheat to keep up.” He smiled and shifted his daughter only slightly so she was a bit more comfortable. “But I think today was definitely a good one. You got to see the city, make Harmony’s class jealous, and I think you found someone else who might enjoy all that tea you drink.”
     Might as well end the night on a laugh as they made their way home, Volt looking forward to the next few days where they would have all the time to spend together without a worry. Because of how busy they both could be on occasion. This was the perfect time to just enjoy each other’s company. “Thank you for being able to come visit.”
    {➹} – ARROW WASN’T THE LEAST BIT SURPRISED when Harmony finally dozed off, he was more surprised that it had taken so long in the first place. After running through the day’s events in his head, start to finish, the accented hedgehog realized they had done a lot within the span of a few hours, a lot of things that easily could have taken a day or two. It was no wonder the toddler had thrown in the towel and why the hero himself felt more mentally exhausted than anything. 
     It was days like this when the hero was glad that his memory was pretty damn decent, lest he’d forget everything he’s seen and learned about that day. Now that wasn’t to say he wouldn’t forget some things, as it was only natural, but the majority of it had been filed away for later use. If that failed, however, he had never been shy about asking questions and he had a strong feeling Volt wouldn’t mind answering some of them.
     It was all for a later time, and as the two adults made their way back home there was an air of calm about the hedgehog, of comfort, that was hard to miss. It was something that wasn’t ruined in the slightest by Volt’s response, and goaded another chuckle from the hedgehog.
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     “You don’t do so bad,” he praised, a confident tone to his voice that twinkled in his eyes before he beamed proudly. “An’ it was only a matter of time before you or Harmony dragged me all ‘round the city, I’m just surprised it took so long. But it was worth it, and not just because I finally found someone with decent taste in this place.”
     It was a simple joke, coupled with a playful look on the hero’s part before that smile of his grew much more genuine while he took Volt’s empty hand in his own. Volt never needed to thank him for something like that but he decided not to point that out. He figured a kiss on the cheek was all the response he needed to give. Even if the next few days were as eventful as this one, Arrow was glad for the chance to spend it with Volt and Harmony. There were no two people he’d rather be with.
          | END
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – HARMONY HAD COME FAR, even Arrow could see that much. From their very first race to the one they were current in there was no denying her improvement, or her passion, and the latter was something that the hedgehog knew would take her as far as she could ever want to go. He already knew that it was only a matter of years before she surpassed him in a race, but it was when exactly that would be up to her. If she kept practicing, and Arrow had no doubts she would keep doing so if she was allowed, she’d surprise him before she knew it. 
     It was that determination of hers, and her generous spirit, that already made him proud of her and he didn’t see that changing anytime soon. He wasn’t a parent to the toddler by any means, he wouldn’t even say he was really a proper guardian because the title just didn’t seem right to him for a number of reasons, but all the same he wanted the best for the toddler and would do whatever he could in his power to see that she was happy.
     With that thought in mind, he wanted to see her succeed in anything she gave a decent attempt and running, be it the going or stopping, was just one of those things. Arrow decided to take the chirp as a good thing, a sign that she was preparing to stop when need be. This time, neck and next with the toddler, the hero’s attention was fully on her, or more precisely her footwork and how she was carrying herself on that last stretch. And he wasn’t the only one. Having seen what the end result of a race was like with the toddler, Bolt was all to quick to take to the air again and as far away from the two speedsters as she could manage while still staying in sight of the event. 
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     “Mind your footing and shift your weight so that it acts as a counterweight t’ your momentum.” It never hurt to give a few instructions on the fly, right? Of course Arrow knew something like this was usually easier said than done, and a decent amount of trial and error, but it was better than nothing, he figured. Either way, he was ready to swoop in if need be. 
     Even though he wasn’t someone that she considered a parent or guardian, Harmony still saw Arrow as family. Just like her father did, although she knew that he had a different type of relationship with the hero. They were all close in their own way and it was why she was so adamant about doing her very best when she was around him. And it was also showed how much she trusted him as she did exactly what he was trying to teach her, although the shifting of weight was a bit different with being on all fours compared to two legs.
     Volt took the hawk’s take off as the need to get himself ready if the time came to catch the four year old like so many previous times of her trying. This time though, he watched her as she adjusted the way she ran as they came closer, moving in a way that he hadn’t seen her attempt before and watched as the dirt kicked up as she passed him, but then slowed down by doing a complete 180 and digging the pads of her hands and feet in along with her claws. A bit unconventional, but she did in fact skid to a stop. Not once had her tail stopped wagging once the pup realized that it had worked, bouncing around in the grass like she had just won a gold medal.
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     “I did it! I did it! Did ya see me daddy?!” Bouncing over, Volt couldn’t help but laugh as she jumped right up into his arms and nuzzled in the chest fur peeking out of his shirt. “I stopped all on my own and I didn’t knock nothing over! Dat was awesome!” And then came the pause, sticking a dirt covered finger into her mouth and looking over to Arrow, then back to her father. “Did I win?”
     Rather than give her an answer, Volt looked over to Arrow with a smirk. He knew that his boyfriend could have easily won and had honestly, but it was up to the hero on how he wanted to word their neck and neck finish. While also pulling his daughter’s hand from her mouth to point out something else instead. “I think you won a bath when we get home...”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – THAT MAY HAVE been the wrong thing for Volt to say because the moment the correction was out of the hybrid’s mouth, a sly smirk had come to the hero’s tan muzzle. One that promised he’d be looking into that sooner rather than later. After the last conversation the blonde and hero had, it would be a nice change of pace to talk about something a little more lighthearted at Volt’s expense. Plus, something was telling the hedgehog that Jerard would be more than willing to spill the beans and that only added to the hero’s determination. 
     Still, it was an event for another time and as those wide-eyed emeralds were trained towards him, Arrow only gave Harmony a look that sat between the line of stern and amused. The yawn only solidified the latter and he shook his head lightly as the toddler was scooped up and looked ready to fall asleep then and there. With all the excitement of the day, that weariness was bound to catch up with Harmony sooner or later, he knew. He had seen it far too often with a certain fox at that age and the hedgehog had since learned when to call it a day. 
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     It still didn’t stop him from reaching out to give her that signature ruffle of his, smile bright and reassuring. While Arrow had no problems staying longer, he figured it was best the three of them get home where the toddler could fall asleep comfortably and where he and his boyfriend wouldn’t have to worry about carrying her and risk having a grumpy toddler on their hands. “We have the next few days t’ be out an’ about together, Squirt. Don’t worry, we can come back and talk t’ everyone again soon.” 
     Something in his tone said the hero had those exact plans himself now that he knew the group wasn’t quite as crazy as he had anticipated. Sure, he was still a little cautious about running into Silver by himself, should such a thing ever happen, but overall Arrow liked the group and it showed. Turning to wave at the others before following Volt back towards the exit, the hedgehog smiled appreciatively. “It was nice meeting you all. Thanks for having me. ” 
     Quick to fall in place at Volt’s side as they left the base, Arrow considered his partner’s response for a moment before letting out a small sound of agreement. “Well, it went better than I expected, so I just might do that one of these days. Though, I’d rather spend the time with the two of you, y’know. Interesting as that lot  is, you two are much more my speed. No pun intended.” 
     If Jerard and Arrow got together for a conversation in the embarrassing moments of Volt’s adventures, the hybrid himself was going to be making himself scarce that day. Likely getting the two of them to babysit Harmony while he went on a bit of a shopping trip without having to wrangle the four year old along with him. Even though that also meant that she was going to hear the stories as well. Oh well. One day the hybrid would try to do the same with one of Arrow’s closest companion.
     Although that would be for another day indeed. Harmony was already starting to lose her battle with sleep. Just from resting her head on her father’s shoulder and let out a small giggle as Arrow played with the tuft of hair on her forehead, weakly trying to swat his fingers before settling once again. The group watching showed their amusements and even took to waving goodbye again when prompted by Arrow before going back to their usual conversations.
     Once they were out in the open air and heading back towards the city where the hybrids called home, Volt looked ahead at the lights that marked so many resting in their homes peacefully. He chuckled softly at his boyfriend’s reason for spending more time with them and used his free hand to gesture to Harmony. 
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     Who of course was none the wiser as she was out like a light against his shoulder already.
     “She’s more your speed. I have to cheat to keep up.” He smiled and shifted his daughter only slightly so she was a bit more comfortable. “But I think today was definitely a good one. You got to see the city, make Harmony’s class jealous, and I think you found someone else who might enjoy all that tea you drink.”
     Might as well end the night on a laugh as they made their way home, Volt looking forward to the next few days where they would have all the time to spend together without a worry. Because of how busy they both could be on occasion. This was the perfect time to just enjoy each other’s company. “Thank you for being able to come visit.”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – WITH THE SUCCESS of one turn out of the way, Arrow dared to think the others (only two more before they hit the last straight-away back to where Volt was standing) were going to go over just fine. Granted, he also had a feeling they might end up being taken a little slower given the sounds coming from the toddler at that point, and the hero had to wonder if the toddler really would have it in her to challenge him again after this warm-up. Not that he minded either way, the only thing he was worried about was the youngster overexerting herself. 
     Having been there once or twice himself, at least that’s all he’d admit to, the hero knew that the end results of such were less than fun. Scary, even. Thus it didn’t take long for the hero to pull back, just enough so the toddler wouldn’t have to push quite so hard. The last thing Arrow wanted was for her to injure herself, or become too tired to enjoy their mini-vacation, but other than that small adjustment, the hero ran on. Concerns aside, the hedgehog felt a giddiness wash over him that he hadn’t felt for a long time and it was all he could do to stop himself from laughing happily. 
     So, he allowed himself to have just a little more fun with it. It was a quick pivot, a faultless move, before the hedgehog had gone from facing forward, to backward. Running all the while, he had hardly broken his pace and it was a wonder how he didn’t stumble or fall over the terrain ahead that he couldn’t even see as he and Harmony sped on. The howl was enough to make him flinch, but that was all the hero did. The nearby birds, on the other hand, had taken off either from the sound or the resulting rush of wind created by the two speedsters, taking off in a rainbow-colored flock and settling just on the other side of the lake. Had she not been so close to Volt, there was a good chance Bolt would have replied with a call of her own. 
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     “Just a little more,” he urged, knowing it was probably a good thing at that point as they approached the last turn, one that was far less stringent than the last two. Hopefully, it was one the toddler would conquer as well and, likewise, the hero hoped she’d realize that they were coming to the end of their little track and wouldn’t overshoot it and end up in the thick of the surrounding forest in an attempt to overtake him. Just in case, Arrow decided to turn back around, figuring it was better that way on the off-chance he had to swoop in and save the toddler from hurting herself. Or someone else.
     The first turn was taken like a champ and the other two were going to be taken in very much the same way if Harmony had anything to say about it. She really was giving it her all to try to show Arrow that she could keep up with him when he would run. One day she was looking forward to when she would finally be able to blast past him and just see the look of pride on his face. Whether or not the hero knew it, he had become someone that Harmony wanted to make proud, just like she did her father. 
     Although that was one stunt that Harmony would never be able to accomplish with the way she ran. Didn’t stop her from laughing at the hero’s way of showing off and even playfully trying to swat at his feet as they went, making sure to never make contact with anything but air. Volt himself had looked up at the giggles and the howls, smirking because he just knew what had her so riled up. It also quickly formed into laughter at the flock of tropical birds moving to the opposite side of all the noise. Not that he could blame them. 
     If Bolt had felt the need to respond to Harmony’s call, Volt would have minded in the slightest. He was certainly used to his daughter’s noise and could always just fold the ear that was closest to the avian if it had gotten too loud. But he was thankful that she had saved his hearing and gave a few more scratches to under her chin before pointing in the direction of that final turn where the two speedsters would appear. “Get ready.”
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     All Harmony needed was the little warning, making a small chirping sound to show that she had heard him. That was a habit that had been picked up when they had been living for a bit out of their backpack and needed to communicate without words. The pup’s steps became more precise, and her attention once more went back to the ground in front of her. The emerald eyes focused on the final stretch and even though she was giving it all she had, there was a point where she knew she was going to have to do the one thing she was still working on. 
     Stopping so she didn’t take out her father who was waiting for them.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
    {➹} – MUMBLED OR NOT, Arrow had picked up on his alternate’s response and had frowned just a little at it. While, yes, that was technically the case these days and the hero didn’t actually have to go chasing after his version of the doctor every week anymore, he didn’t know that the current situation was much better. It was the not knowing that was maddening and, in some ways, the hero would have preferred Robotnik’s old methods instead of whatever was going on now.
     Did he point that out? Not in the slightest.  
     Arrow knew if he was going to mention one thing about the evil doctor, he’d have to explain a decent amount more and he wasn’t willing to do that. There was no need to weigh the mood in the room down, after all. In fact, out of the people standing (or sitting) before him there weren’t a lot of them he was willing to discuss the subject with. Elias was one of them, of course, which was why the accented hedgehog addressed them next in a rather casual way. 
     “’S Robotnik where I’m from,” he corrected, more automatically than anything, and was all too quick to jump away from the topic altogether while offering his usual smile. “An’ it’s like I said, I’d be willing t’ sit down and talk whenever we get the chance. I’m sure, between the two of us, we could learn a thing or two. Plus, I’m sure there are a few more embarrassing stories about someone that I need t’ hear.”
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      Marked by giving his boyfriend a cocky look, the hedgehog merely grinned before pausing a moment to really take in the group in the room. Now that it had been pointed out, he didn’t know what he had been nervous about but, then again, one could never be too sure. Still, the hero was glad for the outcome and was even more glad that the hybrids had good people on their side when need be and vice versa. He might not have known the group long, a few minutes only, but he knew there was something special in that room that was pretty durable. 
     “Can you blame me?” Was Arrow’s simple response, a small nudge given right back to his partner before he grinned and shifted his weight. “Although, it is getting pretty late an’ after the day we’ve had I think maybe it’s about time we wrap it up, don’t you think?”
     All Arrow had to add was that small correction for those that were listening in to know that his version was at a point where taking him on weekly would be nothing but exhausting. More so than just their usual nuisances with Eggman. At least their version kept to himself and it was a facility or Eggboss that they had to deal with. The only two that weren’t really aware of just how bad a Robotnik could be was the two hybrids, but they heard enough stories to be a bit more thankful that things had changed in their world.
     Nevertheless, Volt took the look giving in his direction with the comment as all the reason he needed to stick his tongue out at his boyfriend playfully and wag the tip of his tail. “If you want those type of stories, you’re better off bothering my brother for them.”
     It was no secret among the group that Volt and Jerard were usually the ones that had the best stories to tell about one another. They just usually had to coax the blonde to make an appearance and that meant getting Harmony involved with her best attempt at puppy eyes. None of the Freedom Fighters were able to say no to those, save for when they were used right then at Arrow’s note on the time.
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     “But I’m not tired yet...” 
     The complaint came around a yawn, which got a few snickers from their friends as Volt moved over to pick up Harmony from her spot on the couch. She quickly settled down against his hip but was trying to make herself look more awake than she was, giving her father a chance to look at the gathered group before taking his boyfriend’s hand. Another yawn followed as her head came to rest on his shoulder.
     “I think it might be best if we head home. Just might be able to get Harmony to bed before she falls asleep on me.” A common occurrence as the group all shot the older hybrid a knowing smirk and proceeded to give them a way as Volt started to lead the way back towards the way they came in. “I can’t blame you for being worried, but at least now you know you can come visit anytime.”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
          “in this case, i think it might be both,” amy retorted, laughing right alongside harmony and more still when her partner gave her a look that was part confused and part humored. considering the heroine was a hard hitter there was a very good chance that little moment had been, literally, knocked out of the speedster’s memory but perhaps that was for the best. sonic did have a way of poking fun at her mistakes (all in good fun, of course) so he didn’t need more material for that. 
          it didn’t take long for sonic to look back at harmony, having every intention of finishing the story even if there wasn’t that much left to tell. though he did chuckle a tad awkwardly at the question. ❝ well…not exactly. we were so beaten up after the fight that we all just went home and crashed. we were going to help but we sort of…forgot after a few hours. ❞
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          “that’s what he always says, and he never does help.” amy just had to point that out, a semi-serious glare being aimed at her partner before she shook her head and turned to the hybrids. “none of them do, actually. they always make up some silly excuse to not lend a hand so I end up doing it with a handful of the villagers each time, if the mayor doesn’t pay for a construction crew to come out. which he hardly does.”
           ❝ i just don’t see why we have to clean up the mess that eggman makes. especially if he’s perfectly capable of making something to clean it up himself. or, you know, just not attacking in the first place, ❞ sonic added by way of defense. ❝ we stop him from taking the village over, that should be enough. if it wasn’t for us there wouldn’t be a village in the first place. ❞
          by the way amy sighed, something about it just as dramatic as it was exasperated, this seemed to be a regular debate between the two of them, and one that she was no closer to winning. in the end, she only shook her head and looked at volt. “we’re all pretty close by now so we don’t have much trouble taking care of eggman these days. every once in awhile we’re thrown for a loop but we’ve managed to outsmart him every time.”
     While Harmony had begun giggling at Amy’s comment, she quieted back down for Sonic to co tongue telling his tale. The only thing that bothered her was what came after. When the speedster explained that they didn’t help clean up after Eggman would attack, it didn’t sit right with the four year old and she furrowed her brows while looking up at the hero as if expecting more to it. Sonic’s explanation also wasn’t settling well, but she waited until Amy finished talking to put her hands on her bandana.
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     “Ya should help our more often. Dat way da Mobians of da village know yer not trying ta make a mess either.” At least that’s was Harmony’s thought on the whole subject, making sure to look up at the hero to meet his gaze and then turning to Amy with that same furrowed brow. “Right Amy? And it’ll help ya all work together better as a team cuz yer gonna have ta work together to get it fixed back up.”
     Volt only shook his head at his daughter trying to steam roll their conversation into trying to get Sonic to be more helpful when it came to the aftermath of an Eggman attack. And he did smile as Amy looked his way after hearing that they could work together better now than they had been. That was at least one relief for the older hybrid that they had some team working skills. 
     Amethyst eyes went back to the pup still staring at the blue hero and it only took a small tug to the back of her bandana to get her to look away. Hopefully enough time for Sonic to get a bit of a reprieve from the four year old’s puppy eyes.
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     “I think it’s good that you guys have found a dynamic that works for your group. And that you all get along. Working with teammates that don’t quite see eye to eye can make it that much harder to take on an enemy.” Volt might have been talking from experience on that front. Having teammates that couldn’t work together for a mission made it extremely dangerous for all of those involved.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – IT WAS POSSIBLE that the hawk didn’t understand what Volt said but it was his gesture, the extending of his arm, that she did understand. While the avian obviously preferred her usual perch on a certain hero’s quills, she seemed to skip over the idea with the hybrid altogether and glided down to take the offer. There was unnatural care given as her talons wrapped around the limb to support herself but Bolt was clearly glad to be able to watch the racing pair from a more stationary position, giving a coo either in response to the race or the tension rolling off Volt.
     The hybrid wasn’t the only one just a little worried for the turn, evident by Arrow’s refusal to let the toddler out of his sight for even a second, an almost calculating look in his eyes as he took in everything from her posture to her breathing. The pants worried him of course but, because they weren’t all that heavy and, honestly, to be expected, he didn’t say anything about them. He was, as he usually was, enthused by her determination and overall skill. It never ceased to amaze him.
     Although it likely said something about the hedgehog’s own effort if he could focus so intently on the toddler and not on the race itself. Then again, running was second nature to the hero, and never something he ever had to give much thought to. It was a deep-rooted instinct by that point, a trained part of his mind that could effortlessly fire off what to do next, how to plant his feet or lean in order to keep him going forward on any terrain with minimal effort. It truly was something to behold.
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     But, Harmony wanted a race and that’s what she was doing to get. For every ounce of effort the toddler put in, the hero would give just a little more, always making sure she was never quite level with him for long as they blazed across the terrain. It was his way of goading her into giving just a little more each time, and her triumphant exclamation got an honest chuckle out of him. 
     "One day that just might be true, Squirt.“ Arrow’s statement was nothing but matter of fact, amused and not teasing in the slightest over the wind rushing around them. After all, it was bound to be true sooner or later, time was funny like that. Rather than point that out, he just smiled down at her, flashing a wink. “But, if you keep this up, it might be sooner than you think.” 
     Even though it would have likely been easier to support her weight on his cybernetic arm, Volt had given the hawk his organic to make herself comfortable on while they watched the race. If only so she couldn’t have to worry about sliding on the metal limb in anyway. He took the coo with a bit of a thankful smile and gently reached up to scratch under her chin with the synthetic pads on his fingers. That was about the only time he took his eyes off the race and it was mostly to make sure that Bolt was settled before focusing back to it.
     The turn was actually taken much better than usual, Harmony keeping her footing near perfect and doing exactly what Arrow had been attempting to get her to do. Give everything she had into managing to keep up, if not surpass him. The only issue was going to slowly become apparent the more she pushed herself. What started as just a little bit of panting was only going to get heavier each time she had to give just a little bit more to try to get ahead. Although she knew, just as well as everyone else, that she was not actually going to be able to match the hero in a race. It wouldn’t stop her from giving her all as she continued to make the turns needed to loop around the lake.
     The wind could whip passed their faces, but Harmony would still always be able to hear Arrow when he would respond to her. She knew that he wasn’t trying to belittle her with his comment and instead just trying to encourage her to keep pushing. To keep giving the best she had to offer and that was what kept her going. She looked up to see his wink and broke out in a wide smile with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth.
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     Oh was the pup having fun. This was the best race they could have had with such beautiful weather and in a place where they didn’t have to worry about nothing getting in the way. And who knew, maybe one day she would be able to do the same thing that Arrow was doing. Being able to focus on things other than what pertained to the race. Once day being able to just trust her natural instincts to help her compensate while moving at the speeds she did. Maybe it was all those years of facing badniks.
     “Jus... ya.... wait! I’m.... gonna... do it!” The last part accompanied by a howl that even Volt could hear clear as day and the four year old giving it all she had.
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projectlightfox · 5 years
     {➹} – ASKING ABOUT WHATEVER version of the fox the inventor in the room was talking about was added to the ever-growing, mental list of future topics to talk about in the hero’s head, but he seemed fine skipping over the subject for now. Something told him it was a lengthy story at best, and he didn’t want to spend any more time on it than strictly necessary. Shaking his head at the interaction between Harmony and this world’s hero, the accented hedgehog looked to the former at her question.
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     “They are, yeah,” he said with a nod, not minding the curiosity in the slightest as he smiled knowingly at the toddler before turning to the others. “Like I said, we’re not great with naming things so we generalize most areas by calling them ‘zones’, but there are towns and cities in each zone. ‘S…kinda like our term for ‘regions, if that makes any sense.”
     Arrow sure hoped it did because he felt like he was rambling a bit at that point and making the whole thing a lot more complicated than it really was. For him, it was the norm so he had never bothered trying to find a way to explain it that was simple and to the point. It still, to that day, surprised him that other places didn’t have the same naming scheme for most things his world did but, then again, he supposed if everything was the same from world to world there would be some major appeal lost.
     One thing that definitely wasn’t the same in his world when compared to others was the complete lack of humans, or overlanders. Robotnik was the one exception to that, of course, but up until the scientist had appeared on the foreign planet there had been no trace or sign of the race. It was enough that, sometimes when he found himself on a planet inhabited solely by humans, the hero wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it.
     Since that fact was clearly one Harmony hadn’t gotten around to telling the group here, Arrow unintentionally blinked for a moment before answering Elias with a small shrug. “Technically yes, but since there wasn’t any one else in the war and there are only Mobians in my Zone, it’s not all that surprising. No one really knows how the whole war started in the first place but we’re all in agreement we’re not going t’ let it happen again so things back home have been pretty peaceful. More or less.”
     Arrow’s explanation made a lot of sense to them and most were willing to let the conversation go so the hero wasn’t having to feel like he was the center of attention. At most the group listening would just ask Volt later for a bit of clarification here and there just so they knew what else they could talk about if the trio ever came to another get together. It was interesting for quite a few of them to be able to learn about a different Zone from the one that belonged to it, instead of second hand from a four year old or her father.
     “Must be nice to not have to travel all of your Mobius to stop Eggman once a month... if not once a week.” Sonic mumbled as he draped the majority of his top half off the back of the couch. The hedgehog’s maturity level nowhere near the same as Arrow’s and it showed with the look that was sent his way from both hybrids, Volt took to rolling his eyes and placing a hand on his hip.
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     “Keep it up Blue and I’ll let Harmony wrestle you before we leave.” He smirked as the hero shot him a glare and Harmony all but released a giggle with her wagging tail. If not for Elias speaking back up, that brawl may have very well started right then and there. Thankfully everyone was willing to settle down and Tails actually shifted Harmony to his other side that was closer to her father, a silent request to keep her from pouncing while they were talking.
     “So your war was fought between Mobians? That’s interesting.” His tone was anything but mocking, more intrigued than anything else. “I’m glad to hear that your world now has become a peaceful one between your bouts with your version of Eggman I would assume. Maybe sometime we can trade stories over tea?”
     “Mr. Elias. Yer di-plo-ma-cy is showing.” Harmony raised her hand as she said it, followed by a short amount of snickers and laughter from the group as Elias responded without missing a beat.
     “Really now? I was sure I had left my crown back at the castle.” He made a show of setting his tea down and turning on a circle before leaning back against the counter he had been. “I’ll make sure to leave it at home next time. But I can promise that if Arrow does come visit that Alexis will be free from studies. How’s that?”
     “Yeh!” That was enough for Harmony as Volt leaned closer to his boyfriend and gave him a small bump.
     “And you were worried about meeting everyone.”
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