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Common Dreams:
More children were killed in Gaza in the first four months of the war than in four years of conflict worldwide, in what Philippe Lazzarini, who heads the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, called a "war on children… their childhood, and their future." There are also tens of thousands of children among the more than 83,000 Palestinians wounded by Israeli bombs and bullets in Gaza. Hundreds of thousands of children have been forcibly displaced by Israel's bombardment and invasion, but there's no safe place for them to go. The Israeli blockade of Gaza and obliteration of its healthcare infrastructure have exacerbated what the U.N.'s top food official has called a "full-blown famine" in the north and widespread starvation throughout the strip. Dozens of children have starved to death.
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progressive-globe · 6 days
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progressive-globe · 6 days
The Associated Press:
“Let it be clear, it doesn’t mean an iron fist, wars or authoritarianism,” Sheinbaum said of her approach to tackling criminal gangs, during her final campaign event. “We will promote a strategy of addressing the causes and continue moving toward zero impunity.” Sheinbaum has praised López Obrador profusely and said little that the president hasn’t said himself. She blamed neoliberal economic policies for condemning millions to poverty, promised a strong welfare state and praised Mexico’s large state-owned oil company, Pemex, while also promising to emphasize clean energy. “For me, being from the left has to do with that, with guaranteeing the minimum rights to all residents,” Sheinbaum told the AP last year.
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progressive-globe · 6 days
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progressive-globe · 6 days
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progressive-globe · 6 days
Solidarity’s transformative potential stands in stark contrast to the narrow and closed solidarity of contemporary right-wing politics. However, to harness these possibilities, individuals and collectives, such as labor unions, need to rise above their own narrow interests to engage in campaigns with universal impact. Durkheim argued that “mechanical” solidarity operated in small, homogenous communities, while “organic” solidarity, forming in larger, more complex societies, became achievable when economic and cultural differences were merged to foster cohesion. Hunt-Hendrix and Taylor quote Audre Lorde, who argued that “we must allow each other our differences at the same time as we recognize our sameness.” Hunt-Hendrix and Taylor recognize the potency of identity politics in fueling localized campaigns. However, to move from collective action to mass politics, the authors advocate for a unifying principle centered on economic justice. This focus on the near-universal experience of economic exploitation allows movements to build by “calling in rather than calling out,” cultivating a shared sense of “us.”
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progressive-globe · 6 days
Antisemitism is real. It is a growing problem, and it has to be combated. But this task is being severely undermined by the fact that pro-Israel voices — whether liberal, centrist, or conservative — have taken to irresponsibly flinging the accusation of antisemitism at anyone they disagree with on US-Israel policy, reducing a serious and specific charge that should spark public attention and action to just another political slur. The longer this goes on, the less likely it is that the public as a whole will treat future accusations seriously or muster the necessary outrage. And that’s especially the case when, with increasing frequency, the people being spuriously called antisemites for disagreeing with them are Jewish themselves.
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progressive-globe · 6 days
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progressive-globe · 7 days
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progressive-globe · 7 days
Last month, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem issued a damning report warning that Israel was manufacturing famine in Gaza, and thus committing the crime of starvation. “The severe hunger that has developed over recent months in the Gaza Strip is not a result of fate, but the product of a deliberate and conscious Israeli policy. It has been openly declared by decision makers, including a member of the Israeli war cabinet, from the very beginning of the war.” Abu Ataya’s death comes amid reports that the United Nations may finally put Israel on its “list of shame” of child-killing states, which is unlikely to stop Israel from starving more children in Gaza. Emboldened by the United States’ unconditional support, Israel has sealed off all the seven land crossings to Gaza, including the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. Israel has destroyed all bakeries in Gaza and the southern city of Rafah and routinely bombed Palestinians seeking food aid for their starving families. The Guardian reports that Israeli soldiers have backed settler groups blocking, attacking, and looting aid trucks bound for Gaza. The Israeli army has destroyed and burned food supplies in Gaza, while Israeli soldiers have filmed themselves stealing humanitarian aid bound for starving Palestinians in Gaza.
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progressive-globe · 7 days
The focus on arresting smugglers is not only misplaced on those trying to make the journey themselves, but is also a distraction from the facts of why so many people want to make these journeys, and why they are so dangerous. It is a distraction from the fact that Europe has spent years tightening regulations, pouring millions into border control agreements, and illegally pushing back as many people as possible.
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progressive-globe · 7 days
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