professorcrane · 11 years
this blog is on indefinite hiatus
if you would like to speak with me or rp with jon the blog im currently working on is purificatoryincarnation (the Batter, OFF)
and my skype is trisomee
au revoir
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professorcrane · 11 years
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professorcrane · 11 years
Jonathan's cheeks went red enough that the very slight, pale freckles scattered over them were visible. And even worse, his pants seemed to be tightening a little, which was even more embarrassing. He shifted, trying to keep her far enough from there so she wouldn't feel anything... suspicious. 
"Um. Well. That's... c-closer. Yes."
I Spy an RP | asksassyabigail
  Abigail took a slight breath, gathering courage perhaps, before stepping forward, sitting in his lap so that she face him. “How about this?" She asked, voice a bit shaky, as she tried to ignore just how close she was to him, pressed against him even with the layers of clothing between them.
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professorcrane · 11 years
Jonathan held still in the bed, eyes closed. Moving and talking were both great efforts and he realized despite it all, he was a little tired. He needed to rest, so that when the time came that he checked himself out of this place, he'd be ready. 
Did that ever occur to him? Of course not.
Even as a child, when he was sick, Granny had quarantined him in his room to keep him away from her and the other children, periodically dropping meals off and maybe placing a cool rag on his forehead, but that was it.
Jonathan had learned and learned well to lick his own wounds, and not to depend on anyone else. They were untrustworthy and the vast majority of people he'd met seemed to want nothing more than to torment him, and spit on him when they'd knocked him down.
He had had enough of it.
A distant memory arose. 
Juliet Wunsch, the first time they'd ever truly spoken. She'd come to vent her frustrations with the psych board, and nothing more, really. But he'd found in her a kinship, one he had never experienced with anyone, really, except occasionally other criminals like himself. They had the same anger, all of them. The same feeling that the world had slipped them a very bad hand and they were rightfully frustrated.
He opened his eyes, tired, clear, and blue, and they slid over toward her. "...Thank you."
Gotham Underground AU
  The temptation to pour the water in his face was too great, so she set it aside untouched. "No, you didn’t ask me to come here or lose sleep. But I did." Moving away from him, she finally sat back down in the chair that had been her bed until he’d woken up. Putting her fingertips to her forehead, she sighed, “Distrust or not, I did it all because I cared."
He’d been completely out of it when they’d taken him down from where he’d been strung up. Missed the way she’d outright panicked for his well being. As mad as she was right now, those feelings were still there. “Did it ever occur to you that you shouldn’t have to ask people to sit by your side when you might die? You almost did, and I wasn’t about to leave you alone with no one but the hospital staff by your side."
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professorcrane · 11 years
Strange. Very strange. Jonathan was nearly certain he had students who were just as odd, but they tended to keep their distance from him. He was still half-certain the man was some sort of roleplayer or street performer. 
Or some sort of religious fanatic of something he simply wasn't familiar with. Jonathan hated religion.
"...I do not know how nice my conversation might be. But if you insist."
It was polite, at least, to make up for bumping into him so rudely.
Professorcrane started listening to you
  "Come with me. I know a good cafe down the corner. I could get you a cup of coffee if you’d repay me with a nice conversation," he said with a good smile. His cheeks pushed up the mask ever so slightly, revealing something red that wasn’t supposed to be red; and did it move? Was that a ligament?
Looking back up to the sky, the smile faded into a thin line. “Mother Gaia has been angered to say the least," he muttered under his breath, waiting the man’s answer. He would be perfectly fine in being left alone. Perhaps he could finally remember what Eileen wanted.
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professorcrane · 11 years
Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting for someone to come along and corrupt you. Succumb to the darkness yourself.
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professorcrane · 11 years
[swiggety swatter come play with the batter]
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professorcrane · 11 years
Her words were slurring and Jonathan did not have much experience with drunk people, but Clarice, he could tell, was drunk. "Jonathan, please," he corrected, because Dr. Crane was fine, but Crane on its own was abhorrent - just an ugly reminder of the family he had no part of, the father he would one day smite.
Not that that was a thought for current engagements, not at all. He stepped inside, and placed his bag next to a bottle that seemed considerably drained. "I brought Kahlua and cream, if you'd like it. I'm going to fix myself a glass. How has the night treated you, Ms. Starling?"
  Old man. She snorted as she read the text before leaning back in her bed. Alcohol was something that didn’t quite give her courage but it did make her relax. Depressant, she knew what it did to the body and how it uniquely affected her own. Her choice of poison usually was whiskey drowned in some carbonated beverage or wine drowned in fruit juice. And both were once in a blue moon things. But she was going through something she hated.
During those 20 minutes she had something of a debate. Jon reminded her of two people in her life; one she had been half intimate with physically and the other she had dealt with mentally. A strange hybrid between them - Jon is not the seemingly bland gentlemen he tries to project.
They ought to have a drink, laugh, watch a stupid movie and not do what Starling decided she really wanted to do to unwind. (That in itself was strange, early 20s had been terribly unkind in regards to intimacy and her desire for it.)
Debate in her mind back and forth and back and forth.
Well, if Jon said no, she’d be a lady. But with class. Somehow.
Jesus. A glass and a half of actual wine and she was a damned mess. Though her movements didn’t quite show how buzzed she was, she still moved with grace and she opened the door. She was lovely but nearly well put together as she usually was. A grin flashed and she opened the door wider to let him in. “Glad you could make it, Crane."
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professorcrane · 11 years
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professorcrane · 11 years
No audiences to seduce with that voice of yours, Mr. Free? I'm honored to have it all to myself.
  Which order?
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professorcrane · 11 years
Depends on whether you're busy.
  Which order?
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professorcrane · 11 years
ppl who rp your kinks with u
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professorcrane · 11 years
I am doing neither well nor poorly. In the mood for a nap, and maybe a chat?
  I am! What do you mean, just surviving?
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professorcrane · 11 years
Your-- *vague gesturing*
Ah. Never mind. You seem in a good mood. 
professorcrane replied to your post: professorcrane replied to your post: Office…
Hello… Kevin.
How are yoooou?
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professorcrane · 11 years
Surviving, I suppose. You are, too, despite the, um... everything, really?
professorcrane replied to your post: professorcrane replied to your post: Office…
Hello… Kevin.
How are yoooou?
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professorcrane · 11 years
how the hell did we get the idea pink isn’t a cool colour
because scientifically speaking pink doesn’t even exist; it fits between violet and red on the spectrum but actually what goes there is infrared and ultraviolet and all those things we can’t see
pink is the ambassador of an otherworldly and unknowable realm it is the most badass colour out there
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professorcrane · 11 years
12 owo ((for coffee or tea idk i feel like tea needed to be asked too))
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