prinzjames86 · 4 years
Prayer To Sekhmet
O Mistress of Terror, Red Lady, She-Who-brings-the-evildoers-to-justice, Right Eye of Ra, Turn not Your anger against us.
We bend our arms to You, We fall on our bellies before Your red rage, No evil can withstand the fire of Your righteousness. Turn not Your anger against us. The weak cry out to You, The sick pray for healing, The wronged plead for justice. Turn not Your anger against us.
Great is the love of Your people for You. Behold, we pour cool water and oil for You, We offer red beer to slake Your thirst for blood, Turn not Your anger against us. O Mighty Sekhmet, Queen of Cities, Whose strength is without contender, May You ascend to Ra with our prayers, Riding the hot winds of Tjemehu, Roaring Your demands for Truth, Retribution, and the return of Ma'at. Turn not Your anger against us.
Composed on “The Day of Her Rage in Tjemehu” March 29, 2000
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Sekhmet. Goddess of war and revenge.
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
Candle reading made easy
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Hey loves, I don’t want to make this post suuuper long so imagine me blowing a welcome kiss to all of you and let’s get started…
The generic practice of reading fire is called pyromancy. 
We can break a candle reading session down to 3 main parts:
Observation (flame watching)
Gathering & understanding (decoding fire’s messages)
Final question & Goodbye (ask if there’s anything else you should know before leaving, thank and salute fire/salamanders)
During the observation phase, watch for:
Length of the flame 1-2 min to know WHEN-the timing = PAST
Shape of the flame 2-3 min to know WHAT-the actual matter = PRESENT
Direction & behavior of the flame 3-4 min to know HOW-the true nature of it = hints at the FUTURE (see where the fire is pointing to know what type of matter it is; concentrate on the opposite direction telling you how to counteract to solve or banish whatever it might be; it also indicates what elemental energy is strongly supporting/protecting you in taking action as well as in related spellwork)
Presence/Absence of Smoke 2-3 min to understand the SOURCE of your awareness 
*Keep a compass handy!
Salamanders/fire will try to communicate with you as soon as you light the fire/candle so pay attention from the very beginning. Fire energy is impulsive, blunt, active, carefree and wild.  This type of divination detects negativity like WOW because it easily speaks the brutally honest truth regardless of how you feel or what’s happening. It brings up issues that we refuse to deal with. Again, it’s pure blunt energy. Because of its wild nature, fire will also charge us with optimism and explosive determination to overcome problems and bad news: typically after pyromancy we feel motivated and “ready to go”.
Long-extra long: something has been bothering you for a very long time now (trust your intuition, probably for years) which you never actively faced; you’ve been quiet for too long; unsolved problems from the past are challenging your patience; relevant stuff that had to be cleared much earlier
Medium: Something that has been lurking in the back of your mind for 1-3 months, a plan or an idea that could change/shake your life but is not currently a priority to you; it might be something you heard from another person or a vague thought
Short: something intense that happened within the last couple days, a very recent thing is bothering you and has almost caught you by surprise; unexpected news from day to day, a new sudden event that physically or emotionally shook you
Double: Two things that were generated consequentially or have a common link, two entities/people united by a common theme
Super-thin line: Something you felt or suspected but never had proof of evidence about, a subtle suspicion, a doubt, an insinuation; a sneaky or secretive individual
Regular: Something/someone that you accept and is part of your routine, your own mindset, something very close and not disturbing; a solid milestone in your daily life
Round: One thing in particular that constantly “fills you up”, makes you feel complete, full, exploding or either extremely delighted; a person who represses/suppresses you, someone ghosting you on purpose just to humble you or to make you feel lesser
Steady: things are happening in the background, far from the “public eye” and without you even realizing; you - and people around you- are calm, clueless, peaceful and the surroundings seem safe; good vibes are in the air but definitely keep your eyes open and intuition awake
Shaky, wiggly: things are visibly happening before your eyes, making you confused, uneasy or giving you mood swings; anxiety; you are able to feel bad vibes around you: take control of the situation and protect yourself Weak, petite & almost extinguished: matter/person X is now annihilating you before the eyes of everybody, but still no one defends you; seek help in others, protect yourself and take action to win this ripe, suffered battle
EAST: AIR - communication, mindset, mental/spoken/written things, logical reasoning, ideas, plans, spring, morning, sunrise, masculine… WEST: WATER - emotions, unconscious, gut feelings, passivity, illogical reasoning, intangibility, blue, flow, moisture, fall, sunset, feminine… SOUTH: FIRE - action, guidance, strength, activity, blood, warmth, creativity, masculine, red, impulse, summer, noon… NORTH: EARTH - stability, firmness, art, finance, grounding, material things, tangibility, stillness, death, birth, winter, midnight, green… (+ ALL YOUR PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE about the elements and how they can be interpreted, what meanings they have in our lives and their specific correspondences) 
Absence: you are the source of awareness: your body and soul have sent you signals about matter X and you had an inner awakening which led you to this reading 
Presence: someone else enlightened you with their words and made you fully aware of matter X; something popped up as an obvious proof that you weren’t expecting to find: this has awakened your inquisitive mind and led it to this reading. 
Hopefully you’ll get inspired by this post and learn something useful to spice up your divination practice:) I thank you so much for reading, xox msmoonfire
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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tomholland2013 Sooo Calvin…let’s talk
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Anubis, the jackal-headed Egyptian deity who leads souls to the Underworld, depicted clad in a Roman-style toga.  He clutches a sistrum (rattle associated with the goddess Isis) in his right hand and a caduceus associated with Hermes, psychopomp of Greek religion, in his left.  Artist unknown; 1st/2nd cent. CE.  Found at the Villa Pamphili, Anzio; now in the Museo Gregoriano-Egitto, Vatican City.  Photo credit: Carole Raddato.
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
Remember in 1993 when Jurassic Park was like…the end all, be all of special effects?
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Important! They are ALL FRIENDS!
Most of the time they’re just happy to get on with their business around humans. Sometimes they get a little too curious, usually after a minute they’ll realise you’re not food or a good place to sit, but if they bother you then it’s best to just move away.
Remember they sting to defend themselves or their nest, and from their point of view humans are gigantic, unpredictable and potentially very dangerous creatures.
It’s understandable if you’re scared of them, but please don’t say they’re evil!
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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if you can choose to be one thing in this world, choose to be kind. Choose to carry the insect outdoors when it gets lost inside your home, step over the snails on the footpath, pick the earthworms out of puddles when it rains and put them back on the safety of the soil, let the spiders weave webs. There are so many small things in this life that mean you no harm, so do no harm to them. We forget the world is beautiful when we forget to look at its tiniest residents.
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
Because we all need these at some point …. for whatever reasons…be safe than sorry ….
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
getting rid of insects in the home the green witch way
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while insect visitors like ants, wasps and spiders aren’t always welcome, killing these little creatures is never ideal, and can interfere with the energy of your home. whenever possible, here are some natural + humane alternatives to pest removal.
✳ ants: leaving lemon rind near their points of entry to your house is an effective deterrent; they will avoid the smell. you can also use baby powder, which they don’t like to walk on.
✳ wasps: if there is a wasp nest around your home, placing several cotton balls coated in peppermint essential oil around the affected area, like the corners of the front porch, will bother the wasps enough to stay away from the area. the closer you can place the peppermint to the nest, the better.
✳ spiders: chestnuts have a chemical compound on their surface that acts as a spider repellent; additionally, chestnuts don’t go bad for quite some time, so they can provide long-term spider deterring. place a handful of chestnuts in the corners of your home.
✳ bees: honeybees are precious and should be kept alive at all costs. if there is a beehive near or on your home that is causing bees to enter your home, or you or someone you live with have a bee allergy, the most effective humane way to prompt the bees to build a hive elsewhere is to smoke them out. do this at dawn, as it gives the bees time to relocate before sundown. using rotten wood, paper or cardboard, create a burning pile underneath or nearby the hive, set it alight, and immediately vacate the area, as the bees will start exiting the hive. make sure all your windows are sealed. you may need to do this over the course of a few days to ensure they leave, and often times bees won’t return to an area where they’ve been smoked.
the majority of insects will be deterred by peppermint essential oil or vinegar, as a general rule.
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Notre Dame de Paris on fire. 
No words, its horrible.
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Peles Castle, Peleș Castle (Romanian: Castelul Peleș pronounced [kasˈtelul ˈpeleʃ] (listen)) is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Prahova County, Romania, on an existing medieval route linking Transylvania and Wallachia, built between 1873 and 1914. Its inauguration was held in 1883. It was constructed for King Carol I. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pele%C8%99_Castle
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
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Spicy Sriracha Nourish Bowl
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prinzjames86 · 5 years
the many shades of anti-vegan arguments
the just-plain-dumbass arguments
- wild animals eat meat
- humans have canines
- cows will overpopulate
- evolution/ancestors/cavemen
- deserted island
the “i’m so woke” arguments
- veganism is too expensive
- veganism is ableist
- indigenous people tho
- religious traditions
the “i don’t understand how supply and demand works” arguments
- one person won’t change anything
- veganism doesn’t make a difference
- corporations tho
the “only vegans eat fruits and vegetables apparently” arguments
- migrant workers
- almonds in california
- quinoa tho
- field animals ground up by tractors
the “convince me why i should feel empathy” arguments
- bacon tho
- animals were meant to be eaten
- humans are superior
- pErSoNaL ChOiCe
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