princess-ting-ting · 21 hours
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For whatever reason, Wolf’s words sent a little tingle down her spine. But Ting-Ting shook her head.
“I promise, I’m totally fine,” said Ting. “I like to feel useful.” She’d already started getting plates and the butter and jam from the fridge. “You should sit down.” She nodded at the barstools near the island.
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“Do you have a jam preference?" She leaned both elbows on the island, holding out the jars. "We have strawberry and apricot. And also some orange marmalade.” 
Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 3 days
“Oh — uh.”
Ting and Snow must have very different definitions of small! That was practically the same guest list as her birthday party, plus or minus a few people. And while Ting did love a good gathering, she was kinda… tired. 
But Snow seemed so enthusiastic! 
“Maybe in a few weeks?” she suggested. “Definitely while Mei’s still here, but I want to get a little more acclimated to … you know.” She gestured. “I gotta catch up on sleep so I don’t look like a total mess, anyway.” 
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Afternoon Tea || Sing-Song
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princess-ting-ting · 3 days
Ting-Ting had never seen anything like this. 
Hunter’s yin-yang balance just seemed… faded. Almost stagnant. Yes, she could wiggle it a little and she tried pouring a microscopic amount of her own yang (she didn’t want to mess with it too much; her own balance was super delicate right now thanks to the baby). It shifted Hunter’s balance ever so slightly, but faded from a deep black to a pale pale grey. 
Everything felt like an echo. 
Almost like —
Ting’s lips tightened. Surely that was… impossible, right? 
“There’s definitely something strange with your yin-yang balance,” said Ting, slowly. “But I’ve never seen anything like it. I can give you a few potions that’ll help with your energy levels, but I think there’s a greater underlying cause that I’m not quite sure about.” 
She paused, pressing her lips together again. She wasn’t even sure if this was the issue, but something in her gut told her that a necromancer might have some more insight. 
Of course, she didn’t want to blow up Snow’s spot. 
“Actually — I have a friend who might be able to help. Snow Song? She works at the Hauntley. I think she might know better than me.”
Hunter, for his part, stayed quiet and still, eyes closed, hands folded on his chest. At this, he opened one eye.
“Does she do healing?”
“Uh. She’s a potion specialty. So there is a lot of overlap there!”
“Oh.” Hunter didn’t sound convinced.
“She’s very good,” said Ting. “And she has more practical experience than I do when it comes to abnormalities like this.” Not a lie! She glanced at Eilonwy, though, hoping that Hunter’s friend could convince him. 
I Just Want to Be Okay || Huntlonwy + Ting-Ting
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princess-ting-ting · 4 days
“I think things taste better when they’re shared,” said Ting, simply. 
She poured more water into the kettle and set it back on the stove, the flame flickering to life. 
“Plus, Mu Hou’s been on a baking kick, so we have homemade bread!” She giddily went over to the basket on the kitchen island and revealed the loaf. “It’s so good. I can toast some up. We have jam and butter and other stuff.” 
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It was likely Wolf would not want to have a piece of toast, but Ting was going to have one anyway, thank you very much. 
(She hoped he would, though. Something about Wolf screamed in desperate need of a freshly made bread.)
Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 9 days
“Oh?” Ting’s eyebrows ticked up. Honestly, she hadn’t been expecting Snow to mention a party of all things. It was one thing to have her over for dinner. But a party — right after her baby shower, and also her birthday party. 
“We can definitely do a tea party instead of dinner!” Ting said, because surely that was what Snow meant. “Just us and maybe Mei and Su can each invite a friend."
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Afternoon Tea || Sing-Song
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princess-ting-ting · 9 days
“Just the one,” said Ting. She’d already reached to sling it over her shoulder. “Short visit! And I’m good to walk. Got the clearest bill of health ever — I really should get a prize for it or something.”
Aside from the whole giving birth in the middle of her backyard during her birthday party, everything else had been completely normal. That’s what the doctors assured her, at least. And Mei and Hera both too. Ting kept waiting for the other foot to drop.
But then again, everything else about this situation was — well, not normal. So, maybe this was the universe’s way of throwing Ting a bone. An easy birth, a clear bill of health, and a fresh start on her new life. 
They stepped out of the hospital, Ting raising a hand to shield her eyes from the sunlight as her eyes adjusted, and followed Tom to the car. 
Blow the Wind, Blow ~~ [Tongs]
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princess-ting-ting · 11 days
Oh oh oh — it was almost a smile. 
Ting saw Wolf’s face shift, something almost like amusement in his eyes. The reagent was light, so light she could’ve missed it, but Ting loved Smiles and Laughs, so she paid sharp attention to them. And right now there was something like an echo of a Smile coming from Wolf, all misty and shimmery. 
She maybe stared at him a second too long as she took the tea.
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“Oh, it’s good,” she said. “I mean, it’s not easy to sleep with a newborn, but then again, I’ve had horrible sleeping patterns my whole life, so it’s not really anything new.” She shrugged. “And aside from being a restless sleeper, Matilda is wonderful. Healthy and curious and all that. I can’t blame her for not sleeping through the night. She gets it from me.”
And her dad, came a soft echo in the back of Ting’s head. She ignored it and set a kettle on the stove.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” she asked now, tossing a glance over her shoulder. “Because it really would be you doing me a favor if you let me repay you.” 
Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 13 days
“She’s here till July,” said Ting. “Planning to leave right after her birthday. She’s been such a great help. Su too, of course. But I don’t want Su to worry too much because she still has school to worry about.”
She was thankful for both her sisters around. The house was full again, and it filled her heart. Of course, Mei had a ton of friends to visit and Su still had school — but that was just like old times.
Funny how old times was just a few years ago.
“We should all have dinner sometime!” chimed Ting. “Might be too hard to arrange a trip out, but we can do something here.” 
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Afternoon Tea || Sing-Song
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princess-ting-ting · 14 days
“The tea?” Ting asked, after gesturing to the top shelf. She raised her eyebrows. “Or life? Or, uh, having a tiny infant?” Her lips pressed together in a little playful smile, as she leaned her back against the kitchen island. 
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“Or having caffeine again? To be honest, I wasn’t a huge caffeine drinker before, but I didn’t realize how much my Earl Greys and chai lattes meant to me till I was without them.”
Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 15 days
“Oh, I think you’re fine,” said Ting. She appreciated Tom’s concern, but also she trusted that the walk from wherever he’d washed his hands to her room was sterilized enough. “Let’s get her loaded up in here and get going. I cannot wait to get back to my own house.”
It wasn’t just being reunited with her own bed and couch and computer (though, that was certainly a big part of it). There was a little thrill she had, an anticipatory moment she kept playing in her head over and over. She wanted to bring Matilda home — to their home. Her and Matilda. Because they were a they now. 
This little baby in her arms wasn’t just a theoretical. She was real and she was squirming and she smelled so so good.
Matilda didn’t make much of a fuss as Ting-Ting tucked her into the carrier, though she did make a bit of a gurgling noise.
“It’s alright, girly,” said Ting. “We’re taking you to your real home! Just gotta let Uncle Tom take the wheel and lift you up. I promise it’ll be fine.” She smiled fondly at Tom. "He's not as big and scary as he seems."
Blow the Wind, Blow ~~ [Tongs]
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princess-ting-ting · 18 days
Ting-Ting didn’t really need help.
What she really needed was a stronger excuse to get Wolf to linger, because clearly the offer of coffee wasn’t enough. 
“Well, there is this blend of Earl Grey I haven’t had in months because of the caffeine, so I put it on the highest shelf. So. I mean, you could grab that for me,” she said. It was the literal flimsiest excuse she could come up with, but she didn’t want him to go. Not yet. 
She’d already started walking inside, hoping he would follow. 
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Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 19 days
“Tired,” Ting admitted with a laugh. “But honestly not more tired than usual. Well, not much more.”
Nothing had been easy, of course, but it hadn’t been terribly hard. Especially with Mu Hou and Mei and Su and all of Ting’s other friends offering to lend a hand. Sure, sleeping adjustments were hard, but Ting was used to a perpetual level of exhaustion, thanks to the fact that her own sleeping schedule had never been smooth. 
But her friends were all there to lean on. Snow’s beautifully assembled tea platter was testament to that. 
Ting stirred some sugar in her tea, nibbling at a cupcake as she waited for the tea to cool down. 
“She’s a bit of a restless sleeper, but she gets that from me, so I guess we’re in sync.” 
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Afternoon Tea || Sing-Song
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princess-ting-ting · 22 days
At this point, Ting-Ting should stop being surprised by Wolf being so kind to her, but every time it caught her off guard. Not in a bad way. Not at all. But he seemed so unsure about it, almost like he was scared of her reaction.
“Oh, thank you.” She took the bag, smiling warmly. “Seriously, this is great. And I’m good! I mean, sleep-deprived and anxious, but then again what new mother isn’t?” She shook her head. “But seriously, I’m healthy, she’s healthy. Everyone’s been so helpful too.” 
They lingered in the doorway. Again. Somehow they always ended up here. 
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“Do you want to come in? She’s napping, so you’ll have to be a little quiet. I was just about to put the kettle on, so I can totally start some coffee too.” A little white lie, but well, tea would be a good idea right now. 
Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 23 days
A lot had happened in the past 24 hours. 
For one, well, Ting was now officially a mother! And it had also happened in her backyard. In the middle of her birthday party. Very thankfully, Hera and Mei and Tom and Snow and Mu-yeol and Su and all her other dear friends had helped her, and Matilda had rushed into the world, all ready to greet it. 
Then, there’d been the hospital, all the official check ups and check ins. Both Ting and Matilda were declared healthy, the speedy birth nothing but a fortuitous anomaly. After a night of monitoring, they were ready to go.
And Tom was here, holding Levi’s little carrier, greeting her with a warm smile.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little terrified. It was one thing to be in a hospital, to have doctors around you. It was another to bring a baby home.
“We’re both good!” said Ting-Ting. She held Matilda in her arms still, and found it hard to not look at her. “The doctors say she’s very healthy and the whole precipitous labor must’ve just been her really eager to get started on this being alive thing.” 
Blow the Wind, Blow ~~ [Tongs]
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princess-ting-ting · 24 days
Matilda was finally napping.
Ting slumped on her couch, exhausted. She should probably clean. The kitchen was a mess. But also she hadn’t slept in literal days and she was pretty sure the dark circles under her eyes had dark circles. 
She had time. And besides, Mu Hou was going to be home in a couple of hours after going out with Mei, and she’d help clean, so really Ting shouldn’t feel guilty about sitting on the couch for a moment and closing her eyes …
She jolted herself awake from a micronap when she heard the knock at the door, and immediately froze, turning her head to see if she could hear Matilda stir. But there was nothing but quiet, so Ting got up and answered the door —
“Oh,” Ting echoed. “Hi.” She leaned against the doorframe, flicking her eyes up to Wolf. Who she hadn’t actually seen since — well since she gave birth. She didn’t register that he was holding something, since she suddenly became self conscious of how messy her hair must look in a loose hasty ponytail and the fact she was just wearing an old Berkley t-shirt and some gym shorts. 
“How are you?” she asked, tugging at her ponytail (and secretly trying to comb a bit of her hair so it wasn’t so gnarly). 
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Hush-a-bye - Wolfing
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princess-ting-ting · 24 days
Ting looked very very hard at the spot on the wall she was painting, before she said, “Yes. I do.”
And then she cleared her throat, because she didn’t want to talk about this anymore because she wasn’t sure what she could say because she didn’t even know what she wanted to say beyond what she already had said — 
“Okay! What do you think? Another coat?”
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Make it Blue! || Sing
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