I wouldn't count on it. Unless things end. Now. 
I think I’ve pissed off Frigga. I just hope she’s more lenient then Loki.
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Good. Let's just be done with this, I don't want this topic of conversation coming up with anyone other than the two of us ever again, got it?
princess-frigga-of-asgard replied to your post: one, don’t say YOUR GRANDDAUGHTERS name in vain, two you have been married to Frigga, for at least 12 millenniums. (plenty of fucking, I bet Frigga would LOVE to learn you said that in public internet domain)Immortal or not, everyone’s sex drive dwindles as you age. Three, even if you did need condoms, you’re a king you could get more and Loki has a better chance of getting pregnant then Frigga (track records in births)
Um….I’m really not a fan of anything that’s going on with this conversation. And can we leave things that involve my uterus between myself and my husband please?
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You're damn right they did.  Just....stop talking about this, and who the hell is that anyway? 
princess-frigga-of-asgard replied to your post: one, don’t say YOUR GRANDDAUGHTERS name in vain, two you have been married to Frigga, for at least 12 millenniums. (plenty of fucking, I bet Frigga would LOVE to learn you said that in public internet domain)Immortal or not, everyone’s sex drive dwindles as you age. Three, even if you did need condoms, you’re a king you could get more and Loki has a better chance of getting pregnant then Frigga (track records in births)
Um….I’m really not a fan of anything that’s going on with this conversation. And can we leave things that involve my uterus between myself and my husband please?
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The Royal Blacksmith, Fygorgyn and his wife had five children.  Alrek, the oldest, who grew to be the official Asgardian Liaison to the 9 realms under Odin.  Brandr and Eirikr were next, they were identical twins and both worked for Odin as well.  Brandr as a commander in the Asgardian Army, and Eirikr as a master swordsman who taught the young men of the realm who elected to become warriors.  Sindri, after Fygorgyn's death took over his father's blacksmithing practice and became one of the most famous blacksmiths in all the 9 realms, and Frigga, the youngest and only daughter married Prince Odin and eventually became the Queen of Asgard. 
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Mamma Frigga and her boys
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Yes, uncles.  I have four brother, love.  Three of whom I still talk to and would love to see us come by.  
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Thinking about making the change back to blonde, but I can't decide which I like better
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I like to think that when Loki and Thor were little, they’d fall asleep while playing and Frigga would carry them to bed.
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can we just take a moment to imagine Frigga’s face when Odin brought home an infant from a war?
“Hey, honey! I’m back from Jotunheim! Here, have a baby.”
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Frigga was up early with Baldr, but she sensed that something was wrong and she set Baldr down in his crib and went to check on her boys.  She made her way down the hall and saw Loki lying down on the sofa, "Oh Loki," She knelt down and put her hand on his forehead, "Honey, you're burning up.  What happened sweetheart?" 
Sick [Open]
Loki groaned, rolling out of his bed and hugging his Teddy tightly. He shuffled out into his living room, coughing as he climbed onto the couch, It was much too hot, hotter then it usually was. His stomach ached and his head felt light, beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face. He curled up on his side, still hugging his teddy before he closed his eyes again.
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What's going on, is there anything I can help you with? You know I'll do whatever I can.
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I need to sleep, but I am restless… 
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Restless, my love? Is something bothering you?
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I need to sleep, but I am restless… 
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Here's some smoking ones
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And here's some happy
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And here's a few shirtless
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Let me know if there's anything else you want, I can probably find it.
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Hold on, I'm getting on Skype :) 
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princess-frigga-of-asgard replied to your post:  
*cough*I know someone you can make *cough*
Pfft— you need a MULTITUDE of characters.
But I can’t play boys. D:
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