priismata-a · 2 years
So long, and thanks for all the memories!
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((Hey everyone! Sora here with a really big announcement: 
((I’m officially retiring from RPing on Tumblr.
((I know this may come as a big shock to some of you, but I’ve been giving this some thought for a while now. I remember I used to tell myself that there would eventually be a point where I stopped RPing on Tumblr, and I guess that day has finally come. I just really haven’t had the motivation to return and do stuff with any of my blogs as I’ve been caught up with other things in life. Work keeps me busy on the weekdays, and my games do the same on weekends. And admittedly, Tumblr has stressed me out from time to time in the years I was on here with keeping up with threads and asks and whatnot, so I think ultimately this is the best way forward for me.
((To all those that I have met, from my very first RP partners to those more recent to those that I’ve barely reached out to, thank you so so much for your support, kindness, and friendship. I’ve made lots of great memories while being on this site, and I’ve definitely made some lifelong friends here. I can’t put into words how much I’m grateful to have been a part of your roleplay community. It’s had its ups and downs, but it’s been a fun ride through and through. But now, it’s time for me to move on.
((But! This isn’t the end of me roleplaying. I’m far from done doing so, and I would love to continue being able to do so. For now, all my blogs will be archived, not outright deleted. There are still some fun posts there that I don’t have the heart to wipe out right away. But as I will no longer be active on Tumblr, if you still wish to continue chatting and roleplaying with me, you can continue to do so on my Discord! I’ll still keep Tumblr IMs and my askbox open for a while longer so I can give you my Discord tag. I know a majority of you already have me on Discord, but for those that don’t, you can catch me there!
((This has been Sora/Kao on Tumblr! I bid you all farewell/see you later on Discord!
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((Once again:
((I’m officially retiring from Tumblr RP. ((You can catch me on Discord (message me if you want my tag). ((Thank you so so much to everyone who’s supported me here!
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priismata-a · 3 years
((If you’re seeing this post, then congratulations, you’ve survived the purge.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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guess who’s back (back again)
anywho - sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, life kicked my ass. commissions are rising from the grave once again. 
for those unaware, i was in a car accident in september and it fucked up my truck something fierce. i was unscathed luckily, and we were able to find a new car for me. however it’s my sole responsibility to pay for it - and it’s $214 a month. i’m currently job-hunting, and until i find a job that i can hopefully keep for more than three weeks, commissions are… really all i can rely on for the time being. if donations are sent rather than commissions, the sender receives a thank-you drawing based on their interests. just shoot a DM if you’re interested, and i’ll send my ko-fi and/or paypal link! if you yourself are tight on money, please save it for your own needs instead - a signal boost will work just as well!
prices/samples are below the read-more. all models are official characters and have been rightfully credited. vvv
Keep reading
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priismata-a · 3 years
Send me ‘What If’ scenarios for my muse to answer.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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“So let’s see, who said they wanted to adopt me as their daughter or their little sister again?”
She asks as she begins to go through a rather long list of names.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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((I’m planning on adding more verses for Illya, and that includes Gra.nblue and Gen.pact verses.
((I’m debating tho whether to wait for Sne.zhnaya’s release to make the verse or if I should just settle with one of the released regions. Mon.dstadt, I can totally get away with and have her be a knight in training. Decisions, decisions...
((Gra.nblue verse I kinda already had an idea for her being one of the orphaned kids in Stardust Village that is run by Feower and Tien, but there’s a LOT of other possibilities open.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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((OK I seriously need to legit draw out Sirin, Maria Robotnik, and Illya as a Son.ic Her.oes team oh my god
((Maybe I can commission too? It’ll be a long while before I get to do digital art of my own, and traditional is the best I have thus far.
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priismata-a · 3 years
『M E L C H O R』
@priismata​: Illya vc: B-BUT THE S*NIC H*ROES BRANDING!!!
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“That’s already registered under trademark by S*GA! You realize what kinda trouble you’re lining yourself up for by using that? You should be thankful I stepped in when I did before those opportunists in corpo suits came knocking with their c and d! Even us speaking right now is a legal gray area! I should be getting s*ed up my lungs!”
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“So because of the color scheme, I was thinking on going with desserts as your naming scheme. This is really good, because then the opportunity for a collab between E*sy B*ke is available right off the gate…”
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“...But isn’t E*sy B*ke also copyrighted? And by that same logic, can’t I just have a collab with S*nic H*roes?”
She may not exactly know what she’s saying, buuuut she has a pretty good idea of where she wants this to head.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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“Hello! Illya here! I’d like to introduce you to my Son.ic Her.oes team: Team Star!”
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“I’m the leader with Speed, Maria-san’s the Flight, and Sirin-san’s Power! And together, we can do anything! We’ll show everyone the real super power of TEAMWORK!”
@pulchramusae​, @hcstofthevoid​
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priismata-a · 3 years
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priismata-a · 3 years
((Responses may come much more slowly over the next few days. There was a fire that broke out literally next door to me and it burned the power line pole and the power line. Thankfully, nobody was hurt as far as I am aware. However, my neighborhood block now has no power for the next few days or at least until the power company works on replacing the burnt out transformer on top of the power line. That means: I have no home wi-fi.
((I am making this post using my mobile phone’s data, but until the power is restored, I may be limited in what I can do here. Thank you for your understanding and I will see you when the power is back.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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((Illya’s current Pokémon team consists of:
Primarina - “Rina” Alolan Raichu - “Honey” Gardevoir - “Eir” Delphox - “Kai” Torterra - “Terra” Zoroark - “Shade”
((Primarina’s her starter ever since she began her journey as a Trainer. Delphox was a gift from Professor Sycamore and Torterra was from Professor Rowan. Currently, she’s in Galar researching the Dynamax/Gigantamax phenomenon to see if there is a link among this, Mega Evolution, and Z-Moves.
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priismata-a · 3 years
@artificile​ || Random starter!
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“I can see it in her eyes...She looks sad...I can tell...”
Illya sighed as she watched the purple-haired woman make her way towards her room at a distance. The girl then turned her attention back to Hakuno, who she knew had gotten close with said purple-haired woman.
“Do you have an idea why Baal’s like that? You’re usually with her and all.”
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priismata-a · 3 years
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“Um...that little girl in the blue armor...wow, she kinda looks like me!”
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priismata-a · 3 years
"Happy Birthday Illya!" Yuuki has a pretty pink present wrapped for her, with a cute little card on top. It is a microphone for which she can use to practice being an idol.
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"Whoa, you got me a real microphone!" Illya exclaimed with bright sparkling eyes as she unwrapped the pink paper off the gift. The new microphone shone in her hands, a polished black and silver color. At the end where a wire would conventionally be was a Bluetooth beacon. A state-of-the-art microphone indeed, Illya couldn't help but wonder how much it cost Yuuki to buy this for her.
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"Omigosh, Yuuki-san, I-I don't know how I can pay you back for this!" she said. "This must've cost you a lot, wow..." But she cleared her throat and changed her tone of voice, "N-Not to say I'm not thankful for it, though! I really appreciate your gift! Thank you so much!"
...Now to get Shirou on how to set up her fancy new Bluetooth mic.
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priismata-a · 3 years
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“Oh? A challenger to my title of Alolan Champion?”
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priismata-a · 3 years
The young girl was certainly far from home, it must be hard. ❝ This is for you, Illyasviel. ❞ Archer offered a small box, there was a cute heart-shaped pendant with wings and stars, certainly inspired by her kaleidostick. There was also a slightly larger box containing colorful cupcakes with many different frostings ❝ There is also a small celebration prepared for you, Miyu and Chloe. Let me know to get it ready at your convenience. ❞ and with that he stepped away quietly.
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"Oh, wait, Archer-san-" Illya called out after him, but he was already out of the room into the hallway. She let out a small sigh as she stepped back into her room. That Archer in red sure was mysterious, but something about him felt...familiar. Like she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
But she pushed that thought aside for now, as there were two boxes for her to unwrap. She opened the small box to see the pendant, and her eyes sparkled at how cute and beautiful it was. She'd absolutely wear this on her as often as possible. It's just too cute! And upon opening the larger box, Illya immediately picked one of the pink frosted cupcakes and took a bite out of it. Sweet, just the way she liked it. From the frosting to the cupcake itself, every bite was packed with a modest sweetness that didn't overwhelm the taste buds. She had to hand it to the Archer for making such delicious treats. Maybe one day, she should take cooking lessons from him.
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For now, however, she set out of her room to find Miyu and Chloe to share these cupcakes with. Maybe she'd even see that Archer on the way and also offer him one. Sweets do taste even sweeter when shared with friends.
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