prevfmdyejun · 3 years
there will be changes made to him, like age and other things but those i will leave as a surprise, if i end up snatching the 1st pick for him! hurr! i hope none of my picks make any of you worried ;;
i am at a loss of what to do with haneul !
i can see him in either CLOUD as either main dancer, lead rapper, vocal which is similar to his role in VIVE, or i can see him as main dancer, lead vocal. for cloud it’s because its because i love svt discorgraphy but also because of the survival aspect.
or i can see him in CATALYST as either  main dancer, lead rapper, vocal,  main rapper, lead dancer, vocal or main dancer, lead vocal. so we’ll see what happens with him, he is my first bab, so he’d need more of a revamp than yejun would require so i’ll see after the first batch of reserves tomorrow. i know our dear admin will be busy so ;;
but these are just my wants, so if you are eyeing some of these for your muse please dont hesitate to let me know!
other than that, happy revamp to everyone.
may the odds be ever in your favor!
o and yes, i’ll be making new blogs for this as well!
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
hello friends, i’ll try to keep both my muses for the revamp
main vocal ( 1 ): TITAN
lead vocal/lead dancer: PLATINUM
then for HANEUL
im eyeing either CLOUD or CATALYST but for him i will wait until after i see the reserves, since i see many people gunning for the same positions.
so we’ll see!
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
JUN CREATIVE CLAIM ❛ WRITING A SONG FOR @fmdjiah​ ❜         一 writing lyrics for blue / full credit / wc: 760 w/o lyrics
blue is a melancholic, experimental r&b/ballad song that yejun wrote with jiah’s vocals in mind. he thinks she will be able to sing the song with her color and is excited to hear her sing it.
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when jiah had asked him to write for her, he jumped at the opportunity; after a small talk with her about what she would like, they settled on a melancholy ballad. from that point, he had gotten practically creative freedom about what to write. yejun was honored that jiah trusted him with that; they had been friends for so long; if anything, it might be a given that she had faith in him.
the melody had been set in stone already; all he needed now was the lyrics, complete creative freedom, but there was still some pressure on his shoulders.
yejun lay down on his couch, looking up at the ceiling, and he started thinking about what he associated with feeling melancholic. to be gloomy or sobering thoughtfulness; when he closed his eyes, he saw the color blue. a common saying when someone is sad is to say they feel blue; a smile crept upon his face. the irony of it all, the color blue used to be yejun's favorite color.
it was a nice name for a title; it set the mood immediately.
coming up with lyrics for a song, for him, usually started with the pre-chorus and chorus, and if he were to draw inspiration somewhere for a time, he was feeling blue. yejun still vividly remembered the feelings he had been left with after breaking up with his first love, the way sadness had come over him for a while, and how he was changing. 
"my heart turned blue."
he said the sentence out loud before seating himself, looking at the notepad in front of him. there he wrote blue in big capital letters as he started grinding his brain for how to word things, so they sound bittersweet.
my heart was turning blue, became a wilted scent
thinking about the past usually brought someone pain, but he had gotten over those feelings; now, they were just fuel for his songwriting when he needed to feel sadness. to be wilted, he did feel wilted for a while after the breakup. it didn't last too long because there had never been enough time to mourn, but he remembers how occasionally he'd call out her name from time to time.
there's no name when i call your name; it rings out like an echo
in many ways, yejun's first love became one of the reasons he drifted away from the color blue even if he didn't think about it properly, but yejun remembers how drawn he had been to the color red. yejun continues to write. 
you are my blue
he sings the sentences aloud to himself to make sure they fit the melody; if his lyrics don't work, it would all be useless in the end. then his gears started grinding, and after many different versions, he had settled on the chorus. yejun rubbed his temples, not much time had passed, and he felt content with his progress.
in the distance, he could hear his cats run and jump about, it was a short distraction before he shook his head to ensure he would focus on the task at hand. now that he had settled for both the pre-chorus and chorus, he needed to write the introductory first verse; it was the second most important thing. the first verse was there to capture the emotion from the beginning and as he hummed the melody to himself, to get the feeling of bittersweetness, recollecting the thoughts and feelings he had back then.
white night is beautiful but it's even colder tonight match my gaze one more time, a bit more
it was a whole process but he didn't want to present the song for jiah until he had the lyrics done, so there he sat writing about things that could bring out the melacholic feeling in people. even if something is beautiful, when your heart is broken you feel at a loss; one feels cold. sometimes ones personality changes, yejun taps his feet to the beat of the song and sings the lyrics he's written. drawing circles around words, where he has notes on how she should sing.
he wasn't sure how long he had been sitting there, yejun hadn't looked at the clock once but when he had finished his first draft the clock was close to 11pm.
the next day, yejun grabbed his notepad again and this time sat down by his desk. to re-read what he had written, change the way sentences were built and make sure what he had written suited the melody. this didn't take as long as writing the lyrics itself took but after a few hours he was finished. he took a picture of his work, blurred things out so the words couldn't be read and sent a picture to jiah over kakaotalk.
" it's done! "
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
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一 예준 ❛ HAIRSTYLES OF: 2008 - 2010 ❜ 
for his first two years as an idol, they kept his hair rather simple which he appreciated. thanks to that his hair was healthy and well for the first two years, after that there were experimental with it but looking back on this. if he were to say a style he preffered in his early days he would have to say the long, styled hair he had for ‘ come back again ’ and then ‘ lucifer ’ ( bottom row ). there was just something about that hair that made him feel confident, yejun also thought he looked mysterious and attractive with it.
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
age has a number but schedules don’t.
not when he’s past the thirty mark, and promotions have him smack dab middle of some childhood ploy, straightening out the wrinkles in lieu of not fitting any concept at hand. 
when taejin’s finally given a saving breath in a form of a break, exasperation runs in the form of a mini-fit, his head thrown back on the chair, sloppy execution of his posture and palms pressed against his face. there’s a voice that calls not too far, too familiar that it runs like family at this point. “we’re old, we’ve been old. the only people that don’t know this appears to be bc.” taejin sarcastically replies when he slips a peek past his fingers towards his own member.
“we shouldn’t be doing this, but logistically speaking, what top brand wants to hire a group like ours who are old news?” it’s a question with no answer — no answers given when the obvious is all that dictates each small step of their careers. old and consistent, and bc will take what they can get. “i’m almost mid-thirties, and i’m still supposed to have an alterego of some sorts? looks like bc hasn’t done much to get caught up, so we do what we always have done thus far — deal with it.”
yejun rests his elbow on his knee, while resting his chin in the palm of his hand he makes a disgruntled face. it was only apparent for a few moments but he quickly hides it behind his fingers. pretending to take a rest, he closed his eyes but if anyone would see through this, it would have been taejin; no one knew him better, they’d already spent thirteen years together.
even though yejun wasn’t a fan of the way taejin spoke about decipher, he couldn’t help but agree; a newer and fresher group would suit this better than them. 
“ apparently your alter ego is someone gluttonous, ” the thought itself made yejun laugh, he tilts his head to look at the older one while nodding; sarcasm dripping from every word that he spoke, “ i can totally see that hyung, you are clearly notorious for being gluttonous. ” who in bc thought this was a good idea? couldn’t they have given them a brand that suits their image? or were they trying to relive decipher’s debut days again, “ it suits you! ”
hearing taejin say they should just deal with, leaves a bitter taste in his mouth; one would think, when you were years into their careers they would have more power over their concepts but no, “ i still think your alterego is better than mine, shy and timid... who? ”
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 002: NOT ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 10- 15
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( 10 ) what is your most used app?
“ my most used app. i think twitter, instagram, melon music player and spotify; it has to be one of these apps, because whenver someone release a song i always try to listen to their songs on melon first and foremost. then i don’t post anything on twitter but i like to scroll down and see what our fans say. instagram i use to post pictures of my cats! ”
( 11 ) what should someone do to win your heart?
“ a difficult question, i think if someone is true to themselves and is honest, is one of the fastest ways to my heart. oh, they should also love cats because i have four and if they don’t like cats it would be a deal breaker. so then i guess, liking cats is the most important thing for me in the end. if my cats dont like them and they don’t like cats, what’s the use? ”
( 12 ) what do you want for your next birthday?
“ for my next birthday, i would love for my fans to graduate school safely, get into the university that they want. if you have already graduated and are in unversity, i think i’d like for everyone to work hard on their studies. so they can get a good job when they are done, to support themselves. taking care of yourselves is the most important thing after all. ”
( 13 ) what do you consider to be your most charming feature/trait?
 “ here there are some contestants, first my eyes, i like my eyes which might be unsual but i like them. second i like my smile, i think that my smile is one of my best features. if i am allowed to toot my own horn. then last i think... my butt, my but tis pretty and i’m very proud of it. who wouldn’t be if they had a butt like mine? ”
( 14 ) what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
“ ice cream, i miss ice cream but my favorite flavors have to be; vanilla, pistachio and chocolate ice cream. those three, or even chocolate and pistachio together are one of the best things that have been invented in the ice cream world. i do like all kinds of ice creams but those three, are my top! ”
( 15 ) how should i ask out the person i like?
“ how cute!  i recconmend doing something original and cute for them, maybe put stickers on their desk or in their desk. complimenting them or motivating them for something they are doing? then you should try to get close to the person, to get a feel if they are either single or interested in someone. then when you know these things, you should confess! ”
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 002: NOT ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 1 - 6       ↳ mentioned: bee, wish & lipstick!
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( 1 ) what is your goal for this year/next year?
“ a goal i have for this or next year, since this year is almost up i’ll go with next year. and for next year i have a very simple goal and that is to release music of my own. that i have taken part in the production, with either lyrics, composing or producing. i would like to take part in it all but that is my goal, so by the end of next year i hope to have released at least one mini-album! ”
( 2 ) what song would you want to sing to or play for someone you like?
“ there are a few songs i would like to sing for someone i like but i think one of the main songs i’d love to sing, is kim dong ryul’s say i love you again? romance isn’t easy for me and i think that song hold a lot of meaning. to tell someone i love them, either for the first or second time. it takes courage from someone; especially someone like me. ”
( 3 ) what’s your favorite scent?
“ i don’t usually wear a lot of colongue, because it can irritate my skin but there are a few that i do like to wear is kiehl’s original musk, the smell is musky but with hints of floral, citrus and rose. there are more as well but these are the ones at the top of my head; it suits both women and men as well, it’s unisex which is something i like about it. ”
( 4 ) if you spent one day with a fan, where would you go and what would you do?
“ in all honesty, i think it would be fun to go to an amusement park with a fan. there would be people around and everything, so as special fan service we could buy matching headbands and i’ll try and win a teddy bear of sorts for the fan. oh and i would of course take rides with them as well. it all depends on what they are comfortable with but i’d make sure they are havinbg fun. ”
( 5 ) what new concept do you want to try showing fans?
“ at this age and with all the years i’ve been an idol, i feel like we have almost tried it all. though i would love to try something that can only be associated with decipher? we are all aproaching our 30s, so i’d like to do something sexy, or suave! it feels embnarassing to say that myself but it’s what i think would be nice. ”
( 6 ) which girl group do you like the most recently?
“ girl group... recent? i will be a good sunbae here and promote wish’s comeback song and of course, always supporting bee for my good friend there. i hope everyone is looking forward to bee’s comeback. i am sure they will release another summer hit, we can trust them to do that. oh and then there is lipstick as well, they made their comeback. ”
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
famedkrp fan sign meme
send a number for the question to be answered with an in-character response in the context of a post-it note or a verbal question from a fan at a group or solo fan sign. the answer given to the fan does not have to be entirely honest and should be public image appropriate. the intention of the meme is to explore a muse’s public image and interactions with fans! many of these questions were taken from real life idol-fan fan sign interactions.
please tag answers with #fmdmeme002. every 6 questions answered with a minimum of four sentences can count for 2 points on your points tracker (please link the fmdmeme002 tag on your blog to validate the points on your tracker) up to a maximum of 10 points. each question may only count toward points once.
please do your best to send a message to everyone who reblogs the meme and if someone sends you a number or numbers, please send some back to them. you must be sending numbers to other members if others have reblogged the meme recently to collect your points.
what is your goal for this year/next year?
what song would you want to sing to or play for someone you like?
what’s your favorite scent?
if you spent one day with a fan, where would you go and what would you do?
what new concept do you want to try showing fans?
which girl group do you like the most recently?
which boy group do you like the most recently?
what soloist do you like the most recently?
what song have you been listening to a lot that you would recommend to fans?
what is your most used app?
what should someone do to win your heart?
what do you want for your next birthday?
what do you consider to be your most charming feature/trait?
what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
how should i ask out the person i like?
what’s the secret behind your good looks?
what do you think of fans of the same gender as you?
what is the most recent thing that made you happy?
what is your happiness level these days on a scale from 0 to 100?
can you give some inspiring words for someone going through a hard time?
what words of advice would you give to someone studying for their college exam?
give yourself a percent ranking from 0 to 100 in the following categories: cute, cool, and sexy.
what place do you want to travel to the most?
what language would you like to learn?
what is the first thing you think of when someone mentions your fans?
what is your favorite movie/book you’ve seen/read recently?
what are your recent wishes?
what are the requirements for your ideal type?
what job would you want if you weren’t an idol?
what is a hobby you’d like to pick up?
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
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takes an interest in music production in 2010.
has the passion for music to work for it but that isn’t the only reason, he wants to earn money and live a good life and to him. he can pay off his debt faster he if also takes part in producing/composing/writing songs.
he wants to live a good life for his grandmother
starts reading more books to get a better vocabulry to express different emotions and feelings, also starts studying how to write poems and writes poems down in a black notebook.
in 2011 he starts learning how to play the piano in between his schedules, he makes sure to record himself.
in 2012 his work on writing lyrics pays off and he writes a total of four songs for decipher, 2 where he is co-writer and two where he is the sole lyricist. 
he is extremely proud of this, even if they aren’t the most well known songs. to him it sybolizes the start of his journey as a lyricist!
in 2013 he takes another step and is the sole lyricist of their title track: VIEW. for this album he also takes part in producing the music for the first time
is also the year where he decides to start learning a new instrument: guitar
in 2015 he buys an electronic drumset.
he continues to write songs, in 2015-2016 he co-writes and is co-producer on three songs for two different albums.
after having started to learn how to write and produce music, he also begins to play around with composing his own songs by using his voice as a way to find a melody.
the first half of 2017 is the worst time for him, he is in a slump because of little news of decipher’s comeback. 
a part of him blames himself, he wonders if he could write or compose better, maybe they would have had a comeback sooner.
his songs don’t get choosen to be on their mini-albums for over a year until they have a comeback and now he’s upgraded: he has started taking more part in production and co-writes and produces two songs for decipher’s 2019 mini album: Q IS.
his streak continues in 2020 and this year he co-writes three songs on their comeback album onme of the songs being the title track: love paint.
then he takes it a step up and co writes and produces music for three songs on their next album in 2020, one of the songs here being title track: where you at.
yejun wants to one day write and at least compose and co-produce for his own solo album, he doesn’t know when he will release it or if bc is going to allow him to do so but he has the desire. 
he thinks he’s skilled enough in the vocal department, it is in the producing and composing department that he still needs practice.
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 001: ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 11 - 16       ↳ mentioned: @durifmd , @fmdhyunsoo , @fmddaisuke @fmdjiah & @fmdminah
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( 11 ) if you could do any special stage, what would it be and who would it be with?
“ special stage? with anyone? this is a difficult question because there are so many talented idols these days, multiple that are more talented than me; excuse me for cheating but i will pick from bc only and excluding my members. in bc i would love to do a special stage with a main vocal from each group, i think that would make for a really interesting stage? duri, maverick, hyunsoo, daisuke, jiah and minah and i am embarrassed to say i am not familiar with the newer groups… but their main vocals should be included as well! ”
( 12 ) what career opportunities would you like to pursue that you’ve yet to, or what achievements would you like to obtain that you’ve yet to?
“ a solo career? i see so many that have pursued already, i just haven’t felt ready yet. i think i have been too attached to being a member of decipher and that has become a part of my identity. i will say that i am slowly gettering there, i hope my fans will be patient a little more. i don’t want to disappoint anyone when i do decide to start a solo career. i also want to be able to sing the ost for a drama that i am in, i think that would be fun but i am not sure about that one. ”
( 13 ) if you could become a model or ambassador for any brand, what would you choose?
“ there are a few i could think of, since i have become older i like to think that my taste has matured a little so, i’d love to be the model for a fragrance? i would also love to represent the korean animal rights movement, i am a proud father of four cats myself and i love animals. i really dislike it when i read horrible cases in the media of animals being abused, or used for cosmetic purposes. so if i get the chance i would not hesitate to represent them and hopefully, my fame could be used for something like that. ”
( 14 ) if you could be on any variety show, which one (or which type of one) would you want to be on?
“ there are so many shows to chose from but i think, maybe the ones that are at the top of my head would be ‘ i live alone ’, i could show off my cats there. then there is ‘ king of masked singer ’, for the obvious reason where i would love to sing and see who would be able to guess if its me or not. also ‘ i can see your voice ’ as either a member of decipher or by myself, to try and guess who can sing or not seems fun? there are too many to choose from but these are the ones i would personally love to be on. ”
( 15 ) if you were offered the chance to become a ceo of an entertainment company, new or existing, would you take it? why or why not?
“ i don’t think so? i have been an idol for 13 years now, i can’t really see myself being a ceo of a company. it seems inherently stressful but also i just want to sing. when would i have time to release music if i were to also supervise and watch over idols? that seems like an impossible task for me. i can’t really remember the last time bc’s ceo released a song and i can’t help but wonder if he misses it. i didn’t release any songs in 2017, i sang some osts but i didn’t release any music with decipher and it felt really empty for me. ”
( 16 ) what changes would you implement if you were the ceo of your company?
“ for the ceo to actually know his artists more? i think that is what our ceo lacks, a more personable attitude. it’s really difficult to approach him, as i mentioned i’ve not seen him on many occasions. mostly because i also avoid him, it’s very awkward to be in the same room as him. it’s incredibly formal and professional, i started out as a product sure but to imagine i still am a product in his eyes. it just makes me feel uncomfortable. so if anything, i would want him to be more personable, that way we don’t feel so uncomfortable. ”
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 001: ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 23 - 30 / 20-22 here       ↳ mentioned:
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( 23 ) out of the following six options, would you rather be allowed to play a major hand in the lyrics, production, choreography, styling, music videos, or concepts you release?
" i think what i work in already speaks for itself doesn't it? but i'll explain it here as well; i would rather have a major hand in the lyrics, production and concept we release as a group and as a solo artist. i think that is what has the potential to leave traces, sure a music video, choreography and styling are great but for me it's the music that makes everything. when the concept and song are just right, that is when everything else that follows also falls into place? if the song is bad, a good music video can only do so much after all. "
( 24 ) which of the two other companies (out of bc, dimensions, and gold star) you are not currently signed under would you rather be an artist in?
" isn't this a pretty difficult question for me? i don't know how to measure them because in my eyes all of the above are pretty similar in their ways but if anything, i guess gold star media? the ceo there seems the most personable out of the three, when i auditioned gold star media wasn't even a company yet. i don't think i would have auditioned for them back then since they were a new company, things have worked out well for them though regardless. but yes, i think i would rather be in gold star media, my reason is very simple. "
( 25 ) what is your least favorite part of being an idol?
" least favorite part about being an idol, in the beginning, it was the lack of sleep and freedom for sure. now as i have gotten older i still view think that lack of sleep is one of the worst things about being an idol. for those that have family, i am sure there are other things that are important as well. such as not being able to see their family, i can't really relate to that but i can see why that would be difficult as well. if anything, i regret not being able to visit my grandmother's grave more often. "
( 26 ) what is your favorite part of being an idol?
" my favorite part about being an idol is hands down getting up on stage and singing, though i am already this old. i am not sure if it's alright to call me an idol anymore but every time i go on stage, i always feel happy. unless it is something that has happened, there has rarely been a moment in my career where going on stage caused me to feel frustrated or stress. if anything it relieves it. sure there have been moments where going on stage hasn't been the solution but the majority of the time, going on stage is my favorite thing as an idol. "
( 27 ) would you rather be incredibly famous with a terrible reputation and hated by most or be fairly unknown with a good reputation and adored by those who know of you? why?
“ why are the questions like this? but still isn’t it better to have a good reputation but be rather unknown? because at least then you wouldn’t be in any scandals and your songs and music could still do fairly well regardless amongst the people that like you? i do think that is the most important thing for me, to sing on stage for the people that like me. ”
( 28 ) what moment in your career are you proudest of so far?
“ i will be shameless and say that i think our first release of 2018 was my happiest and proudest because we came back after a year of not releasing anything. seeing the album do well regardless, considering we were on our tenth year, despite our members and their different interests. it shows how good our friendship is and i think that is what makes me the proudest. ”
( 29 ) what have you learned about yourself and/or society since becoming a celebrity?
“ i have learned that people change after they receive fame and money, even i have changed to some degree. i think a few years after debut the change was more prominent. i thought that i would always be in great shape and have the same energy but i don’t and now i have to work harder. i have to work hard to be a role model, but it’s difficult and i wish i didn’t have to work so hard. ”
( 30 ) what would you like to change about how society views or treats idols?
“ i think if i were to change anything, it would have to be how they expect us to be so perfet all the time. going on my 13th year, with barley any big scandals under my belt is difficult. i am sure there are not one person alive, that can go through their life and not make mistakes. we get punished so heavily for them, the most by the public and i think i would like that to change. their view on us as produts, we are people too. ”
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 CLOSED STARTER for ❛ @fmdtaejin​​​ ❜      ↳ Q3 SCHEDULE, spoonz mv shooting
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yejun had made sure of one thing, that when the staff and crew looked at him; he would appear cheerful but in reality, this was the kind of concept that he thought decipher wasn’t really suited to do anymore. sure it would be great fanservice, their fans would most likely love this一 seeing their mature idols, doing this.
he lets out a long sigh and sits next to taejin, they had written the song together一 yejun had taken charge when recording but it still didn’t mean that he liked the concept, it was a fun experience but “ aren¨t we a little old to be doing this? ” he says, tilting his head over to look at taejin for a moment, brows lifted before he tunrs back to look at the set.
it was cute.
everything about it was cute.
yejun is known amongst the members and fans as someone that can’t act cute, even though everyone says he acts cute naturally一 he doesnt get it, “ no matter how i look at this, we shouldn’t be doing this. hyung aren’t we thirty already? ”
so he whines to taejin about it, its usually what he does being the 2nd oldest it was his privilege to whinie to him, but also to hear out taejin when he was struggling, even if they were two yearaa apart; they’d trained together and been idols for thirteen years already, that two year difference felt insignificant now.
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
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一 예준 ❛ FAVORITE TYPE OF SONGS: BALLADS ❜ ♫ / 26 songs
if there is one genre of songs that yejun likes more than others, it is a good ballad. for his audition he sang seunggi’s because you are my woman and kim dong ryul’s song say “i love you” again, goose’s dream, and dai’s wild flower are some of his favorite songs to sing when he is at karaoke; or by himself, singing for his cats. it might consist of more than a few osts as all of the songs that get released fall under the pop genre, ballads can be seen as too boring. so if someone asks yejun, he’ll say a good ost to drama have the power to deliver a good balad to a public that is incredibly exposed to pop music. 
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 001: ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 17 - 22       ↳ mentioned: @fmddaisuke, @fmdjongho
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( 17 ) what do you do to relieve the stress of idol life?
“ it has changed with each period, in the start of my career i used to find other ways to explore music? i learned different instruments, i started writing lyrics and poems so that i would always be interested in it. for a period i found that working out really helps me destress, it helped me quite a lot in 2017 when i was incredibly stressed at the time. these days the best stress relief i can have is when i home alone and i spend time with my cats, they heal me, and i forever grateful to them, our tony, thor, loki and hawkeye, dad loves you! ”
( 18 ) what tips would you give to a trainee about to debut?
“ what advice would i give? considering my status it would be meaningful to them right? ah, the pressure. well first i think i would compliment them on having gotten this far? then, i’d tell them in the start it might be rough and you might not sleep enough but it’s important to sleep, so please get enough sleep and don’t push yourself so hard because looking back. i don’t remember much from my schedules in my early years because i was in a daze and so focused. you should take time and enjoy it, if you are in you 20s, enjoy your 20s and if you are in your 10s then remember school is important! ”
( 19 ) what was the hardest part of being a trainee?
“ the hardest part about being a trainee for me would have the be insecurity, would i debut? or would i not debut? i was young back then, i think around 17 when i actually debuted and i spent most of my youth with the company. i felt very restrained and locked up, with strict rules. it made me want to vent out and rebel multiple times and i was probably a handful for our coaches. i am sorry about that. so i think the hardest thing for me was the feeling of being restricted and locked up, having to follow all the rules without having the security of i would debut. ”
( 20 ) did you enjoy the lifestyle of a trainee or of a debuted idol more?
“ i prefer being an idol hands down, yeah. there is no doubt i prefer this lifestyle, especially now. it’s freer than being a trainee and this way i can also earn money to support myself and my cats. i also enjoy being on stage with my members and seeing our fans. there is something special about knowing our music has inspired or touched someone, it makes me feel rather content and happy. i am happy with my current life so i am happier being an idol than i am a trainee, trainees has it hard feeling insecure if they will debut or not. this is better haha.. ”
( 21 ) what one song or album by another group or soloist would you have liked to release yourself?
" if there are multiple songs, that i would have liked to release for myself or for decipher. i think first if i were to pick for myself i would have loved to release a song like wild flower? it is such a beautiful song, with lyrics to match and the vocals on the track is great as well. i would have loved to be able to put my own touch on it. then for decipher, there are multiple sung by our junior groups; first, i think don't wanna cry would have been great to release when we were in our early 20s. i also would have loved to release knight's what is love? it is just down my lane."
( 22 ) describe your dream sub-unit (members and concept).
" perfect dream-sub unit? you know i think i would love to show my ability to dance as well? wouldn't that be fun? so if i could be in a sub-unit with jongho, i think that would be fun and then we could release songs that are grown and mature? as a sub-unit. maybe something fun like unity's "baby don't stop", something like that would be fun to release and i would love to do something like that. if i get the chance one day. our concept would be mature and grown, add some experienced flavor to the current youth we have in the industry. "
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 CLOSED STARTER for ❛ @fmdjiah​​ ❜      ↳ Q3 SCHEDULE, dated. early september
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yejun let a heavy breath out of his mouth as he finished practice for the day, the family concert had got him excited but when he realized all the songs he would have to make sure his body remembered he felt a little horrified. thankfully it didn’t feel too foreign; his body still remembered the essential parts of choreographies. even replay, a song he had debuted with in 2008一 13 years later he was still performing it.
he was thankful that he had such a long career, with memorable songs but, a part of him also wondered how much longer they would continue this life一 he was getting older after all.
he gathered his things, threw his dufflebag over his shoulder and made sure the practice room was ready to be used by someone else before leaving. 
as he left he saw a familiar face and he waved at her cheerfully, “ jiah ah,” he walked on over to her, “ what are you doing here at this hour? ” looking at her he couldn’t help but smile, they had known each other for such a long time and seeing her now was like seeing an old friend; though in the past he admitted to havign a crush on her, that never went anywhere and now they were just good friends but it was a fond memory for him regardless.
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ FAMED QUESTION MEME 001: ACCEPTING ❜       ↳ Q 1 - 6       ↳ mentioned: @durifmd , @fmdsamsoo & @jihanfmd
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( 1 ) what is your favorite single you’ve released?
" out of all the songs we've released, is it cheating to say that it is impossible for me to choose only one favorite single? but if we are picking only from singles, then i would have to say destiny is my favorite single we have released. i do like it better than nothing is over, since it shows off every member, also shows off how synchronized we were? still, are? as a team一 we are getting a little older now so we don't have that same energy, when i look back at our earlier releases there is an energy there that gives me strength. destiny gives me that energy when i listen to it. "
( 2 ) what are your favorite b-sides/non-title tracks you’ve released?
" can i be completely shameless and say i like the b-sides that i have written and produced? but out of the songs i have produced and written, i think alarm clock holds a special place for me since it is the first song that i co-wrote and got put on an album. other than that i like better off and symptoms, i think the members' voices really come through in those songs. i really do enjoy listening to these songs when i write music, it gives me inspiration and it makes me remember the motivation i had during my 20s, there is something magical about that. "
( 3 ) what is your least favorite song (title track or b-side) you’ve released?
" i am now just speaking from personal preference, of course, i do love most of our releases but then there are some that i feel suited us back then but now they don't suit us as much anymore. it has to be a tie between she's back and nothing is over, there is just something about those songs when i look back at them that makes me cringe. they are also rather forgettable songs, we've released more memorable songs both before or after that that i prefer over these two songs. so if i can, i choose not to perform them unless its a request from a fan. which is rare. "
( 4 ) if you could do a duet with anyone in the industry, who would you choose?
" a duet with anyone? well i will not be cheezy and say one of my members because those are the obvious picks, but i think if i could choose anyone, if there is an opportunity at one point to sing with knight's duri? if i had to choose someone from BC, then if i had to choose one from each company, i'd go with samsoo from unity and origin's jihan. but these are just my preferences, who i think my voice would suit, i also think that they would be fun stages if we got to perform together, don't you agree? "
( 5 ) what do you think of your/your group’s concept?
" concept. group concept. what is even our concept anymore? mature idols? there is something odd about it all because looking back we have tried multiple different concepts over the years since 2008 and until now, however, if there is one thing we have had in common it's our consistency and that is something i can appreciate. in our earlier debut days, we had a next-door-boy kind of concept, which was fine when we were younger but now we are leaning towards more mature concepts, which i think suits us well and i am excited to explore this side of us more. "
( 6 ) what is one thing (a concept, a genre, an outfit, etc.) you would least like your company make you do?
" what i would least like them to do? at this age, i would really hate to do an overly cute concept, where we have to act like something we aren't. it would be incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for me at least, to act cute and innocent一 especially when we clearly aren't? who would believe that men in their 30s were cute and innocent? what would that be ok. so, if i can have a say in our concepts, i will heavily reject anything that is remotely cute and pure because i would rather not lie to our fans like that. "
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prevfmdyejun · 3 years
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when he was younger, yejun liked the cool blue and as he got a little into his twenties he liked the color red, for passion. as he approached his 30s and entered them, he found that the color purplle suits him. purple falls somewhere in between the serenity of blue and the passionate red. purple has always been associated with wealth and royalty, because purpole dye was difficult to come by in the past. the lights in yejun’s studio are also a neon purple and his pillows as well. 
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