So you're telling me Alex did ALL of this shit to be FRIENDS with the liars? THEN WHY DID SHE TORTURE THEM. AND WHY DID SHE TAKE EZRA?! IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE MARLENE
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Things I don't understand about PLL season 7B
- where Wren went and why was he even back? - why Spencer has so many clothing changes in each episode? (Hi Twincer theory) - how there are so many supposed twins floating around Rosewood? What is in the Rosewood water that makes women produce TWO BABIES AT ONCE AND THEN MAKE THEM KEEP ONE AND SEND THE OTHER AWAY BECAUSE THEY CRAZY?????? - how they have time for KISSING AND HAVING SEX WHEN THERE ARE ANSWERS TO BE FOUND? - how A.D literally set a phone on fire? - how Aria just left said phone to burn a hole in her damn floor? - how Toby grew that beard in around 2 days (time doesn’t pass in Rosewood, Ali doesn’t have a baby bump but Toby’s got a face full of hair) - how the police haven’t arrested their asses straight away with all this evidence they have against them? - how the writers can even TRY to make us believe queen Mona is A.D? We weren’t born yesterday. - how we have TWO EPISODES LEFT AND LITERALLY ZERO ANSWERS!?! - how I’m still invested in this plot hole party of 7 years.
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The BIGGEST shock of this whole finale was Emily’s Caucasian babies. Neither wren nor emily had blonde hair and blue eyes or twins in the family.
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Pull them in with an intense mystery about a missing teen and an anonymous torturer only for it all to turn out to be a twin with a bad accent.
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I am so baffled by Lucas. I expect a red herring in PLL, but he had a genuine friendship with Charles and all that comic book crap. Why create a storyline and literally abandon it? I’m not surprised in the slightest, which is another issue in itself.
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Someone changed his Wikipedia page omg 😂😂
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PLL Questions
@welcometorosewood posted this and I would like to answer what I can. I hope this helps. I don’t mean this to be sarcastic I just really wanted to help answer where I could:
 Plot Holes/unanswered questions: 
1. What was the point of the puzzle pieces of the puzzle image meant nothing? The image wasn’t necessarily important it was just the code for the augmented reality. Alex just wanted to make it a game to torture the liars. 

2. How was that not related to Archer or Bethany Young’s drawings? See answer to question 1 

3. Speaking of which, how is Bethany not more relevant to this? Because her degrees of separation got bigger meaning Alex had no attachment to her, CeCe hated her and Mona just knew she was involved. She was a mean girl with a big mouth who got in the way.

4. If Bethany isn’t relevant then what does this picture that Marlene posted from the finale mean? Is she just a bad speller? I’m not sure what you are referring to here so unfortunately I can’t answer very sorry! 
5. Why impregnate Ali with Emily’s eggs? What was the point of that? It’s one of the worse ways of violating somebody. It took the decision to get pregnant out of Alison’s hands and forced Emily to watch her friend/girlfriend go through this while thinking it wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t donated 

6. Why was a Melissa mask necessary? Here I just believe it was in case any of the girls caught Mona she could run off. 

7. What was the point of holding Ezra captive? Aria getting married breaks up the group. So Ezra running away keeps them all together. Plus he started figuring out Alex wasn’t Spencer and if he told Aria, Alex’s plan was ruined

8. Why did A.D. favor Aria so much and pull her to the dark side? Aria asked to go to the dark side. This gave Alex so much control over her.

9. Also Alex climbed in bed next to Aria and said she would love her the most. Why did she have such a soft spot for Aria? Probably because she thought they had a bond once Aria joined the dark side 

10. If Wren broke out Mona from Welby, then when was he killed? Didn’t we just see him at the airport? Mona was put in Welby after the events of 7x19 so Alex killed him sometime during the year jump for 7x19 to 7x20
11.Why did Alex kill him? He wasn’t being agreeable with the plan any more. So he wasn’t worth keeping around. 

12. Was Melissa ever even in this episode or was that Mona? If not, where is she? In the very beginning when she asks Spencer to move out of the barn that’s Melissa the Melissa in the hood is Mona

13. What the point of this picture of a burned person? I liked the fan theory better than the actual ending in which Bethany was burned during the Jenna Thing and that gave her more motive. Again I don’t know what you are referring to I’m sorry! 
14. What was the purpose of Ali and Bethany being pen pals? Ali saw it as leverage over her mother. Bethany saw it as leverage over them. They were both emotional. 

15. What purpose did Sara Harvey serve and why make her both Red Coat and Black Widow? She is a puppet. Because it’s confusing and makes it hard to figure out who is hurting you. 

16. What was the point of Bethany’s drawings? It shows her twisted mindset 

17. What was the relevance of the Carissimi group again? Wasn’t Jason involved somehow? No Jason wasn’t involved. The Carissimi group was basically a way for Jessica to get money from her accounts to CeCe. It’s like the cover companies crime gangs will make money hard to track

18. And how did Jenna and Noel become involved? They decided that the girls deserved to be punished and got in too deep they were disposable to Alex. Jenna wanted to see so she help
ed Alex for the money did her job, got the money didn’t see and that was it.
19. Why were Alex and Mary Drake both at the blind school in 7x10 but they were playing for opposing sides? Who shot Spencer? 
Alex shot Spencer. They were playing two different games.
20. At what point did Wren and Melissa break up and he met Alex? The timeline seems off.
 Wren and Melissa broke up sometime around CeCe revealing that she was A.
21. What was the point of Lucas’ comic book? Why was this never mentioned again? It’s something they find it shows CeCe’s mindset. It starts the development that maybe CeCe couldn’t be cured. The comic itself didn’t matter just the mindset CeCe was in 

22. What was Ian filming? Who was beach hottie? What was the point of NAT club?
 Which time? I’m not sure which video you are referring to. Beach hottie was Wilden. Marlene mentioned in an interview recently that the NAT club was simply boys who decided to film people without them knowing as a power trip. They grew out of it but when the videos started getting ouot they started getting into trouble i.e. Garrett
23. Why did Jessica DiLaurentis tell Bethany to call her aunt?
 Honestly who know Jessica was super sketchy she may have just been trying to get Bethany to trust her.
24. Why would CeCe dress as Charles in the dollhouse if she’s transgender now? To confuse the girls. They were so sure it was a boy so she played along so she still got her reveal. 

25. How did Cece and Sara Harvey meet?
 It’s never specifically said. I’m assuming that just sometime between Mona losing the game that she met Sara.
26. Who killed Sara Harvey? Noel? Yes Noel killed her it was revealed in 7x12

27. What’s the significance of all the pie references? And pretty eyes?
 The diner was famous for its pie. It’s just something to tell Mona where to meet without giving it away completely. I don’t know what you are refering to with pretty eyes specifically.
28. In a flashback a few seasons ago, Ali comes into Spencer’s house with a bloodied lip and tries to hide it. Who did that to her? In the same interview where she talked about NAT, Marlene mentioned that it was the college students Ali would hang out with. It was to show Ali isn’t as grown up as she thinks

29. What was the purpose of Sydney? How did she and Alex meet? 
Through Jenna, She was just a puppet.
30. Why were so many people wearing yellow tops that night?
 Bethany trying to be Ali Cece also being Ali and and Ali.
31. Who did Spencer hear scream back in the pilot episode?
 Ali when Garrett swung at her with a hockey stick i think but dont forget Spencer is drugged out of her mind .
32. Why is the number 214 constantly brought up? It was several hotel numbers, it was the locker number that Aria used, it’s been seen several times over the course of all the seasons.
 Honestly I didn’t even notice that! (But I watched Bones for years and didn’t notice 445 until the end either). Sorry!
33. How did Alex create this board game? How was she everywhere at once? She very smart apparently or she had help  

34. Why doesn’t she have more motive against Mary Drake who sold her when she was a baby? She wants a family and Mary is family. 

35. Back a few seasons ago, there was a scene where they police had suspects written on a chalkboard. Why was “Dr” Wren in quotations? Is he really a doctor?
 They may have been looking into if he really was a doctor, but as far as we have been told he is in fact a doctor.
36. Why did Bethany have Melissa’s riding helmet?
 Jessica gave it to her.
37. Why did Eddie Lamb recognize Aria in Radley?

38. Was Spaleb real or was that Alex?
 No that was Spencer. Unfortunately (sorry I thought Spaleb was weird)
39. Did Alex kill Yvonne?
 Technically yes since she messed with Toby’s truck and ran them off the road.
40. Who built the dollhouse?
41. Why was Noel helping with the dollhouse? Because he believed the girls should be punished

42. What was the point of all the Alison masks? Masks are creepy. I really think thats what they were banking on.

43. What did Maya know? She knew Ali was alive

44. What is the exact timeline of the night Ali “died”?
 Alison stoleIan’s NAT videos as leverage after he dumped her at Hilton Head. She came home from where she had been hooking up with Ian after Melissa showed up with NAT videos in tow. The girls separate with plans to meet that night. Ali goes to visit Jenna in the hospital. Ali goes to Emily and gives her the snowglobe with the key to the storage locker. The girls meet for the sleepover. Ali drugs them and goes to meet Toby who thanks her for not releasing the video of him and Jenna. Then Ali visits Ezra tells him he can’t get in trouble because they didn’t have sex and Ezra breaks up with her. Then Ali meets up with Ian. Then Jenna, Garrett and Ian break into Alison’s room for the NAT videos. Jenna and Garrett leave and run into Ali in the yard and Garrett “hits” her with the hockey stick. Then Ali meets Spencer and realizes she is on speed (ADD meds). Then she meets Mr. Montgomery and tries to blackmail him. Then she meets CeCe. Then she gets knocked out and buried, then saved by Grunwald. Then Melissa kills Bethany and buries her where Ali was. Finally Ali tells Mona how not to be loser Mona before running off. Whew! Busy night!
45. What was the relevance of Melissa’s suitcase handle if that wasn’t a murder weapon? A misleading “clue”

46. What was the point of Garrett?
 Part of the whole Ali/CeCe mess
47. Who did Noel push down the stairs at that party and why? At UPenn? if you mean that they never explain why but Noel is like a sociopath so who knows.

48. Who put the blood in Spencer’s bag during her interview at Oxford? CeCe

49. Why were Shana and Jenna afraid of Melissa?
 I’m honestly not sure
50. Who sent Toby the text about his mom?
51. Who drove a car into Emily’s house? CeCe

52. Why was Wren seen coloring a picture of a woman in a red coat?
 It was just a clue that he was part of this whole mess
53. Why would Elliot hold such a grudge against Ali if he knew all along Ali didn’t kill CeCe and that she was trying to help her? 
Because he spent however long hearing what a monster Ali was from CeCe he wanted to punish her
54. Also, doesn’t my theory that Elliot is really Wren make more sense since he stole someone’s identity any way?
 I haven’t read the theory you are referring to so I don’t know
55. Did Elliot and Wren know each other before meeting Charlotte and Alex? If they did it isn’t mentioned

56. What happened to Marco Fury?
 I hope he left the police mess that is Rosewood. 
57. What was the significance of the apple farm where Charles supposedly had a connection to Andrew?

58. Who was Leslie Stone? What was her purpose and why did she have multiple pairs of glasses?

59. Who knows about Twincer? Do Peter and Veronica know? Does Melissa know?
 From the beginning no. I assumed Spencer told them after.
60. How did Jenna regain her vision and then lose it again? Sometimes surgerys like that fail. They work and then over time fade. A lot of surgeries to restore sight right now are experimental and just dont work out

61. Why was Spencer shot if Alex didn’t intend to kill her? I’m not sure.

62. How did they catch Aria on that New Hampshire traffic cam?
 I bet a hacking job from A.D.
63. What did Melissa whisper to Peter when they were being questioned at the police station? We never find out

64. Did we ever find out why Bethany killed Toby’s mom? Nope

65. Who was Varjack? CeCe

66. What was with all the literary references? They just enjoyed them the different ways to play with it.

67. When did Charlotte visit an Amish farm with Archer when she was in Radley? What was the timeline of when she got out of Radley? It’s chaotic and confusing and there isn’t a completely mapped out timeline like with Ali’s disappearance.

68. What happened to the Alison bracelet? Wasn’t Bethany wearing it when she died? Why?
 She may have stole it.
69. Why exactly was Pastor Ted brought back to be Charlotte’s dad? That’s something only the writer can answer.

70. Was the cop in the finale really Mona’s boyfriend in Paris and that’s why she was able to keep them as dolls? I believe so but I have to watch again to really see.

71. Also how was Toby’s mom in the flashback with him and Ali when they were teenagers if she was killed when Charlotte was a kid and Charlotte is older than Toby? PLOT HOLE
. You hit it on the head that was a plot hole.
73. What was Paige’s role in this?
 She got sucked in as Ali’s victim and Emily’s gf
74. What’s with all the piano playing? 

75. How were the Emison twins blue eyed and blonde hair when Emily and Wren are the parents? Honestly I think that is just it is so freaking hard to find specific looking babies for casting. It is rough because some babies are just born with light hair and eyes and they darken as they get older its insane.

76. Will Emison ever know who their baby daddy is?
 They may or they may not care who knows
77. What did the anagram or whatever “Miss Aria you’re a killer and not Ezra’s wife mean”?
 Maya Knew
78. What happened in Cape May?Jason and CeCe dated and Wilden and Ali slept together.

79. What happened to Tippi the bird? It’s probably dead

80. How did they make a mold of Wilden’s face if Wilden has been dead for a while now? They probably had it from the get go but I’m not sure
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Jenna recognized A.D’s perfume
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When AD took her and gave her the endgame rules, she smelled her, she smell a perfume. A perfume that saved Spencer.
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She thought she was talking to Spencer but smelled the same perfume A.D wears and that’s how Jenna figured out who A.D was and saved everyone.
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Mona never called the cops.
Mona never stopped playing.
Mona has new dolls.
Mona is the queen.
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no offense but this is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever watched
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Promo shots for 7x20
Spencer seems to freak out with Mary there? Mona punches Spencer out!! Twincer?????
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"You'll be able to figure out who AD is by 7x19 or sooner."
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Hello she writes more than one name, Alison Dilaurentis—Fields has risen my loves bye
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PLL 7x19 – “Farewell, My Lovely”
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Spencer’s outfits in 7x18
Police Station @2:53 Hotel room @8:17 Radley Hotel Lobby @12:13 Playground @15:16 Police Station @17:12 Radley Hotel Lobby @21:44 Ezra’s apartment @26:03 Toby’s cabin @31:55 Toby’s cabin @32:03 (no watch) Spencer’s barn @35:48
The Spencer character changed her outfit 3 times within 24 hours.
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I feel like Mona may have been the one to put the body in Aria’s trunk and call the cops rather than A.D. who had just set Aria free, like that doesn’t really add up. But Mona doing it, in an attempt to steal the game back, would make a lot of sense
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