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Read my Lips! I will drain the swamp!!! https://www.etsy.com/listing/492830297/read-my-lips-i-will-drain-the-swamp?ref=listing-shop-header-1
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If you have tried so many infertility programs and nothing worked, then this is for you. This program teaches the natural way to getting pregnant in 30 to 60 days. No costly surgeries; no pills that have side effects either. All natural way that works even if you are above age 40. Lisa Olson used this method and got pregnant first when she was 43 years old and again when she became 45. This was after doctors told her that she has no chance of becoming pregnant. In fact, there are over 137,000 women who got pregnant by using the Pregnancy Miracle method!
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Elizabeth Green’s New York Times Magazine feature on math education in America is getting people talking. It’s currently the most emailed article on nytimes.com. 
Read the article to find out why Americans stink at math, then check out Green’s new book Building a Better Teacher.
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I can remember up to 1962
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Pregnancy Miracle!
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This is Rick, the NYPD “Hipster Cop.” I briefly met this guy while reporting on the Occupy Wall Street Radiohead concert that never happened.  He was standing next to the Occupy Wall Street spokesman who had told me over and over that day that Radiohead would definitely be playing no matter what their publicist said, just come down.
When I met him, Hipster Cop was wearing a bright red Mister Rogers cardigan and a white button down with a clipped tie, grey wool slacks and spotless oxfords, a smirk on his face. He was the most sharply-dressed guy I had seen pretty much all week, and I work in Soho. Hipster Cop almost looked too well-dressed to be a Radiohead fan; like, maybe he only listened to LPs of obscure Japanese bands from the 80s. But I asked if he was bummed about Radiohead’s no-show: “They’re finished,” he joked. “Nobody’s going to listen to their music anymore.”
But he was a cop! Which I learned when he flashed a badge hooked discreetly onto his belt and shooed away the uniformed officer who eventually came over to move us from the street where we were chatting onto the sidewalk. You could tell she was embarrassed; guess he’s like that cool detective at the police station that nobody wants to talk to about movies or music or anything ‘cause he’ll scoff at them. 
Since then, Hipster Cop has become sort of a meme at Occupy Wall Street. This woman even called him “infamous.”
What if all cops looked like this? What if pepper-spray cop Anthony Bologna looked like this? What if, during the 2008 NYC Republican Convention, CNN broadcast live footage of dozens of hipster cops charging through the tear gas behind riot shields with Pavement bumper stickers on them, beating protesters with vintage 1920s nightsticks they picked up at the thrift store, precisely-clipped ties fluttering behind them? 
Update: This NYU student, Brett Chamberlain, just tweeted to me that Hipster Cop asked him out to dinner.
No joke he asked me out to dinner. his name is Rick btw. Community affairs / detective with #NYPD precinct 1.  I told him if he saw me in cuffs and let me out I would go to dinner with him. He missed his chance when I got arrested.
I don’t know… It’s almost too good to be true. Gay hipster cop finds love at the anti-capitalist protest? #OccupyMyHeart
(pic via Lucy Kafanov)
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So, I am sure you have all heard that Tumblr is sending some bloggers to fashion week again this season.  I have also had the pleasure of seeing their sponsorship proposal being shopped around to brands, which I am not supposed to be talking about.  I will say this… someone is completely out of their goddamn mind.
Fashion brands have adopted this platform in a big way and do you want to know what fashion brands need from Tumblr?  An analytics dashboard!  We are on all here managing blogs with the help of Google Analytics, but there is nothing catering to the tumblr only based metrics- reblogs, likes, followers, etc.  There is nothing out there to help brands quantify their presence here.  What works? What doesn’t?  And it’s not about visitors- it’s about engagement in the oh so tumblr way.  
They could actually make money from this analytics platform- I would pay for it for my clients.  I would absolutely get behind a cost like that on an evergreen basis, which has to make way more money than this flash in the pan fashion week nonsense.
 A “reblog” is a powerful tool and there is nothing out there to measure it’s power.  Such a shame.  
(ps- this graphic has almost nothing to do with this post- but wasn’t that episode hilarious?? classic.) 
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The comb bike rack is finished! Knowhow Shop is breathing a sigh of relief now that the bike rack is enroute to Virginia. The 400 pound comb is handcrafted out of Mangaris using full mortise and tenon construction, while the hair is made from powder coated steel.
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For any readers in...
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Ghostbusters com Pac-Man
RYCA (aka Ryan Callanan)
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Clockwork - Office Musik (Dwight K. Shrute vs Weezy)
AMAGAD!! Day Week Month has officially been made. This is almost too much for me to even begin to comprehend.
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No big deal.. Just David in yet another photoshoot.
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Facebook provides each user with a unique email that they can use to update their Facebook with. This way you can email a status update, picture, etc. without needing to access the site or the app, plus it works with any email address.
We can use that email address to cross post from Google+,...
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An animated portrait of Stanley Kubrick and his films, based on a Rubik’s Cube.
Kubrick’s films are meticulously pieced together like intricate puzzles, so this seems like an appropriate way to portray the great director - hidden within his own work. Also, Kubrick rhymes with Rubik and I’m a sucker for wordplay. 
This artwork is available as a print, showing all 6 films that make up the portrait - http://www.redbubble.com/products/configure/7373288-mounted-print
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