prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
Honorable—We show honor to everyone.
Humble —We don’t draw attention to ourselves.
Selfless—We think of others more than we think of ourselves.
Pure—We strive to have untarnished motives.
Peace-loving—We agree to respectfully disagree.
Gentle—We consider the feelings of others before acting.
Merciful—We give second chances because they’ve been given to us.
Impartial—We show fairness to all we encounter.
Sincere—We are authentic, honest, and full of integrity.
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
Love listens; pride talks. Love forgives; pride resents. Love gives; pride takes. Love apologizes; pride blames. Love understands; pride assumes. Love accepts; pride rejects. Love trusts; pride doubts. Love asks; pride tells. Love leads; pride drives. Love frees up; pride binds up. Love builds up; pride tears down. Love encourages; pride discourages. Love confronts; pride is passive-aggressive. Love is peaceful; pride is fearful. Love clarifies with truth; pride confuses with lies. Love and pride are mutually exclusive. Love dies with pride but comes alive with humility.
Pastor Vlad
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
The Holy Spirit helps us not to react to people’s adverse comments or actions but to pause and respond in God’s way. When the Holy Spirit fills us, He will help us with processing negative feelings when we are criticized, attacked, undermined, and overlooked. Our human tendency is to fight back, to defend our name, and to get involved in battles that are not ours to fight. That’s called reaction. Without the Holy Spirit, we react to the pain caused by our enemies. With the Holy Spirit, we respond the way that pleases God in the midst of that hurt.
Pastor Vlad
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
Love is not a feeling we have; it’s a decision to treat people the way Jesus would treat them.
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
I have been sent some videos of the ISIS-linked insurgent attacks in Cabo Delgado in Northern Mozambique. They are so totally and utterly gruesome, that I can honestly say I have never seen anything so horrific before. Live people having their limbs hacked off. People parading the streets with decapitated heads. Charred burnt bodies of people writhing in agony after being burnt alive. I cannot possibly forward them because they are just too gruesome.
Now here is a dead serious question: Where is #BlackLivesMatter? Or do they only deal with deaths that they can make political capital out of, in decrying "whiteness"? Nothing I have ever seen compares to the brutality in Cabo Delgado. Yet silence. #BlackLivesMatter is too busy scouring the internet looking for unintentional micro aggressions than actually trying to stop the most brutal violence committed against black people.
Perhaps they are uncomfortable because it would mean confronting the ISIS methodology -- which somehow escapes their condemnation.
I have genuinely never, ever, watched brutality on this scale. The outcry has been negligible, but I add my voice to it, as loudly as I can, right now.
Helen Zille
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
If you’re Christian, you should treat your body like God’s holy temple, not like a sexual tool to abuse and use and trash. Don’t compromise with the world. Believe there is a higher standard and follow Jesus. Let your light so shine!
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
“We all need to stop again and again and let the cross remind us of who we are, and in reminding us, to humble us once again.”
Paul David Tripp
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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prayer-warrior-sa · 3 years
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Daily Devotional DAY 3 —“Four More Miracles of God's Goodness”
“Today, let's take a look at four more miracles that you can expect to see show up in your life.
8. The Goodness of God restores everything
Believe this with every fiber of your being: God will right every wrong. Life will wrong you. People will wrong you. BUT GOD! He will avenge you. He is your turnaround King.
God turned the Nile into blood, the sea into dry land, sin into righteousness, the curse into blessing, sorrow into joy, grief into dancing, dead bodies into resurrected bodies, two fish and five loaves into a buffet for thousands, God is your turnaround King! Joel 2:25 says,
“So, I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”
God will restore your lost years—the years filled with pain, suffering, and loss. He will multiply your fruitfulness. In the previous verse, He tells us how He will do that.
“The threshing floors shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.”
The restoring of the years the enemy has devoured will include an abundant harvest of blessing and abundance!
9. The Goodness of God outlasts everything. Jeremiah 32:40 says,
“And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them...”
When will His goodness stop? Never. What does that mean? That means His goodness will outlast everything. His goodness will outlast the pandemic. His goodness will outlast your debts. It will outlast the sickness or pain you are in. His goodness will outlast every weapon formed against you. His goodness will outlast everything from your past, present, and future. Then verse 41 says:
"Oh how I'll rejoice in them! Oh how I'll delight in doing good things for them!"
Not only will God’s goodness outlast every bad thing in your life, but HE DELIGHTS IN DOING GOOD THINGS FOR YOU!
Get ready! Be expectant! You will see His glorious goodness all the days of your life!
10. The Goodness of God provides everything.
Romans 8:32 says,
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
The goodness of God is the generosity of God. And the fact that He didn't spare His own Son—He delivered Him up for us all—He will also freely give us all things. How can that not make you want to stand up and shout?!!!!!!
He gives all things. He gives hope. He gives a future—Jeremiah 29:11. He gives rain and sun—Matthew 5:45. He gives grace—James 4:6. He gives strength—Isaiah 40:29–31. He gives wisdom—James 1:5. He gives faith—Romans 12:3. He gives blessing—Acts 3:25–26. He gives power—Deuteronomy 8:18. He gives rest—Deuteronomy 12:10. He gives food & provision—Psalm 136:25. He gives sleep—Psalm 127:2. He gives deliverance—Psalm 18:50. He gives increase—1 Corinthians 3:7. He gives victory—1 Corinthians 15:57... and so much more.
Generosity is truly the focal point of God’s moral perfection.
God is love and God is a giver!
John 3:16 says,
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
As you put your faith in God's goodness, you can expect these ten miracles to begin to show up and make a difference in your life!
God loves you deeply and wants a personal relationship with you! For more information about Gregory Dickow, God's plan for Salvation, and the next steps you can take, click here! Stay in touch with Gregory Dickow on Facebook and Instagram, or visit our website for more life-changing resources.”
Bible readings for today: Joel 2:25, Romans 12:17-21, Jeremiah 32:38-41, Romans 8:31-39, John 3:16-17, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 5:45, James 4:6, Isaiah 40:29-31, James 1:5, Romans 12:3, Acts 3:25-26, Deuteronomy 8:18, Deuteronomy 12:10, Psalms 136:25, Psalms 127:2, Psalms 18:50, 1 Corinthians 3:7, 1 Corinthians 15:57.
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