possiblegifs · 6 years
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possiblegifs · 6 years
Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable voice actors Christy Carlson Romano and Will Freidle help announce the casting of Sadie Stanley & Sean Giambrone as Kim & Ron for the live action movie!
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possiblegifs · 9 years
I am deleting my personal blog this evening, and possiblegifs was the main reason I didn't do it sooner, but I really don't have time for gifs or much of anything anymore. I encourage people to keep the legacy going with lots of kim possible blogs. also, I will regularly be on twitter so you can follow either @possiblegifs​ or @picklebasket (my personal, which I will tend to more frequently) if you want to discuss all things kp or just chat, etc.
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possiblegifs · 9 years
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Character Meme 004- In the Bath/Swimming by isitlunchyet
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possiblegifs · 9 years
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"There IS no plan, is there?"
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possiblegifs · 9 years
You like season 3 the best? Cool! I've always thought season 4 was the best by far because of the Kim/Ron relationship so I haven't watched the other seasons in a while. What makes you like s3 so much? (Love the blog by the way :))
I actually will have to say I love season 3 and 4 fairly equally, but in very different ways. With season 3, it feels like this world is really developed and there's so much consistency, and it's like the masterpiece really comes together. Also, you have to include So the Drama as part of it, which is easily my favorite of all Kim Possible moments ever. I like that season 3 feels like a build-up to that, like even the smallest moments or seemingly insignificant episodes are vital to all the development that we get in So the Drama. And then there's a pretty big (or bigger) emphasis on Drakken and Shego's relationship as companions (platonically or romantically, it's up to you). Episodes like Rappin Drakken, Bad Boy, Dimension Twist, all so important to me.
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possiblegifs · 9 years
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Favorite season: 3
Why is it every Possible I capture feels the need to give me lip? Doesn't anyone respect the traditional captive-captor relationship anymore? Has society just gone completely to seed?
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possiblegifs · 9 years
this is probably one of the most important screencaps to date
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possiblegifs · 9 years
graphic request meme
send me a number and a fandom and i’ll make a picspam!
favorite character
favorite hero
favorite villain
favorite minor character
most attractive
favorite romantic relationship
favorite platonic relationship
favorite familial relationship
favorite episode/season
free square [basically go wild with your requests]
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possiblegifs · 9 years
and on that note, if anyone has the most recent gif dimensions, you'd save my life
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possiblegifs · 9 years
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possiblegifs · 9 years
I've got season 1 re-downloaded officially, so while I configure a few more technological things, if you have any season 1 requests, I am going to take some time to gif tonight.
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possiblegifs · 9 years
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favorite films: Kim Possible: So the Drama (2005)
"Okay, Rufus. I think I’m ready. Not just for the dance, but to do something no man should ever have to do - talk about his feelings."
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possiblegifs · 9 years
I could probably talk about Team Go for the entire year of 2015 with minimal breathing breaks tbh. There are so many open ends, but you can tell the backstory there is incredible and something I really wish was explored even more. 
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possiblegifs · 9 years
😘 come back!
I'm so sorry to have disappeared for so long. It's been a pretty hectic year, I've got major things in the real world that I wish could be solved by binge eating at my local Bueno Nacho. But alas, I'm stuck fixing my grades, working almost full time, and dealing with a sleeping schedule that includes going to sleep at 4 am and waking up at 1 pm. This summer / semester has killed me, and unfortunately pushed possiblegifs into hibernation. I'm really hoping the time will come for me to get back on track, or at least on a schedule that doesn't include going months without gifing. The class over winter break I have to take is online, so I imagine when I'm bored and not feeling like paying attention, I can slip in some gifs. I'll do my very best, and hopefully eventually, things won't be so crazy!
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possiblegifs · 10 years
((Welcome back! :) What had happened to you? ))
Oh gosh, it's been quite an interesting past few months, and I won't get into the gritty details because that doesn't fit the tone / purpose of this blog.
I can't say I'll be posting consistently because my computer with Photoshop and KP episodes is back at my parents' house, but whenever I get a chance to go over there, I'll try and gif some stuff. 
Anyways, I also have a busy, inconsistent work schedule, I'm starting school in a little over a week, not to mention a series of explosive relationship issues to deal with, so time isn't as easy to grasp as it used to be. But I'm working on it,
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possiblegifs · 10 years
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