poptropicontent · 3 years
hey bestie 😏😏
finally. ive reached my target audience.
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poptropicontent · 3 years
in a better world you could look up “black widow” on google and the first result would be the poptropica version instead of the marvel one
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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My life has spiraled out of control
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poptropicontent · 3 years
my friend wanted me to do this to montero so I did
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poptropicontent · 3 years
Bro we should do a top ten best poptropica twist villains
and do we did ;)) @cacaocheri
top 10 best poptropica twist villians
day 2 of mutual insanity over poptropica feat her ETHERAL blue text commentary .
10: Jeeves
Forgot this dude even existed. Also his name is Jeeves. 0/10
we accidentally referred to do this dude as the governor for the duration of our rankings he was so irrelevant. only made the list bc we had a villian apologist moment over the captain from S.O.S.
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9: Preston Wilhelm
His scheme was pretty clever....and he could've gotten away with it, too.....if it wasn't for us meddling kids.................
im biased bc nightwatch is one of my favourite islands but this dude was so wild like. literally owns a printing company and resorts to larceny like I respect that so hard but. how. what's the progression there.
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8: The Construction Workers
The construction workers were so obviously going to be the villains, but they got bonus points because their twist came with a good message: deforestation is bad, kids!
literally do not remember these mfs at all but cherry brainwashed me into remembering that they were bad so uh tree good capitalism bad what she said thank you <\3
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7: Henry Flatbottom
Magistrate sucks but his twist was pretty good. Sure, when you meet him he reeks of dirty rat bastard vibes, but I would have never predicted he did that.
afraid to say that he fooled me. I knew he was kinda sus but had NO idea the twist would play out the way it did like... impossible to see that coming.
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6: Zeus
I love poptropica so much for diverging expectations and making zeus the villain. In almost all media, hades is normally the villain. We finally got some zeus slander.
poptropica DID that. honestly agree 100% w cherry hades slander is so overused in the media it's abt time someone pulled a complete quick one on us and made ooga booga cloud man the villian.
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5: Ringmaster Raven
Raven was a pretty good twist....poptropica built it up so well with the newspapers and everything....by the time you realized he was the villain, it was too late....
raven bb I'm so sorry for putting you on the villian list hnngsgnhggsg.
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4: Madamosille Moreau
I had moreau higher up BUT mads opened my third eye when she told me that moreau was like the only non historical person on the train, so that's a pretty big giveaway. Also we were gonna suspect her at one point or another because the whole point of the island was to look for a villain.
yeah!! moreau is probably my favourite villian on this list but it is possible to discover she's the villian before her reveal at the end. HOWEVER her reveal is done so cleverly and I will never get over the last dialogue exchange w gustave pls.
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3: Director D
Director D quite literally played chess against himself, and we were all the pawns. It was kind of genius, not gonna lie. The only reason he isn't higher up was because there was literally a clue that said "don't trust director d"
that kinda gave it away but I mean. his character as a concept literally leaves no room to imagine that he could possibly be a twist villian because every island needs a 'good' character like him.
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2: Black Widow
Black widow by far the sexiest twist villain. I trusted the inspector with my life. When we received the hint that we shouldn't trust someone close to us, I literally didn't even consider the inspector. I was blind with love for her design, and it was a fatal mistake <\3
could not of said it better i was too busy staring at sexy women's red lipstick to notice the whole red flags surrounding her.
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1: Dr. Jupiter
The way poptropica reused a villain from another island was absolute genius.....never in a million years would kid me think they would bring back zeus..... and all the foreshadowing they did for him (like the thunderstorm at the beginning) was so fucking GOOD. if I were to play it now, him being zeus would be a lot more obvious (jupiter is literally the roman version of zeus) but like.....the NOSTALGIA bro....poptropica is all about the nostalgia.
this was the biggest villian that I DID NOT see coming whatsoever. not zeus, not even dr. jupiter being a straight up villian either like man. this was executed so well and??? everything just CAME together.
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@cacaocheri thank you SO SO much for doing this with me!! your mind is galaxy moment and your commentary is so in depth and detailed in the best way possible <333 smooches
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poptropicontent · 3 years
top 10 poptropica main streets
aka @cacaocheri and I almost went insane pls
10: poptropicon
we both agreed that there were SO many epic colours and small details that were so immersive and really contributed to the atmosphere of the island but got v busy in some places which is why it's unfortunately tenth <\3
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9: mythology
we refuse to talk about the new main street but the old one,,, SO good,,, it had so much texture and layering going that stayed to true to ancient greece and the spirit of the island like WHY did they then go and butcher it literally heartbroken rn.
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8: wild west
one of the MOST unique main streets of all time. cowboys... horses... middle of absolutely nowhere... it's so in-character for an island and I LOVE the small animations you can find just chillin around the island... small details...
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7: steamworks
steamworks is such a unique island as it is and?? main street is the literal embodiment of that quirkiness like there's just so much do and so many places to go,,, and the consistent colour scheme? consistent steampunk vibes? incredible.
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6: counterfeit
PARIS!!! FRANCE!!! the privilege to even witness this island is far beyond mortal senses like,,, there's so much going on and so much that stays true to the aesthetics you'd expect for an art-centric island hdbwjjdbd we just love it here
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5: reality tv
this main street manages to do SO many things like it sets the scene perfectly for the island and contrasts in the best way possible to the reality tv show the player enters in question,,, that and it also happens to be like the only street on that island
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4: virus hunter
ilysm cherry thank you <3 I'm a shameless virus hunter stannie
the main street for this island has IMMACULATE vibes and i will not tolerate virus hunter slander pls. its sets up such an uneasy atmosphere only for it to be pretty much irrelevant for like three quarters of the island and I think that's so sexy of virus hunter
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3: monster carnival
ohohoho this main street is GODLY. there's so many places to go and?? the atmosphere is just AMAZING with the whole temptation of the fair being set up on the next street over. we are both madly in love w this main street and rightfully so bc PLEASE it's so pretty
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2: ghost story
NIGHT!!! NIGHTTIME!!! the ghost story main street is single-handedly one of the most devine main streets on this list it literally offers so much and subtly serves different purposes depending on what part of the island you're up to. also may I mention; old-timey aesthetics. perfection.
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1: game show
I know we just praised number two for having old-timey aesthetics but man game show is BEAUTIFUL. SPECTACLAR. INCREDIBLE. all the colours... all the small details... dark clouds... rainy... technology... and the BOTS. it's pure eye candy and SO pretty that it was literally impossible not to have this at #1 we literally decided in unison that it was perfection.
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@cacaocheri pls thank you so much for working on this with me our minds are permanently merged now.
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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has anyone done this one yet?
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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Just dumping some drawings and a bunch of headcanons here :3
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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Count Bram and Anabelle <33
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poptropicontent · 3 years
crying time is over back to shitposting
top 5 poptropica common rooms based on how often i, someone who NEVER used common rooms as a child because I had no friends used them
aka the only 5 I ever visited
ft no screenshots bc I couldn't find any ANYWHERE
5) billiards (Reality TV Show)
dude I have NO idea why but for some reason if I wanted to go into a common room, it was always this one i swear like. I have so many vivid memories of just being in billiards doing god knows what for hours on end
4) soda pop shop (Early Poptropica)
if you held a gun to my head and asked me to tell you with 100% certainty that this common room had no plot relevance i would not be able to give you a confident answer
3) robo-bling boutique (Game Show)
again I have NO idea why but I just seemed to spend so much time at this common room doing the word soup and square connecting games man this really was the place to be
2) reverie lounge
imagine irl solving one of the most heinous crimes of the 1890's and just disappearing for three hours bc you had to go pop balloons somewhere. yeah.
1) bananabee's (Night Watch)
this was THE place to be. everyday I wake up and wish I was there have you even seen the place and the. the IMPLICATIONS of such a place existing forget going on grand adventures and solving incredible islands you'll catch me at bananabee's bc I YEARN for such a place which such vibes to exist (no I've never been to an applebee's yes im not american yes I have no idea what an actual applebee's actually is)
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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Doodle time
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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lil binary bard drawing to kick off this overdue blog
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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lil moreau bust– one of my fav poptropica villians ;;u;;
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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she likes spiders
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poptropicontent · 3 years
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Ayyy finally done these guys- Joe Puddy was a request from my friend @thehypercutstudios.
I’m honestly really happy with how these designs came out, and I feel that’s a good thing since it’s taken so long to finish em all- I hope the rest of you enjoy these designs as much as I do! Also special thanks to @sfl0aty for helping me with the Mustachio design-
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poptropicontent · 3 years
How to make a poptropica post that is sure to get notes!
step one: make the post about ringmaster raven, dr hare, or binary bard.
step two: hit the post button.
Congratulations! your post will now be a hit!
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