poops-on-chase · 5 months
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poops-on-chase · 5 months
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poops-on-chase · 8 years
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poops-on-chase · 8 years
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poops-on-chase · 8 years
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poops-on-chase · 8 years
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poops-on-chase · 9 years
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
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Welcome to Harvest Moon Ranch, a roleplay group for Harvest Moon and Rune Factory fans. Our roleplay group offers roleplayers a place where they can leave their worries at the log in button and roleplay in a drama free environment, along with guaranteed monthly events to keep things fresh.
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*Opens her mouth to respond before closing it tight again. Thinks for another moment, opening her mouth yet again* ........okay..... *She still doesn't understand, damn Australian*
*She grimaces as he tears the yarn with his teeth, turning her head from looking as the sound of ripping material is one of her biggest pet peeves.*
Uh yeah well, I don't mess around when it comes to farming, even if it's just a hobby. Nothing but the best from me. *She gives him a small smile, before giving him a nod, a bit of hopeful anticipation welling up inside her.* Well? Go on, let's see!
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
  [Works with mostly one hand, trying to keep off of the uninjured arm. Pulls out a lengthy segment of the yarn.]
Ya know! My knickers! My frustration with tryin’ to think up a way of gettin’ us outta the middle of Earth! [Chuckles, eventually ceasing his pulling of the yarn once he deems it sufficient. Brings the piece up to his mouth, trying to bite and separate it with his teeth.]
[And yanks.]
[Until he suddenly rips out. Winces, pursing his lips.]
This is some real high quality stuff, Molls! Makes me feel better ‘cos it’s so durable. [Looks up and squints, scoping out a spot where he can lasso the rope.] We maaaay just have a fair go at this thing after all!
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*Playfully pouts, brows knitting together as she lets out a small huff* Yeah, yeah, but only until after we get out of here; I have every intention of going into a month long coma after this.
*Watches as he stands up, making his way toward the other rope. She purses her lips, eyes widening slightly as the unfamiliar idiom hits her ears, having to replay the sentence again in her head to make sure he didn't say that word*
What? What's in a knot?
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
  [Chuckles after a moment, partly in relief that she dismissed his wound.]
Well, don’t you go passin’ out on me, and I won’t go bleedin’ out on you! We have a deal? ♪ [Playfully tosses the ball of yarn up and catches it again.]
[Hoists himself up with the energy of his unharmed arm, wobbling a bit until he finds his balance - and walks over to his rucksack with a small limp.]
Dunno if it’ll work or not but, I’m gonna— [Picks up the rope and tosses it over his shoulder, letting it rest there.] Pull out some of the yarn and make an extension for this! I’d get my knickers in a knot if I didn’t at least try it out!
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*Chews on her bottom lip, not exactly believing him but not wanting to press considering the fact that she picked up on him not really wanting to see his wound- though who would blame him; while she was familiar with what it was, it would come to more of a shock to someone else*
Mmm, you better. Even when we're out of here, I better not see you using that arm. *Wrinkles her nose playfully at him, letting him take the yarn*
Issok, I guess. Hurts but that's obvious...*Stares up into the darkness for a moment, before turning back to him* No not stars, but then again I can't really make much of anything. *Lightly shrugs*
What are you gonna do with the yarn?
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
  [Tugs on the sleeve of his t-shirt, a small amount of fresh blood seeping through. Frowns - before his eyes grow wide, dismissing Molly’s offer with a quick head shake.]
'S fine! I won't bleed out on you, don't worry. It'll be fine so long as I keep it down and relaxed like this. See? ♪ [Playfully shakes his shoulder out, as if to prove that it was still functional. Smiles.] I'll lay off the labor with this one, heh.
'Nough about me! How's your head doing? [Finally takes the ball of yarn with his opposite hand.] Aside from me, you're not seein' any stars, are you? ♪
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*She lets out a few weak giggles, finally opening one of the energy bars she set aside and taking a few nibbles. She turns her head to face him as he beings to speak, brows raising up as a look of pain comes across his face, pulling his arm back.*
Are you alright? *Sets down the energy bar, before scooting closer. She picks up the ball of yarn, holding it out to him.* I can see if I have any bandages to patch that up for you if you want? I can't have you bleedin' out on me.
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
  [Takes a gander this way and that amidst the cave, trying to think up creative means of escape. But, he renders nothing. Sighs out lightly in defeat and turns to look back at Molly, before being greeted by a slap in the face with a bra.]
… [Lets out another nervous chuckle, plucking off the attire and letting it fall to the side.]
[Sits up.] Mmmm… nope. Don’t see nothin’ else ‘round here we could use. Maybe our best bet really is to test out that yarn of yours. Couldn’t hurt! Mind if I tr— [Instinctively reaches out his injured arm - but the pain from his re-opened wound surges down to his fingertips, begging him to surrender.] 
[Winces, withdrawing.] Mind if I try somethin’ out with it real quick?
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
hello ive really wanting too tell you i have a crush on u! if you want to know who i am message me on kik! denalyons8
only if tieni na minchia tanta
*Holds her hands 3 feet apart*
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*Nods her head* Mm, definitely. Can you imagine if we were all down here. *Whispers* We'd eat Angela first.
*Compresses her lips as he weighs the options for finding a geyser. They definitely would be able to get out if the found one, though it might not be smart to chance it with their luck.*
Well...what other options do we have? I have the ball of yarn we might be able to use to lengthen our rope. We'd have to make sure it was thick enough so it wouldn't snap...*Scratches the back of her head, wincing hard as she touches where she hit her head.*
Erm- we could also get up there just to find the steps on that floor collapsed as well...*Begins poking through her things once again, this time tossing the matching bra that went with the panties in her bag* See anything else?
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
  [Leans back against the cave wall, hardly even minding that it was so cold. He laughs at the image of a whining Angela trapped in the mines.] ‘S true, she probably would! And Kase would be tryin’ to shush her. I think outta the four of us, you and I would be holdin’ it together the best!
[Chuckles again, before simmering out a small sigh and letting the back of his head ease onto the wall.]
Mmmm, I dunno. I think it’d be a real gamble for us to try and go down in even deeper dark to look for a geyser. If we’d happen upon one, it’d shoot us back to the top, no question in my mind. But, that’s if we even find one. It’s possible, that’s for sure. [Turns a slightly weakened smile on Molly, both of their faces being barely illuminated by the bulb of the lantern.] I think what we really gotta ask ourselves is: just how much do we wanna test our luck? Given the fact that we’ve already managed to tumble all the way down here, hm. ♪
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poops-on-chase · 10 years
*giggles along with him! taking a moment to look at her friends in the picture! as though it had been months since they've last had any contact.* It feels like it was long ago but... *Shrugs* *Waves her hand and rolls her eyes* Please. Angela would have cried the first second they fell. At least I lasted a good handful of hours. *She thinks for a moment, lips forming into a thin line* I dunno... Maybe... *Glances over to him, curiosity evident in her expression* Do you think it would work?
Caved In! || [Molly&Kevin]
[Chuckles when the picture of all four farmers is presented to him, pointing at Kasey’s figure.] Look at that goof! Clearly wasn’t payin’ attention. All confused that we were takin’ a picture. Good Goddess, this feels like a lifetime ago. ♪
[Keeps his gaze fixed on the photos of him and his friends, smiling almost sadly.]
What do you think Kase and Ang would do if they were in our shoes? Other than wrestle each other to the ground. [Chuckles a bit.] Kase is a pretty creative fellow. Think he’d suggest riskin’ it to try and find a geyser?
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