poolclubofficial · 2 years
Top Tips for Maintaining an Above Ground Pool
Above-ground pools are cheaper, faster and easier to install than in-ground pools, and are generally easier to maintain. For families with a small yard, above-ground pools are very popular. Here we are happy to share with you 10 above-ground swimming pool maintenance tips that will help keep your above-ground swimming pool in good shape.
Install a sewage pump
Many people neglect to install a sump pump in the basement when purchasing an above-ground swimming pool, and if there are any leaks, the sump pump will be able to help prevent all kinds of water damage, as well as harmful mold and mildew growth.
 Test for chlorine content
Chlorine levels in swimming pools should be between two and four parts per million (ppm). Chlorine kills harmful algae, bacteria and microorganisms in swimming pools. Unfortunately, chlorine exposure to sunlight and chemicals like sunscreen and sweat can break it down. So we recommend that you test your pool water with chlorine test strips every other day to ensure adequate chlorine levels.
 shock therapy
Weekly shock treatments, such as the use of chlorine in powder form, are recommended to kill algae, bacteria and other contaminants. Shock treatment oxidizes pollutants, releasing chlorine and giving it its role in purifying water.
 Test pH
Test and maintain the pH of your swimming pool to keep the water clear. pH levels outside the 7.2 to 7.6 range can reduce the effectiveness of chemicals put into the pool, a digital reader is recommended to make the job quick and easy. Experts recommend testing the pH every other day.
 Run the pool pump 8 hours a day
Water circulation is very important for above-ground pools, as it directs more debris into the filter, making the water clear, while the flowing water makes it difficult for algae to survive. We recommend running the above ground pool pump for at least 8 hours per day. (Refer to the user manual of the pool pump)
 Clean and replace filters regularly
Pool filters capture debris that soils and contaminates your pool. Pool filters should be cleaned approximately once a week by simply removing the filter and rinsing it with hose water. And to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, replace the filter in time.
 Regular cleaning of pumps and skimmer baskets
The pump basket collects debris before it reaches the pump, while the pool skimmer draws water from the pool surface. Skimmers trap leaves and other debris in a basket before entering the filtration system. It is important to clean the pump and separator basket at least once a week. (If there are a lot of trees around the pool, they will need to be emptied more often.) Be sure to turn off the pool pump and heater before clearing the basket.
 Vacuum regularly
The best filtration system in the world can't remove all the debris from the pool. That's why pool vacuums are necessary, vacuuming keeps pool water clear, helps prevent algae growth, and allows chemicals like chlorine to work better. It is recommended to use a pool vacuum at least once a week.
 Use a solar blanket
The solar blanket can reduce heat loss by 95%, it not only protects the pool water from rain and debris, but also heats the pool with solar energy and reduces evaporation. This will greatly save energy costs. Use a solar blanket when the pool is not in use.
 proper winter
If it is not possible to dismantle and store an above-ground swimming pool, steps must be taken in order to properly winterize it. The first is a final clean; special cold chemicals are added to the water; the second is to clean, remove, and store the pool lines; remove and store the skimmer (or protect it with a skimmer cover); then pack the filter, pump and pool accessories such as ladders; lower the water level if the skimmer is not removed; and finally the pool air pillow covers the pool and closes the lid. This may surprise you, but pool experts recommend not draining above-ground pools until winter.
POOLCLUB GMBH www.poolclub.com dip into swimming pool heat pump industry for nearly 20 years. Reach,develop and innovate are our job, focus keep our leading position in the whole industry. Just to provide you and your family with better swimming pool water heating options. Please contact our friendly professionals by +49 (0) 761 4787 252, to get further information of the new generation 2022 INVERPAC heat pumps, our efficient team will be more than happy to serve you.
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poolclubofficial · 2 years
6 benefits for long-term swimming
As the weather became warmer, many people began to enter the swimming pool to swim. Swimming is a good aerobic exercise. It can exercise the muscles of the whole body without increasing the load on the knee joint. At the same time, it can protect the cardiovascular system and increase the cardiopulmonary function. Let’s take a look at the benefits of regular swimming.
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What are the benefits of regular swimming?
1. Exercise your limbs
 When swimming, use the strength of the limbs to promote the body to move forward, and the muscles of the waist and abdomen maintain the swimming posture. Therefore, swimming can exercise multiple muscles in the body, help shape the body, and increase the proportion of muscle tissue.
 2. Helps lose weight
 Swimming can consume calories better, and the calories consumed by swimming for 60 minutes can reach 400-700 calories. At the same time, the waist, hips and limbs can be exercised, which can achieve the effect of losing weight.
 3. Improve lung capacity
 When swimming, the breathing frequency is matched with the movement, so that each breath is elongated, which increases the elasticity of the lung tissue over time, expands the lung capacity, and reduces the risk of lung disease.
 4. Improve immunity
 Because of being stimulated by cold water, the body can easily adapt to temperature changes, improve immune regulation and enhance resistance.
 Long-term swimming exercise, the body can reap 6 benefits, but swimming is not recommended in these 4 situations
5. Improve memory
 Studies have shown that swimming can increase blood flow to the brain, benefit brain health, maintain memory, and delay Alzheimer's.
 6. Adjuvant treatment of constipation
 Consistent swimming can speed up your gastrointestinal motility and help reduce issues like bloating and constipation.
Who is not suitable for swimming?
1. Patients with ear diseases
 People with tympanic membrane perforation cannot swim to prevent water from flowing into the middle ear cavity through the perforation, resulting in acute otitis media; deaf people also cannot swim, because the organs that regulate the balance in the ear have been damaged, the balance is weakened, and drowning may occur when swimming.
 2. After drinking, on an empty stomach and on a full stomach
 Alcohol can depress the central nervous system, weaken the contractility of the heart, and may cause vomiting, nausea, and dizziness after drinking alcohol. In addition, drinking alcohol can promote the expansion of blood vessels throughout the body, resulting in a drop in body temperature, prompting energy expenditure, and swimming after drinking may cause a drowning risk. Don't swim immediately after a full meal, so as not to affect digestion, resulting in indigestion, vomiting or abdominal pain. You cannot swim on an empty stomach, otherwise it will reduce your appetite and weaken your digestive function; you are prone to hypoglycaemia, and you may even drown because of dizziness and fatigue.
 3. People with infectious diseases
 People with emphysema, tinea corporis, conjunctivitis or trachoma, as well as liver disease and highly contagious skin diseases should not swim as they can make the condition worse. Also, do not swim when the skin is broken to avoid infection.
 4. Patients with severe heart disease and hypertension
 When swimming, the load on the heart is larger, and the oxygen consumption of the whole body increases. Heart disease patients may suffer from syncope when swimming because the heart muscle does not contract enough to provide enough blood. In addition, patients with hypertension have weak blood vessel elasticity and may experience dizziness and angina pectoris during swimming.
 In addition to the above-mentioned groups of people who cannot swim, women with gynaecological diseases should also be cautious. Due to poor physiological state and weak immunity, forced swimming will cause bacteria to invade the vagina, thereby inducing or aggravating gynaecological diseases; women who are in menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding should try not to swim. In addition, there is a 5–10-minute warm-up before each swim, such as jumping in place or running, which can prevent cramps during swimming. At the same time control the swimming time, not more than 120 minutes.
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poolclubofficial · 2 years
When you own a pool, you should keep in mind that a pool contains a lot of water, and this involves a high outlay, which you can avoid with the appropriate measures.
Water is an increasingly scarce resource, we all must take care of and it is very important not to waste it.We need to make reasonable use of it, do proper measurements that allow us to enjoy our pool hours, but saving water at the same time, this way, our pool will be more sustainable and more economical.
Save on water consumption in pools
To do this, you have to take a series of measures that are not complicated, but very effective. We will give you advice so that you can save as much as possible on water consumption with your pool.
Check the water level
Firstly, the pool must be filled to a proper level. If the pool is overfilled, many litres of water will be wasted every time someone jumps into the pool.
Automatic filling system ensures that water level is always correct, when the filling is done manually there is a risk that, due to carelessness, the water will end up being wasted. The installation of intelligent control equipment, control the filling level of the pool and also the filling time. When it’s taking longer time, the equipment detects it and warns of a possible leak, which is the main cause of the loss of water.
A well-maintained pool
Keep the water clean is very important to help saving water. If we do that, it will not be necessary to empty the pool in years and with it we will save much water. Clean water will also be much safer and healthier for swimmers.
To get a clean pool of water, the use of an integrated automatic cleaning system, that will ensure that the bottom of the pool is free of dirt particles and very comfortable way for its owner.
If the pool is already built and it is not possible to install this type of cleaning system, the use of an automatic pool cleaner, that's also a very effective solution.
Health risk
Adequate treatment of PH level will prevent the excessive use of chemical products, and that forces us to add more water later. A correct disinfection of pool water will help saving in water consumption. For disinfection we recommend to salt chlorination equipment, which combines hydrolysis with low-salinity electrolysis, ensuring disinfected water without excessive use of chlorine.
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Cover prevents evaporation
Lastly, installing a cover allows the pool to be covered when not in use. The cover, is also a safety equipment, it keeps the pool cleaner. and it will limit the loss of water by evaporation, it helps to retain the temperature of water, so the bathing season to be extended.
At POOLCLUB we offer assistance for the best equipment suites to your needs. We hope the info mentioned can be helpful for you when it comes to water saving for your swimming pool. Also we are a over 15 years experienced pool heat pumps professional, our INVERPAC series leads the trend of the industry, contact our staff for the best pool heat pumps to extend your swimming season and enjoy pool time with your beloved ones, contact us for any other swimming pool related question and concerns.
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poolclubofficial · 2 years
Energy-saving comparison of INVERPAC inverter heat pump
Two days ago, we received a consultation from a customer. He built a swimming pool in the yard, which is 7 meters long, 4 meters wide, 1.5 meters high, and about 42 cubic meters. In order to increase the use of the swimming pool, he considered buying a swimming pool heating system. The question is should you buy an electric heater or an INVERPAC air energy pool heat pump?
Let's do some calculations first and look at the energy consumption of the pool. The temperature maintenance of the swimming pool is usually divided into two stages. The first stage is heating, which heats the swimming pool water temperature to the target temperature; the second stage is constant temperature, which maintains the swimming pool water at the target water temperature.
 The customer said that the swimming pool heat pump is mainly used in spring and autumn. The weather temperature and water temperature are assumed to be 15℃, and how much should the swimming pool water temperature be maintained? Calculated according to the international standard at 28℃.
 Let’s first calculate the swimming pool heating stage, from 15℃ to 28 ℃, a total of 13℃ of water temperature needs to be raised.
 It takes 4190 kj to raise 1 cubic degree of water by 1 degree Celsius, or 1.16KWH.
To raise 42 cubic meters of pool water by 13℃, the heat required is:
1.16KWH X 13 X42 = 633.36KWH
 According to the recommendations of the International Swimming Pool Association, the heating of swimming pool should preferably be completed within 48 hours. Every day, the water temperature of the swimming pool will be affected by various factors and will be lost, such as wind speed, whether there is a pool cover, whether the swimming pool is insulated, the heat transfer of the water, etc. Let’s calculate it at a daily loss of 12%.
 Then the total heat required to heat from 15℃ to 28℃ in 2 days is:
633.36KWH X (1+12%+12%)=785.37 KWH
 2 days is 48 hours, that is, the energy cost required per hour:
785.37KWH / 48 = 16.36KWH
 That is, the customer only needs a swimming pool heating system with a heat output of not less than 16.36KWH per hour to meet his needs.
 With traditional electric heating, 20% of the electricity loss is considerable. If it needs to generate no less than 16.36KWH of heat per hour, it needs to consume 20KWH per hour.
 If the customer chooses the pool heat pump of INVERPAC Turbo 25. How much will that save? In fact, looking at the swimming pool heat pump, in addition to the workmanship, the accessories, and the feeling of use, the most important thing is the COP of the swimming pool heat pump. COP refers to the ratio of the heating capacity to the power consumption. The operating principle of the swimming pool heat pump is to absorb heat from the air, and then transfer it to the water, so as to heat the swimming pool, and the swimming pool heat pump needs electricity to start, consumes 1KWH of electricity, and can generate 5KWH of heat, then the COP is 5, so The higher COP, the more heat is produced under the same consumption, and the more energy-saving it is.
The heat pump of INVERPAC Turbo series has a COP of 5.52 when the water temperature is 15℃ and the ambient temperature is 15℃. If we choose INVERPAC TURBO 25, in TURBO mode, it can generate 18KWH of heat per hour, and in this case, The COP of INVERPAC TURBO 25 is about 5.5, that is, for every 1KWH of electricity consumed, 5.5KWH heat can be produced, and the output of 16.36KWH is only required 3KWH of electricity, which is far lower than the 20KWH of electric heater.
 Just heat for 2 days (48 hours) and save energy with the INVERPAC TURBO 25 pool heat pump
 (20-3KWH)*48hours= 816KWH
 What is the electricity cost in your city? Can you calculate how much electricity you can save in just 2 days?
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poolclubofficial · 2 years
The history of pool heat pump
There are many milestones in the pool heat pump history that helps to improves the energy efficiency of the whole pool industry. Pool heat pump is a great invention and the generations of the pool heat pumps reflects the rapid changes of the industry.
 When the first pool heat pump came out it was in between the 60s and 70s of 20th century . It was the the gas pool heater time that either natural gas or propane are used to heat the pool.   But the gas pool heater has an inevitable downside: the cost to keep the pool water temperature is so high. The technology hasn’t grown much today, it typically offers efficiency rates no higher than 95% COP less than 1.Gas heater or fuel heaters are not eco-friendly pool heating devices for the pool water heating industry.
When the titanium heat exchangers made the entrance to conventional on/off pool heat pumps. Although the the COP of the on/off pool heat pump reached 5which is much better than the heaters in the old days, but the people are always looking for fast heating pool heat pumps that cost less. So there has to be something else to take the pool swimming experience to a higher level.
 The full inverter pool heat pump became a new trend   The on/off pool heat pumps’ triumph set a solid foundation for the revolution of COP. And another chapter begins in 2013,an innovative series of Full-inverter pool heat pumps were launched. It is a new level in terms of highly energy-efficient and cost-saving pool heat pump,with the full inverter tech the COP can go up to 12 in general.   The swimming pool heating industry noticed that the transition from conventional pool heat pumps to inverter pool heat pumps is inevitable ever since. As a creation oriented company,poolclub rapidly launched the INVERPAC Full-inverter pool heat pump, which is most approved pool heat pump in the global swimming pool market.    The acceptance of INVERPAC pool heat pumps led to the rise of new technology of the pool industry . Poolclub was the pioneer pool heater company to offer full inverter pool heat pumps with INVERPAC  technology. Poolclub optimized the INVERPAC Full-inverter tech control system so that we got a much higher COP and lower noise simultaneously .The pool industry has been making progress, and the energy efficiency became much higher, the noise can barely be heard.
In addition, Poolclub’s INVERAC makes the COP of an full inverter pool heat pump reaches around 16.Through leading pool heat pump supplier, it was introduced to the world and has been gaining great reputation in the market, with the powerful and , you can really enjoy swimming time with family all year round, the dream of swimming in a cold day has now become a reality.
POOLCLUB GMBH www.poolclub.com has 20 years experience in the swimming pool heat pump industry. R&D and innovation are our goals, and hold our leading position in the whole industry, only to provide you and your family with better swimming pool water heating options. Contact Our friendly professionals +49 (0) 761 4787 252, to get further information of the latest INVERPAC heat pumps, our efficient team will be more than happy to serve you
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poolclubofficial · 2 years
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