pohtta · 3 years
I think one of the most underrated drarry moments is the bit in Deathly Hallows when Narcissa has no idea if Draco’s alive but she just assumes Harry will know…and she’s right.
Narcissa: Is Draco alive?
Harry: Oh yeah definitely. Literally just risked my life to save him before I came here. I think he’s still in the 7th floor corridor. Love the new shirt he’s wearing btw. Really brings out his eyes. 
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pohtta · 3 years
Saw this…
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And this happened.
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Thanks for the inspiration, @bexterrr 😂
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pohtta · 4 years
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dumb AU. no I will not elaborate more.
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pohtta · 4 years
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                               🍂🎃HAPPY HALLOWEEN🎃🍂
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pohtta · 4 years
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Minerva “men are disappointing” McGonagall
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pohtta · 4 years
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I have so many reasons why I think a thestral is the perfect patronus for Draco but if I talk about it it’ll be a 10 page essay 
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pohtta · 4 years
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For the Drarry discord drawble challenge - the prompt for October was “In the Dead of Night” and the restriction was cult horror movie poster. 
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pohtta · 4 years
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Harry and Ginny being Best Buds™ and chatting about their crushes 🤧🤧🤧 (its Linny and Drarry situation just so we clear) ___ i hope yall doing fine! and taking care of yourself guys! Stay safe if u can 💖 insta | ko fi
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pohtta · 4 years
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Every tall, handsome, well-dressed man looks better in a babywrap 👀
I’m hosting my first DTIYS on Instagram. You’re welcome to join there because it’s harder to keep track of everyone’s entry on Tumblr. Rules are listed on my Instagram post. Have fun 💛
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pohtta · 4 years
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Decided to play around with one of my older drawings.
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pohtta · 4 years
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Today, Jonno Roberts, Year 2 Draco Malfoy in the Broadway production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Drarry shipper and Scorbus shipper, and all-around amazing actor and human, said “Fuck you too, JK Rowling.”
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pohtta · 4 years
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I love this trope so fucking much never gets old
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pohtta · 4 years
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Harry Potter and the boys that deserved better turning cold in his arms
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I need someone to notice the way blood is smudged on Draco's hair.. also feel free to write fanfics based on this (would love to see that) just lemme know if you do
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pohtta · 4 years
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Hands down the best news headline this year.
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pohtta · 4 years
the sexual tension between my foot and jk rowling's ass
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pohtta · 4 years
1/2 The problem with Draco's redemption arc is not that it doesn't happen, it's that Draco starts to act more like a proper Pureblood after he gets his wake-up call. The pre-HBP Draco was a boy who attempted small talk with a boy who looked he walked out of a Muggle trash can, refused to trade in his losers of childhood friends for anyone cooler, and antagonized mainly the Purebloods and left the Muggle-Borns (sans Hermione) alone.
2/2 Whereas post-DH Draco married a Slytherin pureblood of high pedigree, continued the Black tradition of naming children after constellations, and attempted redemption thru ... alchemy.
Hmm. I feel like this leaves out some stuff. First of all HBP gives us a more complex view of Draco and allows us to appreciate the conflict within him for the first time, and to really see his potential for redemption. But I certainly wouldn’t consider HBP the “redeemed Draco book” or anything. I mean. He is a Death Eater at that point and although he lowers his wand and probably wanted to choose to take Dumbledore up on his offer, he doesn’t get the chance. 
Also it’s not like Draco is so lovely in the pre-HBP books and then becomes so much darker. Rather, what he goes through in HBP is the natural conclusion of the trajectory he’s been on since book 1. The notable thing is that when faced with the realities of the ideologies he’s always thoughtlessly ascribed to, he realizes that instead of finding it glorious, he finds it horrifying. For the first time in his life, he has to make truly difficult decisions and he must face the consequences of his actions.
Yes pre-HBP Draco tried to make small talk with Harry BUT he also espoused bigoted, racist, judgmental, unkind, condescending, and bullying views right from the start in a misguided effort to impress Harry. This of course turns Harry against him almost immediately. 
Also I disagree that before Half Blood Prince Draco "antagonized mainly the Purebloods.” He’s very clearly pro-pureblood. He bullies both Ron and Neville even though they are Pureblood because they fall into the category of “blood traitor” since don’t ascribe to the ideas he’s been taught to believe in.  Also they’re both friends of Harry’s and the quickest way to get Harry’s attention and to get under his skin is to go after his friends.
I don’t like to consider the epilogue canon, but since you reference stuff there, let’s get into that. First of all, during the course of Deathly Hallows Draco saves Harry’s life at great risk to himself. And from what we know in the epilogue and from JKR in the post DH era he continued on the path towards rejecting the ideas he’d once believed in.
Post DH Draco marries Astoria Greengrass who, according to JKR went through a similar process as he did and became disenchanted with the views she was raised with. This is supposed to show growth as Astoria is supposed to be “better” than Pansy. Also obviously I ship drarry to the hilt but if we ignore that, we can imagine how Draco and Astoria would have a lot in common if they came from similar backgrounds and then realized everything they were taught to believe in was wrong. Also there is still huge bias against Slytherins and Draco in particular by the time of the epilogue, so probably his dating pool was a bit limited. Also, JKR has said that Draco chose to raise his son without any of the views he himself was raised with, to the point that it caused Draco’s relationship with his parents to deteriorate somewhat because they weren’t happy with this.
 So he went against his parents to raise his son with progressive views. Even though by the time of the epilogue everyone still seems to dislike and distrust him. So he’s not gaining anything from it. I.e. he genuinely believes the things he was taught were wrong and doesn’t want his son taught the same beliefs. 
That shows quite a lot of growth. That’s a redemption arc right there. The issue is that JKR won’t acknowledge it and is demeaning to fans who engage with the obvious implications of what SHE HERSELF WROTE.
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pohtta · 4 years
warmfoothills/ @forestgreenlesbian​: selected works
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warmfoothills (@forestgreenlesbian​ here on tumblr) is one of the greatest fanfiction writers I’ve ever read, in Harry/Draco fandom or anywhere. I’ve bookmarked more stories written by her than any other author, and I love them all. warmfoothills reminds me of a fannish Jane Austen: the rich and nuanced way she captures every character and relationship; how deftly she balances sincere emotion and bright, kind-hearted humor; the brilliant references to other works and genres. Her writing is a vivid celebration of love and friendship, a tribute to the joys of shipping two characters who often live in dark, angsty places–not because she ignores that darkness, but because her work is so lovely and humane. 
As soon as I decided to take up ficbinding, I knew I needed a warmfoothills anthology because I return to her stories again and again. The binding is a variation on a secret Belgian binding that was inspired by Japanese stab binding. Here’s what’s inside:
warmest part of winter 
A lovely, intimate eighth year fic that does a wonderful job of showing Harry’s and Draco’s apprehension about returning to Hogwarts after the war. Plus some very charming Romeo and Juliet references!
flashback, warm nights
I. LOVE. THIS. FIC. It features two of my favorite things–Draco helping the Golden Trio hunt for horcruxes and time loops. It’s funny and thrilling and bittersweet. My favorite Christmas fic of all time!
Oh man, this one has to be my favorite. Feat. Draco “slumming it” in Notting Hill and working at a preppy Muggle bar for purely existential reasons, and a very persistent Harry. It’s the best character study of post-war Draco that I’ve ever read. Really moody without ever feeling overworked, and remarkable attention to detail. A perfect fic, easily one of my favorite fics of all time.  
amid this warm and steady sweetness
No one does fluff like warmfoothills. Fluff is always lovely, but she really elevates it to a place of high art. This story has everything: period drama references, romantic comedy, found family, meta, and facials. It’s pure sunshine in written form. 10/10!
i wake up falling
Draco is an astronaut who has to move to Florida, and after they break up Harry can’t let him go. I love established relationship Harry/Draco, and this fic is so well-done. It does such a beautiful job capturing the yearning of a long-distance relationship.
keep it down
The ultimate “oh my god they were roommates” fic! Everyone lives at Grimmauld place and it’s great. Unbelievably funny and charming and hot, plus the best Ginny I’ve ever read and fantastic hints of Ginny/Luna. Seriously, it’s a perfect fic, and another of my Drarry GOATs. 
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