poeticdearest · 1 month
In the realm where time unfolds,
Patience weaves its threads of gold.
Through the trials that we face,
It teaches us a steady pace.
Like a river, calm and deep,
Patience flows, a promise to keep.
In the silence of the night,
It whispers hope, a guiding light.
With gentle hands and steady heart,
Patience weaves a work of art.
In moments of uncertainty,
It blooms into serenity.
Let us learn this sacred art,
To trust the journey, play our part.
For in patience, we find grace,
A tranquil smile upon our face..
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poeticdearest · 1 month
Ya no siento nada
In shadows deep, where echoes call,
I wander lost, numbed to it all.
Emotions fade like mist at dawn,
In this world where I am drawn.
A heart once filled with fervent flame,
Now cloaked in silence, void of aim.
Feelings dulled, like stones in a stream,
I drift along, adrift in dream.
The world spins on, a hazy blur,
Yet I remain, untouched, unsure.
Numb to joy, to sorrow's grasp,
In this numbness, I tightly clasp.
But deep within, a flicker lies,
A spark of hope, a gentle rise.
To feel again, to break this wall,
And embrace life, beyond the pall.
So I'll journey forth, through the night,
Seeking the dawn, seeking the light.
In this numbness, a seed shall grow,
And once more, my heart shall know..
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poeticdearest · 5 months
In conversations dry, I find no delight,
Where words fall flat, devoid of insight.
Oh, how I despise those lackluster replies,
Where boredom settles and interest dies.
I long for those who know the art,
Of weaving words that capture the heart.
Engage me, dear friend, with thoughts profound,
Let our exchange in depth be found.
No single-word answers shall suffice,
For they dampen the flame, cold as ice.
If you seek my interest, you must do more,
And kindle a fire that will never bore.
Let's delve into topics, both deep and wide,
Where passions collide and thoughts coincide.
Conversations vibrant, like a dance in the air,
With words that ignite, showing you care.
So, spare me the mundane and the mundane alone,
For life is too short to converse with a drone.
If you wish to engage, bring your A-game here,
And let's create conversations that persevere.
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poeticdearest · 8 months
That Feeling..
In whispers of the heart, I find my plea,
A tale of longing, for love's sweet decree.
Oh, how I miss the dance of hearts entwined,
When falling in love was a joy undefined.
Like petals drifting on a gentle breeze,
I yearn for that feeling, that sense of ease.
The thrill of discovery, the spark's embrace,
Lost in a world where time had no trace.
With every touch, a symphony would play,
A melody of passion, guiding the way.
But now, in longing, my heart softly weeps,
For love's sweet caress, in dreams it still keeps.
Oh, to feel that rush, that sweet surrender,
When love's true essence was etched in splendor.
Though time may pass and seasons may change,
The memory of love forever remains.
So let me cherish, in these moments apart,
The beauty of love, engraved in my heart.
For in missing love, I find solace in pain,
And hope that one day, it will find me again..
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poeticdearest · 9 months
In a world of stillness, boredom creeps,
Its grasp tightens, as time slowly seeps.
A yawning void, an empty space,
Boredom's presence, hard to erase.
Days stretch out, monotonous and slow,
Imagination's flame begins to glow.
A spark ignites, creativity's song,
Breaking the chains, boredom's hold is gone.
With pen in hand, the mind takes flight,
Words dance and weave, painting with light.
Boredom fades, as inspiration blooms,
In its wake, a vibrant world consumes.
So let us embrace each passing day,
Seeking adventure, in our unique way.
For in the face of boredom's snare,
Lies the opportunity to create and share..
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poeticdearest · 9 months
A Void
In the depths of my soul, a void resides,
A hollow ache, where something once thrived.
A yearning whispers, a silent plea,
To fill this emptiness that burdens me.
Like shadows dancing in the twilight's embrace,
I search for solace, a familiar grace.
But alas, the void persists, unyielding and deep,
A constant reminder, a secret I keep.
Through tear-stained nights and weary days,
I seek a balm to mend this broken maze.
Yet, in the depths of darkness, a glimmer appears,
A flicker of hope, dispelling my fears.
For within this void, a canvas unfurls,
An invitation to heal, to mend the world.
With love and compassion, I find my art,
Painting new colors upon this barren heart.
For in acknowledging the void, a transformation begins,
As I embrace the lessons that sorrow brings.
The emptiness, a catalyst for growth,
A chance to rediscover my innermost oath.
So let the void be a testament to my strength,
A reminder that life's trials have their own length.
And as I journey through this endless night,
I'll kindle a flame that burns ever bright.
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poeticdearest · 9 months
Guarding The Heart
In shadows deep, a girl so fair,
Yearning for love, but filled with care.
Her heart, once tender, now guards its beat,
For past wounds still linger, leaving scars discreet.
She longs to soar on love's gentle wings,
To feel the warmth that true affection brings.
Yet fear, a specter, whispers in her ear,
Cautioning her heart to tread with wary cheer.
Through fields of doubt, she cautiously roams,
Seeking solace within her guarded zones.
Her laughter muted, her smiles restrained,
The echoes of heartache, forever ingrained.
But in the depths of her cautious gaze,
A flicker of hope, like a sunlit haze.
For love, resilient, finds a way,
To heal the wounds and brighten the gray.
So let her guard slowly start to fade,
As trust emerges from the barricade.
For in vulnerability, she may find,
A love that's genuine, patient, and kind.
And as her heart opens, fears take flight,
Love's tender touch ignites a newfound light.
With each embrace, she learns to believe,
That love can mend what time cannot retrieve.
So take her hand, and gently show,
That love's embrace can help her grow.
Together, write a tale of love's sweet refrain,
Where past and future intertwine, and healing begins again..
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poeticdearest · 10 months
In a world of dreams, where love takes flight,
Two souls entwined, their hearts alight.
They dance on stardust, hand in hand,
Believing they're the center of this vast land.
Their love, a symphony, a cosmic song,
They read their words, where passions throng.
Whispering verses, their souls ignite,
In the embrace of the eternal night.
Underneath the sun-kissed skies,
They sing to poppies, their joyful cries.
Melodies woven with tender care,
Painting colors in the fragrant air.
With every twirl and every rhyme,
They find solace in this realm of time.
Their love, a force that knows no bounds,
A universe, where pure joy resounds.
In their world, they're the galaxy's core,
A love story like none seen before.
They dance, they read, they sing with glee,
Together, they're the center of infinity.
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poeticdearest · 10 months
Failure Leads To Success
In the realm of dreams where success is sought,
A truth emerges, a lesson taught.
For sometimes failure, like shadows cast,
Holds the key to triumph, unsurpassed.
In daring ventures, risks we embrace,
We stumble, falter, losing our grace.
But fear not failure, for it unveils,
Hidden paths to victory's trails.
With every stumble, we gain insight,
Wisdom earned through the darkest night.
For failure's lessons, though they may sting,
Fuel the fire that makes success sing.
Like a phoenix rising from ashes' plight,
Failure ignites a burning light.
It shows us weaknesses, points to mend,
Guiding us closer to our journey's end.
Embrace the failures, let them be,
Stepping stones to what we're meant to see.
For success lies not in a flawless stride,
But in the courage to fail, to try.
So let failures shape you, make you strong,
For in their wake, resilience is born.
Embrace the lessons they bring forth,
For success is sweeter when failure led you forth.
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poeticdearest · 10 months
Beauty Fades, But Character Remains..
In a world of beauty, a girl so fair,
Yet within her heart, darkness lingers there.
Her outward grace, a captivating sight,
But her inner self, a shadowed plight.
Blind to her flaws, she dances through life,
Unaware of the turmoil, the internal strife.
Refusing growth, she shies from the mirror's gaze,
Content in ignorance, lost in her own maze.
Her charm, a facade, a deceptive veil,
Concealing a soul that's destined to fail.
She clings to her youth, afraid to mature,
Unwilling to change, her spirit unsure.
Oh, the tragedy of her untapped potential,
A life unfulfilled, a soul that's essential.
But she remains trapped, in her own reverie,
Unwilling to awaken, unwilling to see.
Beauty fades, but character remains,
A truth she'll discover through life's countless strains.
May she find the courage to face her reflection,
To grow and evolve, and seek true perfection.
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poeticdearest · 10 months
A New Worth
Once upon a time, a girl met a guy,
She thought he was the one, she couldn't deny.
They fell in love and life was sweet,
Until she found out she was expecting, her heart skipped a beat.
As time went by, he started to change,
His true colors came out, it was really strange.
He degraded her, made her feel small,
And slowly but surely, her self-esteem began to fall.
She was heartbroken, little by little,
His words and actions were like a drizzle.
They chipped away at her, until she was a different girl,
But she matured and realized, he wasn't her world.
She grew stronger, wiser, and more aware,
Of the love she deserved and the life she could share.
She left him behind, and though it hurt,
She knew it was for the best, and found a new worth.
So now she's moved on, and her heart has healed,
And though the past still stings, she's no longer sealed.
She's free to love and be loved in return,
And she knows she'll find the one, who truly earns.
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poeticdearest · 1 year
Skater Duck
A skater duck on wheels so slick,
He glided by with a quack and a kick.
He said "see you later, fuck" with a grin,
As he sailed away, leaving us in a spin.
He zoomed around with such ease,
His moves a sight to please.
With feathers ruffled and board in hand,
He showed us all what it means to stand.
The skater duck was a rebel, no doubt,
His attitude cool, and his tricks devout.
He lived life on his own terms,
With no cares or concerns.
So let's all take a cue from him,
And live life with vigor and vim.
Let's be bold and take risks,
And say "see you later, fuck" with a flick of our wrists.
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poeticdearest · 1 year
It’s a bad day, not a bad life..
A bad day comes and goes,
Bringing with it all our woes,
Things don't go as we planned,
Leaving us feeling unmanned.
But though the day may be rough,
And the going may be tough,
Remember that life is long,
And this day won't last for long.
It's okay to feel sad,
To let the emotions we had,
But don't let them define your life,
And don't let them cause you strife.
For though this day may be bad,
Your life is still a gift you've had,
Filled with joys and endless wonder,
And memories that you can ponder.
So take a deep breath and smile,
And know that in just a short while,
This bad day will be in the past,
And your life will be sure to last.
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poeticdearest · 1 year
When life seems to be just fine,
And you're feeling oh, so divine,
Then comes news that shakes your core,
Something bad with your health, you can't ignore.
You feel scared and alone,
And wonder if you'll ever be whole,
But then you remember, deep inside,
The strength you have to fight and survive.
With hope as your guiding light,
You'll face this challenge with all your might,
You'll find the courage to carry on,
And rise above this hurdle, come what may.
You'll take each day as it comes,
And do what you can to keep yourself strong,
You'll lean on those who love and care,
And find solace in the support they share.
With each passing day, you'll see,
The power of hope and positivity,
And as you overcome this test,
You'll emerge stronger, wiser, and blessed..
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poeticdearest · 1 year
Its all a blur..
I wander through a misty haze,
In search of who I am,
A path that twists and turns for days,
A journey I can't plan.
I thought I knew myself so well,
But now I'm not so sure,
The person that I used to be,
Is someone I abjure.
I try to look inside myself,
To find the truth in there,
But all I see is murky depths,
A shadow, cold and bare.
It's hard to face the things I find,
To stare into the void,
To search beyond the surface, blind,
And hope to be employed.
But though the road is long and hard,
I'll keep on walking still,
For in the end, I know I'll find,
The me that I fulfill.
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poeticdearest · 10 years
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poeticdearest · 10 years
Being sexy doesn’t require being just skin and bones! Check out pictures of some of the hottest curvy celebs!
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These ladies are stunning!
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