Shaving my entire body!
So on a Wednesday night I got to church, I am an assistant in a preschool class, the leader didn’t like the craft the book had for us so we decided to change it. So this sent me to Dollar Tree 10 minutes before church starts, I bought 6 cans of shaving cream, so they can draw what they think they look like in God’s eyes. I get to the cash register and the woman at the register said “I’m not even gonna ask!” The first thing that pops in my head to say was “Don’t worry I’m just saving my entire body!!” She didn’t say anything, I kept a straight face the entire time I didn’t speak till she handed me my receipt and I told her what I was acctually doing with the shaving cream. She laughed and said I made her night. But the look on her face was priceless!
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