plants-and-the-bees · 13 hours
reposted my day one of freak week just like. out of the j.rwi tags to help with my own peace of mind. ill be posting chapters 2 and 3 at some point as well, please dont. share this with ppl unless you know theyre cool with j.rwi smut
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plants-and-the-bees · 18 hours
William is decaying- he sews his body back together.
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plants-and-the-bees · 21 hours
so sorry that youre getting hate for the bitb fic you do not deserve that at all (killing the people sending you hate). your descriptions are straight up amazing and i absolutely loved how you wrote the characters (also freaky bug stuff my beloved) genuinely enjoyed reading your work so much <3
Thank you, i dont think killing is really the appropriate reaction here but im really happy you liked it <33
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plants-and-the-bees · 23 hours
I'm so sorry you're getting hate rn for your bitb fic... If it makes you feel any better, I just read it today and I thought the first chapter was great! I enjoy all your fics tbh and your characterization of the bayou boys is always incredible. There was a severe lack of freaky bug shit in the tag imo and I'm very glad to see some now. I wish people didn't suck, but your writing did inspire me to dust off a very old WIP from a while back so...if you see more freaky bug sex fic posted anonymously on ao3 that may in fact be me
Thank u <33 i think its honestly even worse for me because it wasnt really /hate/ and just like. Genuine but polite being upset about it so now my anxiety is going wild with “im a horrible person actually and everyone secretly hates me and wants me dead” :(
Anxiety is fun /s but i am really happy that you enjoyed it and i will def still be writing more things like that just. Anonymously to keep that away from the ppl im friends with who dont like that. Not sure what im going to do with what i posted yesterday tbh since its kinda too late to continue that anonymously but ill think of something
Also hehe very excited to see that old wip of yours…. Freaky bug shit my beloved we truly need more of it
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Wow i love having an anxiety disorder and also feeling like im literally going to be killed for doing something even slightly questionable this is great /s
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Okay so mainly for my own peace of mind, ive decided to not post more of what i wrote yesterday, and any future nfsw things i write will be posted anonymously. If people are interested in chapters two and three, ill still probably write them, and can just. Share them either on this account or just like share the docs or something to keep ppl from having to see it 👍 cool? Cool.
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Im now apparently having to choose between deleting what i wrote yesterday or staying in the jrwi fanfic discord im a part of :) which. Fun. Yay…
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Day one of freak week has been posted on my ao3, its registered users only to hopefully help avoid people who dont wanna see it from seeing it, go read if interested @ plantwriting :)
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Having to change my day one idea for the.. fifth time? Im sorry this is over 4k words we are NOT getting any actual smut in this one. Itll be a two shot, ill write the actual sex (chapter two) some other time and just post the leadup to it for now because this shit is too long and its getting close to one am and i have school. So just. Im posting ch one soon and youre gonna have to wait a bit before they actually fuck each other
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How do i manage to fit kiangst into everything. How do i do this. This is supposed to be HEAVY ROMANCE it was meant to be a QUICK ONESHOT and also PW/P WHY is he CRYING at TWO K PLUS WORDS of NO SEX
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Hehe okay for today, which is actually currently in progress: nbr with kian tied up while bug rolan and rand act very possessive (what im not projecting my own wants shut up /lh) ((originally was going to be just rolan and kian but i couldnt get the pose to work so i added rand and somehow that made it easier))
Decay i actually already finished?? Because i got too inspired? Some poetry about the guys :)
Body horror is getting a drawing and a writing, rolan body horror writing and kian body horror drawing (so excited to give kian a scary spooky bug design..)
Cannibalism yep its rolan and kian again this time rolan eating bug kian! Fun times (drawing)
Weird gore kian dying drawing really hope i can get it to look as fucked and painful as im imagining
Toxic relationship kianbecky :) some kianbecky angst :) kian with his bug gf i sure hope she doesnt traumatize him for the rest of his life :)
Character death kians death but writing this time! Just describing what hes feeling and what all of it is like because i love putting him through pain
actually im gonna tell yall my freak week plans (im skippin heavy romance bc all of these r smut and skipping character death bc i have no idea):
decay: will/dakota woundfucking
body horror: kian/rand/rolan freaky insect sex
cannibalism: gillion/chip/jay gill has shark teeth :>
weird gore: gillion/chip/jay tailfucking (i had an old q.smp concept w foolish which i am recycling w gill)
toxic relationship: rumi/peter worship <3
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Ohhh im so excited for the body horror.. (wow me? Most excited about the b.itb monsterfucking? Who would have thought lmao) ((v excited for all of these though))
I can share my plans as well if youre at all interested lol (theyre all b.itb. I am not a creative person)
actually im gonna tell yall my freak week plans (im skippin heavy romance bc all of these r smut and skipping character death bc i have no idea):
decay: will/dakota woundfucking
body horror: kian/rand/rolan freaky insect sex
cannibalism: gillion/chip/jay gill has shark teeth :>
weird gore: gillion/chip/jay tailfucking (i had an old q.smp concept w foolish which i am recycling w gill)
toxic relationship: rumi/peter worship <3
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sorry if I'm fumbling the vivisection, you're just really cute
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In honor of pride month i will finally write some gay b.itb smut god bless
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Kinda fucked that its pride month and i still dont have someone to fuck me and treat me like nothing but a pretty little toy for their amusement. I need someone to call me a pretty boy while i whine and beg from pleasure, pain, and overstimulation underneath them but noooo
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If you want you can tear me apart for your sick enjoyment (flirting)
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*horny guy voice* someone pls cut me open and dig around in my guts
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