pizzaforensics ¡ 10 months
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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Jason Stackhouse — True Blood, S01E01
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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For @girlfriendfucker
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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ah little kraken, bold are you. restless sailor, dauntless fighter, lower your sword, let me see your shield. ah, of course, they are but the same object. oh wave-tossed ruffian, lend me some of your mettle would you? you have been struck by the sharpest of spears yet you still stand here proudly. but off your guard, elsewhere of the battlefield, you will find your spirit can parch others. your words are but weapons crafted from your soul. little lion, sheathe your claws, or the ones you love the most will suffer. you do not have to be strong all the time love, there's nothing wrong with being soft. vulnerability is not weakness, and if it were, what's wrong with that? strength is not always your greatest tool, your heart is good. put down excalibur, and use your words. you'll find they will carry you much farther. not everything in life is a battle.
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tagged by: (stole from dash) tagging: @sharpenurdamnknife​ | @sardonicbeauty​ | @coivi​ | @wickedlehane​
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
Piper combed her fingers through Jason's hair as he dozed off on her chest. Unlike what most people probably thought, there was nothing sexual about tonight. Jason was capable of that. She knew than better than anyone. Actually she was annoyed she seemed to be the only one who knew it.
While he'd showered upstairs, she had been on the phone SCREAMING at Hoyt. She and Jason were supposed to be enemies. They were supposed to hate each other. So how was it she had been the only one calling looking for him for days? Where was his best friend? Where had his sister been? Why had no one else noticed but she had seen it within seconds when she opened her front door and saw him there with Cassie?
He muttered and she felt how stiff his body got in his sleep. "Shush..." She whispered into his hair, ginger tips across his scalp on her sofa. "I've got you darlin’. You're safe." She whispered, feeling tears well up in her own eyes but she held them in. For him. She needed to be strong for him. He needed to know he was safe here. "I've got you..." She repeated until he settled again.
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                               No one knew what had happened those three days he’d been gone. Three days of his life he would never get back and yet, a larger chunk of time had been taken from him. Time had gone on while he wasn’t there, everyone had gone about their week like they always did. Except her, except his Piper. They weren’t together anymore and hadn’t been for a while now, but she was the only one who had noticed he’d been gone. That it was different from any other time that he had gone missing for more than a day; usually he was just holed up with some gal and his phone battery had died. He wished that’s all that it had been.
Crystal hadn’t seemed like trouble until said trouble showed itself and he found himself knocked unconscious. All he had been trying to do was help those people out in Hotshot, to show them that he wasn’t like everyone else that turned their eyes from them. But they had other plans and Crystal did nothing to stop any of it, hell she took part in it. It was a nightmare, to be tied down to the bed, starved and dehydrated with burns to his wrists from how the rope cut into his skin and rubbed. He could have withstood and been okay with all of that and even the bites that were still healing. It was everything after that that he couldn’t handle and it was slowly breaking him down.
When he made it home, he had showered and put the last couple of days behind him the best he could. He did his best to get back into his routine and that included picking Cassie up from school and taking her home; even the little girl had noticed something was off but she was a child and easily told that everything was okay. Piper, her older sister, was not and he didn’t need to say anything ( not at first anyways ) to her, just the look on his face and in his eyes was enough. And that’s all he had to do, see her face, before the dam broke and he crumbled to his knees right there in the doorway.
Now he was laying in her couch, knees to his chest and his face pressed into the back of the cushions. Nightmares, he never used to get them, not since he had been a kid. But the last day or so, it’s all he was having now and it was happening until he heard Piper’s voice, feeling her fingers in his hair and her body up against his own. It was the only thing that made him feel safe. Rolling in her hold, Jason was soon looking at her with sleepy tear filled eyes, bottom lip trembling, “...I ain’t felt like this an-an’...” he trailed off, shaking his head as he screwed his eyes shut before he was burying his face in her neck.
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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#PIZZAFORENSICS — independent, selective, and private JASON STACKHOUSE from true blood and the sookie stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. established 07, february 2016; leashed by char ( she/her, 27, pst ) please read rules before following. WARNING: triggering and mature material will be present; dni if not 21+.
       — affiliated with: vampirecrack | sharpenurdamnknife
       — quick links: Memes | Wishlist | Thread Tracker | Carrd
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦   𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦   is   something   else   entirely.   It   is   when   the   rest   of   the   world   goes   quiet.   It   is   not   eyes   that   meet,   but   𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄.   Settle   into   each   other.   Make   room   for   each   other.   𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕   𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎   𝚒𝚜   𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎   𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎   𝚝𝚘   𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚎. / ©
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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@perfectdespair​ (lizzy) asked:  ❝ I lie to everybody, what makes you so special? ❞
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                         Brows arched before they were tugged down into a frown. The question stirred up nothing but mild confusion with a hint of anger. Jason knew he wasn’t anything special to anyone, least of all her, but he thought maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t pull the same damn stunts with him. “’Cause it’s me, Elizabeth!” he hissed, trying to keep his voice down. Hands raised and collide with the sides of his face before he scrubbed at his stubbly cheeks, letting out an annoyed growl. “Jesus woman…I-I thought ya wouldn’t pull yer shit with me ‘cause…us…” he muttered, hand waving back and forth between them.
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“Elizabeth?” She repeated her own name back with a scoff under her breath. She hadn’t really set out to upset him so much, but at usual she hadn’t really thought of anyone other than herself. As she watched him though she couldn’t help but feel uncharacteristically guilty. 
“Us?” Lizzy repeated incredulously, with a little more volume. She mimicked his own hand motion, gesturing between them both. “Maybe if there was a little more us, Jason, I wouldn’t be sneaking out with vampires every other night.” 
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                         “Did I stutter?” he asked with arched brows and wide eyes. He had never called her Elizabeth until today and he felt too grown in that moment. Like he was scolding a child for doing something wrong. And maybe that was what she needed because it was clear she had never had to deal with consequences from her actions. But he wasn’t her father and that was not a role he wanted to take on.
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Jason stood there, chest heaving as his anger fought to get the best of him. He wouldn’t let it boil over because he didn’t like himself when it did. And Lizzy didn’t deserve ( no one really deserved it ) to have him losing himself to his anger. “The hell is that supposed ta mean?! I’ve been given an’ give an’ fuckin’ given!” he hissed, teeth clenched and jaw locked as he stared at her. “Yer the one that ain’t given shit, Lizzy. All you do is take an’ take an’ take an’ make me look like a goddamn fool!”
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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What was Jason’s thoughts when the vampires came out the coffin and how has it changed from then to now?
Well, it’s a bit of a tricky question. In the beginning, when vampires had initially came out of the coffin, everyone’s reactions were mostly split down the middle; some were excited and intrigued while others were disgusted and thought it was the beginning of the end times. Jason was mostly excited and intrigued about the whole thing, however, that quickly changed when the women he was sleeping with / seeing began to have sexual relations with vampires. Then his insecurities came into play and with it came the resentment and hatred that we see up until he meets Jessica Hamby. Now there was Bill Compton, Godric, Bubba ( Elvis, ) and of course Eddie, both of whom he had no issues with and realized they weren’t like a certain tall blond club owner.
However, that was then and this is now. Jason has no issues with vampires, he realizes that they’re like anyone else; they can be good or bad or be a mix of both. Eric Northman is the only vampire he wouldn’t mind seeing burn in the sunlight, but the feeling is mutual with the vampire; some roads just do not merge together and that’s okay. But in all seriousness, if it hadn’t been for Bubba, Eddie, Godric, and Jessica, he probably would still harbor a lot of resentment towards vampires; Bill is not included given how things ended canon show wise but he for the sake of early seasons, he did help Jason see that they [ vampires ] were all human at one point and some were given an undead life without their consent.
thanks to @hellsurvivr​ !!
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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head-canon prompt: sleeping habits!
Ever since he joined the football team in sixth grade, he has always woken up around five in the morning and gone for a five mile run rain or shine. He carried this over when he got older but the runs became fewer and fewer as his job ( road crew then deputy ) became more important and left him with little less time to do things like going on a run. Jason rarely ever stays up too late unless it’s a Friday and or Saturday and even then the latest he stays up is about one or two in the morning. So his sleeping habits are really boring and bland in comparison to some and probably nothing to what others would think or assume when Jason Stackhouse comes to mind.
thanks to @coivi​ !!
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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                        Though this was the first time they had spoken, he knew who she was and not because of his ability. Marilyn had been the talk of the town as she was the first normie to be allowed to teach at Nevermore. Every little old lady in their gossip circles were talking about the newest member of faculty at the freak show of a school. He paid no mind to the murmurs ( he knew the school did good and he was proof of that ) and went about his way most days. But even he had been surprised to learn of the redhead getting a teaching position especially since he thought that wasn’t allowed.
“Me too,” he mused with a small chuckle, arms coming to fold across his chest. It beat having to run all over town and further out of town so he’d take the slow day as a win. His attention, however, was solely on Marilyn Thornhill and getting to know her; he always had been forward when someone caught his eyes. “I’ll meet ya over there,” he nodded with a bright smile, noting the smirk she had.
Jason turned to look towards the menu, now second guessing his usual order. “Yes ma’am,” he murmured with a grin, giving Marilyn another nod as he watched her walk off before attention returned to the menu. It only took another couple minutes before he finally got his own coffee ( he decided against being adventurous for today ) as well as two fresh baked donuts; he could have easily eaten two dozen by himself. Once he had acquired his breakfast, the deputy came over to the booth and joined the teacher, sliding in across from her. “They looked so good I had ta get two,” he chuckled, plate placed in front of him before he picked one up and took a bite, groaning slightly at the taste.
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Swallowing the bite in his mouth, remembering his manners, he wiped his mouth before he spoke again, “So, Marilyn, are ya from around here or a transplant like myself?”
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IT CERTAINLY WASN’T OFTEN THAT SHE GOT HIT ON, most of the time whenever she wanted someone to hit on her they ignored her entire existence. So this was somehow a nice change of pace that she hadn’t expected. Still, she had to be careful. Especially when considering two very important facts ; that 1. he was an outcast and 2. he was a deputy of the town. There were other reasons as well, of course, but she didn’t want to think too heavily on those just yet. Her interest was, surprisingly genuine given the circumstances and in truth, she hated that. Yet, here she was, sitting at a corner booth in a coffee shop with the very type of being she had sworn to despise entirely. But when he sat down and began to speak, she couldn’t help but smile and laugh. It had been a long time since anyone made her laugh, outside of feigned responses on her part. This laugh was pure and over something completely minor and ridiculous. She felt silly, and she liked it. ❝ I do hear they make them fresh every morning. ❞ She doubted that was true, but it was besides the point. The inquiry of her past and where she was from does give some hesitation though she tries not to make it obvious. Most people didn’t ask about her, no one ever really seemed to care. The most interaction she had with anyone wanting to get to know her was her interview at Nevermore and even then, it was mostly credentials and experience histories. But that’s how she usually preferred it. Not wanting to risk giving anything away when it came to actual truths. Sometimes, it made her feel bad. Lying all of the time. Lying to everyone. Lying to the people she actually grew to like. ❝ I uh… well, I guess I’m a transplant. ❞ No, she wasn’t. Far from it, in fact, but she couldn’t say that she was born and raised in Jericho with an entire family history that dated back to its first (pilgrim) settlers. ❝ I’m actually from…. Seattle. How about you? ❞
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                        Though it would be and was frowned upon to be flirting with a civilian, it came all too naturally to the deputy. It was something he couldn’t turn off and he wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity to get to know someone. Jericho was a small enough town, though, so he knew that anyone with a set of eyes and a pair of lips would be passing this mornings events off to the little old gossip ladies. Which didn’t bother him any considering he was used to that sort of thing from back home; though he’d been talked about for too many reasons. Also, Marilyn was cute and again, he couldn’t pass up a good thing especially since he wasn’t sure if he’d see her again anytime soon.
Hearing her laugh made him smile, hazel eyes squinting with the smile that was genuine. “They look an’ smell fresh,” he mused, knowing a thing or two about donuts. But also because they didn’t have the texture and smell of having sat out for a day or two. Which, really, wouldn’t have mattered much to him as he still would have ate the stale donuts; they went best with hot coffee anyways. The thought alone made him miss his grandmother then, waking up early to go to church on Sunday’s and how there’d always be donuts from the little grocery store. He sighed softly and gently placed the memories back in their corner as he took a sip of coffee with a hum.
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Jason had the first donut polished off before she finally answered him. His smile remained as he leaned back in the seat, wiping his mouth of any crumbs and sugary glaze. “Seattle huh? Can’t say I’ve ever been that far north,” he chuckled, eyes glancing to the other donut on his plate before deciding to hold off on it for now. “Me? Well I’m from a lil town called Bon Temps in Louisiana,” he answered a bit proudly despite his reasonings for moving to Jericho the first time around and even now. “It’s north of New Orleans, lil itty bitty town with not much to it.”
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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                                     Ever since people started going missing, the station had been buzzing and had calls coming in every other five minutes. Not much was known nor was much being done; was only so much a bunch of normies could do. So the deputy had taken things, a bit, into his own hands as he felt like he could do more to move this growing case further along. Hence his late night stroll through the woods that backed up against Nevermore academy.
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Having been following a strong scent that was scattered throughout the woods, he was surprised to see another person out here. Flashlight is lowered so it’s not directly pointed in the woman’s face as he offers up an apologetic look on his face. “Sorry!” he chuckled, glad that his gun was still holstered though he didn’t need it. Jason looked in the direction of her nodding head before he let out a sigh, “Just came from there an’ I ain’t seen nothin’...” he muttered, shrugging before he looked back to her. “What’re you doin’ out ‘ere so late? If ya don’t mind me askin’.”
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@pizzaforensics | elle for jason
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Eleanor stopped in her tracks when she made out beams of light in the distance ahead of her. There were only so many explanations why someone would run around the woods with a flashlight, and she doubted they were looking for the Blair Witch out here.
Not interested in being shot by some cop trying to cash in on the role of town hero by slaying the beast haunting the forest, she walked towards the light, squinting against the brightness of it. "Looking for something?" she asked, holding up her heels in one hand, and merely raised the other, in mock surrender. "The big bad wolf went the other way, sir," the doctor said, nodding her head in one direction, smiling sweetly.
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
im a shitty rp partner tho
sometimes i reply 19 seconds after youve replied
sometimes i reply 147 years later
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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                                 Even though her car was parked out front, it didn’t mean that she was automatically home. She liked to walk and he knew that, hence the shouting up the stairs like he still lived there. Though he knew he would always have a place to stay as their grans’ house would always be home. “Thank Christ for that ‘cause I ain’t need ta go stab my eyes out,” he muttered as heard her, smile slipping into place when his eyes landed on Sookie. “Are ya dressed for goin’ out?” he asked, despite still being in his uniform, but he had ulterior motives for asking her. Which she would find out if she took a peak inside his head.
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@vampirecrack​ gets a random thing.
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                                  A single knock is given to the side of the screen door before he’s pulling it open and pushing the front door open. “Sook! Sook ya home?” he called out, figuring he could have at least called his sister first before dropping by. But he had been in the neighborhood and wanted to see her; hadn’t seen her since Christmas and he was doing better with being present. Jason gave a whistle as he approached the stairs, head ducking and eyes looking up, “Woman are you up there?”
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               Sookie couldn’t blame her brother for just walking on into the house. He had grown up here for most of his life before moving back into mama and daddy’s old house. Besides, if anyone had a free pass into walking in without knocking, it was her brother. Still in her morning robe because she didn’t dare to get dressed for the day yet, the blonde turned the corner at the top of the stairs. ❝ You know, you’re really lucky I’m not the type of person to walk around the house naked, ❞ she teased him as she padded down the wooden steps.
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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@holyfailed​ asked: ’ You should go. Cause I’m about to nut punch you. ’ 
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                                      Brows arched as he stared Jordan down, hands coming to rest on his utility belt. “So yer lookin’ to get tazed tonight, huh?” he asked, not backing down nor taking her threat all that seriously. Though he should have, especially seeing as how many women had said the same thing to him or done it without warning him. So with some better judgement, the deputy took a step back as he kept his eyes on her.
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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“ᴀ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ɪꜱɴ’ᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ. ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ ᴏɴᴄᴇ.”
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pizzaforensics ¡ 1 year
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y’all should send me head canon prompts / things you wanna know about jason aside from the obvious; cute, dumb and blond
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