Has a little humor and spirituality plus the origin of the words Holy Cow
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You humans drink our milk and eat the eggs of the chickens and the ducks. Isn't that enough for you? Isn't it enough that we give you our children and what's meant for our children? And if not, when is it enough? All you humans do is take, take, take from the earth and its beautiful creatures, and what do you give back? Nothing. I know humans consider it a grave insult to be called an animal. Well, I would never give a human the fine distinction of being called an animal, because an animal may kill to live but an animal never lives to kill. Humans have to earn the right to be called animals again.” ― David Duchovny, Holy Cow
I have long believed we would consume Mother Nature and all she gives us. This philosophy makes it very difficult to maintain a positive prospective on our very existence, on this earth. We are cancerous, destructive, abusive and ignorant. Can you imagine how short-sighted it is to destroy the very thing that gives us the ability to maintain life. 
Total disregard for the value of life, any life, is indicative of our own self-absorption. A very fragile and faulty belief in our superiority.        
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My Paper Idea is the mythology surrounding W.Wolves#lit243 
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We have been encouraged to analyse our own response to the writing style, character development and, our emotional response or repulsion of characters found within the pages of the book. Not only that but also the relevance of this piece of literature. 
I stumbled across this online article and found this to be of great value. Its an easy read. Short and very informative. For those who may not have found it or seen it, you may find it interesting #lit243       
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Phantom Question
Is the Phantom a victim? If so, of what? #Lit243
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Is the phantom a victim? If so, of what? 
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it is interesting to read how the author creates the mystery and suspense that is leading up to the introduction of the story's “monster”.
There is a past that affects the present and influences the future. This past, surrounds the causal and “creation” of the “ghost” We are quickly introduced to individuals who play pivotal roles. Even the beautiful Christine Daae. #lit243  
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Monster Culture
This article epitomizes everything we have discussed to date. I can easily relate to how monsters are created, how they perpetually exist and how they survive!
Monsters are ageless parallel to that of Dorian Grey. 
They are part of everyone and every culture. They persist or survive because they are a creation and visualization of our deepest darkest desires and equally, our fears. They excite us, they intrigue us and, they repulse us!
We, collectively and generationally provide CPR to their un-dead souls.   
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