pippaphotography · 4 years
Link to my condensed journal.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Link to my presentation.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Artist review- Maurizio Anzeri
Maurizio Anzeri makes his portraits by sewing directly into found vintage photographs. The way he stitches into the images can create costumes for the characters or it can almost reveal emotions and feelings that he has created for the image. The lines the stitching creates are flowing and bold. They provide movement for the image and provide a new context to the original photograph. As well as giving movement, they also create a new texture making the image uneven and almost ‘interactive’ as they invite you to want to explore them and touch them. 
“I work with sewing, embroidery and drawing to explore the essence of signs in their physical manifestation. I take inspiration from my own personal experience and observation of how, in other cultures, bodies themselves are treated as living graphic symbols.”
His work has been part of many solo and group exhibitions that have been put on across the world. The antique images that he uses has a direct contrast with the colour and texture that he adds.
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‘Round Midnight’ - 2009
The image used in Round Midnight is an early 20th century ‘glamour shot’ that at the time would have been considered titillating for both the girl’s nudity and ethnicity. The veil he stitched on creates an uncomfortable modesty, overlaying a past generation’s cross-cultural anxieties with an allusion to our own.
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‘Nicola’- 2011
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‘Mia’- 2014
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Brett Lockwood Talk
The project called ‘Finite’ was shown at the Brick lane gallery. The images that he took were displayed at an A1 size. He created miniature landscapes of growing bacteria. He allowed the Petri dish with the seeds to sustain themselves, then he pulled them out to represent humans destroying forests.
Lockwood then worked in retail and did freelance work until he began an internship with Karst where he took on a curator role. He got into Karst through a callout and he put ‘his stake in the ground’. He says that working at Karst helped him to ground himself. 
He had to revisit his project when Exeter Phoenix contacted him with an interest in him presenting his work in the cafe. His circular artefacts from the petri dishes were presented in the exhibition to see if people would take care of them the same way that we should take care of the rainforest.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Matthew Raw - Tactile Change
Exhibition review-
“Doors, security fences and carved slogans are the tools used by Matthew Raw in Tactile Change to discuss the societal challenges increasingly faced in a culture rife with seismic attitudinal and behavioural changes.”
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The exhibition, ‘Tactile Change’ was and idea that was inspired by Plymouth’s zoo in the 1960s. Matthew Raw took the idea from an Elephant which was a common animal that were held and then transported. He used the elephant as a symbol of journeying. The elephant was inspiration for his writing go a short story and then he asked students at the Plymouth school of creative arts to create illustrations of the elephant as a response to his story. Some of the drawings made were printed on tiles to be shown as part of the exhibition.
The space felt very immersive and there was lots to look at and draw you in. There were fences that were covered in the elephant illustrations created by the students. The fences were there to create the illusion that you are being held in a pen. They force to walk around the exhibition in a specific order and they also restrict access to some parts of the room, almost making you feel trapped. Dotted throughout the exhibition, there are blocks of clay on the walls that have words carved into them. They had words like ‘taking back control’ and ‘where individuals become communities’. These words emphasise how little control that you have, especially while walking around in-between the fences.
The exhibition ‘Tactile Change’ is a complex idea displayed in a simplistic way. I feel that the exhibition relates to times now with Brexit and how the elephant he uses throughout is linked to migration and journeying. 
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Anna Fox- visiting lecturer
This is a student project that was divided into four themes. They are colour photographs with text captions, which are a critical observation of Basingstoke life during the late 80’s.
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‘Work stations’
This is a project showing office life in London. She wanted this project to feel like a day in the office so she added time stamps under each of the photos. This project changed her perspective on photographer and subject.
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‘The village’
This is a series of photographs that were accompanied by audio which helps give the project an immersive feeling. The project explores her Grandmas village in West Sussex.
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‘Zwarte Piet’
In every Dutch city, there is a celebration of a traditional Christmas in which hundreds of black peters appear ‘played’ by majoritively white women. He was a historical figure, ‘Black Pete’ who plays servant to Sinta Klaas in the Dutch Christmas myth. 
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‘Country girls’
This was a collaboration between Anna Fox and singer Alison Goldfrapp. It explores the lives of women growing up in rural England and the story of Fanny Adams. The images are quite disturbing and act as metaphors for the feeling of suffocation they both felt when they were younger growing up in the countryside.
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‘Resort 1′ and ‘Resort 2′
Resort 1 and 2 are the result of the two years that Anna Fox spent photographing at Butlins, marking their 75th anniversary. Resort 1 presents families on holiday and resort 2 presents adult weekends.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
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I completed another TFP shoot with a model after being contacted by them asking to collaborate. I feel that this shoot was successful and I enjoyed shooting with a model in and around the Barbican. This shoot has also allowed me to develop a connection with this model, who I can hopefully work with again in the future.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
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TFP shoot that I did with a model. I was contacted by the model, who I've worked with previously, about shooting with them again. We decided to work on a TFP basis. I am happy with these images and I love how the fog in the background makes the model stand out.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
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My work featured on the shops instagram page.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
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Behind the scenes of the commission shoot with the vintage shop.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Commission shoot for a vintage shop
I was approached by the manager of a vintage shop and was commissioned by her to photograph their new fashion collection. I’ve worked with the shop previously so it was good to work with them again and produce more images. I found this shoot to be helpful as it gave me the experience to work with a variety of different models. I was able to apply the skills I've learnt, like lighting, to this shoot which helped my images to look more professional. I was able to make connections with models as well as strengthening my connection with the shop. This will help me a lot in the future as I've already begun to get my name out there and started to establish myself. I think the images were successful and they fit the brief that the client gave me.
Here’s a selection of the images I took:
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pippaphotography · 4 years
5 year plan
Success means enjoying what I do in life and creating the images that I like and inspire me. It means being happy in what I’m doing.
I want to be creating images, perhaps involving portraiture and travel. I would like to incorporate creative techniques into my images.
My ideal working life would provide me with new and different situations where I am creating new images and experimenting with a range of ideas and techniques.
I enjoy creating and taking photographs. I want to work in this industry as I feel that it is what I’m good at and I don’t see myself working with anything else. I want to enjoy working and to be happy in my career.
This is important to me as creating inspires my everyday life. I want to expand my knowledge of photographic techniques and experiments.
Year 1-
Begin developing my personal work and begin networking with others.
Year 3-
Developed a fully personal practise and a strong networking base. Begin to pursue a career that inspires my work.
Year 5-
Established myself as a photographic artist. Would have began a career pursuing the work that I enjoy.
I think that making this plan was very helpful and insightful. It will help me work towards my goals that I have made. It is good to have my ideas and plans for the future laid out in a simple way that is easy to refer back to and edit as my life progresses.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Skills audit
I completed the skills audit form from the employability tools:
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I feel that this was a helpful form to fill out as it helped me realise where I am in a professional sense. This has informed me with what I need to improve on to develop further.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Exhibition- ‘Snap shot’
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Our exhibition was called ‘snapshot’ and it showcased a variety of our work over the last few years. Work was presented in various different ways from hanging from the ceiling as well as displayed on tables. 
I was not part of the steering group for the exhibition, however I assisted in the organisation of the event like discussing how work would be displayed and how the room would be laid out. I was part of the brief meeting that we had with Stephen where we spoke about our options for showing our work in the SU. This exhibition made us all very creative as the space wasn't ideal for showing work. I think this worked to our benefit as it made the exhibition more visually interesting. 
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Mystery postcard sale
Poster advertising our postcard sale: (Made by Maria)
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Our class decided to have a mystery postcard sale for our fundraiser. We gave out blank postcards to people around the college so they could create their own artwork on them and then seal them in the envelope. 
I assisted the steering group by helping them set up for the fundraiser. Our group sold the postcards for £5 each and raised £40 in total to go towards our third year show. I think that the sale was successful and it was a unique idea.
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pippaphotography · 4 years
Business Instagram page
To promote my work, I have a business Instagram page. I use this to post my recent photos and also to connect with models to arrange shoots. I’ve had this page for about 2 years, but have only recently began to post regularly. 
Here’s what my Instagram page looks like:
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pippaphotography · 4 years
looked for a while for people to interview. I came across a photographer, LauraCharlottePhotos, on Instagram and I began following her. After a few weeks, I began to contact her and ask if she was interested in doing an interview with me over email. She is a similar age to me and is studying at university, so I thought she would be a good person to speak to and talk about her experiences. This is the message that I sent her over Instagram:
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I then emailed her with some questions:
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After a couple of days, she sent an email back with all the questions answered.
- Do you have any influences for your work?
Influences for my work include other photographers on instagram that I follow, some local, including Hanadallimorephotography kayleighgrestyphotography charlotteturtonphoto dave buxton thisisgreaves restoreddphotography and many more.
- Has your style of photography changed? And if so how would you describe your style now?
My style of photography has changed a bit in the sense I do more portraits aswell as normal outfit posts as i feel my strengths lie more in portraits. In terms of themes I’m definitely more creative than I used to be with locations and angles aswell. My style now I would say is a mixture of everything - portraits, street style, blogger photos.
- What is your most important piece of equipment?
Most important piece of equipment obviously would be my camera but I bought my £100 50mm lens a couple months ago which has completely changed my quality of content and improved my skills, I hardly use my kit lens now.
- What would your dream project be?
My dream project would be to do something abroad for people around the world and travel in amazing locations such as paris, the maldives, new york, amsterdam, bali and so many more places.
- How do you find opportunities for work?
I find opportunities for work by simply stalking accounts for hours and local models to work with and I message them and try to arrange shoots. Also word of mouth is really good for people to find me. I do promotions quite a bit with the promotions feature on Instagram which attracts lots of people. I look at the @bristolportraits tagged to find people as well as looking down my feed and following more accounts as they appear, especially local models and photographers.
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