piphqs · 3 years
Hello! My name is Pip (he/they & 21+), this blog mainly exists for me to just find people to rp with on discord. Please read below for a brief overview of my rp preferences.
I prefer playing male muses (although will on occasion play a female), along with mlm plots. Please keep in mind that if you’re looking for a smut focused rp that I am not the partner for you as I don’t tend to write it! I enjoy multi-para threads and to come up with intricate plot lines. As far as shipping goes, I also prefer slow burn rather than just jumping in. I enjoy angst and fluff quite a lot and have a soft place in my heart for historical roleplays as well. Where shipping is concerned, I like to establish chemistry before discussing the ship, just to see if our characters banter off each other well and if our writing styles work well together. I also do not use icons or gifs although I will pick a faceclaim still! I love underused faceclaims and often choose models. 
As far as canon characters go I can be very picky about who I play. I’m far more flexible with OC’s but canon characters will often be from a classic (les mis, for example).
While I know this blog is very empty, I have been roleplaying for about thirteen years now, although discord is a new platform for me. I’ve been both in tumblr group rps as well as been indie many times. If you would like a sample of my writing before we jump into plotting feel free to ask.
If you’d like to reach out to plot feel free to IM me and I’ll send my discord tag!
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