pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
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“  The future of air combat… Is it manned, or unmanned? I’ll tell you in my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot’s instinct. ” / / A private and selective writing blog for Lt. Col. James Rhodes ( War Machine )
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
INBOX / MEME CALL ! hit the heart of you want a rhodey thrown your way !
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
@pilotsinstinct liked for a one-liner forever ago
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‘‘ Hang on, you STOLE the War Machine armor ? That’s AWESOME ! ’’
“ I did what I had to do. ” He speaks as if responsibility is all that there is to it. Well, for the most part, there’s that. But he’d known, he’d felt that itch like the shift from want to need to fly with the first smell of jet fumes as burners wake. He was gonna get a suit ( Next time, baby - that had been a promise ). “ Heard you fixed yours. ” 
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“You’re from Top Gun.”
Clint Barton: wit master extraordinaire. His childish response is all the more useless since Rhodey pretty much is. Clint’s a decent enough pilot, has flown his fair share of planes, jets and ‘miscellaneous (other)’ in his time – as classified by SHIELD reports – but Rhodey was born for it. He’s got that pilot instinct thing that Clint only doesn’t have, but tends to wilfully ignore any time some remnant of it rears his head.
Clint crashes a lot.
He’s got his feet on the table and his chair tipped back on its rear two legs. His attention is nowhere near the screen. That’s not his kind of work, and he sucks at it. Might as well leave it to Rhodes. Just let him know when it’s time to shoot something.
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”
The thin stretch of lips and a huffed laugh causing the lift of his chest are almost all the archer gets from James. Perhaps it’s Tony that rubs off on him, the mischief that comes to transfer to words and settle on his tongue. Here, he could say that there’s truth there, that a man has many influences and a long list of credentials unwritten for their lack of necessity. 
“ You could say that. ” 
There, he leaves it there.
“ I could eat. ” Fingers curl, and thumb points behind him. “ Tony leaves the number of his pizza place on the fridge. ” Nostalgia from the old MIT days --- the magnetic surface of a fridge was a sacred place for an engineer that used almost all flat horizontal surfaces around him for his work and curiosities. “ You buying? ”
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“ I’ve got your back Carol. ” He’ll share the burden; feels the pressure, the weight of the world on her shoulders and offers his own by her side. He’ll share it with a smile, calm and resolute as always. A hand on her shoulder, and a gentle squeeze offered. 
@colonelwhizbang ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“ I’m here to help you. ” Comfort. This time he’s without the suit --- looks like your average guy in a not so average situation. But he’s a soldier. A hero. Things like that don’t have a time and place that’s set. He crouches a little and offers a hand to help her up. Eyes are focused on her, expression gentle; and though hard to ignore the blood that stains floors and walls, he manages. 
( A monster of sorts that sticks to shadows, that hunts with a hunger insatiable. He’s the first on the scene, and here, it appears, she’s the last one out ).
“ Are you alright? ”
@xbitesback ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“ That doesn’t work on me. ” Sometimes, Tony Stark needs a reminder of just who James Rhodes is. Been here, done that, known him for way too long; and the ring worn for his ( their ) graduating class is only the tip of that iceberg. Eyes are fixed on him, warm and brown and purposefully soft. He knows the look. 
But, of course, the same could be said about him. Tough love was something often given; the once liaison put in charge as a means to try to control ( he listens to you, Rhodes, he’d been told ). Sure, Tony listens, but he also twists the arm --- convinces in his own way. Always starts with the eyes, and Jim’s always been that little bit soft. “ What? ” 
@starktonystark ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“ That’s from Top Gun. ” He knows the movie practically off by heart. A prerequisite of flight school, nonsense spouted by your Mavericks, your Icemans and your Merlins of the world. To think how big an impact it made on the culture of flight ( to think that maybe once before this all he’d played along too --- a little too straight edged though with that hint of something Viper ). 
His attention hasn’t moved from the screen. CCTV and videos taken from youtube on the latest chaos that graces Avengers HQ’s briefing room: those hungry to make their break in the war mongering world, with the use of alien tech and a thirst for the green and glory. He’s on the job, has to, what with that look in Tony’s eyes and the ease in how he reads it all. 
Iron Man takes this one personally. For good reason. 
@cirquepaleolithique ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
“ --- That’s not something they teach you at flight school. ” Impressed, even if it’s not discernible with the way he stands with folded arms and lifted chin ( expressionless, that he learnt in the academy ). But of course, it’s only a face, a feigned guard among those he considers friends. She could probably see right through it. 
Carol’s always seemed to get the upper hand, an unspoken advantage with a wink and a gesture for hush, they’re secrets until they’re not. Until now, really. Until superheroes, aliens, and the like were something he’d been thrust into. No longer just a pilot, or a liason. Things were different. 
A smile breaks through, and he takes that step forward towards her. 
“ Danvers, it’s been a while. ”
@cheeseburgerisms ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
It’s an itch that’s hard to ignore; a question he wants an answer to --- a need for something to be verified. There here, same time, same joint, same order. Some things never changed ( and maybe sometimes, it’s something he appreciates; brings him back to the good old days when things were a little easier ). 
A lazy rock of a drink held loosely by the neck of the bottle, before he lifts his gaze to meet Tony’s. Cool, calm, collected. “ Been meaning to ask you something Tony, about your suits. ” A drink, and the swirl of the bottle to feel the slosh of beer as it hits the sides. “ Your security’s not bad, never known you to be the guy who’d let someone touch your stuff, ” bottom line here, “ --- how’d I get access to use the suit? ”
@learnedprice ♥
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
QUEUED UP! starters in queue, sorry for the wait, didn’t manage to do a rewatch or a read ( read: goblin owns my ass )
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
Alternatively; if you’re a new follower and you don’t mind me tagging you in a random starter - please like this post!
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
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“  The future of air combat... Is it manned, or unmanned? I'll tell you in my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct. ” / / A private and selective writing blog for Lt. Col. James Rhodes ( War Machine )
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
tag drop: character & writing
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pilotsinstinct-blog · 7 years
tag drop: verses & characters
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