It's All About the Timing
Summary: Hinata is seriously contemplating that there’s some sort of curse on Konoha. No one ever seems to be granted those important moments of privacy; so she’s put it upon herself to spy out those intimate moments between friends and keep their moment from being spoiled. She’s ready to face anything – except Sasuke Uchiha, of course.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
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Summary: For SasuHinaMonth2022! College AU. Sasuke is not exactly pleased to be moving to Abeross, and with Kakashi no less. He's strange, he's old, and he talks to ghosts. But now there's one ghost in particular that seems very keen on getting Sasuke's attention, and what first started as a normal, college semester turns into Sasuke stumbling into a mystery he simply cannot ignore.
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Summary: Hinata finds a rather odd thing kept at the bottom of her husband's chest. A . . . list? About her?
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Summary: She hasn't seen him for ages. Hasn't even spoken to him in years. And now he wants to marry her.
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Hello, Sasuke!
Summary: Submitted for the SasuHina 2021 prompts. She lived in a normal town. She went to a normal college. She worked at a ... well, the cafe was a little odd, but she could deal with that. What Hinata could not deal with, however, was two look-alike Sasukes bringing chaos to her life.
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Summary: She knew she was the weird, super tall girl whose only interesting attribute was her ability to cut watermelons of all things. And yet, still, Gaara found that cool.
Note: This is a short one-shot of a story I may or may not write in the future.
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Keep Going, Naruto!
Summary: This is the secret 5th chapter to my completed story 'She Holds the Cards' found on FFN. We see through Naruto's eyes upon his discovery of Sasuke's not-so-subtle feelings for Hinata arise.
Keep Going, Naruto!
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Summary: It was supposed to be a normal, Friday evening. Just her and her father. So why are all the other kids on the street suddenly gathered at her dinner table?
Note: This is a quick, short one-shot of a fic I may or may not write in the future.
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Summary: Somehow, it's as simple as a game of good-ol-fashion bowling to realize that Hyuuga chick is kinda, sorta, a little cute.
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Teach Us, Hinata! (WIP)
Summary: It seems both Sasuke and his own son have little understanding of the field of romance. Thankfully, Hinata is always happy to teach the helpless.
Part I
Part II
Part III
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Needles and Champagne
Summary: They used to be close. Then he decided to propose, and for three years, and he was left to wonder what the hell he did wrong. Now Hinata's coming back to their shitshow of a family, and Sasuke isn't exactly sure how to react.
Needles and Champagne
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Summary: Hinata has her way of expressing herself, and Sasuke -- well -- he’s getting there. Modern AU.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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Papa of Six (WIP)
Summary: Hiashi Hyuuga finds himself in a predicament. His wife is pregnant with their second child, and their first, little Hinata who has already begun to show the signs of unnatural, Hyuuga weakness, cannot seem to get on her feet. Head of the family, he barely has any time for his children. But the world is said to be a cruel bastard, and just as his hands are full, it decides to bring three more children his way: the only child of his close friend, the youngest son of the rival family across the city, and an orphan boy who seems to have no connections with the people of Japan at all. A strange sickness threatens to ruin society as it is, but while the world can be a mean bastard, sometimes, it can hand you a blessing in disguise – or, in Hiashi’s case, six.
Part I
0 notes
Liar Liar
Summary: Hinata feels like she's constantly lying to herself. Thankfully, Sasuke is always keen on telling the truth.
Liar Liar
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At Arm's Length
Summary: Sasuke finds it quite troublesome that the entire group of people he finds himself surrounded by seem to unanimously agree that the best way to settle an issue is with a good ol’ fashion arm-wrestling match. Guys and girls all participate without hesitation – except, well, for that Hinata girl. All the men surrounding her seemed determined to fight her wars for her, and she never had a word of discouragement to say to them. As expected from a weakling, Sasuke supposed; but he wasn’t prepared to have those very words shoved down his mouth.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
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