phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is an amazing story which has influenced my life a lot. This series have taught me a lot about life, love, friendship, mentorship, between other values. All of this inside a wonderful world of magic. Endearing characters and dreamlike settings, which go from happy luminiscent gardens to dark and enclosed dungeons. Being the story of a magical teenager developing in an unknown world from which his uncles have distanced him. This story goes from laughing times in the hallways and gardens of Hogwarts, to profound and intriguing moments around the magical world. I think this is the story that has marked most of my life.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Even though I read since before, it could be said that Narnia introduced me to literature. I read the complete series when I was 7 years old, being it the first complete series I read. I liked it a lot and I have read it twice already. It has a lot of spiritual messages. It speaks about childhood, God, magic, imagination, Medieval Times, love, fantasy and adventure between many others. Each time I read it, something new hits me. It goes along with different stages of life and it made me grow a lot. That's why this is one of my favorite book series together with Harry Potter.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
The Catcher in the Rye
This one is my actual favorite book. I read it last year and I loved it. It tells the story of a New York highschool student who flees from his school and spends two days living alone in New York City. During all this time he watches some of the worst parts of society and constantly criticices it using the word "phony" or false. He doesn't want to grow up because he thinks being an adult means being "phony". The book isn't very profound in appearance, yet it talks about an age in which you are to big to act as a child and to young to act as an adult, when you need to learn to get for yourself what was given to you before, when you have to decide even if you are not ready to do it.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Theatre is one of my favorites activities and I entered to it almost by accident. Before highschool I knew little to nothing about theatre, except for some small plays I acted with my cousins to my parents and uncles. But in my first highschool semester, I entered with a friend to the background staff team as scholarship work, where we have stayed the six semesters. After my first semester in the staff team I felt attracted to thetre so I entered the theatre class and started learning about it. I have participated as actor in 6 plays and 1 monologue written by myself. I wrote another monologue but it was acted by a friend of mine. I am very thankful to theatre and all the teachers which have helped me improve my acting skills. Acting has opened a totally new world to my life, a world I didn’t even think about three years ago and which I’m sure will remain all my life.
Acting has helped myself learn about my body and emotions as well as my reactions to different situations. I'm sure theatre has given me many lifelong friends with whom I have shared some of my most important moments.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
My Mind Library
Some people compare the mind to a book, yet I think of it more as a library, for a book cannot be enough. This library is full of tomes about ourselves and our interests. If you could see my library, you would not find an obvious order, but there is one that is uniquely understandable to me. There are bookshelves here and there set like a labyrinth in which you could get lost without directions. Bookshelves are constantly expanding and books are getting incorporated day by day while others are getting old. There are many different sections you can visit, but I’ll focus on three, which provide the most insight into who I am: Knowledge, Thoughts, and Memories. For exploring what I’ve learned throughout my life, I recommend the Knowledge section. Here you can find the books about sciences, languages, literature, history, and other subjects I have studied through my life. Another big Knowledge subsection includes all the books I’ve read. When I was a child, this section was full of amazing tales with castles, princes, dragons and magic objects. Later, it was enlarged with fantasy worlds such as Hogwarts, Narnia and the Middle Earth where I met endearing characters and learned human values. Now you will also find complex characters such as Hamlet or Werther with deep feelings about life, death and the world. If you are looking for more abstract reading, the Thoughts section is perfect for you. Here you will find tomes about my feelings and opinions. This is the hardest segment to understand, even for myself. Books come and go fast and reckless, changing bookshelves and even traveling to other sections at their own desire. Thoughts get confused with knowledge and feelings get entangled with memories. Yet it’s not a total mess, for I have learned to manage and use the constant movements for my life. If you are more set for a chronological way to meet me, you should visit the Memories section. Books are sorted by years and important events. Some books are worn out while others seem newly written, even when they have been there for years. You’ll find colorful books and dark ones but I cherish all of them, as they are important parts of my history. Diving deeper into this section, you’ll find books dedicated to the people who entered my life and became part of it. There are special places for my family, friends, and mentors, as well as a place for those who have left. I want to share all of these books in behalf of the world where I live and the people around me. For those who suffer and think their life is useless as well as for those who have an amazing life, this library will be open for anyone who needs from it. So this is my library. Feel free to browse through the shelves, take some books and have a seat. Hope you find it useful in getting to know me.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Nature is my main source of life inspiration. Trees have been a current topic in my creative writing works. I think of nature as the beginning of everything, as the constantly changing soul of the world. I love walking through forests and watch the bursting life that happens there. I love walking under the rain and to feel the cold breeze tickling my skin. Nature is where I find God, it is His bigger cathedral made by himself at the beginning of the world. I get very sad when people disrespect nature. We are completely in debt with it and we pay by destroying it.
I know we can live as part of nature, because that’s what we are. Nature is not our enemy but our loving mother and we must take care of her.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
My profile picture
My profile picture is a t-shirt with one of my favorite phrases. It is in spanish, translated it is: "you ask me to put my mind in white, when colors escape in all my sketches". It is from a song by a spanish singer named David Rees. I like the phrase because it exemplifies how I think about the actual society. Since a long time ago society has rejected the human feelings asking for everyone to put their minds in white, therefore making life cold and mechanic. But in the actual society, people have decided to express the colors that come from their minds in creative and amazing forms of art and science. These colors make the world a much warmer place to live in a free and united way. Now people let themselves feel and understand their feelings. Yet, a lot of people still tries to maintain their minds in white and encloses their feelings and ideas, making them unusable. And that is the saddest thing in the world.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Reading is my passion. It makes me trravel to amazing real and unreal places without moving from my seat. It makes me connect with characters and feel with them. It gives me an opportunity to live different lifes and to understand the problems of different people. It helps me understand myself and to make an integral view of me. I totally love reading and I strongly recomend everyone to do it!!!
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
Hi! I’m Beto Ramos and this is an introduction to myself. I will not define myself because I think to define is to limit, so I will talk about my favorite things and hobbies. I love reading and writing. I’m almost always carring a book with me for reading during my free time. Last year I read a total of 27 books. Right now my favorite book is “The Catcher in the Rye” of J. D. Salinger and my favorite book series is Harry Potter of J. K. Rowling and Narnia from C. S. Lewis, but there are many other books which have influenced me a lot. I like writing at my free time as well. I have written some tales and poems and also started some other stories which could become novels. I love hearing music. I can’t point to a favorite band but I like alternative rock and ballads, such as Twenty One Pilots or Coldplay. I love acting and I’m going to singing classes. I like performing arts because they let me understand and express my feelings for a lot of people. I like hanging out with my friends and doing excentric things with them. I always try to be happy with my life and my everyday feelings.
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phoenixsword136 · 7 years
My Career
1. I am an enthusiastic and introvert young man who seeks to live the best life possible by accepting and enjoying every experience and feeling even though they are bad. I love reading and learning as well as making friends and have fun. My main strenghts are curiosity, enthusiasm, determination, hard work and understanding. My values focus mainly on the fullfillment of experiences to make my life useful and enjoyable. My skills are mainly academic and cultural such as reading, acting and writing, but I have also some social skills as empathy and comprehension.
2. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to do writing. It’s interesting to me because it permits to create awesome worlds to represent the most important aspects of the real world.
3. If I had the rigtht education or skill set, I’d definitely try doing art because I like to express my feelings and thoughts in a way that can be understood differently by varied people.
4. If I had to choose a career tomorrow, I’d major in Philosophy because I think it’s the most valuable major for the life I want to live.
5. My co-workers and friends always say I’m great at leadership and fun because I lead most of the projects I do and I try to make working a happy experience to take the best out of the experience.
6. The thing I love the most to do is reading.
7. If I had a free Saturday that had to be spent “working” on something, I’d choose to write stories, because I want to express my feelings and emotions in intriguing and amazing worlds.
8. When I retire I want to be known for my happiness and enthusiasm, because all I want for my life is to be happy.
9. If you haven’t decided your career yet I would reccomend:
            1. Do everything you think may be fun and find your passion there.
            2. Forget the money while deciding your career.
            3. Make sure that you really want to do what you are choosing.
            4. No one knows your mind better than you, not even your parents. Do whatever YOU think is the best for YOURSELF.
            5. Choose a career you will enjoy studying.
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