phoenixheart98 · 2 months
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The Walking Dead 5x10 // The Ones Who Live
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
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we love self awareness.
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
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Midstroke is insane.
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
I'm fine....
I'm 🙂 ....
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This feels like a dream ❤
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
Will never forgive them for wasting those precious episodes in season 4 (or 3 idk) on following the governor around his grey scale purgatory, when we could've been watching the group bond with the refugees from whatever his community was called. (It feels like we see the new residents get off the bus and then the next thing we know, they're back on that same bus and being turned into Walker stew, all those people gone so suddenly and violently and yet all we were thinking is "Where's Glenn?! The baby wasnt on there right?! Whew, cool) We missed so many new developments cause they focused on the Governor, and yet the moment he meets up with the group again he gets shish kabobed (rightfully so). It just made those episodes feel pointless. Meanwhile back at the prison, we've missed: Daryl coming out his shell a bit (the man literally had a couple little fans, I would've loved to see more him receiving props for all his bad ass survivor and provider skills); Rick providing Carl with the space and peace needed to adjust his perspective on what it takes to survive in this new world of theirs; Michonne's adjustment to participating in being apart of such a large group for the first time since she lost her son; Actually getting to see the early stages of Carl of Michonnes friendship forming ( I mean I get that the writers and show runners weren't planning on Rick and Michonne getting together but seeing where their stories gone, it sucks they didnt have the foresight to show the origins of what would be come two of the most integral bonds on the show (Rick/Michonne & Carl and Michonne); and (Most unfortunately (am i using too many parentheses??)) Getting to see more of Rick and Michonne becoming friends. Rick was is such a dark place after Lori's tragic death,(hate her or hate her more that's a gruesome way to go), I would've love to see the process of Rick finding companionship and safety in Michonne. Did they ever talk more about their past with eachother. Did she offer up anymore about her own ghosts in an attempt to help him battle his own. Just the little human moments that twd use to take their time with that made the struggles and losses hurt so much more. I mean imagine if we had've gotten to actually see them transform the prison into the thriving community they were working towards and then out of the blue, the threat Rick had finally managed to convince Michonne no longer existed shows up on their front lawn and destroys everything we've watched them work so hard to build.
While the loss of Hershel and displacement of the group was still terrible to see, I think that one choice of choosing to not shift focus away from the group could've created room for an even higher tension (which they struggle to build in the later seasons without relying on shock value charatcer deaths) resulting in an even more devastating fallout.
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I forgot how bashful Rick seemed around Michonne in the the opening of Season 4. He wanted her to stay, he worried about her going out looking for the governor, when he offered to help her (after washing his face lol) clean up with the walkers and she said no he was like ☹️. What I wouldn’t give to see them getting to know each other between season 3 and 4. He may have realized he was in love with her post prison but he was already in the process of falling before.
He was like a little puppy around her, it was so precious! His crush definitely started developing during that time which is something I also would have liked to have seen. I feel like when he completely fell in love with her was on the road after the prison. The way he looked at her on those train tracks with Carl was just giving "I was in love with my son's best friend. I didn't know what to do."
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
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It could only ever have been you.
THE ONES WHO LIVE | Become (1.05)
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
I'm actually obsessed with these Grimes family Gif sets. 🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕
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the Grimes Family side-eye          requested by @ash-n-cole
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phoenixheart98 · 2 months
The "it's a broken world Michonne" line is wild when you realize that when he was talking to Lori's ghost with the phone he said "this world is broken, and I can't put the pieces back together", in the episode Michonne appeared at the gate!
I had to go back and watch those scenes in 3x06 and OMG😭
He says: “I couldn’t put it back together…” and then MAMA MICHONNE SHOWS UP?! His future wife stumbles into life mere minutes later. The woman who helps him PUT IT BACK TOGETHER TIME AND TIME AGAIN?!!
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
Honestly, it's probably a good thing Rick and Michonne were seperated for 8 years. They would've had a little league's worth of kids by the the time Alpha showed up and I couldn't take that kind of stress!!!!!
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
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i just can’t get past the timeline as it pertains to richonne. from the moment rick and michonne laid eyes on each other for the first time to rick blowing up the bridge is only like just over two years. and now they’ve been separated for over eight. that’s crazy. and yet they know each other. even in these insane circumstances, even if they don’t recognize the versions of each other that exist in the crm, they know each other and that’s why they’re going to be okay in the end. maybe not whole, definitely not the same, but okay. they are each at their lowest, having given up on the other only mere moments before fate stepped in and against all odds reunited them. and i think they each will carry the guilt of that decision for quite a while. you can see it in rick’s desperation at the end of the episode. yes he is desperate to be close to her but aside from that he is desperate for her to believe that he isn’t the most broken he’s ever been, that he still has hope that they’ll escape even if he doesn’t believe it himself. he’s begging her to see him past the armor and the crazed look in his eyes and to believe that the man she knew nearly a decade ago is still in there somewhere. he can’t see him but he wants to believe she still can. and she does. she withholds rj’s existence from him because she knows it might be the thing that absolutely breaks him. she doesn’t understand what he’s been through but she sees through the desperation and she believes him when he says they’ll go home. she sees that he’s too far gone to believe they can destroy the crm on their way out so she decides that she will burn it down for him.
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
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TWD 9.05 // TOWL 1.02
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
Having Rick declare Michonne as his wife first, is so major to me. So many times people try to downplay Rick’s feelings and make it seem like he settled for her because she was the only option left. I love the love he has shown towards her since they went canon and I can’t wait until the spin off start and we get to see more of it
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
Andrew Lincoln & Danai Gurira interview with Entertainment Tonight
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phoenixheart98 · 3 months
reblogging again just because
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