phoebe023 · 4 years
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"Love is silence killer
Career is sweet poison
U hanged between both.... like
Ashwini Dev
"only fools help to bad people... i was never supposed to be yours, Bill! Because i am not a coward and i am not about to serve such losers either, silly of ya can't be fixed anytime..."
"Juraría que no se bien lo que quiero
Pero se que moriría si me quedo en la mitad
Por eso vuelo a otro sendero
Para conocer el mundo de verdad
Aún no es tarde pero así me estoy sintiendo
Y aparecen tantos miedos que no me dejan pensar
Y tengo sueños de amores nuevos
Y me cuesta imaginar lo que vendrá
Cambio dolor por libertad
Cambio heridas por un sueño
Que me ayude a continuar
Cambio dolor, felicidad
Que la suerte sea suerte
Y no algo que no he de alcanzar..."
Song: Natalia Oreiro 'Cambio Dolor'
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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December 9, 2019.
"i experience this shit my whole life. The end of affirmation, time to cut off for good."
"...unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. For some unfortunates, it turns bitter and mean, and those who come after pay the price for the hurt done by the one who came before."
Elle Newmark
"I have to admit, an unrequited love is so much better than a real one. I mean, it's perfect... As long as something is never even started, you never have to worry about it ending. It has endless potential."
Sarah Dessen
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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December 24, 2019.
"he said once by his deeds:
'girl to show me you deserve my love ya gotta suffer for next years.'
so i decided to be happy while he kept wasting his personal life on bullshit!
Trying to hide truth, hurting mostly himself, he had to play forcing himself to smile for houndreds days because of having not really smart brother who likes to
"live in clover"
i don't get why did he think that i am feeling like wanna wait over 3 years for a relationship..."
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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"my best xmas ever! Spent only with real friends, definitely people who matter...
At least don't have to pretend no shit, i am myself and i am pretty tonight - finally...
Am happy! Need nothing and nobody else forever..."
He thinks am the most beautiful girl on Earth.
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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July 2, 2019.
"I spent my days waiting for you, searching the crowds for your face.
I stopped breathing the moment you recognized me, as you captured my soul with your gaze."
Christy Ann Martine
"Music shouldn't be just a tune, it should be a touch."
Amit Kalantri
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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"Bitter people are not interested in what you say, but what you hide."
Shannon L. Alder
"If you never see a fool
You'll always be happy.
The one who keeps company with fools
Will be sorry for a long time.
It's painful to live with fools,
Like being always with an enemy."
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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"If you are rude, cynical, habitually-sarcastic or pessimistic, your life options are going to be very limited."
Bryant McGill
"I guess I'm nothing but a rude and brash fool.
Wataru Watari (渡 航)
"By behaving elegantly, you inspire others to behave elegantly; by behaving rude, you invite others to behave rude! You change others when you change yourself!"
Mehmet Murat ildan
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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Saturday, July 2019.
"Sometimes we have to behave indifferent towards people who proclaim their love to us, just to see if they are really different."
Michael Bassey Johnson
"Anything which you have in profusion is poison."
Amit Kalantri
"If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for."
Amit Kalantri
"To assess the quality of thoughts of people, don't listen to their words, but watch their actions."
Amit Kalantri
"In meetings philosophy might work,
on the field practicality works."
Amit Kalantri
"The most dangerous irony is, people are angry with others because of their own incompetence."
Amit Kalantri
"Thinking before taking actions is useful only if you are going to take action, otherwise you are wasting time and insulting your mind."
Amit Kalantri
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phoebe023 · 4 years
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"A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide."
Mickey Charles Mantle
"The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you."
Markus Zusak
"Maybe you could be mine / or maybe we’ll be entwined / aimless in this sexless foreplay."
Jess C. Scott
"When life was easy
And we smoked weed in the backseat of your car
And watched the stars
When love came easy
I gave you all a boy could give
Life was wild and dangerous
But I know we can't go
We can't go
Back now
Song: Tokio Hotel 'Easy'
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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Tuesday, October 2019.
"I am a habitual rule-breaker."
Mohadesa Najumi
"Life is a useless passion, an exciting journey of a mammal in survival mode. Each day is a miracle, a blessing unexplored and the more you immerse yourself in light, the less you will feel the darkness. There is more to life than nothingness. And cynicism. And nihilism. And selfishness. And glorious isolation. Be selfish with yourself, but live your life through your immortal acts, acts that engrain your legacy onto humanity. Transcend your fears and follow yourself into the void instead of letting yourself get eaten up by entropy and decay. Freedom is being yourself without permission. Be soft and leave a lasting impression on everybody you meet."
Mohadesa Najumi
"A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our going and coming. In the midst of such love we need never fear abandonment. This is the most precious gift true love offers - the experience of knowing we always belong."
Bell Hooks
"I am a prisoner of late night shallow texts, heartbreaks, failures and disappointments. My only escape is pen and paper."
Archisman Dey
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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"From dry eyes and wet lips to wet eyes and dry lips,
My world collapsed."
Archisman Dey
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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July 2, 2019.
"It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock, than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you."
Michael Bassey Johnson
"Art is the concrete artifact of faith and expectation, the realization of a world that would otherwise be little more than a veil of pointless consciousness stretched over a gulf of mystery."
Stephen Edwin King
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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"There are many persons ready to do what is right because in their hearts they know it is right. But they hesitate, waiting for the other fellow to make the make the first move - and he, in turn, waits for you."
Marian Anderson
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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"Toxicity is my fuel. Break me and you can take me."
Dominic Riccitello
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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August 27, 2019.
"I think of you only twice a day - when I am alone and when I am with someone else."
Amit Kalantri
"The love that moves the sun and the other stars."
Elizabeth Gilbert
"Don't give up on me when I isolate myself."
Jen Jolly
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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Throwback to past.
"I don't fancy colors of the face, I'm always attracted to colors of the brain."
Michael Bassey Johnson
"Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone."
Michael Bassey Johnson
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phoebe023 · 5 years
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"make them all shut up! And you shut up too, tell them there's nothing exciting to look at.
Let them go back to their own boring lives.
I never wanted strangers knew about shit.
And you never had a chance to see me again so leave me alone. I'm sick and tired of you all! I don't believe a word you say. Wanna be forgotten by losers who were not worth my time..."
"It was a life I didn’t want to leave behind. It was a life I didn’t want to forget."
Margaret Maggie Stiefvater
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