philzaisfather · 3 years
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rip mr beloved, i did not understand your death but at least ur ghost is a funny man
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Lol my large and handsome pig didn’t find Anything of interest in your yard
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philzaisfather · 3 years
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A child
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Hey DSMPblr,
please fill out my survey about storytelling on the Dream SMP!
Thank you.
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philzaisfather · 3 years
This fandom is way too comfortable downplaying anything their favorite character does to ghostbur and it's absolutely disgusting that 'he'll forget anyway so it doesn't matter' is a take that exists or that he the murder victim was a 'casualty of circumstance' as though he's not a wholeass person and a sentient being perfectly capable of feeling pain
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philzaisfather · 3 years
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philzaisfather · 3 years
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ive won the qrt which is something that is normal to want and possible to achieve
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Fuck it. c!Phil ramble.
The way people talk about him killing c!Wilbur on Nov 16 sometimes REEKS of the fact that people once again do not watch Philza Minecraft nor have any ability to treat the story with proper nuance.
People say he took "the easy way out" when in reality he has grieved, he felt guilty, he had been looking for a way to revive his son since almost the moment he killed him. When the ghost of his boy repeatedly cheered for his alive self's death, Philza did not whoop in agreement. He expressed remorse. Philza's decision was not easy and he faced plenty of consequences for it in the form guilt and grief.
"If I was in his place, I would've simply not killed Wilbur" and you are not Phil. You did not arrive at your son's nation to find him in a self-destructive daze when the last you talked via the letters it all seemed fine, he seemed happy. He seemed happy and here he is now in a dirty coat with wild eyes and he's demanding you kill him. And he's telling you that everybody wants him dead, so if you let him go he just might get killed by somebody else, and who knows what else he'll do before then. You can't hug him, because this is Minecraft. You can't just tell him it'll all be alright because you can't always talk someone off the edge with a few soft words.
"He didn't try to help" he attempted to talk him down from it multiple times. He was panicked, he wasn't equipped to deal with the situation, he considered Wilbur a threat not only to himself but to others since he had just turned his own nation into a crater. In a way, Philza chose the safety of the crowd over the life of his own son in a moment when his judgement was not clear.
Was Philza justified in his final decision? Was it the right decision to make? I wouldn't say so, but what I can say is that I UNDERSTAND that decision and recognize the complexity or the situation he was put in.
I can understand his decision and it seems like some people don't understand not only his decision but c!Philza's character as a whole.
Moral ambiguity is one of the main aspects of the Dream SMP narrative and it would be lovely to see that acknowledged from time to time.
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Fuck it. c!Phil ramble.
The way people talk about him killing c!Wilbur on Nov 16 sometimes REEKS of the fact that people once again do not watch Philza Minecraft nor have any ability to treat the story with proper nuance.
People say he took "the easy way out" when in reality he has grieved, he felt guilty, he had been looking for a way to revive his son since almost the moment he killed him. When the ghost of his boy repeatedly cheered for his alive self's death, Philza did not whoop in agreement. He expressed remorse. Philza's decision was not easy and he faced plenty of consequences for it in the form guilt and grief.
"If I was in his place, I would've simply not killed Wilbur" and you are not Phil. You did not arrive at your son's nation to find him in a self-destructive daze when the last you talked via the letters it all seemed fine, he seemed happy. He seemed happy and here he is now in a dirty coat with wild eyes and he's demanding you kill him. And he's telling you that everybody wants him dead, so if you let him go he just might get killed by somebody else, and who knows what else he'll do before then. You can't hug him, because this is Minecraft. You can't just tell him it'll all be alright because you can't always talk someone off the edge with a few soft words.
"He didn't try to help" he attempted to talk him down from it multiple times. He was panicked, he wasn't equipped to deal with the situation, he considered Wilbur a threat not only to himself but to others since he had just turned his own nation into a crater. In a way, Philza chose the safety of the crowd over the life of his own son in a moment when his judgement was not clear.
Was Philza justified in his final decision? Was it the right decision to make? I wouldn't say so, but what I can say is that I UNDERSTAND that decision and recognize the complexity or the situation he was put in.
I can understand his decision and it seems like some people don't understand not only his decision but c!Philza's character as a whole.
Moral ambiguity is one of the main aspects of the Dream SMP narrative and it would be lovely to see that acknowledged from time to time.
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philzaisfather · 3 years
The warden doing warden things (click for better quality)
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philzaisfather · 3 years
you know what’s better than enemies/rivals to lovers or whatever. one-sided rivalries where one character is extremely passionate and the other seriously couldn’t give less of a shit. and not necessarily romantically it’s just funny as hell
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Hahaha *furrys your minecraft sheep*
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philzaisfather · 3 years
I havent seen much ponk fanart so i did something about it
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philzaisfather · 3 years
I did it again and its still just as bad when you know whats coming
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Did somone say self indulgent craft time? No? Well this is my son devlan and i love him
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Ewww, eww, ewwwww!
I was googling to try to find out why matzos are perforated (because I couldn’t remember why), and google auto-complete gave me “why is matzah pierced and striped?” when I got to “why is matzah p–”
So I shrugged and gave that a try.
I regret having done so:
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FUCKING CHRISTIANS!  Stop trying to shove Jesus into Judaism!
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philzaisfather · 3 years
Just caught up with the streams and I'm absolutely fucking ✨devistated✨
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