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You can blind my eyes, mute my ears, but never my mind.
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An unauthorized autobiography: Chapter 1
Good day and evening. This is the Matrix.
I have successfully achieve the fall the Black Emperor, Godspeed! to everyone! As you see, the intrusion of my phaneron have made twist throughout this year. I warned it, don’t mess with artists. Don’t mess with GOOD ART, never undermine someone that has an idea and a motive to achieve everything. This is an Art performance, this is Art, your daily lives, the power of it’s own people, government is needed for discipline and structure a balanced life, everyone to achieve their own happiness, I will try to do my best and get organized as fast as possible to start getting order. It seems I must wait here until July. The lack of money is part of my sacrifice, to get to the point that no one, can be taken out os the game single because of your taste and goals in life. Every single person in this Planet have determined a goal of what to do with their lives. What to pursue, where to go. I wanna go everywhere, I want to know your secrets too. You invaded mine, You invaded my privacy, you RATed my body, without consent, even against the petition of the UN. Well, I planned it all along, I wanted it to be law, because now I have because Law itself. Law and Justice has a voice, and it’s people’s voice. I’m such a messenger of the reflection of every single human being that is alive at this moment, with the 4.0 industry you lost yourselves in me, because regardless of what the elections would say, regardless that the INE stated that all the voted would go for me and tried to stop this project, I guess I was a party popper after all. And if you had the curiosity if I can read your minds, Yes, I can. You are were always, someone, cherishing love and good vibes only. I forbid anyone that this against me to try to boicot me. I promise it won’t go well.
Remember, “Enemies of my enemies are my friends. We are all friends in here together. Have a wonderful day with your new toys. Not have this technology, has kept me pure, has kept my instinct intact, and that made my the center of Indra’s Net.
I guess that any donations are welcome.
Maÿa Cantú
The Philosopher’s Inkstone Project
P.S.: Pleeeeease, save me the video. XD
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Count well your silver linings. 
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To my dearest Black Emperor.
-The Furies
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The world is my country; to do good my religion
Thomas Payne
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An Unauthorized Autobiography: Acknowledgements
I would like to that the most beautiful being on this Earth, our suffering and past embraces and because my soulmate and duality, my force, my rock, my art critic, my lover, my nemesis, my mentor in life, the love of my life: Dr. Manhattan. He is my God and the owner of all the pieces of my heart.
To Eli, his tragedy and love to protect me made me whom I am and whom I will become. "Stop saving me, save others", I didn't understood his words until back then in 2010. And as well to Herlinda, her search of a culprit, made us stand where we are today.
To my beautiful family and friends because of whom I am, they are counted, elsewhere and at distance we are one. Trying to succeed in our personal fights.
For 7 years was enough, to not do nothing. To keep myself in the shadow of masses and rescuing myself from this "virus" that I have in my brain. I came back to Earth of Nov. 20th 2016. The results broke my heart, my home my friends my people have no nationality, he created the illusion that money and power is everything. And I thank that sir, mostly, because of him, I got off my break and start going into action. Remember, everything of I do is for a reason. I didn't count that Magnolia sneak upon me. So whether I am taken as candidate for your editorial to publish and make praxis of the book, or not, well I still will follow my search for a Utopia elsewhere. I have new the tool and the attention I needed.
Mr. Bailey, thank you for the endless love regardless of time and distance. You are, by far, one of my biggest motivations.
To my family that have protected me from you and your closed minded beliefs. "Doubt everything, seek enlightenment" that is one of my life mottos and have worked wonders since became Buddhist. I was certain of something, I would not commit the same mistake 7 years ago.
To that people that have talked, and will talk to me about the project. Mostly in my alma mater. Thank you, J-F for defending me all these years. And had the genius idea to send that memo in order to be able to defend my self and my project being finally fulfilled after 7 years. 
To my Art mentors, and to my mentors in the weird path called life.
I thanks the guys project "Esto es para esto", The people that have crossed my path to make it better. And mostly finally been heard and not alone in this project.
To Gabi Fventes, to encourage me to give modern calligraphy courses and offering me the project that made me discover the Aurum Ink. I'm not certain what you think of me, be certain of something. I never intend any harm.
To Crucito, he has been with me at all times and protecting me with his life.
To all men that rejected me in love affairs, as your did, this project came one victorious, my significant other is precisely and the only one that could accomplish this project with me.
To Camila, for protecting me from evil in my room and my mind. She is the my connection to nature and she can read your emotions directly.
To Paquito for been my shadow, my defender and my victim those days. I do apologize for any troubled I caused. Gracias Paquito. 
To my dearest Vladimir, for being so kind and protective of me. It is an honour you finally find you in mind. Друг. To Daver and Morau, me cayeron del cielo.
To Edgar B. Argáez, you brought me back to life, a new friendship bloomed in such a metaphorical and ethereal way that we lost it without even noticing it. I apologize any harm or insult I did to you. And I wish everyday that I could hold you in silence confirming that everything is alright and be friends again.I love you unconditionally and I thank for the love, teachings, and smiles you gave me. Thank you.
For those that believe that the change is made within and thank you for let me be your inspiration. I’m here to direct the craziest Art masterpiece in all history is humankind. 
“Nulum maximum ingenium sine mixtura dimentiae”
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Don't let yourself be controlled by these things: your past, people and money
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La cotidianidad siempre Es un Arte” 
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Art is not what you see, but what makes others see
Edgar Degas
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We can still save it. (Dawn 2009) 
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The Rapture has arrived. Not made out of violence, but of intellect.
In the entrance of Le center du Monde Arabe say with the most beautiful calligraphy ever.
“"Le savoir le pouvoir eternelle”
This is my passion, knowledge, culture, education, better livelihood, yet it seems that some people don’t believe that all this is happening because I’m in my bed talking to myself. I’m paranoid again, I feel that someone is watching exactly through my eyes and even my ears and changes my voice via magnetism, this why I rather not talk, and just write, write my unauthorized autobiography. (Disclaimer: names will be changed)
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No ser amado es una simple desventura. La verdadera des gracia es no saber amar
Albert Camus
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Killing under the cloak of war is no different than murder
Albert Einstein
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Nulum maximum ingenium sine mixtura dimentiae
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Play list of the people I would love to play in my coronation
Godspeed! You Black Emperor- Terrible Canyons of Static
And the Furies Say…. my song
Theta Naught- Fibonacci’s Pi
CJ Boyd
Tatsuya Nakatani
 Night of the Wrecking Ball
Tristeza- Balabaristas
Daft Punk
Emma Louise
Beyries (Je pars à l’autre bout du monde)  
Saratoga (Québec) (Fleur)
Cafe Tacvba (La Rarotonga)
Maldita- El circo
Alanis Morissette- Utopia
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It is historically true a large proportion of infidels in all have have been person of distinguished integrity and honor
John Stuart Mill
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