pheminists · 11 years
“There Really Isn’t a Good Reason For So Many People to Hate Us”
A book by Cosette Fauchelevent and Raoul de Chagny
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pheminists · 12 years
morethanprinceofcats: I think to say she [kissed Erik] because really she loved him all along, is a disgusting denial of her agency and her growth.
lsildur: YEP
morethanprinceofcats: she [Christine] doesn't regress to some fantasy by kissing him, she takes a further step forward in extending compassion towards him in spite of the fear and horror he's just instilled in her by shedding what pretenses he'd been making towards humanity, which is pretty awesome.
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pheminists · 12 years
a hint: don’t fucking blame christine for the abuse and manipulation she undergoes
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pheminists · 12 years
Can we just all take a minute to appreciate how awesome phantom of the opera is, espically (thats not spelled right) the transition from masquerade to why so silent
But also about how stupid Christine is. It’s like twilight. I mean. Ugh. I dunnoz. Like, at the graveyard. Hmm, I wonder who’s stalking me and staring at me from the thing. Father or phantom? Smh No, don’t kill him, let it be war upon you both. Come on
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pheminists · 12 years
making raoul abusive so that erik and christine can get together: it wasn’t cute when it was in the eight zillion shitty fanfics published after the release of the 2004 movie, and it wasn’t any fucking cuter in love never dies
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pheminists · 12 years
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pheminists · 12 years
i am sorry to burst bubbles but erik is abusive and scary and manipulative not romantic he is not a tortured soul in need of your love letting christine go is literally the only sympathetic or even remotely compassionate or romantic thing he does in the ENTIRE SHOW SO PLEASE CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU ALLOW ANYONE WITH WHOM YOU ARE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED TO EXHIBIT PHANTOM-LIKE BEHAVIOR IT’S IN HIS SOUL THAT THE TRUE DISTORTION LIES SHE EVEN FRICKIN SAYS IT
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pheminists · 12 years
i am sorry to burst bubbles but erik is abusive and scary and manipulative not romantic he is not a tortured soul in need of your love letting christine go is literally the only sympathetic or even remotely compassionate or romantic thing he does in the ENTIRE SHOW SO PLEASE CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU ALLOW ANYONE WITH WHOM YOU ARE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED TO EXHIBIT PHANTOM-LIKE BEHAVIOR IT’S IN HIS SOUL THAT THE TRUE DISTORTION LIES SHE EVEN FRICKIN SAYS IT
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pheminists · 12 years
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pheminists · 12 years
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pheminists · 12 years
Okay I’m just gonna repost this so it can be in the tags and so that my followers can reply to it
unpopular opinion about phantom oops
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From the point of view of someone who’s read the book several times, seen various movie adaptations, and spent a long time in this fandom, discussing it, I don’t think she’s meant to be completely apathetic towards him. There is a twisted sort of pitylove, combined with a guilt for feeling it because of course she is in love with Raoul and she’s well-aware he’s awful and that what he’s doing isn’t right, and that he is dangerous and manipulative. She’s not uncaring, but you cannot convince me that she was naive enough to have actually loved him in a romantic way. The kiss at the end is out of pity and care and, simultaneously, absolute petticoat-shitting terror for her life and for her fiance’s life. She is out of options, caught up in a horrible twisted game from the mind of a man who is clearly dangerously unstable, standing in a sewer below the Paris opera house in a wedding dress she was forced into by a man who had kidnapped her, knowing he’s never been loved, and he’s holding the man she does love in a noose, and she can still find it in her heart to show him that he is not completely unloved, that there is a part of her that doesn’t hate him even after every awful thing he has done.
Fuck everyone, I love Christine.
Erik’s only real redeeming quality is his love for Christine and his appreciation for beauty, but even that corrupts into a desire to possess her and be like regular men, and an idolization of her as a representation of everything beautiful that he’s never truly been allowed to have. Erik was an asshole. The tragedy of Phantom, for me, is that it was never his face at all that truly made him a monster. It was his bitterness, his rage, his lack of morality. 
Christine gets so infantilized and is given so little credit in the musical and movie and in fandom, and Erik is given so much. Don’t even get me started on Raoul. kJhlruicznrulifasdhfsab mn,afjklsdkjcv
I can’t even remember what I was trying to say but in summary
NO. Christine did not love Erik romantically or in any way that could ever be conceived as healthy, and Erik may have been obsessed with Christine,maybe loved her or more likely the idea of her, but he certainly did not love her in any kind of way that was healthy or appropriate. HE KILLED PEOPLE. HE CRASHED A BURNING CHANDELIER INTO A FULL AUDIENCE. Just within the context of the show!!! I’m sorry, no, this is NOT A SUSTAINABLE OR HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, EVER, IN ANY CONTEXT.
Basically if you’re going to apologize for the Phantom’s behavior don’t touch me
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pheminists · 12 years
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can i just
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