phanthietstore · 14 days
Do I need to wash my deck before staining?
Yes, pressure washing your deck before applying a new stain is a good idea
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phanthietstore · 14 days
What is the best thing to seal a deck with?
As one of the best water seal products available, Thompsons will go a long way to preserving your deck from mildew and water damage. It will also help with UV damage and color fading over the long term.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
What is the best way to clean decking?
A few drops of washing up liquid dissolved in water is sufficient. Simply spread generously over the wooden slats and then scrub them thoroughly with a brush or bristled broom. Finally, rinse the deck with clean water. Liquid soap also works.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
Can you stain over old stains?
If your existing deck stain is: Light: Apply a similar or darker stain color without additional preparation required. Dark: This will be hard to 'cover' with a lighter semi-transparent color, as the old/dark color will come through. If you want to lighten up the color of a dark deck, consider a lighter solid stain.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
Can I paint over deck stains?
Despite what you may have heard — or maybe your own last attempt — you absolutely can paint over stain beautifully and durably. The key to getting a professional result is recognizing the projects that will require more work then choosing a paint that accommodates both your aesthetic and your patience.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
How long does a deck stain last?
The sun beating down, the rain pounding, and the snow piling high. Dirt and residue are going to settle in and build upon that flat surface. That's why it's so important to treat your deck with a good quality stain or paint. The best stains should last 3-5 years when applied correctly.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
What is a deck stain?
Deck staining is the process of applying a finish to wood decks in order to protect them from the elements and prolong their life. Deck stains come in a variety of colors and finishes, so you can choose the one that best suits your home's style.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
What is a deck stain job description?
Applying oil or water base stain to decks using brushes - Ensuring even coverage and smooth finish to the deck. Assisting with deck repairs as needed. Sanding decks to remove old stain or paint.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
What is deck power washing?
Power washing a deck removes built-up mold and mildew, refreshing its surface and helping prevent permanent damage and staining. Be careful to avoid risk by contracting a professional power washing service, trained to safely achieve results without causing damage.
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phanthietstore · 14 days
Is it okay to pressure wash a deck?
Although highly effective for concrete cleaning, applying this much pressure to your deck can cause irreversible damage. To clean a deck effectively, about 1,500 pounds of pressure will do the job nicely, without causing permanent damage.
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phanthietstore · 23 days
A pharmacy
A pharmacy serves as a vital resource for health and wellness, offering a diverse range of medications, treatments, and healthcare products. Staffed by trained professionals, pharmacies provide expert advice on medication usage, dosage, and potential interactions. Beyond prescription drugs, they offer over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, and personal care items. Pharmacies often provide additional services such as immunizations, health screenings, and medication management programs to support overall well-being. Whether filling a prescription, seeking advice, or browsing health-related products, pharmacies are trusted destinations where individuals can access essential resources to manage their health effectively.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
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phanthietstore · 23 days
Frozen food
Frozen food offers convenience without sacrificing quality or flavor. It includes a wide range of items, from frozen fruits and vegetables to ready-to-eat meals and desserts. Flash-frozen at peak freshness, these products retain their nutrients and taste, making them a practical option for busy individuals and families. Whether it's frozen pizza for a quick dinner, frozen berries for smoothies, or frozen appetizers for entertaining, the freezer aisle provides endless possibilities. With options ranging from health-conscious to indulgent, frozen food offers something for everyone, making mealtime preparation effortless and enjoyable.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
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phanthietstore · 23 days
Grocery stores
Grocery stores are bustling hubs where essential food items and household necessities meet convenience and variety. These one-stop shops offer a vast array of products, ranging from fresh produce, meats, and dairy to pantry staples like grains, pasta, and canned goods. Shelves are stocked with snacks, beverages, and condiments, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences. Beyond food, grocery stores often carry household items such as cleaning supplies, toiletries, and pet care products, providing convenience for busy shoppers. With aisles neatly organized and staff ready to assist, grocery stores are essential destinations where people fulfill their everyday needs and discover new culinary delights.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
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phanthietstore · 23 days
Beverages encompass a vast array of liquid refreshments that satisfy thirst and offer enjoyment. From classic choices like water and tea to indulgent options such as coffee and soda, beverages cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Herbal teas and fruit juices provide refreshing alternatives, while alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, and spirits offer relaxation and conviviality in social settings. Whether hot or cold, caffeinated or non-caffeinated, beverages play a significant role in cultures worldwide, often accompanying meals or rituals. With an endless variety to choose from, beverages provide hydration, comfort, and pleasure to people of all ages and lifestyles.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
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phanthietstore · 23 days
Fish is a nutritious and flavorful protein source that spans a vast array of species, from delicate white fish like cod and tilapia to robust varieties like salmon and tuna. Renowned for its omega-3 fatty acids, fish promotes heart health and offers a host of other benefits. Its versatility shines whether baked, grilled, or pan-seared, allowing for endless culinary creativity. From the delicate flakiness of a perfectly cooked fillet to the briny sweetness of shellfish like shrimp and scallops, each bite offers a unique sensory experience. With its rich taste and numerous health advantages, fish remains a cherished component of diverse cuisines worldwide.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
0 notes
phanthietstore · 23 days
Meat is a fundamental source of protein, essential nutrients, and rich flavors, forming a staple in many diets around the world. It includes a variety of options such as beef, pork, chicken, and lamb, each offering distinct tastes and textures. Whether enjoyed as a juicy steak, tender roast, savory sausage, or succulent grilled cut, meat is versatile in culinary applications. It can be prepared through various methods including grilling, roasting, stewing, and frying, allowing for diverse and delicious dishes. Rich in iron, zinc, and B vitamins, meat contributes significantly to muscle growth, energy, and overall health when consumed as part of a balanced diet.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
0 notes
phanthietstore · 23 days
Fruits are nature's sweet and nutritious treats, offering a delightful variety of flavors, colors, and health benefits. They encompass a wide range, from juicy berries like strawberries and blueberries to tropical delights such as mangoes, pineapples, and bananas. Apples, oranges, and grapes are everyday favorites, while exotic options like pomegranates, kiwis, and papayas add a unique twist to the fruit selection. Rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fruits are not only delicious but also vital for a balanced diet. Enjoyed fresh, dried, or in juices and smoothies, they provide a natural source of energy and are perfect for snacking or enhancing any meal.
Contact information
(630 ) 765-7185
497 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
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