petslover22 · 2 years
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16 Symptoms Of Illness In Dogs
There are many symptoms of illness in dogs, some more succinct than others. We show them in the following lines.
Any guardian will know that their dog is equal parts energetic, affectionate, dedicated, and lovable. In any case, when a disease afflicts the canine, his behavior changes, even becoming aggressive with the people he loves the most at certain times. He knows with us 16 symptoms of disease in dogs to detect any condition before it becomes chronic.
As much as we love animals, it is necessary to recognize that they are not indestructible and that, just like us, they get sick and die. Even so, there are always treatments for all conditions (even if they are palliative) and the desire to fight is the last thing that is lost. The sooner a pathology is detected, the sooner treatment can begin. Let’s see the signs that indicate that something is wrong with your dog.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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German Spitz vs Pomeranian
This article explains in detail the characteristics, similarities, and differences between the German Spitz and the Pomeranian. They both have the same ancestry. Because the two breeds are closely related, they are similar in many ways. By comparing their sizes, colors, and physical properties, you can better assess the differences.
Pomeranian or German Spitz?
The Pomeranian and the mini German Spitz are very similar, although there are some physical details that can help us differentiate them, beyond the smaller size of the Pomeranian. In character, more differences are detected. We highlight:
Head: The Pomeranian gives a more rounded sensation compared to the Mini German Spitz. In addition, the snout of the latter is a little more pointed. On the other hand, the ratio of muzzle to skull length is approximately 2:4 in the Pomeranian. In the Mini German Spitz, this ratio is 2:3.
Character: the Pomeranian, in general, is more manageable than the mini German Spitz, and somewhat more difficult to train. Perhaps this information has helped make the Pomeranian much more popular than the mini German Spitz.
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petslover22 · 2 years
Animation characters don’t necessarily steadfastly mirror the creature they address; in this way, we can utilize the instance of Bambi, and move toward the differential qualities shown by the cervids that occupy the Iberian Peninsula.
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Probably, any child would quickly tell you that Bambi is a deer and that they explain it to you in the ‘movie’. Yet, a perceptive grown-up may not be so clear, so what sort of creature is Bambi? Let’s find out. We answer these and more questions in this BestPetsLover article, so keep reading to find out What Kind Of Animal Is Bambi?
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petslover22 · 2 years
Homemade lollipops for purring cats. Fruit ice creams for very happy dogs. Flavored ice cubes, frozen toys, and even Frigopelos can be enjoyed in small bites. Who said ice cream is only for humans? Veterinarians explain that our frozen desserts are dangerous for our cuddly bags, but to solve it, here are seven fun, simple, and very fast recipes to make ice cream for cats and dogs at home. And enjoy them with a clean lick!
This heat… no mustache can stand it! Ice creams are not only refreshing for people; With this heat, cats and dogs also enjoy a delicious homemade ice cream, in a furry version. “Ice creams are a refreshment that helps dogs and cats to drink water, stay cool, and also entertained in summer,” says Martina Schop s, a specialist in veterinary nutrition, and author of Biscuits for dogs, healthy and non-allergenic recipes (Veloce Publishing, 2011). Keep reading this BestPetsLover article and discover HOMEMADE ICE CREAM FOR CATS
Does this mean we can share with them our Comtessa ice cream cone (excuse the 80s antiquity!) with slivers of chocolate syrup and an arsenal of butterscotch shavings? The truth is that no: the experiment can not only end in vomiting on the living room carpet, but it can also be dangerous for our four-legged friend.
While it’s great that we pamper and try to keep cats and dogs cool, we have to be very careful when we offer them food made for people: our ice creams can contain ingredients such as chocolate, which are very toxic to them,” says veterinarian Paula Boyden. , from the Dogs Trust animal protection association, which recommends choosing healthy products for them.
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What’s more: the cow’s milk and sugar in frozen desserts for people can sometimes cause digestive problems for our furry friends. What is the key then? Ask the vet, always choose frozen products made for them (marked with the dog-friendly and cat-friendly labels, although still rare in Spain) or, the hairiest option, make them at home with ingredients that dogs and cats can eat and enjoy a clean lick. Here are six fun and purring recipes to make it happen!
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petslover22 · 2 years
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The wolf spider and the brown recluse have overlapping habitats, but there are some clear differences between the two. Most importantly, of course, the bite of the brown recluse can be more damaging than that of the wolf spider.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Why Does My Dog ​​Smell Like Fish?
We may pick up unusual odors at unexpected times, only to realize later that the odor is coming from our dog! Why does he smell so bad sometimes? And why the hell does it smell like fish some days?
Specific odors emanating from your pet may be part of the normal flora that lives in your dog, but they can also be a sign of medical problems.
It is a very characteristic and unforgettable smell that can disconcert us to the point of wondering why our dog’s anus smells like fish. In general, the smell of rotten or fish coming from the dog’s anus is due to a problem related to the anal glands, either due to lack of hygiene or other reasons. In this BestPetsLover article, we are going to explain exactly why it occurs and how we can avoid it since it can be a symptom of a problem that needs to be treated.
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petslover22 · 2 years
Foxes are widespread in a variety of ecosystems, some even present in urban areas. For this reason, at AnimalWised we want to present you with information specifically about what do foxes eat, without a doubt, one of the most particular aspects of this group; so go ahead and read on.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Greyhound Mixes: 20 Unique Crossbreeds And Their Personalities
The greyhound is one of the most unique dogs on the planet, with a striking silhouette that is instantly recognizable. Its appearance differs greatly from that of the most popular dogs. Greyhounds are almost always agile creatures, slender and graceful, with a figure that suggests they are excellent runners. You would be correct in that assumption: these dogs love to run.
They were bred for hunting and are among the fastest dog breeds in the world. However, you may also be surprised to learn that most Greyhounds are just as happy to laze around as they are to run in the park. This sighthound makes a wonderful family companion, as they are sweet, good-tempered dogs. They have very easy-going personalities and are happy to spend the whole day relaxing with their loved ones.
Many potential owners are looking for a calm and gentle dog. While the Greyhound is a superb puppy, it’s to be expected for individuals to blend this variety in with others looking for a much more remarkable canine. This frequently makes a few exceptionally lovely and intriguing mixtures. We love the experience of breeding unique dogs, which is why we’ve listed 20 of the most notable Greyhound mixes for your consideration and perusal.
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petslover22 · 2 years
Is This The Cutest Friendship Ever? Dogs and cats are cute creatures and best friends. I challenge anyone to try not to laugh when watching dogs and cats show affection to their owners. This is the cutest and best video ever. It is funny and cute! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNnJ41HwHt0
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petslover22 · 2 years
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German Spitz vs Pomeranian Breed Differences
The German Spitz and the Pomeranian share the same ancestry, descending from larger arctic sled-pulling breeds, dating back almost 6,000 years, and their history has been intertwined ever since. These guys originate from Germany, where they were traditionally used as herding and guard dogs, and although they are now more commonly found in family homes, they still make a great watchdog with their piercing barks.
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At a glance, the German Spitz and the Pomeranian are similar-looking puppies, however, upon closer examination, they are quite different in appearance. Their temperament is very similar, as are most of the other factors that surround them both. Let’s take a closer look at those differences and get into the finer details.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Most of us keepers are convinced that we know our dogs perfectly. Sharing our lives with them makes us capable of understanding their needs, deciphering their body language, and even interpreting their different states of mind. So much so, that sometimes we just need to look our dog in the eye to know how he is.
However, there may be some curiosities about dogs that you still do not know. For this reason, in this BestPetsLover article, we have compiled more than 30 surprising dog curiosities about this canine species.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Traveling with our best friends is one of the most rewarding experiences we experience after a long year of work. After all, they are the ones who brighten each of our days and accompany us “through thick and thin”, when we need them most. And nothing more fair and pleasant than being able to also share these moments of relaxation with them: the holidays.
Fortunately, every year it is more feasible and practical to go on vacation with dogs, as more cities and establishments join the ” Dog Friendly ” trend, allowing the stay or permanence of pets in their facilities and means of transport. The number of squares and public spaces specially designed to enjoy our favorite furry ones has also risen. https://bestpetslover.com/holidays-with-dogs-12-dog-friendly-destinations
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petslover22 · 2 years
Do you know that there is currently a breed of horse that formerly shared territory and in many cases worked side by side with the Native Americans of the Nez Perce tribe? Yes, we are talking about the Appaloosa horse, an imposing and wonderful equine that comes from the current territories of Oregon and Washington. Its name, of Indian origin, comes from the Palouse River, in which it was very common to see these horses drinking from the water of the said river. Do you want to know the characteristics, character, and health of the Appaloosa horse? Well, keep reading this BestPetsLover fact sheet!
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petslover22 · 2 years
Those of us who have the opportunity to share our home with these wonderful and intriguing beings that are cats, surely ask ourselves numerous questions about their behavior and their way of relating to the world, as well as to ourselves.
The truth is that feline nature continues to be a mystery even for the most expert researchers and scientists dedicated to the animal world. Without a doubt, we will need many more years to discover how our kitties think and feel (and perhaps we will still have many doubts…).
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Egyptian dog breeds, If we investigate the history of Ancient Egypt we will immediately realize the close relationship that its inhabitants had with the dogs. Proof of this is the enormous number of artistic representations (some of them more than four thousand years old) that are still preserved today and where dogs of different morphology and size can be seen resting next to the pharaohs, accompanying the men. in hunting parties or guarding the graves of the deceased. In addition, one of the gods of Egyptian mythology, Anubis, is shown with the body of a man and the head of a jackal, a canid very close to dogs.
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petslover22 · 2 years
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Can cats eat bananas? The banana, banana or camber, is a very healthy fruit, energetic and rich in potassium and magnesium, carbohydrates and vitamins, all of the nutrients that make it a good food for people’s health. However, they are not recommended for cats due to their carnivorous nature and the amount of sugar they contain.
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petslover22 · 2 years
We can say that bread is not bad for cats, but it is not good either. It is not a recommended food for cats, although eating a small piece from time to time does not hurt either, as long as the veterinarian does not recommend otherwise. This basically depends on the general health of the animal.
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