"My darling paramour, my infernal flame, my Figueroth. I sent these meteors to you from the dawn of time when a rogue asteroid almost hit my dad's jet ski. Sundering the space rock with but a gesture of my most potent art, the debris surrounded me and with it came the sorrow of your absence. I sent these rocky chunks across the galaxy, and they have traveled since the beginning of time to tell you that I love you. In each moment of our mutual ignorance, where we had yet to meet, this message was already spinning its way to you through time and space to illuminate the night sky and tell you that I love you.
Us -- our love, like time, has been inevitable and strange. I have walked in its shadow joyfully. It gives me peace to know that in my darkest moments, my love for you was already on its way, flying through the stars. We have been on our way to save us since before the lights of our world were first lit. Pretty cool, my darling paramour.
P.S. I know you have another year of school after this. But I hope one day soon, you and I might travel amongst these stars together.
XOXO Ayda Aguefort
P.S. You are not gonna believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski."
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My little brother preordered this book for me, and I love it so far! It has a lot of things that I find very refreshing in a romance book, like
-The main couple already know how to communicate with each other!
-A very realistic depiction of burnout that is fairly universal, even though its an assassin
-They really go hard on the renovation of this tea and book shop. Its everything you want.
-a magic system that is simple and easy too understand, but comprehensive.
-my paperback has the sides of the pages painted blue which I love
-there's a gryphon and dragons in there
its cozy, eveny paced, and I can't wait to keep reading it!
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This advertisement is for Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne, a cozy fantasy steeped in sapphic romance about one of the Queen’s private guards and a powerful mage who want to open a bookshop and live happily ever after…if only the world would let them.
All Reyna and Kianthe want is to open a bookshop that serves tea. Worn wooden floors, plants on every table, firelight drifting between the rafters…all complemented by love and good company. Thing is, Reyna works as one of the Queen’s private guards, and Kianthe is the most powerful mage in existence. Leaving their lives isn’t so easy.
But after an assassin takes Reyna hostage, she decides she’s thoroughly done risking her life for a self-centered queen. What follows is a cozy tale of mishaps, mysteries, and a murderous queen throwing the realm’s biggest temper tantrum.
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A short comic I made about my experiences as a seasonal worker, and the way places change you.
Prints & PDF
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The Search for a Solarpunk Anime
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Allow me to think aloud for a moment. Because I noticed something.
Whenever people ask for movie recommendations or anime recommendations for Solarpunk, a movie that often gets named is Netflix's Bubble. And on one hand... I get it. The aesthetic of the movie is more Cozy Apocalypse than Solarpunk (aka lots of greens on the buildings and what not, but not because they have been planted there to make a better environment, rather than because the buildings falling into disrepair). But it scratches that certain itch, aesthetically.
Yet, the movie does not really feel Solarpunk to me. While one can argue that the folks who have fled into the bubble zone are kinda anarchistic in that they do lack clear hierarchies, they also do not do a ton of mutual aid, rather competing over ressources. Which to me is the issue. The movie does not have a lot of that Solarpunk spirit. Not much in terms of either mutual aid or environmental protection going on. It just has a pretty green aesthetic. (Though it should be said: Fucking darn, that movie is pretty.)
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Of course, the obvious answer to name when it comes to Solarpunk anime movies is Studio Ghibli. Obvious, because the studio is one of the central inspirations behind the genre. So, duh, yes, there are quite a few Ghibli movies out there that are pretty darn Solarpunk. Most notably of course Nausicaä, Laputa and Princess Mononoke. These movies all are not only Solarpunk in some aesthetic aspects, but also when it comes to the themes inspiring them. Which is kinda funny to me, because neither of the movies is classical science fiction - making clear that scifi really is not a prerequesit for the genre.
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But there is also another genre, I would say. And that genre is the movies, that do not have much of the aesthetic - outside maybe a vague cottagecore aesthetic - but have a lot of the themes I associate with Solarpunk.
To me two of those movies are Ame to Yuki: Wolf Children, and Misaki no Mayoiga. I already talked about the second movie, but just to sum up: Both movies really go deeply into the aspects of community building, mutual aid and also living in harmony with nature in some degree. Both very much show that we are really good at helping each other. And that you can have a good life without rigid organisation. And I really fucking love that about those movies.
Funnily enough: While funnily enough Makoto Shinkai with his generous aesthetic does have some scenes in several of his movies that just have the aesthetic flair of Solarpunk, I would say that thematically Suzume is the one most in line with the genre. Because it, too, as a lot of themes of mutual aid and just forming community and what not.
And I do not know. Maybe we are gonna see more of that stuff in the future?
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★ 【すぺ】 「 いま一年。いま一日。いま、もう一時だけでも…。 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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Sadaijin because his gate is in the heart of Tokyo where life is rich and bustling and while the gate is still in a place forgotten, the people still live to nurture the land on which it sits. And also highly likely that since his gate protects against the head of the worm, he will move with it and so remains it’s keeper this whole time.
Meanwhile Daijin’s post moves around often and has been broken before. And you find it in the middle of a forgotten town where no people go near. He doesn’t hesitate to discard his position as keystone to fill that loneliness. Which suggests the western keystone does it much more often than the eastern one. That’s why Daijin is weak and smalland emaciated and desperate for love from someone who has offered him kindness.
Which the whole film is about. Community kindness. Strangers helping those in need. First Suzume helping Souta close the door. Then feeding Daijin when he comes by. Both are moved by her kindness and try to repay her along the way. And this kindness continues to get paid forward as numerous people help her out along her journey. And she doesn’t hesitate to try and return the favour. She helps clean at Chika’s house when they let her stay over. She helps the Mama with her bar and babysits her kids.
Tl;dr: Sadaijin is big boy and stronk bc not lonely. Daijin is small boi and weak bc lonely. Suzume helped him not feel lonely anymore. But he still returned to his post because he loved her.
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suzume is just. you are the places you leave haunted. you are a stranger’s mercy. you hold your own hand. you are everybody’s tragedy and everybody’s love
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The cats being Yin and Yang, the head and tail, Mt. Fuji and the magma beneath it, fire and ice. Love and grief. Daijin being starving and weak but when protecting Suzume, is strong. The cats turning their opposite color when they're at full power. Sadaijin as the mother and Daijin, the child.
It really parallels with the movies theme. The light may be lost but the memories remain. Strangers help, even if they don't know they're helping: Humans rally around a cute cat, making him newsworthy. A friendship is formed over an orange. A small act of kindness multiplies again and again
And in the same way: Adults want to but can't help a child looking for her mother. An aunt harbors resentment towards her ward. A chair man refuses help even when he's incapable of continuing on his own.
But that's not how humans work, is it? That's the movie's point. Suzume's aunt finds her and while she can't bring back her mother, she'll make her a wonderful bento every day and give as much of her love as she can. Tamaki did have some resentments, but they don't overshadow her love for Suzume. Souta accepts Suzume's help. Even though he asks her st most every turn to stay safe, he admires her will to do what's right.
That's humanity at its core: Duality
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There's something so deeply profound about Suzume's ideas about how people love the land, and how in return the land loves its people. That the separation of people from the places they love is a trauma so deep, not just in the people but in the land itself, these lonely places that are abandoned, that it ripples and builds and breaks the world again.
That you heal that wound by remembering how people loved that place, and then let it go. You remember the love and happiness. And then you return it to the gods. That you grieve the land like you grieve a person- you have to remember it, love it, before you can really heal from its loss.
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(To the tune of Our House) corn dog. In the middle there’s some meat
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Packed my husband a slice of cake with his work lunch and he sent me this
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I am losing my mind over this.
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peterparkerinpajamas · 2 months
reading this deposition that just got dropped where someone sued musk and ohhhh my god it is this funniest thing ever . i can see why his lawyer tried to keep this confidential . they’re both maybe the biggest idiots . this is like ace attorney
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peterparkerinpajamas · 2 months
Cannot stop thinking about Anne magill paintings. Maybe my new favorite painter. She just captures this ..,,,,,, dreamy feeling...,,, a certain tenderness..... a fleeting moment of contentedness..... like nothing else I’ve seen
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peterparkerinpajamas · 2 months
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peterparkerinpajamas · 5 months
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peterparkerinpajamas · 8 months
i am shrunken down and brought to the gnome world and when i attempt to assimilate to their culture I use an acorn cap as a hat and they all laugh cheerfully at my silly mistake of wearing what they use as a bowl like a cap and though this is a transgression that would have humiliated me in my human life I am instead laughing alongside them at my humorous misunderstanding
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