Choose Professional Insurance!
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Protect your business does not appear the first concern of any contractor. Yet gainful employment without endorsed a specific insurance policy could have consequences negative for your business. You can sign a contract by writing directly to Professional insurer to an intermediary, agent or insurance broker or finally choose a pro insurance online. Anyway, it should be follow some tips before embarking on a subscription approach to an insurance contract. Your choice should reflect the nature of your activity, the risks and their financial consequences, and proximity and listening to your partners on the ground. It is Therefore, it remains essential to compare offers, request quotes and to negotiate ! For more reliability on the cover that suits you, think to request a custom audit for your business. Some professions have a particular operation causing extra work for some periods. Your contract will thus not be the same if you are a florist area, which makes a big turnover for Mother's Day and must have a larger stock, if you are working as a manufacturer toy, you do grow the whole year for the stock flow full in December, before the holidays. Insurers are responsible for take into account these features and integrate them into your contract. Do not forget to inquire about discount terms of your contract because you will have to inform your insurer of all changes for your business or private life, whether the acquisition new business assets, expansion of premises, the inventory change beyond the contract limits or changing your marital regime. This is an important point because you might not be covered by your contract if you have not taken the time to update this latest. Before turning on all professional insurance existing on the market, it is important to rely on the type of risk they cover in order to distinguish and make the choice sense for his business. There are four main types insurance. Insurance "working tools" You will ensure both your office and all of your tools job. Traditionally, the risks covered in this context are always the same. The contracts guarantee the fire damage, storm, water damage, theft, broken windows, broken hardware. Do not forget not ensure your operating loss in the event of major disaster. The assurance "operating losses" compensates for the consequences of the loss of the contractor's activities. In such a case, the insurer has to cover the fixed charges (taxes, rent, salaries, ...), allowing the company to place in the financial position that would have been if the damage had not occurred. Liability Insurance The company may be responsible for injury, damage or consequential damage caused to third parties during its activity. In this case, it is Liability insurance (RC), which is engaged. There are three types of liability insurance: ECR (Liability Operation) RC Pro (professional liability) and Liability "after delivery or after work", covering all different fields. If you are a management consultant, you face immaterial risk advice given to customers. You So engage your RC Pro for damage. The RC Operation intervenes in case, you cause a fire and damage to a customer's equipment. If you are a mechanic and you deliver to the consumer a room defective detached implies consequences for security, you engage your RC "after delivery or after work." Car insurance If you have company vehicles, you have to think as to provide and goods you are transporting. According to the number of vehicles, know that it may be worthwhile to sign a contract fleet rather than single-vehicle contracts, as this will bring you more flexibility in the management of the contract, and you will incidentally to escape the bonus-malus system. Note that the law makes it mandatory subscription of liability coverage for any vehicle Land motor for transporting goods or people. In case accident, this guarantee provides compensation for damage to third parties by the driver or one of its passengers like injuries or the death of a pedestrian, a passenger, damage to other cars, motorbikes Personal Insurance Also remember to take out personal insurance when create a business. Make your first concerning retirement employees health and group benefits. Note first that the complementary health, which complement the care of Social Security, become mandatory for all of January 1, 2016. Think ensure as entrepreneur, including through insurance "key man" who involved in the case or officer is required to no longer perform its functions. It is rare to find the rates for its insurance brochures or Websites of the latter, as it varies greatly from company to company the other. The amount depends on many criteria such as turnover the company realized or projected, size and status, the sector business, and the risks it faces. In insurance related theft for example, a hairdresser will be at risk rather low, while an optician must ensure stronger, insofar burglary risk is higher in activity.   Read the full article
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The 5 Worst Mistakes To Commit With Your Small Business Finance
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On average, a company disappears in the first 5 years of existence! One cause of this phenomenon is the lack of skills financial management executives and entrepreneurs. Here is a small survey of the main errors that can sink your business. You are determined to live comfortably in this small business that you created? So set yourself financial goals! I meet still too many entrepreneurs who have the sole aim of attracting new clients ! In this case, how to know when and how you will be able to pay you a salary or dividends? How to know what actions to implemented to achieve the financial goal you have set? I take an example: your short-term goal is to pay you a Net earnings 2,000 € per month. How many new clients do you need to draw to reach this goal ? How many products do you sell? Be accurate! Remember, no cost, no social support, no fees! You will be all the more motivated to achieve your goal because you will know exactly what you need to do to reach it! You will have between hands a true road map that will guide you and allow you to move forward grow! You made a great presentation, training, provision for customer and he still has not paid you? You dare not call for you are not comfortable with the idea of ​​asking for money? You are afraid that not react badly and you know how and trade relations customer satisfaction worth gold? Take your courage and claim your due because if you do arrive not to make you pay, you will unfortunately not be able to live your activity! It's that simple ! In 90% of cases, a simple call to the customer enough! You can opportunity to make a point with him and ask if he has received your bill, if it is satisfied with your performance! It will likely be delighted you took the time to call! You follow your revenue but you just watch your bank balance every month? That is not enough even if you have (for now) a positive cash! Imagine that you lose a big client, you have to deal with unexpected expenses, that your activity slows and it is the effect of ball snow. It's a safe bet that your banker you not follow (especially if you are a "young" company) and your dream collapses. Pull the turnover is not enough: your goal must be to generate cash! For that you need to follow your entries and your regularly outflows (weekly for example). You must also be able to anticipate your cash needs in order to alert your bank and find funding before the appearance of a problem. Some countries law does not require companies to to hire a certified public accountant. Many entrepreneurs and leaders therefore decide to save the cost of an accountant and keep their accounting themselves. Do not waste your time! Focus on the Steering your business and your customers! An accountant will handle much better than you in your accounting and offer you the passage of valuable advice on tax optimization, management of your business… Utilize an accountant is also a more reliable for your bank and all your financial partners. This is a worthwhile investment! You have created a company with the aim to live ? Then it's time to take your place leader and gain the knowledge to steer your business. You are more employee ! It is now for you to take all decisions for the future of your business. In disciplines as technical and management or finance, glean information on the Internet or attend the ICC training is not enough! It is necessary to use stock-training to help you benefit from support custom and duration to bring up the concepts directly studied within your company.   Read the full article
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Tips To Optimize The Use of Daily Mails
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In any business, the use of the mail occupies key importance in everyday life. It is not always easy to know how to get the most out of this mode of communication. However, some methods can improve its use. What are the simple and practical tips to apply to optimize the use of email as a business? The business email is gaining ground in the business world, both in France and abroad. We now thinks they are 100 billion emails are sent every day in the world for professional reasons, this figure still to increase by at least 5% over the next five years. This is the most frequently used tool in private companies. According to recent studies, the e-mail represent 78% of trade with customers, but also 76% of trade between employees of the same company. Facilitate the use of e-mail becomes a necessity. Consider using explicit titles and clear and synthetic messages. Also avoid answering all the emails: a message which we usually request for a reply, so that a copy has only informational value. Finally, ask its employees a summary of long and important emails to better understand the nature of the various exchanges. Allow time slots in your schedule for the consultation of emails, applying each action: reply, delete, marking for further processing or sending a copy to an employee. It is important to get used to sort e-mails in file folders. A structured organization to quickly find his emails, without waste of time. Keep you also want to print them in a systematic way: it is an unnecessary reflex often will hurt your productivity ... and the planet! Finally, it is good to be regular archiving of e-mails. This keeps her mail an acceptable size fostering research and backup protects you from loss impromptu due to theft or a computer virus for example. If the email has an important share of trade in the company, it must be used with a certain degree. In the context of urgent or simple conversations, email forsake it in favor of more direct means of communication, telephone or instant messaging. For subjects that require debate and consultation, nothing beats the physical meeting of the members of your team to communicate in person with employees helps clarify positions and changing ideas. Similarly, it is never good to try to resolve conflicts by e-mail ... When your shipments are some simple steps to consider: Always proofread, do not rush her answers, check attachments and do not add too many recipients to its mailing list.   Read the full article
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Medium Term Rentals: The Benefits For Professionals
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The average rent of a vehicle is to rent a car for a short period of 1 to 24 months. After this time, the vehicle is taken over by the agency responsible for leasing and another newer vehicle is made available. Halfway between daily rental and leasing, what benefits this real solution for business compared to a conventional purchase? It is no longer a secret that the purchase of a vehicle even if it is essential for the majority of activities Professional, is an investment wasted, including a professional. Rapid obsolescence and loss on resale lead many professionals to turn to the medium-term rental a relatively recent form but has already proven itself. Buying a vehicle is equity or using a credit, while the average rent constitutes a expenditure operating costs, smoothed over the entire period of use of the vehicle. In addition, the purchase of a vehicle generates many additional costs that may be heavy to bear for a company, especially while beginning of the purchase process. Maintenance, tires, support ... These expenses that all companies can not necessarily afford. For infrequent use, low mileage, or for a specific need, the average rent is recognized as the most appropriate formula, because you only pay for what you use actually. Almost all of average rental rates include in Indeed all ancillary costs, maintenance, tires through the troubleshooting. It's called the offers "all inclusive", which are a pledge saving for professionals. As part of a professional, use vehicles can be very irregular. Thus, a vehicle can be necessary at times but become useless for a few months. The average lease term formula has the advantage of being flexible, because it can be adapted to each particular situation of companies. If you Need a car for a few months for a new employee in CDD or you must have at your disposal a car only for a period one to two months for your seasonal missions is the ideal solution. The Medium term rental allows you to have a vehicle each time you need it. Read the full article
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How To Manage Payment Terms And Stretch?
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In the current context of low or negative growth as semesters, companies continue to view their payment increase. This is an additional difficulty that face of many small and very small and can endanger their business over the medium term. Therefore, how to approach this phenomenon so that it affects not the company's survival? What solutions and how to implement adapt? The figures are final. In 2015 payment delays continue stretch over time. A study of the Altares Institute, during the first half of 2015, only 36.8% of companies pay their bills without delay, a figure that has stagnated compared to previous years, after have deteriorated considerably since the 2008 financial crisis. Many vendors are thus struggling, hesitating to use legal recourse against their clients. Most expect and even prefer submit to requirements discount on prices that accompany these lengthened time. These delays are mainly the fact of large groups, using the dependence of their suppliers in order to exercise their a certain pressure. But when the treasury of the SMEs can not survive these practices, practical solutions should be considered. Do not wait to be on the brink of bankruptcy to react. of the mediation have been set up thanks to mediator inter since 2010. Every year the number of companies that are use increases (there were 1,000 in 2014) and it pays off: in 3, 4 cases, mediation can solve a situation and find compromises favorable to each party. The mediator of the inter-company relations, Pierre Pelouzet, notes that 25% of bankruptcies are due to late payments, so do not hesitate to seek his services before getting back on wall. A restrictive device exists. It was set up in 2014 with the Hamon law, which provides for administrative sanctions for companies late payment. These sanctions of up to EUR 75 000, they supposed to be dissuasive and the names of the companies guilty of such delays will be published by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. This last plans to increase its controls that will reach the number of 2500 2015. The state also has set up a respectable label that will given to virtuous companies after signing of a charter between suppliers and customers. After an independent audit firms respect their payment will be awarded this label that will participate in maintaining brand image. With more than 4 billion euros lack of gain generated by delays payment of the 120 largest French groups, the magnitude of the measured problem for our economy. We must therefore not hesitate to use all possible remedies, favoring mediation, so that this situation does not persist over the long term while some economists are starting all just talk about resumption of activity in our country. Read the full article
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Business: How To Manage?
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No, trade is not radically different from other employees of the company. But we must recognize that they have a status and tasks at hand, making them a difficult population manager for the entrepreneur. Commercial smelling of aftershave and the cassoulet, the Mets mayonnaise on their case: they 'll boufferaient. sang rapper Orelsan! Although these words are obviously questionable, they reflect the bad image that sticks to the skin trade within or outside of the company. It is well known, are commercial-free electrons, who are motivated only by money, and do as their heads in a word, not the manager. The cartoon is crude and deforms a more subtle reality. But it still remains an unease about their management. Here are some tips for making the company more productive and prosperous. The first thing is to smartly assess the commercial's fixed salary. Very high wages also mean a lack of market participants that does demènera not to go beyond its goals and receive bonuses. In comparison, deliver too high a fixed rhyme with a chance of commercial resignation to the competitor's advantage. Next comes the wage factor. It's THE guarantee of profitability for companies. The bonus should still remain exceptional, credited if they met or exceeded the goals sought. To mark the movement, it's "sacred." Of course, you can deliver quality advertising incentives. The promise of "doing more to earn more" is typically gushed into him with strong motivation. You can also speak of incentives that are not paid as salaries. The good ones are good examples of traditional incentives for shopping and travel. Such types of incentives, however, tend to be gradually considered as part of the fixed remuneration by selling for granted, and thus less value and motivation. So you can stand out by providing more atypical awards as a relaxing weekend or sport in your company for the best trading of the month, or where the sign their contracts below a certain number. Opt for otherwise rewards to the more "exceptional" food available in fine restaurants, or VIP seats for a concert or sporting event (do not hold the Brazilian World Cup football is inexpensive!). Some firms choose to offer a more subtle combination to their sales team: collective goals crowned with individual awards. Its software is smarter to encourage collaboration and regularity in the workplace. Other firms still set qualitative targets, not quantitative ones, to "sell better," which can be another source of motivation. It's your turn to find the right method for your business. Or how psychologically a seller's manager. In 2013, only two in three workers were interested in the company's venture, according to the Hay Group study. A lack of corporate dedication to the vision of the business represents a real challenge, as it is not to be overlooked that sales are the sellers. The contractor must pay close attention to transmitting the company's culture to their staff, make them feel they are involved in a joint project, and streamline work ahead of all other employees. For example, why not involve business directly designing business sales targets to ensure their approval and encouragement. The commitment of these employees also shares increased by creating harmony between commercial and marketing services often culturally opposed. It will then work the two poles Overall, and especially give each team visibility of work and constraints of their colleagues. Please do not overlook the demotivating factors. Do not disappoint your employees' sellers at the choice of the company car, business phones, computers laptops, and other high-tech tools. They are objects of recognition social that must be taken seriously because they also show your commercial level of attention you pay them Unlike everyone else employees, vendors are hard to "monitor". mean by there: it is hard to check their level and their involvement. For this, You need a commercial manager who will first of all to accompany commercial (during certain appointments keys) and provide As to the methods. Finally, it will manage the egos of his team. Be sure to avoid conflict of egos between trading protects the company against a real-productivity on the part of teams. The Manager, therefore, has to create a cohesive team in the welding around common values ​​that establish as professional values. So, commercial, not so hard to manager finally! The employer may use some tools to "monitor" employees on a mission as geolocation technologies installed on their mobile devices or his car. But the issue is complex in the case of the seller since his contract stipulates that it is autonomous in its work time. Yes using this tool, do not forget to declare (and to clarify that this tool aims to monitor the working time of an employee if the Information collected will have no value). There is also video surveillance. Allowed by law, it must follow some cons specific rules like the privacy of the employee. In both cases, the law and the CNIL require leaders the duty of loyalty (not to try to trap) and the principle of proportionality. This can be added to Case conscience and ethical issues. Read the full article
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Results, Numbers: Can We Measure It?
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Today everything is quantified, enumerated, calculated to allow your business to have an encrypted back on everything that makes its business. But this incessant rain figures she is not more harmful than anything else. The sales results in July, the size of your workforce, the overtime your intern in accounting, net Business conducted from August 31 to September 2, the number of kilowatts used during the month of April 2013 ... Can we encrypt everything, measure everything to the well-being of our company? At first glance, it is clear that business leaders need the figures, statistics and economic data and other indicators can provide them with information on the company and the environment economic. It is undeniable that the figures are needed for the study many things and it becomes difficult to go through a professional activity for commercial use. Yet should we encrypt everything? Do we need numbers, percentages on everything related to the company and its economic health? After all, where the utility to measure the profitability of an investment felt, should we calculate the time spent by our employees before the Coffee machine? Some things do not go even beyond the encrypted understanding? After all, employees who spend more time outside their office may be more productive. And this, this indirect effect, no absolutely can not be quantified and evaluated. So should we not take a minimum of back and let some form of uncertainty on events that do not necessarily find explanations of figures? Let us face the facts: in our business, in our professional lives every day, all is not quantifiable, all is not assessable. Consider that most employees spend time outside their office unless they are working and trying to put figures it is to forget and to ignore the factors beyond the simple context of statistics. After all, an employee who spends ten minutes more outside his office, talking with colleagues, is an employee who may be more willing to work more efficiently and with more motivation. And given that there can not be taken into account by the figures. There are many things that go beyond the framework of the Statistics, and these are the things that business leaders must try understand, assimilate and anticipate to better manage their business without will sink into a measurable-and any number at will. Encrypt measure not understand. One not manage a company with readings incomprehensible statistics trying to put a logical framework and defined everything that happens within our society. Some things go beyond that framework and the head Corporate whatever needs to understand this, to leave the rut of figure wildly to improve its sense of understanding on events that ultimately may not seem obvious. Read the full article
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Company Car Service or Personal: Which Costs for What Use?
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Select the type of vehicles that will be the future vehicle fleet the business is a prerequisite. The use made of it is, of course, essential to take into account to calculate the costs incurred for the society. Company cars and service vehicles are often considered similar when they hide the realities of use, taxation and different law. The function of the vehicle corresponds to a benefit in kind, within the employment contract of an employee. It is an effective tool for recruiting. The employee has the car for both business travel and personal, weekdays, on weekends and during the holiday period. A vehicle Service is a company vehicle used by the employee only business travel. It, therefore, can not be used outside working hours and the vehicle must be escorted back to the company at the end of the day, though some companies concede the right to use it to the commuting. This car is not of a right nature. It is not specified in the employee's contract of employment and can be removed without consultation or compensation. cancellation the employment contract of a company car, it is subject to a salary increase. As a wage supplement, the benefit of a vehicle must be registered in the payroll. It is subject to loads of employee social security and income tax on the side of the employee. A personal car, as its name indicates, belongs to the employee. he can be used for professional needs if his company does not have a car fleet. In this case, the company must repay according to a scale odometer. The company car is purchased or leased either by the company. Amortization of purchase, which receives a deduction limited tax represents one of the first direct costs which add to the cost of vehicle registration, operation, insurance, fuel. other Indirect costs are grafted surcharge. This is the car tax company (TVS) payable annually and calculated based on emissions CO2 from the automotive, company tax (IS) on non-deductible costs, business tax based on the rental value of the vehicle. In the case, a road accident where the employee would, most companies requires the support of the franchise to their employee. Expenses engaged by the company, in the case of the company car, many. Personal vehicles belong to employees who already pay car insurance. The company must take out special insurance, called "assurance mission," included in the insurance contract general liability of the company. It covers travel professionals. The company grants its employees, who use their private car for professional reasons, will get allowances. Such payment will be on a kilometric scale. Broken down into three tranches professionals annual mileage (up to 5000 km, 5 001-20 000 km, more than 20 000 km), the scale takes into account fuel costs but also the maintenance of the car, his depreciation, and tire. It creates management issues, particularly related to certifications to be made to justify the mileage. Build a fleet can be costly to a business. grant a company car or a car service can be likened to an excess coquetry that is not always necessary. In the case of commercial or significant mileage allowances to the counter, the companies, however, more benefits to provide a vehicle for their employees. Read the full article
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Intensive Nutrition was founded to support the nutritional needs of health professionals and their clients. We are proud that our professional customers now include all manner of health professionals (Naturopaths, Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Veterinarians!) in addition to supplement vendors, retail stores and outlets. We serve the United States as well as the international community (Europe, Asia and Latin America).
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Intensive Nutrition makes available scientific literature (via PDF) as well as product feedback (also via PDF) to our clients upon request.
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ntensive Nutrition is dedicated to providing its clients with the most bioavailable and hypoallergenic products available. Its origins are in the service of the Oncology community where purity of ingredients is paramount. As a consequence of its history, Intensive Nutrition carefully selects products that are 1. bioavailable and 2. are the most hypoallergenic in the creation of its formulations. Hypoallergenicity refers to the absence of the most common food allergens in the human diet. This includes casein/milk, soy, egg, corn, nuts and wheat. We are happy to announce that the majority of our products also do not contain yeast.
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For more than 40 years and spanning two family generations, Intensive Nutrition has brought the complementary and alternative medicine community nutritional excellence. Intensive Nutrition is proud to continue to provide exceptional products and thanks you, our valued customers, for our success. To those that are new to us, let us welcome you to the Intensive Nutrition family. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions that you may have.
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Wall Fountains
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Fountains with Tiers
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Frequently Asked Fountain Questions
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A. Silvestri Co. is a manufacturer of architectural grade, decorative pre-cast concrete statuary, fountains, planters and garden art. The Silvestri family proudly celebrates its fifth generation in the statuary industry.aaa We offer over 1000 pieces of cast stone architectural, plaza, home and garden art pieces: including hundreds of fountains, statues, busts, benches, tables, columns, pedestals, bird baths, patio, plaza and garden planters, urns and pots, plaques, garden animals and Asian influenced garden items. A large selection of indoor statuary and columns, dining table bases and sets, coffee table bases, aluminum patio sets, lamp posts, fireplace mantles, and precut glass table tops is available at our showroom.
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