peptechbioscience · 3 months
Buy now Bacillus Thuringiensis at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium found in soil and widely employed in agriculture for insect pest control. It produces an endotoxin enclosed in crystalline structures. In addition to the toxic component, several proteins aid in infiltrating the host and thwarting its immune defenses. Crucially, these proteins are non-toxic to mammals and remain inert within mammalian systems.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Are you looking for Zinc Oxide 39.5% at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Zinc oxide 39.5% SC is a liquid formulation designed for versatile applications. This formulation combines the benefits of zinc oxide with the convenience of a suspension concentrate (SC). With a high concentration of 39.5%, it offers effective solutions for various industrial and agricultural needs. The liquid form ensures easy mixing and application, providing uniform coverage. Known for its multifunctional properties, this formulation serves as a valuable ingredient for diverse purposes, ranging from industrial processes to agricultural practices, where the versatility of zinc oxide is harnessed for optimal results.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Buy now Penoxsulam 21.7% SC at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Penoxsulam 21.7% SC functions as a systemic herbicide, presented in a suspension concentrate (SC) form. Predominantly employed for targeted weed management in rice paddies and similar aquatic settings, this herbicide operates by impeding crucial plant enzyme functions, resulting in the suppression and eventual demise of weeds. The SC formulation facilitates straightforward blending and application, ensuring consistent coverage on weed surfaces. With its residual control capabilities, it proficiently addresses an extensive spectrum of aquatic and semi-aquatic weeds to safeguard rice crops.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Get Today's Best Metarhizium Anisopliae biopesticide at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Metarhizium Anisopliae stands out as a distinctive biological insecticide. This entomopathogenic fungus induces muscardine disease in a variety of insects such as bugs, weevils, and hoppers. Upon contact with a host’s cuticle, M. anisopliae spores rapidly grow and multiply within the insect. Once inside, the fungus releases toxins, initiating protein degradation. The insect succumbs to a combination of chemical, mechanical, water loss, and nutrient loss effects. The speed of the insect’s demise hinges on factors like the spore count, the insect’s age, susceptibility, and prevailing environmental conditions.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Buy at Best Price Atrazine 50% WP at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Atrazine 50% WP is categorized as a chlorotriazine herbicide in the triazines class, functioning as a systemic herbicide. Formulated with valance adjuvants, it comprises 50% atrazine as its active component. This herbicide is employed for controlling both pre- and post-emergent broadleaf weeds, exhibiting effectiveness against diverse grassy weeds as well.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Get Best Chlorantraniliprole Dosage at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Chlorantraniliprole, a synthetic insecticide falling within the Anthranilic diamide category, is sourced from the Ryania speciosa plant extract. Operating by disrupting regular muscle contractions in insects, chlorantraniliprole targets the ryanodine receptor — a specific muscle receptor. Upon binding to this receptor, it prompts the opening of muscular calcium channels, leading to calcium leakage. Consequently, the insects’ muscles cease normal function, inducing paralysis and eventual demise. This insecticide proves toxic upon ingestion for insects and upon contact for insect eggs, larvae, and pupae. Its mechanism presents an effective and targeted approach to pest control in agricultural and environmental context
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Get Best Seaweed Extracts at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Seaweed extracts function as a rich source of crucial major and minor nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, cytokinins, auxins, and abscisic acid. These elements play a crucial role in promoting substantial plant growth, ultimately resulting in higher yields. Moreover, they play a key role in fostering plant tolerance to environmental stressors, thereby bolstering overall resilience.
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peptechbioscience · 3 months
Are you looking for Paclobutrazol 23% SC at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Paclobutrazol 23% SC is extensively utilized as a plant growth regulator, especially in mango cultivation. Its primary role is to hinder the synthesis of gibberellin, resulting in decreased vegetative growth. This inhibitory effect encourages flowering and fruiting by diverting nutrients towards reproductive organs. As a result, the application of paclobutrazol contributes to heightened potential for greater yield in mango crops.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Silicon Adjuvant best deal at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
The Silicon Adjuvant stands out as an outstanding non-ionic agent recognized for its exceptional spreading abilities, impressive rain-fastness, and swift absorption rate. This clear solution effortlessly dissolves and seamlessly mixes with various plant growth regulators, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and acaricides.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Are you looking for Propiconazole 25% EC at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Propiconazole 25% EC proves to be a powerful remedy against a range of fungal ailments, including powdery mildew, rust, leaf spot, and blight. Formulated to act during both preventive and curative phases, it facilitates efficient control, aiding in the management and suppression of the spread of fungal pathogens.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Get best deal on Calcium glycinate at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Calcium glycinate is a compound formed by the bonding of calcium with the amino acid glycine. Designed as a specialized micronutrient fertilizer, Calcium Glycinate Micronutrient Fertilizer is crafted to enhance plant growth by providing a readily available source of calcium, an essential micronutrient. With its unique combination of calcium and glycine, this fertilizer improves the absorption and utilization of nutrients, promoting the growth of robust and healthier plants.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Buy Today Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Zinc solubilizing bacteria are microorganisms crucial for enhancing the availability of zinc in soil for plant uptake. These bacteria, often belonging to genera like Pseudomonas and Bacillus, produce organic acids such as citric and gluconic acid. Through a process known as solubilization, these acids break down insoluble zinc compounds in the soil, converting them into soluble forms that plants can readily absorb. This microbial activity plays a pivotal role in improving zinc bioavailability, a vital micronutrient essential for various plant functions. Agriculturally, the application of zinc solubilizing bacteria as biofertilizers is gaining prominence, promoting sustainable practices by reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers. By fostering optimal zinc levels in the rhizosphere, these bacteria contribute to increased crop yields, plant resilience, and overall soil health, making them valuable allies in eco-friendly and efficient agricultural systems.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Today's Best offer Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
The fungicide Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC is a suspensible concentrate designed for the effective control of a diverse range of pathogens affecting different crops. In terms of weight-per-volume, this formulation is comparable to Azoxystrobin 12% + Tebuconazole 20% SC.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Buy at Best Price Atrazine 50% WP at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Atrazine 50% WP is a systemic herbicide classified as a chlorotriazine herbicide within the triazines category. It contains valance adjuvants and has a 50% concentration of atrazine as its active ingredient. This herbicide is utilized for both pre- and post-emergent management of broadleaf weeds and demonstrates efficacy against various grassy weeds as well.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Buy Now Seaweed extracts at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Seaweed extracts function as a rich source of crucial major and minor nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, cytokinins, auxins, and abscisic acid. These elements play a crucial role in promoting substantial plant growth, ultimately resulting in higher yields. Moreover, they play a key role in fostering plant tolerance to environmental stressors, thereby bolstering overall resilience.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Buy now Gibberellic Acid 40% WSG at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Gibberellic Acid 40% WSG, sourced from plants and fungi, serves as a widely employed plant growth regulator. This tetracyclic di-terpenoid hormone is essential for overseeing plant growth. While naturally occurring in plants, the production of gibberellic acid is limited. Plants deficient in this growth hormone display a slow or stunted rate of growth.
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peptechbioscience · 4 months
Get now Verticillium chlamydosporium 1% WP at Peptech Biosciences Ltd
Verticillium chlamydosporium 1% WP is a bio-insecticide/bio-nematicide designed to provide natural and eco-friendly protection for crops against harmful nematodes. Formulated with beneficial microorganisms, this product offers targeted and efficient control, reducing nematode populations while preserving other beneficial insects. It promotes a secure and sustainable approach to integrated pest management, ensuring the well-being of crops. Easy to use as a wettable powder, it seamlessly integrates into existing agricultural practices.
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