peachiepikachu-blog · 6 years
So............. like i ship my two friends. They asked for their names not to be included so lets call them. Paige & Bonnie. Both females. Both like eachother. Thing isss I SHIPPED EM FIRST I MADE EM GET TOGETHER OK? AND IM PROUD OF THIS ACHIEVEMENT. Now idk what to do... becauuuseeee they are my bff’s and they always kiss and stuff and i get sent the pictures i kinda feel weeiirrdd but i also fangirl so yeah lol i just figured i’d share this with the world!! gbai
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peachiepikachu-blog · 6 years
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I feel like i like vampires... WAY TO MUCH. I feel like i shouldn’t like them this much. Its almost like an obsession i mean i Watch TVD & and The Originals and at both endings i cry... But i mean like full on MELTDOWN i will be screaming *NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ELIJAH KLLLLAUUUUSSS* i literally cried so much at the ending of the originals and i dont think its healthy im way to attached but i guess that means im a super fan? I just want a poster of Elijah, Klaus and Damon. Aka the most talented and HoTTeST actors ever xD ok maybe not Hottest But Ian Somerhalder is pretty cute. I think even straight boys have a celeb crush on him because he is so cute :3 I just want him to be younger so i can take Nina Dobrevs Ex mans.
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peachiepikachu-blog · 6 years
Hm.. My first post.
So what do i write? I’m new to tumblr i guess i’ll tell you about myself. My name is Peachie ;) I mean its not my real name but its my tumblr name so why not. So i like to draw and watch animu im a animu lover myself my favorites are Pokemon, Vampire Knight and The dragon prince (Is that counted as an anime if not i also like Glitter force & Glitter force doki doki) I will stay up to like midnight watching anime sometimes :D its just sooo good lol. Okay so i guess thats everything about me so yeah! I may post occasion photos of my artwork and of me If you’re lucky. I play the sims and stardew valley! Video games are my normal. I cant live without them! Okay so bye now!
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