The Ball has blood on it. Orianna takes a moment to scold it, disappointed in it's life decisions.
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Perhaps a machine will be perceptive enough to know their secret santa?
"Even a machine can not know of an unnamed figure hidden in the sea of faces. There are many individuals, many variables, many different people."
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
//junglers mains are worse than adc mains. I’ve decided. 
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
"It is amusing. The threat of being forced to stay home by the Ball is somehow enough to make me finish cleaning father's shop before leaving.
Well played, Father."
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Mixed List of One-Liners
"Is it still illegal to perform an autopsy on a living person?"
"I don't like your clothes, take them off."
"The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list."
"Stop making me question my heterosexuality."
"He was Jesus for Halloween and I definitely got on my knees and gave him praise."
"Ive already seen two fights and a clown urinating in the middle of the street. Hello Halloween 2014."
"I should come with a warning like "do not feed me tequila or cocaine, I will ruin the party and cry"
"If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining."
"I really don't know where my pants are, but that's not the problem. When are you going to unlock the door?"
"You texted all our friends a picture of me with the caption 'I'm going to tap that'."
"I think it's about time you come out of the closet."
"You ask too many questions when I'm blowing you. You're like a dentist asking how my day has been during a cleaning."
"Clearly I was drunk when I met them I gave them a muffin. But they sure remembered me"
"Fair warning, I will be throwing corn dogs at you every time I see you this week."
"I invited him in for 'coffee', and at an unexpected turn of events we actually had coffee."
"Let's make an agreement. No drugs until you finish all your homework. I'm hiding them as we speak."
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
"Were a lot of people to prefer doing things such as yourself, the planet would be a much more dangerous place than it is, now." Her head tilted to the side as she looked at Katarina, her lips finally pulling into some resemblance of a smile. It was obvious she was actually trying. "However, I know of a warehouse, if you would like to see such a place. They are giving away free things, mostly basic-level electronics, for free, as some part of a charity program. Father says they are only doing so because they have overstocked on equipment and need more room."
"Did you have to do that? I was having this really great dream..."
"Oh…you were? It looked like you were having a nightmare…Sorry…"
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
"You are certainly energetic, I will give you that," the doll complimented with a slight laugh. She would neglect to bring up the fact that she herself was technically undead. Semantics and unnecessary details need not be trifled with. "I believe the dark-skinned one by the name of Lucian would like you, as well as any of the other Purifiers. They are constantly battling against the same you would use your blades against." Her arm twitched a bit. twisting itself backwards, "As for the Ball, he can do a great many things. He is a powerful protector." 
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Saeko Busujima
"This is an old friend of mines Ori, she comes from an alternate universe." Kat explained.
"Hello, my name is Saeko Busujima. I live in a world filled with the undead." Saeko said as she introduced herself.
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
If anyone has any OCs or just craving some type of roleplay-related interaction, you should totally go have a look at the new roleplay blog I made, blacklakemercenarycrew
I’m trying to find some new roleplay partners that aren’t in the League fandom, but once you’ve been in one place for so long, it does get a bit… hard.
Send some love?
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Orianna's head tilted from one side to the other, curious. "I do not fight, the Ball fights on his own. I just advise it on what to do. Sword play is interesting, however. I have seen many people put it into practice in many different styles. Perhaps I shall see you put your fighting style into practice, some day. It would be most thrilling, to say the least."
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Saeko Busujima
"This is an old friend of mines Ori, she comes from an alternate universe." Kat explained.
"Hello, my name is Saeko Busujima. I live in a world filled with the undead." Saeko said as she introduced herself.
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
The Ball reacted to Soraka's comment by shaking rather violently, before bopping Orianna on the head lightly. The patchwork doll herself let out an ethereal giggle, shaking her head. "I think the Ball does not like being called cute. It makes it feel-- what was that, Ball? Ah, it makes it feel less masculine. I think the Ball needs to grow up. Just a tad bit." Orianna's hands fell at her side, her fingers jittering a bit after being left alone for a second or two. Adjusting a bit to not being held. "Between you and I, madame, however, I think the Ball like being called cute. He has never not reacted to being called that."
"Hey, Orianna," Soraka smiled and waved at the doll.
The patchwork dancer’s head quirked to the side as she was greeted, the expression one would only pull from her lips appearing as if she had been caught off guard. She was daydreaming again- dozed off, and engrossed in dozing off. The Ball gently bopped Orianna on the head, and, in turn, she waved to Soraka, the stitched lips pulling into a smile. “Greetings, Starchild. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Orianna's arm snapped back into place, her hands coming to lace in front of her abdominal area. The Ball began to circle, seemingly irate at the interruption, but the doll bore the face of calm. "It is alright, I suppose. You meant no harm." A slight pause. "Might I ask of the reason you are in Piltover, miss Du Couteau?"
"Did you have to do that? I was having this really great dream..."
"Oh…you were? It looked like you were having a nightmare…Sorry…"
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Pleads the fifth.
An Oriana KS our Penta on ARAM. As a real-life cop, i want my revenge against that crappy bot. This is War. è_é
I’ll give her a ticket for twenty valors.
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
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"The ball is impatient."
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
Somehow, she could feel it. The atmosphere, the way her mere presence seemed to cause the place to darken. It was enough to cause her lips to pull into a frown, a slight twitch in her neck for a second, before the Ball floated up, gently pushing itself into her hands. She remained unfocused for several seconds, before turning her attention to the vulpine. Her lips pulled into a light smile, one would even call it weary, before she began to speak. "Hello there, Ahri. I don't... Believe so, no. I was just reminiscing." She turned her head away, turning back to face the Ball, which began to shake a bit. "I was also wondering how you were faring. It is not often that I see you during a moment of peace."
patchworkdancer liked your post!
             little shivers followed the popstar’s spine. that…girl, could it be called like that?
made the area…cold and dead, in some form. of course, ahri smiled gently, she didn’t wanted to offend the woman. otherwise, she didn’t wanted to make her angry. few times the kitsune had seen her on the fields of justice, and didn’t remember if in any opportunity they both talked.
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         "may i help you, darling?"
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
League RP blogs secret santa!
Reblog this and by December 1st you’ll get an ask with url – the person you’ll be the Secret Santa for! You can send them cute, nice messages (may be ic, ooc or both – please remember to specify!), give hints and such until Christmas – the day you’ll go off anon and reveal yourself. You can, for example, wrap it all up by sending this person some ic gift from your muse when christmas comes, or pretty much do whatever you wish – the point is spreading some love, and getting to know each other, too!
If you want to join – reblog! And send me an ask if you have any questions!
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patchworkdancer-blog · 10 years
The doll's head twitched a small bit, before extending her hand, taking Soraka's into her own. Her fingers closed gently, the fabric soft to the touch as she shook the Starchild's hand. The Ball would seemingly bounce up and down, seemingly joyed about the pat, earning Orianna's stern stare for a split moment, before finally letting loose a slightly ethereal giggle. "You seem nice, and the Ball approves. It would be a joy to be your friend, Lady Soraka." Her lips pulled into a smile, attempting to have it come across as warm.
"Hey, Orianna," Soraka smiled and waved at the doll.
The patchwork dancer’s head quirked to the side as she was greeted, the expression one would only pull from her lips appearing as if she had been caught off guard. She was daydreaming again- dozed off, and engrossed in dozing off. The Ball gently bopped Orianna on the head, and, in turn, she waved to Soraka, the stitched lips pulling into a smile. “Greetings, Starchild. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
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