pastelminx · 15 days
My Best Friends Sister (Pt. 3)
Three weeks had gone by since I found out about Katie's little problem and had been taking care of her. It’s been quite the adjustment for the two of us. I really hope Katie will learn to accept my help more and ease up on the bratty behavior. For a 26-year-old, she doesn’t act her age unless she’s at work or school.
We're all three on our way to the airport. Connor is spending several months overseas for a work project and today is the day he leaves. This is one of the first summers we won't all be spending together and it's a little sad but I'm happy for him.
"I'm going to miss you so much! I'll send pictures and call all the time, and you guys do the same!" Connor tells us as he's hugging us goodbye.
"And Katie, I know you're a grown woman but Connor is in charge of you while I'm gone. I expect you to listen and respect him and I'll be checking in frequently. I don't need any sass on it, that's all I need to say. I love you so much, sis." Connor tells Katie very seriously before giving her another hug goodbye.
The ride home was a little awkward and sad. I could feel the mixed emotions from Katie. I knew she was mad that her brother talked to her like a child but she would get over it.
"Hungry, Sugar?" I ask her.
"Hmm... Yeah I can eat. Can we order takeout?" She asks me. Takeout is usually not the norm since Connor and I both cook but I think tonight calls for relaxing.
"Sure thing, you pick it and I'll order." I tell her, watching the grin spread across her face.
We end up with a huge spread of Chick-fil-A across the coffee table at home. Katie picked a Disney movie to watch while we eat and she's finally relaxing. I make a mental note of how much soda she's had because it's almost time to put her in a diaper for bed.
I pause the movie and I'm met with a very grouchy "Heyyy!" From Katie. This will be interesting...
"Come on, Sugar, it's 7:30. Time to put your diaper and PJs on. We'll make it quick so we can finish the movie before bedtime." I tell her lightly, trying not to make it a big deal.
"Jace! I want to finish the movie first, don't ruin my evening! I'm perfectly fine right now." She snaps out.
"I'm going to give you one more chance to do this the easy way. If you don't take it then you're going to be a very sorry little girl. Come with me, please. I'll make it as quick as possible so we can watch the rest of the movie." I tell her sternly. I watch her jaw tense and I can tell this won't end well for her.
"No. I'm finishing the movie now." She states and picks up the remote to press play.
"Oh no you aren't, Sugar. You're not finishing it at all tonight now. It's time for your spanking and then your bedtime diaper." I tell her as I unplug the TV. Her jaw falls open and then snaps shut in fury. I don't give her a chance at talking back this time. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and bring her to her room. She keeps shouting to put her down but I'm ignoring it. I set her down once I'm ready and make her look at me.
"This bratty behavior needs to end. I've been nothing but nice to you and this is how you repay me? I'm trying to take care of you and help you, there's no reason to act like this. So here is what's going to happen, Sugar. You're going to bring me your hairbrush. And then you're going to bring me all of your diaper supplies and ask me nicely to help you after your spanking. This is what's going to happen every night this week since you haven't let up with your bratty behavior. Do you understand?" I ask her.
Her lip quivers but she's still furious and doesn't want to answer.
"One... Two..." I start the countdown.
"I understand! I get it, I'm sorry." She huffs out and starts walking towards the bathroom for her brush. She brings it back and reluctantly hands it to me.
"Now go pick out your diaper and bring me all of the supplies. Don't forget to ask nicely for my help." I remind her gently. She blushes but does what she's told. Coming back with her hands full, she shyly asks me "Jace... Will you help me?"
"Sure, Sugar. What do you need help with?" I ask her with a smirk. She's bright red now.
"Uh... will you help me put my diaper on later?" She asks quietly.
"Of course, I'll help you, that's probably hard for you to do on your own. I'll help you after your spanking." I tell her as I start pulling her pants and panties down. Her panties are wet and I thought she had an accident at first but then I realized that's not it at all. I'll let her tell me why they're wet.
"Oh my, it looks like I should have diapered you sooner. It looks like you've been dribbling in your panties. Tsk tsk. Come on over my knee, I'll clean everything up afterwards." I say nonchalantly. Her eyes go wide in shock.
"No no, I haven't dribbled at all! I swear!" She protests as I pull her over my knee.
"Then why are your panties so wet?" I ask her seriously. I'm met with silence.
"Katie, I asked you a question. Do I need to start keeping you in pullups during the day for the dribbling?" I ask, knowing this will end well for me either way she answers.
"No" She sobs out. She's softly crying, sounding defeated.
"No? How about diapers then if it's more of an issue." I suggest.
"Jace, please, I didn't dribble in my panties. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry." She cries out to me.
I pull her back up and sit her on my knee so she's facing me. Her face is red and I can see tear tracks.
"What's the matter, Sugar? It's okay to need protection during the day." I tell her, keeping her eye contact. She shakes her head though.
"I know that you know, Jace... " She says, hanging her head.
I lift her chin up so she meets my gaze and ask innocently, "Know what, Sugar?"
"It's not pee." She barely squeaks out.
"If it's not pee... Then I think there's something you need to tell me." I tell her and her eyes go wide but her mouth stays shut.
"If it is pee, I'll make sure you have daytime protection too." I offer as a choice to avoid this conversation. I know she doesn't want protection during the day but it won't hurt her.
"No no! It's- I- well- You turn me on when you're in charge." She stumbles out.
"Sugar, I'm always in charge." I quip back with a huge smile but she doesn't return it yet. Instead, she gulps
"I know." Is all she says and then I understand.
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pastelminx · 27 days
My Best Friends Sister (Pt. 2)
I closed the door and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Connor turns to me, serious concern all over his face. I put my finger to my lips, motioning him to follow me out to his balcony.
"What's going on, is she okay?! You were in there forever!" He shouts, clearly concerned.
"Calm down, she is okay. There's a lot to tell you so just get comfortable." I tell him as we sit down. I run through almost everything and make him agree to listen and respect her wishes. Reluctantly, he agrees and I know he'll stick to it. I think he only agreed because I'm allowed to take care of her and he knows I'll fill him in when needed.
"I sent her to bed early because she was so stressed so I'm just going to check and make sure she listened." I tell him as I stand and he nods.
"You've always been really good for her. She respects you and so do I. You have my permission to do anything it takes to help her through this." He tells me and I nod knowingly.
I slowly crack the door to check on her, not wanting to wake her if she's sleeping, but unfortunately that's not possible. I swing the door open and startle her. She snuck into my room and took her laptop back.
"Well, well, well. Looks like you just landed yourself in big trouble, Sugar. Save your work and hand it over, now." I bark. She knows I'm pissed and listens quickly.
I put the laptop down and drag her by the arm to the way we were sitting for our talk earlier. Except this time, I grab her face so she can't avoid looking at me. "Was I not clear earlier? This was for your own good and you couldn't even manage to follow a simple instruction? You're smarter than that, Katie. You know what comes next. Since your bedwetting problem is back, so are your childhood punishments. Bring me your hair brush, little girl." I ordered, and she jumped up from the sheer force of my tone.
“Please, Jace, we don’t need to do this. I’ll go to bed.” She pleads.
"You disobeyed a simple bedtime and it was very important, I can't let this slide. You're almost an hour after you were supposed to be, you're getting 30 strokes on the back of your thighs. Right under your now wet diaper. Come on, over my knee." I grabbed her arm to guide her over. She started crying and begging.
"Please, please, Jacey, I'm too old for spankings. Please don't do this, your spankings hurt. I'm so sorry, I promise I'll listen! I'll go straight to bed." She sobbed.
She used to call me Jacey as a little girl and act just like this. This all hits a lot different now. The annoyance I used to get from her bad behavior isn’t the same. I loved hearing my nickname come out of her mouth again.
"You're never too old for spankings from me, especially when you're back in diapers. I know you're sorry and you will be at the end of your spanking too. Now come on over my knee. Don't waste more of my time." I said as I pulled her towards my lap again. This time she let me. I was glad she was wearing a diaper. I think it hid how much this was turning me on. I tried to make it quick for us. She was full on bawling when I was done, just like when she was younger. I pulled her up in my lap to hug her and held her until she calmed down. I shushed her and praised her for taking her spanking so well and then I started patting her bottom. She seemed to love that, she burrowed into my neck and quieted right down. This was all very interesting; I didn't know how to take it honestly. I've always loved Katie and felt a pull towards her but this feels like something new unlocked. Maybe it's just temporary. I kept patting her bottom and she relaxed so much she was falling asleep on me. As much as I'd love to stay just like this, I had to move. I stood up, carrying her over to bed. She wouldn't let go of me and started whining "no no no no".
"What is it, Sugar? Jacey is just putting you to bed, you're okay." I soothed, using the old nickname. She reluctantly let go of me and I felt bad leaving, I waited until she was falling back asleep to leave. Again, Connor was there looking at me like I was freaking insane. "Did you just give my sister a spanking?" He asked, stunned.
"Uh... yep. Yeah, I did that. She disobeyed a direct order and well she's back in diapers now so it seemed fitting." I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Good, she needs that sometimes. You're the only one who can pull that off. Thanks for taking care of her." He said, slapping my back and heading towards his room.
"Yeah man, no problem." I said, a little shocked myself.
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pastelminx · 29 days
My Best Friends Sister (Pt. 1)
"Hey man, is Katie okay? She seems really on edge or something." I ask my friend Connor.
We've all know each other since we were kids. Their dad was never around so Connor and I looked after Katie and their mom. Now we still spend most of our free time together. Katie lives with my friend Conner so I see her frequently. She's normally bubbly and happy but this week she hasn’t been herself. Conner cares about her but he can be kind of a dick to her, where I've always had a soft spot for her. The older we get, the larger that spot has grown but I'd never act on it.
"I don't know, she won't talk to me. She's been acting like a little brat again and shutting me out so I've started to give her some space. She talks to you sometimes though, maybe you could attempt to see what's going on." He says, a bit hopeful. Of course, I'd take any chance to talk to her.
"Yeah, I'll go see if I can get her to talk. Call 911 if I don't make it out" I joke and we both laugh.
*Knocks on bedroom door*
"Katie it's me, can I come in?" I ask, trying to sound normal.
"Leave me alone!" She shouts back. I roll my eyes.
"Katie come on, don't start with the attitude." I say sternly. I look over and my friend is looking at me like I've lost my mind. She hates being talked to that way. Well… she acts like she hates it but I've seen her slip enough to know better.
"I'm going to count to 5 and if this door isn't open, we're going to have some serious problems. 1.... 2.... 3" I start counting and the door flies open.
"Fine! You better have a good reason for this.” She huffs and I smile, knowing I was right and my friend is probably in shock that it worked. She sits on her bed with her arms crossed, sporting a sour look. I start looking around before I sit down next to her.
"Come on Sugar, tell me what's going on. You haven’t been yourself all week" I say softly. She just shakes her head and basically pouts.
I adjust myself on her bed and notice something... A different sound. I move again and it's coming from the bed. I get up and lift the covers, seeing a plastic mattress protector sticking out from under the sheets. She's mortified but silent as she looks away from my gaze.
"Care to explain this, sugar? I know you haven't always had this. You can tell me if something is going on." I say gently. No answer again. I sigh knowing I'm going to have to do this the hard way.
"You've got two choices. 1, you look at me and tell me the truth about what's going on. 2, I go through all of your belongings… and device history until I find out." I tell her sternly.
She whips her head around so fast to glare at me. "I'll call my brother in here. He won't let you do that." She retorts, thinking that would work.
"Who do you think sent me in here, Sugar? I'm happy to get to the bottom of this either way so what's it going to be." I ask. She just stares at me in silence so I take that as the hard option and I get up to start on her closet.
"Wait!" She shouts, sounding panicked.
"Yes?" I ask without turning around.
"I'll tell you. Please don't go through my things, Jace" she says in a defeated tone. I walk back to her but instead of sitting on the bed, I sit on her computer chair. I move it right in front of her and sit with one leg on either side of hers.
"I'm all ears, Sugar." I say to her. She waits a minute before letting out a big sigh and starting.
"You're the last person I want to know about this, this is extremely embarrassing and I don't want to tell you." She states, hoping that I'll back off. But I watch her and wait for her to continue. "I've been extremely stressed with finals and work right now... It's brought on an old problem that I'm trying to deal with." She said and waited for me to say something but I just wait for her to continue. "I used to wet the bed and sometimes have accidents as a kid. I recently went to the doctor and she told me that stress is likely the reason I'm dealing with it again. But she couldn't tell me when it would go away." She finishes and she's bright red now and fidgeting with her fingers.
"Is that the whole truth? How often are these accidents happening and when did this start? Aside from your mattress protector, what are you doing to help with it?" I ask as I ease up on the tough guy act. I remember that she used to wet the bed sometimes but as far as she knows, I never knew.
"Yes, that's the whole truth. This is really embarrassing and it bothers me a lot. I don't want people to know or to think I'm some dumb baby. It started a few months ago and has just gotten worse. It's been happening every night and when it's a really stressful day sometimes I have an accident or two." She confesses but didn't answer everything.
"And aside from the mattress protector...?" I ask, reminding her. The poor girl looks like she's about to cry.
"I've been wearing diapers again to bed." She chokes out. I know she's embarrassed but none of this bothers me like she thinks.
"What about for your daytime accidents, Sugar?" I ask.
"I still wear my panties during the day." She says quickly.
"You were a very good girl for telling me the truth. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this but you don't have to go through it alone. Your brother and I can help you and help take the stress off the best we can. No one will think you're a baby or think less of you, everyone knows how independent and intelligent you are. You've done a great job by going to the doctor and taking care of your nighttime accidents so far. Let us help you." I say almost pleading.
"No! No. He can't find out, I don't want h-" she starts but I cut her off.
"Don't start that, he has a right to know and he will be finding out. He doesn't have to be involved if you don't want but he needs to be aware. It's very important, do you understand?" I ask sternly, giving her a look.
"I don't want him involved and I don't want to talk to him about it. " She states.
"Fine, I will handle it and make sure he respects your wishes." I reassure her and I see her visibly relax.
"Would you like my help, Sugar? I'm sure it can't be easy with your work load and you know I'll be here all summer while your brother is overseas. I can help you with your studies, the extra laundry, your diaper changes, the apartment chores." I start listing things and she goes rigid.
"I can manage just fine, thanks" she says through gritted teeth. I'm thinking it might be time to call it the end of the chat to let her relax when I notice her hand placement on her lap and the dark spot creeping out around it.
"Stand up, Sugar." I say quickly and she shakes her head at me. "Now. 1.... 2...." I start the countdown. I'm not sure why that works but it always has. She stands and tries to cover her accident. I see the tears prick her eyes as she tries not to let me see how upset she is.
"It's okay honey, I know this was a hard conversation. Would you please let me help you?" I say softly, trying to coax her into letting me. She gives me a faint nod. "You know I'll need verbal confirmation, Sugar." I say, hoping that didn't change her answer.
"Yes, please, Jace." She hiccups out as the wet spot grows. I direct her into her bathroom and start the shower. I undress her while the water warms.
"You're okay, Sugar, I got you. You take a long hot shower and I'm going to get the laundry started. I'll be here when you're all done though to get you ready for bed. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything if you let me know where you're hiding your diapers." I speak softly and brush her hair out of her eyes.
"In the closet... under the loose floorboard on the left." She says sheepishly. I raise an eyebrow but let it go.
"Okay the water is warm. Get cleaned up." I say and then get to work on the laundry like I said I would.
I lay out a clean blanket on her bed and go looking for these diapers. Oh, I definitely found them... I had to chuckle. They're not boring medical diapers. They have cute little animals in pastel colors all over them. She even has baby powder and rash cream. Oh, and there's a little stuffed animal down there too... That's no place for one. I got all of her supplies out and laid it on the bed ready for her. Next, I picked out her pj's, one of her cute nightgowns seemed fitting.
I heard the water shut off and I walked into the bathroom with a big fluffy towel that I had warmed in the dryer. She hesitated but let me dry her off. I think she was still in shock and unsure what to do or say so I let her just enjoy being taken care of. She froze when she walked out of the bathroom and saw what was waiting for her on the bed.
"I don't need all of that stuff, Jace. It can go back." She tried arguing but I didn't even respond. I just guided her to lay down for her diaper. God, she was so pretty and even putting a diaper on her had me worked up. I didn't give in to those thoughts though. I put cream and powder on her and taped up her cute diaper. I had to admit she was actually adorable like this. Naked except for a thick diaper was not what I expected to be turned on by. I put her nightgown on her and pulled back the covers for her to climb into bed. It was 8:30 which is extremely early for her but I know she hasn’t had a lot of sleep lately.
"Thank you for being such a good girl and letting me take care of you. I know that was hard but I hope I helped ease some of your stress. Your clothes and blanket will be dry in the morning. You, Sugar, are going to get some sleep. I want you to unwind and relax. I know you extremely well so I put a timer on your TV and your phone. It's temporary, don't worry, I just wanted to make sure you relax tonight. Your laptop is staying in my room tonight as well. I'm just down the hall if you need me, the timer doesn't mean you can't get ahold of me anytime. I promise things will get better soon. Night night, Sugar." I let her know and started to get up but she grabbed my wrist.
"Thank you, Jace. I really appreciate your understanding." She said to me. I could tell she wanted to say something else but I didn't push it.
"No need to thank me, Sugar. Get some sleep." I say and then walk out of her room.
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