pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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ooc. OOF sorry i went off the radar for a while fellas, my drive to write voxx and patel has dropped to an all time low and i’ve started picking jojo back up as an interest so. i’ll probably go on a hiatus here because i’m gonna start rping as my jojo ocs now. so like, if you happen to be in the jjba rp fandom hmu
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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OOC. OH!! today’s my birthday :D
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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OOC. i sorta... wanna make an rp blog for a couple mmo toons i have
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
( bonejcnes. )·:
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“They use gorillas to fight?! Now that’s just cruel! C'mon, get to the car! No one conquers this planet except me!”
Frank barged his way outside, Getaway and Jones were already waiting outside.
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“Heard we got a hostage situation at Central Park. They seem pretty tactful, they’s got flyin’ machines patrolin’ the area. Seems like they’re tryin’ to interrogate civilians for info, not exactly gonna pull the trigger on them yet, according to radio chatter. We better move before they decide to mow a lawn of innocents. Get in.”
Jones hopped in to Getaway, Frank leaped on the back, as he wouldn’t fit inside the car. After everyone was in, they were off.
Speeding towards the scene, Getaway made a sudden halt at the lush area of trees, scenic lamposts, and of course the glowing portal above it along with the surrounding troops. All of them were wearing red and black.
“I don’t mean to be a critic, kid, but these are some of the worst lookin’ Gorillas i’ve ever seen.” Frank said, questioning the intelligence of this weird kid that barged through the door.
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“Hostage situations are fragile, but most likely if they were to see a bigger threat, they’ll turn their attention away from the hostages. Frank, I need you to distract em’, i’ll try and get everyone out safely. By all means, feel free to kill them, they don’t sound like the type of people that would surrender under a death threat.” Jones explained, he wasn’t even waiting for the kid to explain, all he knew is that this so called ‘Grineer’ were terrorizing people, and they clearly didn’t know who the true terrorizor in New York was, Frank..
“Oh boy! My favorite part of the job! MURDER!”
Frank hopped off the back of the car, and nearly made a run for it, before stopping for a minute, rotating head towards the seat Patel was seated in. He then opened the door and dragged her out, placing her on his shoulder.
“You’re coming with, you’ve clearly proven you got somethin’ funky able to slay these guys, and you know em’ better than I do. You’re goin’ to help me mow down these wise-guys!”
Before Jones could even interject on how stupid of an idea it was to carry a child into a warzone, Frank already charged off with her, making a mad dash towards the hostage situation.
A huff left the girl’s lips as she heard the briefing. Flying machines? Ah, Dargyns. That meant this had to be Tusk rangers right? They were easy to deal with, nothing she hadn’t seen on Earth in the plains-
Patel’s heart dropped upon seeing the Kuva soldiers. Oh... No.
Patel gulped slightly, eyes darting around. When there were Kuva guardians, there’d be the Worm Queen. But would she be here? Did she send these soldiers to scout for her? Or was she rushing the gun and trying to conquer this olden Earth for herself before her sister made a full recovery? Patel started kneading at her palms, visibly distressed. Oh no, oh no this is bad.
The Kuva soldiers were by far the scariest and hardiest of Grineer troops. Unlike the others that only cared about their kill count, the Kuva legion was a lot more... Organized. Which is the most terrifying thing a Grineer could achieve.
They were sloppy, they were hasty, they didn’t actually care about the end results as long as they win!The queen and her Kuva soldiers? They only care about making a mark.
A hostage situation was the least of her worries. The Queen wouldn’t care and neither would the soldiers. They wouldn’t hold hostages to interrogate. They were holding hostages and waiting for an audience. The Queen would make sure people could see her and her army wreck havoc upon this city and declare it as her’s. Lest the Worm rots, no one will be safe.
Patel was pulled out from her panic by a large hand, being plopped upon the hulking brute’s shoulder. She couldn’t even protest before she was being launched into action. No no no, she needed her Warframe. She needed her Warframe!
She was in the thick of it now. Gun fire and screaming. She couldn’t pay attention to anything. Her vision was going hazy. She can’t... She can’t fight. She can’t-
It was the high pitched whistling that caught her attention. She... She recognized it. That’s... Is the queen extracting Kuva from this primitive Earth? Did Kuva exist back then? Patel’s eyes darted rapidly, looking for the siphon. It stood in the middle of the assault, guarded by Kuva Guardians. They... They weren’t here just to conquer, they were here to try and bleed the Earth dry.
She had to distract them, pull their attention away from hostages and the siphon. But how? She... She was close to a Void portal now, perhaps if she just-
A shot went off from her amp, hitting a Grineer right in the head. He fell with a wet ‘plop’, drawing the attention of the nearby soldiers. She let out a shaky breath, glaring at the adversaries at hand.
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❝Tot pke yotkuy ❞
For the Corpus.
And with that, she went to battle.
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
( mcvcrick. )·:
Finding supplies that weren’t incompatible with his systems, technology, and weapons was damn near impossible. It was bad enough that damn near everything wanted to kill him, calling him Tenno or whatever. What made it worse was he and Teshin had gotten separated after that screw up with the Vex gate that was supposed to send only the warrior home and not the Vanguard Hunter with him.
Cayde was quietly humming as he rummaged through a crate when he heard the footsteps and then the voice. His ship, bless the Queen, was not large enough to house sleeping quarters. Hence why he was constantly searching for useful things and places to rest. Not nearly as concerned as he probably should be, the Exo turned around tilted his head with a raised eyebrow plate.
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     “  Dunno what a Corpus is but uh nice weapon you got there.                       What kind of a board are we talking about?  “
Is... Is this guy just oblivious? The Mag faltered for a moment, lowering the weapon and tilting her helm. He... Didn’t look like any Warframe she’s seen before, or Tenno. A hiss left her vocalizer as she trained the gun right at his forehead. The Corpus don’t like unknown trespassers looting through their stuff.
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❝ The Corpus Board of directors. I can see you’re not from around here hm? Let me try and spell it out for you. I have a weapon as well as a squadron of twelve who also have weapons and if you don’t go back to your ship and leave the premises, we’ll be harvesting your parts and sending them off to Alad V to make a Zanuka out of you. ❞
Did any of that make sense? She sure hoped so, she didn’t want to have to fight anyone today if she didn’t have to.
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❝ That’s Corpus merchandise you’re looting through, if you want it you best either pay up or leave. ❞
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
ooc. this is an early warning that i might revive my undertale oc and my jjba oc which means my activity on this blog will reduce exponentially, so if anyone has a jjba or undertale muse....... hmu
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
( bonejcnes·.) :
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Frank seemed unphased by the pulse, did it feel weird? Yeah, but only knocked his head a slight nudge. It’ll take a bit more than that to knock this goliath down. His capsule head rotated back, growling, but halted at the name of his cohort.
“You know Jones?! And he told you to wake me up because a bunch of bad guys are being shat out of a portal in Central Park?!”
The vocal speaker on Frank’s jar and the maw in his torso bellowed a monstrous laugh, his arms crossed in an almost dismissive manner. He paused, for a moment, looking back down at the girl and arching down and forward to get on her level. The brim of his hat perked much like a unibrow would.
“Next thing you’re going to tell me is that there’s a crazy corporate cult army and a bunch of twisted, infectious zombies running amok! Well I ain’t gonna believe a grain of it, no no! You think you can just break into my house and lie, ya little gremlin?! Well, I, the penultimate Modern Prometheus ain’t gonna-”
Jones voice can be heard shouting from upstairs. Furthermore, Frank may’ve just unknowingly had a psychic vision of this girl’s timeline and thought it was some sort of sarcastic thought.
“Frank! Save your banter for later, let’s go!”
“Um… Come… ing? Yougotlucky. Tell me more about these riftwalkers in the car.”
Frank rushed upstairs, each step he made produced a thunderous tremor that caused the room to slightly shake, and dust fall from the ceiling.
Patel glanced around, taking a big step back. Why was she here again?! Can’t she just go and deal with the Grineer herself?! She knows them personally! She’d know best how to combat them! Warframe or not, she can still kick ass! But no, she was the helpless child having to let a monstrous brute know that tinier brutes were spilling from a Void conduit into New York.
A dry sneer left the girl at the other’s mock. If only he knew how close to the dollar he was about that. Corpus, Infestation. Just in simple terminology he could understand she supposed. She followed behind the brute, rubbing at the amp on her arm. She hoped these were just regular foot soldiers and not the Kuva calvary. Regular Grineer are easy, but Kuva soldiers are... Quite tougher.
The young Tenno made her way back up towards the bottom floor, following behind the self-proclaimed Modern Prometheus, she’s heard many names for Grineer, but Riftwalkers was new.
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❝ You mean- you mean the Grineer? Well firstly they’re a faction of identical clones. Or well, near identical. The queens use a few different genetics to clone the Grineer troops. Some for arid combat, some for frontier combat, there’s also the Tusk and Drekar Grineer. And most importantly the Twin Queens’ personal army of Kuva soldiers. Or well, I suppose just the Worm Queen now. They use guerrilla warfare as well as other archaic means to achieve total domination and they’re quite dangerous. Well, to my world I suppose. As far as I’m concerned they... Might be here to try and conquer this ‘new world’. Or old world I suppose. ❞
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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liketh this posteth for a startereth
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
( rccord. )·:
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“ Not sure… I just heard it was some kind of event that  happened on planet Earth. ”
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❝ On Earth? Do Grineer have festivals too now or something? I thought this was a Tenno thing. ❞
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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❝ Trick or Treating? What’s that? ❞
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
“ did you need some help with that? it looks like you’re having a bit of trouble. ”
“ I’ve seen you around, but I’ve never caught your name! ”
“ hello? can you hear me? ”
“ excuse me? can you tell me where I am? ”
“ you look so lonely all by yourself. mind if I join you? ” 
“ I love your backpack! where’d ya get it? ”
“ I don’t like pistachio, either. ” 
“ so…what do you like to do for fun? ”
“ waffles or pancakes? ” 
“ do you like it around here? it seems pretty boring to me…I don’t know the area too well. ”
“ I’ve never seen it! would you mind showing it to me? ” 
“ is there anything else you like? movies? games? talking to yourself, maybe? ”
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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OOC. i revised my rules a little, changed some wording and typos. i also included a mobile version of my rules page for anyone who needs it!
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
The patrolling Warframe stopped dead in her tracks upon noticing a figure. Not many factions existed in the Origin system. There were Corpus, Grineer and Tenno. Well- there were others, but they weren’t exactly humanoid. She couldn’t quite make out who the figure was, but she knew right away they weren’t corpus.
She switched from her Lanka to her Mara Detron, approaching the figure lightly, perhaps they’ll comply easily and leave, Europa isn’t heavily moderated unlike Pluto, so they should be able to take their ship and go if they fly fast enough.
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❝ You are trespassing on Corpus property, I am giving you a chance to leave while you can, or else be surrendered to the Board. ❞
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
( permutatiion. )·:
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          “…I dunno,” Was all he said with a shrug. “I guess it’s a random thing, y’know? Depends on how much the host has retained durin’ their…transformation. Any warframe could be sentient, now that y’think about it.”
               The loud thumping of Chroma’s footsteps became audible once again as he basically dwarfed Sebastian simply by standing behind him. He was more observant than the former transference scientist gave him credit for…however, he wasn’t sure if it was through his mannerisms or just because he knew from what his instincts told him. Either way, he wasn’t leaving anything to chance.
               “He hasn’t really reacted to many warframes aggressively, but you’re an exception today. Don’t mind it too much, he won’t attack unless you do so first.”
Voxx snickered a bit, crossing her arms and leaning to one side. She’s used to this kind of reaction by now. All Warframes and Tenno a like seem to dislike her quite a bit.
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❝ I can understand the hostility but I can assure you and your Chroma both that I’m not here to start a fight- merely here to acquire knowledge I did not previously have. Though, I’ve never really thought of it that way. Most... Warframes, I’ve encountered thus far have been mindless apparatuses for their Operators. But... Is your’s...? ❞
Was the Chroma aware of her status as a Corpus-factioned Warframe? Or perhaps it was the fact she bore so many subtleties of the Corpus on her person. Well- she couldn’t quite call it subtle, what else would a Warframe be doing with so many Corpus cosmetics on her?
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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                                          F ● O ● R ● T ● U ● N ● A
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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                                                  WILL YOU?
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pastelgodmag-blog · 6 years
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rp with me
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