parenting-by-anshu · 26 days
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parenting-by-anshu · 26 days
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parenting-by-anshu · 26 days
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parenting-by-anshu · 26 days
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Explore keyword symptoms of stress, encompassing physical ailments like headaches and fatigue, alongside emotional indicators such as irritability and anxiety. Discover effective coping strategies like mindfulness and exercise, crucial for managing stress and safeguarding your mental well-being.
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parenting-by-anshu · 27 days
How can parents avoid the stress caused by heavy household chores?
Parents can avoid the stress caused by heavy household chores by delegating tasks among family members, setting realistic expectations, and establishing a regular cleaning schedule. Additionally, utilizing time-saving tools and techniques, such as meal planning and organization systems, can help streamline tasks and alleviate stress. Moreover, prioritizing self-care and seeking support from others when needed can also contribute to managing stress effectively.
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parenting-by-anshu · 27 days
What is stress and its symptoms?
Stress is the body's response to a demand or challenge, whether real or perceived. It triggers the body's "fight or flight" response, releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Symptoms of stress can vary widely but may include physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and digestive issues, as well as emotional symptoms like irritability, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Long-term stress can also contribute to more serious health problems if left unmanaged.
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parenting-by-anshu · 27 days
What is the importance of Holi
Importance of Holi holds great importance as a festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil and the arrival of spring. It brings people together, transcending barriers of caste, creed, and social status, fostering unity and harmony. Holi encourages forgiveness and reconciliation, as people smear each other with vibrant colors, symbolizing the shedding of past grudges and embracing new beginnings. Additionally, it promotes joy, merriment, and the strengthening of bonds through music, dance, and festive feasting. Overall, Holi serves as a colorful reminder of the values of love, friendship, and community, enriching cultural heritage and spreading happiness.
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parenting-by-anshu · 27 days
Why is healthy food necessary for children ?
Healthy food is essential for children because it supports their growth, development, and overall well-being. Nutrient-rich foods provide the energy and essential nutrients needed for healthy growth, strong bones, and vital organ development. A balanced diet also helps children maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health problems. Additionally, proper nutrition supports children's immune systems, helping them fight off illnesses and infections. Establishing healthy eating habits in childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of good health
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parenting-by-anshu · 27 days
Signs of Stress: Recognize & Manage
Explore keyword symptoms of stress, encompassing physical ailments like headaches and fatigue, alongside emotional indicators such as irritability and anxiety. Discover effective coping strategies like mindfulness and exercise, crucial for managing stress and safeguarding your mental well-being.
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parenting-by-anshu · 2 months
Social Support and Resilience to Stress
सामाजिक समर्थन (Social Support)
सामाजिक समर्थन (Social Support) का मतलब है एक व्यक्ति या समूह के अन्य व्यक्तियों द्वारा प्रदान किया जाने वाला सहारा और समर्थन। यह सहायता आर्थिक, भावनात्मक, और मानसिक स्तर पर प्रभाव डालती है। समाज में समर्थन का अहम अंग होने के कारण, इसका महत्व किसी भी समाज में निरंतर बढ़ता है.सामाजिक समर्थन (Social Support) कई रूपों में हो सकता है, जैसे परिवार, मित्र, समुदाय, सरकारी या गैर सरकारी संगठनों, धार्मिक संगठनों, आदि के माध्यम से। यह सहारा आवश्यक होता है जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी कठिनाई, संघर्ष, या असहायता का सामना करता है।सामाजिक समर्थन (Social Support) के प्रमुख लाभों में एक स्वस्थ मानसिकता, स्वास्थ्य, और संबंधों में सुधार शामिल हैं। इसके माध्यम से व्यक्ति को एक मानसिक आश्रय प्राप्त होता है जो उसे अधिक जीने की प्रेरणा और संघर्ष की क्षमता प्रदान करता है।
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