paprus-teutonic-knight · 32 minutes
This is so well drawn!
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Happy pride!!!!
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paprus-teutonic-knight · 32 minutes
My soder...
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my sodaaaa aughhhhh
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paprus-teutonic-knight · 38 minutes
Things only become obsolete in the Adeptus Mechanicus when they develop new shit.
They don't develop new shit.
The whole Weakness Of The Flesh Immortality Of The Machine conversation is fun... I really appreciate the point that in the modern real world technology is controlled by an ever-rotating pile of tech companies whose business model is predicated on obsoleting everything older than like 4 years. If you, the person reading this, managed to upload your consciousness to a file, it would struggle to interact and be read in, like, 10 years max. And if you rely on medical aids that are connected to computers and the internet, you are already facing that problem.
All that said, I cannot stress enough that obsolescence is not an issue for the in-universe source of the whole "from the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh" quote
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paprus-teutonic-knight · 40 minutes
This looks so cute omg
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terminal for your troubles
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Fucking amazing (they all live (except Cain, V1 kills him))
TADC × ULTRAKILL mini comic lmao
(Inspired in a post of my dumb ass thinking TADC included a part of the ULTRAKILL ost lmao)
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I just realized the street cleaners from ultrakill appeal to me so fucking much bc I’m a Star Wars nerd. That is peak robot head shape to me. Fucked up tapering rectangle. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.
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I have to say Steve here. End Crystals are so darn strong, and Netherite makes it even more insane. It would be an incredibly close fight though.
Following my Poll-based bullshit, here’s an interesting one my friend suggested!
Since these two have varying power levels, I’ll set some ground rules.
Steve has the inventory that will be shown below, and none of the weapons or armor can break. Since V1 has unlimited ammo, Steve gets unlimited normal arrows, in addition to the 64 harming and slow arrows, which CAN run out. I’ve decided only 1 totem. He is in hardmode.
V1 has all of his arms, as well as every vanilla weapon variant. He has no alternative versions. Steve CAN bleed, but I’ll set healing at half to make it fair.
Both characters would be acting as though a very experienced player is controlling them. Neither character has mods. Cheats/Assists and Commands are off.
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The Ultrakill Pride Month Update:
Replaced Gabriel's "you insignificant fuck" with "you fucking faggot"
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when i hear ppl talk about v2 using present tense I'm like “ERRRR WRONG ❌❌❌❌❌ that is a DEAD ROBOT 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️🙋‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙅‍♀️”
when i hear ppl talk abt v2 using male pronouns im like “ERRRR WRONG ❌❌❌❌❌ that is a WOMAN💁‍♀️💁‍♀️🙋‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙅‍♀️”
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Swordsmachine is probably my favorite machine to be honest. He just has a sword and a dream.
I can't believe there's a character in Ultrakill named Swordsmachine and it gets zero attention from me
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Drew Gabriel Ultrakill for @starryswirly in a 'tism exchange
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This is a really cool idea! Makes you wonder what 1000-THR stands for in the Earthmover's name.
followup from my v-model question the reason I asked is because I had the idea that the V actually stands for Victory, because with the rest of humanity living on the back of what V1 was presumably built to kill, once all opposing earthmovers were gone the war would have effectively ended
all but whichever allied group utilized the V-model would be dead or otherwise completely helpless
last man standing wins
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I hate this for so many reasons. Have my reblog.
i elected to put this on instead of listening to the ingame music
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Gabe jamming out ‼️
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Whenever you're feeling down invision an angel in full plate armor with a miniskirt, wings, and halo that is precisely 1.2x taller than you cheering you on. This will work trust we've done experiments.
angel motivation
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The overwhelming vote is "Yes" but I personally don't think estrogen can stop a chainsaw attatched to a shotgun. I'm not trans tho so I have no idea maybe that shit's stronger than I think.
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"if she's had sestrogen," - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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i never drew v1 before fjskfhksjhf
anyways HAPPY GAY MONTH!!!!
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