For me, 21st Century Literature has been one of the few subjects that helped me realize several different views about the world. Views that I never expected to find within literary pieces and poems of famous poets and writers. It also helped discover new and interesting things such as the culture of several countries, where the poets and writers and poets get their inspiration from, and many more, including how the literature of the world evolved from decades to years. I also get to experience being able to create literary pieces that helped me expressed myself on my ideas and more!
Luna, AJ
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21st Literature was a really interesting subject for me. From how we talked about how our literature evolved from the different eras in our country. From folktales to Textula. My favorite part about this subject are the group works and events like Dulsayawit, Lakan Lakambini, etc. I loved it because we collaborated as a class in order to make something beautiful out of it.
Yater, Simone
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21st century literature opens the eyes of the youth about how literature shaped culture then and how literature is continuously shaping the world today. It could be as vast as tackling social events until tackling mathematical problems through narration. One can only bear a handful of literary pieces but the lessons those texts impart on them would forever remain embedded to the reader's being.
Sarmiento, Francesca
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Vatican City is the only nation in the world that can lock its own gates at night. It has its own phone company, radio, T.V. stations, money, and stamps. It even has its own army, the historic Swiss Guard.
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Poetry is an extraneous work, something sleep would teach consciousness. It demands receptive thought and desires learned in response. It does not comprise an act of gathering the world as an encouragement to meaning or a flattery of language but the experience of a faithfulness that would retain the inutterable. Poetry is the action of going beyond what one can think.
Nanni Cagnone
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An Italian Father’s Role in the Family
Italians have stronger feelings of loyalty to their family than they have to their country. The family is the center of the social structure providing unity and stability. Children are watched over carefully and trained to be loyal and obey their parents. They are given jobs to perform within the family, especially in rural areas where they are expected to help out with chores and run errands. Italian fathers have been depicted as visible, dominant, authoritarian figures who rule their families with an iron hand. It calls into question the notion of fathers as cold, distant authority figures. In the traditional view, fathers made all major decisions and were masters of the household. Fathers were thought to avoid family intimacy, maintain respect by instilling fear in their wives and children, and punish their children severely. The power of males may be less absolute than once believed and that families are not as rigidly structured along age and gender lines as had previously been thought. Fathers are found to be warm and affectionate with children and to have significant influence on their children's development.
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