paolo11sblog ยท 2 years
(ii) Objectivity in interpretation of test items by the testee.
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Refers to the consistency and how consistent test scores or other evaluation results from one measurements to other.
Refers to the appropriateness of the interpretation made from test scores and other evaluation particular use.
refers to the degree to which equally competent scores obtain the same results. So a test is considered objective when it makes for the elimination of the scorerโ€™s personal opinion and bias judgement.
Is another important characteristic of a good test because practical consideration of the evaluation instruments cannot be neglected. The test must have practical value from time , economy and administration point of view.
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paolo11sblog ยท 2 years
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A method to determine a student's ability to complete certain tasks or demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content. Some types would be multiple choice tests, or a weekly spelling test.
While it is commonly used interchangeably with assessment, or even evaluation, it can be distinguished by the fact that a test is one form of an assessment.
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The process of gathering information to monitor progress and make educational decisions if necessary. As noted in my definition of test, an assessment may include a test, but also includes methods such as observations, interviews, behavior monitoring, etc.
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Procedures used to determine whether the subject (i.e. student) meets a preset criteria, such as qualifying for special education services. This uses assessment (remember that an assessment may be a test) to make a determination of qualification in accordance with a predetermined criteria.
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beyond its general definition, refers to the set of procedures and the principles for how to use the procedures in educational tests and assessments. Some of the basic principles of measurement in educational evaluations would be raw scores, percentile ranks, derived scores, standard scores, etc.
What principles of assessment and evaluation you should bare in mind?
Assessment will support the student learning process
All assessment tasks influence the way in which students approach their learning, and this will be taken into account in the design of all assessment tasks. In every module all students will receive timely feedback on assessed work, that is aligned with the outcomes being assessed, and the criteria against which these outcomes are assessed, and therefore allows them to identify how they can improve their performance.ย  Students will receive written feedback on all summatively assessed work apart from examinations.
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