pamtheories · 7 years
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Can you believe they actually filmed this scene and to this day, we’ve been deprived of ever seeing it?
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pamtheories · 7 years
It still makes no sense that Alex created a board game that even Mona couldn’t really figure out, to basically work out who killed Charlotte, but then ended the game once she found out that it was Mona, and did nothing to the girls for a whole year and nothing to Mona, even though she apparently loved Charlotte???
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pamtheories · 7 years
PLL Timeline
I blame myself. I got too invested & too excited for this finale. Of course their timeline doesn’t add up! Let’s all remember that the month of November during their Senior year was dragged out foreverrrr
3x13 This Is a Dark Ride Halloween of Senior Year
5x12 Taking This One to the Grave Thanksgiving of Senior Year
I think of this often…
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pamtheories · 7 years
I think Marlene needs to do one of those "tell all" interviews. I don't care if the answers aren't in the show, we just deserve them at this point.
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pamtheories · 7 years
As soon as I heard that English “boo”, I immediately thought Alex grew up in London around Wren, and they had a relationship that drove him to Rosewood to find her family for her, hence him finding Melissa and dating her to get close to the family. That would also explain his intense attraction to Spencer. I just wanted this to go back to the start.
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pamtheories · 7 years
But consider:
Alex being the one who hit Bethany That Night and it was her who Spencer saw. Spencer just assumed she was the one who did this because at this point it was the only reasonable explanation.
Alex being caught on NAT videos. That’s how they found out about her existence. That’s the reason why Melissa was acting so strange, why she was protecting Spencer from “before it even started” and why Ian and Garrett had to die.
It could have been what Maya knew.
Ian knowing about Alex and thinking it was actually her when he wanted to push Spencer off the Bell Tower.
Alex hiding in that creepy, haunted house and watching the girls.
Alex hiding in Jenna’s garage and getting hurt in the fire. Maybe not her face but her body so she still could impersonate Spencer.
Alex being the one we saw in the flashback from before Ali went missing that Spencer doesn’t remember.
Alex stealing the game from Mona because at this point she not only hated Spencer but all of them.
Mona asking Spencer to join A Team not only because Spencer was so smart. Mona noticed there were times when Spencer acted shady. She just didn’t know it was her twin.
Alex switching places with Spencer from the beginning.
Alex making Toby join the A Team and fake his death so she could mess up with Spencer’s head and send her to Radley.
All the British words or references during the show.
How A knew so many things about the girls and nobody never saw them.
Alex being Black Veil and that’s the reason why she needed to hide her face.
Alex dressing up as the masked man in the dollhouse and that’s why Spencer had a feeling she actually knew that person.
Seriously, the list could go on.
It’s all there. They could have used all of this and made it look like it was all planned even if it wasn’t. I’m not saying it would have tied up all the loose ends but it would make much more sense.
So many possibilities. Such a wasted potential.
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pamtheories · 7 years
“i think i heard her scream” yeah that was Alison coming through on her promise to fuckin kill that little girl
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pamtheories · 7 years
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Mona never called the cops.
Mona never stopped playing.
Mona has new dolls.
Mona is the queen.
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pamtheories · 7 years
Mona’s police call was fake and the cop was her minion/boyfriend who helped her kidnap both Mary and Alex. She killed the replacement A and has AD trapped in a Dollhouse. 
Mona, the original A, really did win the game. Legends only!
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pamtheories · 7 years
So you’re telling me that Alex loved Charlotte but did not hurt Mona when she knew Mona killed Charlotte??
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pamtheories · 7 years
If you’re asking yourself who was Uber -A, the truth?, there was no Uber -A. They led us on into two more seasons and then made up a new villain. They dropped everything from earlier seasons and gave us no closure.
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pamtheories · 7 years
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wren kingston: first and last appearance
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pamtheories · 7 years
but why were the game pieces of the girls dressed like they were in the first season when alex didn't even know they existed at that time.......smh
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pamtheories · 7 years
The problem with the finale
Lest anyone think I’m just bitching for fun… or because of some vanity over my theories not being correct.
1. The twin storyline is already weak and overdone. BUT it could have been ok if it was better executed.
2. Toby is a victim of rape! Again! Twice by Alex and a few times by Jenna!
3. Nothing tied back to previous seasons.
4. There are still SOOOO many unanswered questions!!! What the fuck?!!
5. They didn’t close up ANY plot holes at alllll
6. Are we to just assume that Alex kidnapped Hanna?
7. If Mona killed Charlotte why is Mona still alive???
8. Ezra Fitz is one of the worst humans on television and he got a happy ending.
9. Byron actually blessed his daughters marriage to her abuser!!! I threw up in my mouth.
10. Lol so Sara Harvey is just red coat/black veil.
11. No one died and I crave not just death but violence to soothe my years long suffering.
12. I can no longer pretend that the Charlotte reveal isn’t canon and a part of me died with that hope.
13. Motive was bullshit times a thousand. Children could write better.
14. I actually hurt from my wasted energy. I literally feel like a part of me has died, and that’s the part that will ever invest in something I can’t control again.
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pamtheories · 7 years
I stand by this statement
there are hundreds (literally) of questions left to be answered. we’ll be lucky if 2 of them are.
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pamtheories · 7 years
wwwwait.....was alex also hooking up with caleb
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pamtheories · 7 years
The thing that I’m most upset about with pll is that Hannah, Emily and aria were so irrelevant to every A/AD ’s motives. Three out of the four main liars had nothing to do with the central storyline for 5 out of 7 seasons.
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