pamantu · 4 years
New Job Protection Pouch 🎑
a requested spell, a pouch to protect you while you start a new job
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🎑 gather: mint, two pennies, and coffee beans. 
🎑 rub the two pennies together three times
🎑 collect everything into a small sachet
🎑 leave out in the moonlight overnight
🎑 take it with you and keep in your pocket on your first few days
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pamantu · 4 years
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Hymn to Hekate
Hail to thee, O Hekate,
Our Lady of the night
Guide to those who've gone astray
And bearer of the light.
We hark to hear the Muses sing
Of your exalted name,
Revered by our almighty King
And mortals all the same.
Great Mother, cloaked in saffron robes
We pray your strength to lend,
You stand with us at all crossed roads,
And at our journey's end.
With ease you walk between the worlds,
The winds dance to your tune
With magic in your fingertips
You wait beneath the moon.
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pamantu · 4 years
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pamantu · 4 years
spell for drawing in job opportunities/success 💸✨
this is a spell for drawing in job opportunities and career success, either to you or a friend! i performed this spell for my boyfriend and a week later an incredible opportunity arose AS WELL as one for me! it is truly a powerful ritual - but keep in mind that this spell only works if you put in your end - searching/applying, etc!.
taglock (something to represent you/the target of the spell! anything that shows your ability or talent is great - like a poem, report card, diploma, etc! a photo is great too)
four of wands tarot card (optional)
large 7-day green candle
earl grey tea packet (bergamot)
‘fast luck’ incense
paper and pen
your favorite crystal for meditation/grounding
clean the space around where you are going to perform your spell and have a seat. meditate with your crystal for a moment until you reach a place of calm and focus.
arrange the taglock, tarot card, candle, and incense on your altar/ritual space.
using the paper and pen, write your intention for the spell. be specific! what kind of job would you like? part-time? full-time? how soon do you need the opportunity to come to you?
light the incense and wave the smoke around your intention. place the intention in an envelope and set it on your altar.
keeping your intention in mind, light the green candle, adding the cinnamon and earl grey tea packet.
keep the candle burning the entire week until it goes out on it’s own. daily, burn some more incense and add more cinnamon and tea to the flame. 
once the candle has burned out, take the ashes from the incense/candle and some more cinnamon/tea and add it to salt to create a black salt to keep on your altar, keeping your spell alive as long as it needs to. 💞
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pamantu · 4 years
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🔮💫 💌 [email protected]
#tarot #pendulum #witchcfraft #spells
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pamantu · 4 years
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Readings available 🔮
Tigers Eye Pendulum Reading $5
Tarot $ 10
Astrology Transits $15
#tarot #pendulum #witchcfraft #spells
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pamantu · 4 years
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Pendulums readings Yes / No Questions $5
Tarot card Readings $ 10
Astrology Transits $ 15
#tarot #pendulum #witchcfraft #spells
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pamantu · 4 years
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The Career Spread
I started a new job this month, and naturally, I was anxious to see what was in store! I created this spread to hopefully find some answers, and I think it was pretty spot on so far!
How to approach job for success
Positive Influences
Negative Influences
Work Relationships
Financial Gain
Deck Comment
Deck Advice 
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pamantu · 4 years
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This is my first attempt at making my own tarot spread! It’s a simple five card spread to help you gain some direction with your career choice. 
I hope you guys like it! If you want to send me a submission or message with your results I would love to see how it worked out for you! 
The cards are as follows: 
Where am I? 
Where am I going? 
What do I want? 
What do I not want?
What do I need?
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pamantu · 4 years
Tarot card combinations
Empress + Ace = childbirth
2 or more pages = Schools, education
4 of wands + Sun = Babyshowers, an amazing family gathering, sometimes weddings
King of pentacles + Magican (if querent is a man or NB) or high priestess (if querent is a woman)= Querent’s money
10 of swords + death = only time death can actually mean death (in my style of reading)
Death + king of pentacles = sudden changes of money
Death (reversed) + king of pentacles = need to change money situation; need to manage money differently
The Hierophant + 4 of swords = a place of worship, church, mosque, etc
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pamantu · 4 years
The brothers as major arcana tarot cards
~I practice divination and tarot is my favorite type, so I thought I'd combine my love for it to my love for obey me! and create something.
XVII The Star - hope, faith, rejuvenation
It is the card immediately after the tower, card which means ruin and failure (besides other things) and it suggests the possibility of rejuvenation if, of course, one has faith in themselves and the universe. I think this card fits Lucifer the best as he constantly needs to pick himself up, brush off the chaos which surrounds him and start all over again.
XV The Devil - excess, materialism, playfulness
The card is the embodiment of greed. It stands for the desire that sets back humanity and the insatiable nature of humans. Mammon is, of course, no human, however there is no card which would suit him better than this one. It's a match made in hell.
XVIII The Moon - unconsciousness, illusion, intuition
If any of you know anything about tarot you'd argue Levi should've gotten The Hermit. I beg to differ. His dreams are often unachievable as he only ever fell in love with fictional characters which he can, obviously, never meet. He lives in his head. He lives through his dreams. However, under all of that hides great intuition. He is the 3rd most powerful after all.
XIV Temperance - patience, the middle path, finding meaning
He had to learn to mask his constant anger. Through trial and error and independent study and hard work he managed to find a middle path which stands between total destruction and release of all anger. No card could fit him better than the one which symbolizes all of his efforts.
IV The Lovers Reversed - loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony
It may come as a surprise to you that he gets a reversed card, however, hear me out. The Lovers upright symbolizes a union between physical and emotional bonds. Although our boy Asmodeus excels at forming physical bonds, he isn't all that great at forming emotional ones. This is what I mean by one-sidedness. He can only form one type of bond and until he manages to change that, he'll always be incomplete.
VIII Strength - compassion, bravery, inner strength
As someone who deeply cares about his loves ones, he deserves to be represented by this card. Out of all the brothers, Beel was probably the most affected by Lilith's death. However, he kept moving forward to protect the family he had left. His strength comes from the fact that he doesn't only think about himself, however his greatest weakness comes from the same root.
V The Hierophant Reversed - rebellion, new approaches, subversiveness
This card is perfect for him as he is currently questioning his every decision. It is a card which stands for inner fight. As much as he wants to break free from the restrictions others inflected upon him, he wants to get out of the handcuffs he himself put on. It's not that he agrees with Lucifer's ways, it's more about the fact that he doesn't agree with his previous decisions either.
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pamantu · 4 years
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Ok, I reworked the simple spread designs that I worked on tonight so they were more consistent, and then added my logo :) Please don’t remove it if you use these, I worked hard on them!  ♡ ♡ ♡
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pamantu · 4 years
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made my first tarot spread and it ended up working really well and was very accurate! try it out and let me know how it worked for you!<3
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pamantu · 4 years
Who Are They Beneath?
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A simple spread to see who a person really is underneath.
Who they appear to be.
Who they really are.
What they want.
What you can gain.
Happy divining!
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pamantu · 4 years
Past Life Tarot Spread
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Just in case you have a few hours free, here's a spread that will take all of them up. Have fun with your afternoon.
1: Birth
2: Parents
3: Life
4: Childhood
5: Passion
6: Friends
7: Responsibility
8: Partner
9: Work
10: Success
11: Shortcoming/Failure
12: Death
13: Children
14: Legacy
15: What I Brought To This Life
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pamantu · 4 years
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pamantu · 4 years
Yes or no tarot
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Hope you like 🌸
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