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hello, hello! long time no see~! just popping in here to say that i have archived this blog, and plan to move back over to hiiraethus, permanently, with only keeping one muse. 
please feel free to keep up with me over there, where i hopefully get back in the swing of writing after so long.
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give me two characters who are each other’s home. two characters who feel completely safe, warm and protected in each other’s presence, and who are completely respected by the other. two people who, on some level or another, were missing that little extra spark they needed to feel fully confident and accepted as their whole selves until the other came along. they don’t “fix each other” or “make each other better”–they give the other the support they need to build on what was already inside them. sure they might kiss, or make goo-goo eyes, but they can also just…talk, and make each other laugh and smile, because for once they feel comfortable enough in themselves and with each other to be vulnerable in that way. two complete people who finally find someone to share all of themselves with. and no matter what they do or how far they go, they’ll always have each other to come back home to. 
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Of Countries and Kings
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Want to ship? Feel free to tell me straight off!
Yes, shipping does need chemistry between the two muses, but if you look at my muse and think ‘You know what, I’d like to ship my muse with theirs!’, feel free to tell me, even before we start threads!
I love having a direction/goal to work the characters towards – when I write fiction on my own, I like having goals and plot points, like romances, family and friend relationships, rivals and enemies.. why wouldn’t I like having the same with RP? RP is just collaborative fiction writing!
There’s no shame in liking ships, or even RPing for ships. There’s tons of people in the world who love to read romance novels, and no one tries to tell them that’s wrong or worse than liking mysteries, or fantasy adventure. Neither preference is wrong, it’s just that – a preference!
So please – if you want to ship, or work towards of ship, in any capacity : romance, family, friends, rivals, and everything in between – TELL ME! I’d love to see what we can come up with together!
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In that moment, as she peered up at the captain of the guard, one would see a whirlwind of emotions reflected in her eyes. Beneath all the PAIN — the ANGER with her court and their archaic ways, and her frustration with Emrys for giving in so easily — there was that same glimmer of hope. The one she FORCED herself to keep at bay.
But he stopped — his words cut short. And that shimmer of hope DISAPPEARED with whatever words he’d intended to say.
You don’t mean that. Zelda.
You know you don’t mean that. Zelda.
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      Zelda….                          Zelda….                                                       ZELDA!
“Stop. PLEASE stop—“ she choked, tired of hearing her own name. When was the last time he’d addressed her as such (outside of the formalities of her court)?
“Of course I do not mean it, but what ELSE do you expect me to say? What else can I say? I am the Princess of Hyrule. You are the Captain of the Queensguard. You said this would never work, and now it hasn’t. So what should I say? What should I do?”
      Oh, how his heart BROKE for Zelda. It hadn’t been his intention to upset her so ---- but still, PERHAPS he could have considered the weight of his words before letting them fall so recklessly from his lips. He wasn’t good at this ; he was NEVER adept in showing his emotions, much less reeling them in once they DID show and began to run rampant. 
      As her words died in her throat, his features morphed and contorted ---- then showing his TRUE feelings. Sadness, anger, RESENTMENT towards the court. He was slipping, he could feel it ; a silent plea was given to the Goddesses to let him STAY in control of himself.
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      ❝ I don’t KNOW. I just...❞ A sharp exhale left his lips then and a gloved hand ran through inky locks, exasperated. ❝ I never said that I didn’t think we would work. I HOPED we would ---- I WANTED us to. More than anything I’ve ever wanted in my ENTIRE LIFE. Please... Please don’t think that I have EVER thought otherwise. I’m...just doing what the court WANTS and EXPECTS of me. Without a title or ANYTHING to hold me above them, I have nothing to challenge them with. I have no right or authority to. I can’t do anything more, Princess... I WISH I could.❞
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She was not so much focusing on how far he might be behind her. Dodging through the crowed with several ‘excuse me’ and ‘pardon me’ as she passed several people. Some making displeased sounds as she did so and others not caring likely use to such things. It wasn’t until she made her way two or three streets over did she look over her shoulder  to see if he was behind. There was a small triumph smile on her lips on not seeing him.
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That was until she felt herself run directly into a wooden cart. The air leaving her lungs as her stomach was squished quite a bit from the impact. Luckily it was sturdy enough to not cause any of the vegetables the merchant had been trying to get across to tumble out. “Oh dear I apologize for that.” And there a few moments pause as the merchant assured her all was well no one or nothing had been harmed. This might have been just enough time for the captain to catch up to where she was as she spoke to the merchant.
      Emrys meandered through the crowd, PUSHING himself through. He didn’t bother with apologies ---- he didn’t have time for such TRIVIAL things, rude as it may have been. It was a split-second decision for him to try the South Road first ; what with all the merchants and customers and plenty of places for the princess to duck under. He could SHUDDER at the thought of her happening into the little alcove that Telma’s was nestled in ---- he didn’t need THAT headache. This little goose chase itself was MORE than enough for the captain.
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      A momentary pause, if only to catch his breath ( he was TOO OLD for this ; was he daft to think he’d be able to keep up? ) ---- and emerald hues settled on an exchange between a merchant...and HER. He knew if he had any chance of catching her that he would need to be QUIET and SNEAKY ---- unassuming.
      ❝ Lady Hildr,❞ he spoke as he came up behind the princess, his lips then PURSING in a tight line before he spoke once more. ❝ Let us STOP this, please. If you continue to run off like this WITHOUT an attendant, you’re going to get hurt ---- and it will be ON ME if you do.❞
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@paigewritten​​ liked for a starter! (open)
If he didn’t have a home world to return to, Forwin believed he might just choose to stay in Askr. Out of indebtedness to the summoner and the kingdom’s royals? Seeking glory by fighting back against enemy forces threatening the safety of all worlds? Or, perhaps, indulging in the rarest of opportunities in meeting alternate versions of himself whenever they were summoned?
Oh absolutely none of those, really. His biggest reason to stay would be a simple one: the Aether Resort’s concert hall! This was the place to be if you were a fan or practitioner of the performing arts, and an eager practitioner this bard was.
So eager that he would beat the heavy sleepers to the punch and claim the hall for himself for some solo practice, but he didn’t count on someone else beating him to it.
There was a woman onstage. Naturally, it’s bad manners to interrupt so he kept mum, but… by the Goddess, she moved with such grace and sang with such passion that he found himself silenced and captivated by her. Few were those who managed to elicit such a reaction from the bard, between Manuela leaving a deep impression on him when young and acquainting himself with Azura in recent times.
The enraptured, slack-jawed Forwin could only watch as Olivia danced and cried her heart out…
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…but then their eyes met.
      It had taken Olivia QUITE some time to adjust to the Order of Heroes and to Askr itself ; more often than not she found herself completely nervous and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of heroes. At least in her homeworld she was FAMILIAR with the Shepherd’s members ---- here the ranks seemed to be ever-changing with each new summon. It was enough to make her head spin, really. 
      Now, at least, she had found SOME commonality among others summoned. Singers, dancers, and many others who dedicated themselves to the arts. She found it comforting knowing that so many shared in her own interests ---- though it was very RARELY that she sought them out ; in truth, she felt almost inadequate in comparison. Olivia tried to stay out of their conversations as much as possible, USUALLY preferring to listen instead ---- and it was in conversation passing that she learned of the Concert Hall’s existence.
      More oft than not, she found the hall to be too crowded for her liking ; too many people to WATCH her as she practiced. However, in the wee hours of morning, it proved to be desolate. Happily would she wake early if ONLY to practice without anyone’s eyes on her.
      ❝ And one, two, three, pirouette ---- maybe a step here and...here?❞ Olivia spoke to herself as she tried to make sense of a new dance, brows almost FURROWED over amethyst hues. The little sequence was repeated once more as she sang out a melody, eyes going shut as she lost herself ; so in her own world, it seemed, that she gave NO notice to the bard walking in on her show. Her dance then at an end, an almost triumphant smile curled at the corners of her lips ---- it was nearly there, almost perfect! 
      In truth, while she had been IMAGINING a crowd before her as she practiced, she didn’t think there would be anyone in front of her as she opened her eyes. Amethyst optics grew WIDE, brows shot upward, and the smile she wore faded in an instant. Her cheeks felt like they were SEARING. Immediately she had to QUELL the urge to run and hide.
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      ❝ H-H-How long have you BEEN there?! Please stop staring at me...!❞
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At Seraphine’s response, Zelda quickly shuffled over to her desk so she could begin reviewing the two documents, as discussed. As sapphires skimmed the parchment, brows furrowed in concentration, which was soon BROKEN by her companion speaking once more — words that brought an amused smile to the princess’s lips. “Knowing Emrys, it is indeed possible. It could be one of two things: he either wishes to avoid INTERFERING, or he wishes to avoid having his younger sister circling him while he is ‘hard at work.’ He probably fears you would be a DISTRACTION.”
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      There was a small smile that graced over Seraphine’s lips, jade hues sporting an almost DEVIOUS glint as they settled on the princess. She couldn’t resist poking fun at Emrys ---- even if they were not in the same company. ❝ Hard at work? He’s probably SNOOZING at his desk. You know him.❞ A roll of her eyes, her attention then turned back to the window. ❝ I don’t think he NEEDS a distraction most days, really. He’s a distraction to himself. I’d ask why you keep him around, but I know he’s proficient in his work when he DOES get around to it.❞
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your hands are the most comforting thought; running through my hair, tracing shapes across my skin, holding me tight, holding me close, holding me together. i love the thought of our clasped hands and linked fingers, like a lifeline connecting us.
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“I’m fairly certain we won’t get frostbite. But two bowls will work just fine we can both get snow to make the task much quicker.”
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      ❝ PERHAPS not, but it is never a bad idea to be PREPARED, yes? Though, I suppose if we are not out long, we should not have anything to be worried about... Well, come on! Let us go ---- I am FAR too excited to try this treat.❞
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she walks up 2 u in the tavern. wyd????
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“Then we won’t waste too much time in the cold when we go. It shouldn’t take very long we’ll just need something to carry the snow in and make you are bundled up for the short trip.”
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      ❝ Please. I do not think we should dawdle TOO much when it is this cold anyways ---- frostbite and all. I can bring a bowl or two so we can ENSURE we have enough to make PLENTY!❞
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The recommendation Elvóthien made was one that had Zelda nodding in agreement. “I do believe you are right, Elvóthien. Keeping the two level does seem to make sense,” she concurred, setting to work on carrying the ribbon to the other wall. Periodically did she look back to eye the garland, wanting to be CERTAIN the level of the two items matched, so as to not throw off the decor.
Oh how the Emrys she described was so DIFFERENT than the one at present — not that this was surprising. He was no longer a boy. He’d grown, and grown to be a FINE captain of the guard at that. Everyone had to grow at some point (or was SUPPOSED to at least), but what she wouldn’t give for just one evening in the presence of a young Emrys — either as a bystander or as a child with equal WONDER at the magic of the holiday season.
“Talkative? EMRYS?” she gasped with mock surprise, though the smile on her lips gave tell of her amusement. “Perhaps he has OVER mellowed,” she jest with a shake of her head, though faint traces of her smile remained. Oh, what a different Emrys than the man she’d fallen in love with.
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“I love Emrys dearly, and I wouldn’t want to change him in any way,” she began, taking a moment to reflect on the information Elvóthien had INDULGED from his childhood. “But I do wish he would sometimes be more open with those emotions. I wish he didn’t feel such a STRONG need to hide them.” At times he was like a text scribed in a long FORGOTTEN language, often leaving the royal to ponder over the MYSTERIES that were the thoughts in his head.
      ❝ Oh, yes, that is LOVELY ---- keep it just like that! I can come over to pin it up in just a moment.❞ Delicate hands busied themselves with the garland for a few more moments then, pinning her last section before HUSTLING over to Zelda. ❝ Here, allow me to juuuust,❞ Elvóthien singsonged, pinning up the section of ribbon. Jade hues surveyed over the work they’d done, SATISFIED with how it was coming alone. Nearly done.
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      ❝ Very much so! He was ALWAYS going a mile a minute from the MOMENT he learned to speak... Which was in direct contrast to Seraphine, who also learned to talk early, but she was MUCH quieter. More like their father.❞ Elvóthien paused only to snicker. ❝ I think my husband was ELATED when Seraphine took more after him. Were the BOTH of them like me, I am not sure WHAT he would have done.❞ The smile she wore still tugged upon her lips, DEEP in reverie, though she gave the softest of laughs at Zelda’s joke. At times, she often felt the same. Of course, children were SUPPOSED to grow, but Emrys grew up quickly it seemed. Very little remained of the child he was ; at times it made her feel almost BITTERSWEET. 
      Zelda’s words about her son warmed Elvóthien to her core ---- Emrys was indeed VERY lucky to’ve stolen this woman’s heart. She could not think of anyone else BETTER for him. Truly, Zelda brought the best out in him ; sides that even Elvóthien had NEVER seen before. ❝ I am glad you think so, dear.❞ Her next words warranted a sigh, however, and a nod of her head. ❝ In truth, that is something that I believe he LEARNED from his father. He, too, tends to hide his emotions and is not ADEPT in showing them. Though, he is much better than Emrys when it comes to HANDLING them. He is more open around you that I have seen, however. I have a feeling that he is not AFRAID to open up and to be his authentic self with you... I would just give him TIME, is all.❞
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“You wouldn’t do to well in Ordon if it snowed. The kids loving playing it and dragging others out to play with them.”
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      ❝ I TEND not to do well in the colder months ---- Telma says I have ‘ thin blood ’, so I VERY likely would not like Ordon in the wintertime. I do not mind to watch it fall, OR to be in it for a small amount of time, but I CANNOT stand it once I am wet AND cold. I am certain that your home is very pretty laden with snow, however.❞
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“Yes we have to out in the cold. Though, if you really don’t want to go I can go get some for us.”
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      ❝ Alright, alright. I will accompany you ---- ONLY because I do not want for you to go out all alone. Just let me find my good mittens... Or, perhaps, SEVERAL pairs.❞
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“Then I’ll have to show you. First we need to gather up some fresh snow.”
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      ❝ Well, there SHOULD be no shortage of it beyond the town’s walls, and I am most interested, but... ALL that way? In the cold?❞
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